Watch “Daniel Gets Mad/Katerina Gets Mad” on Kanopy Kids using your Barrington Area Library card number to log in, and come back to this blog post to enjoy some family activities that will enhance your child’s learning around the episode. 


Now that you’ve watched the episode, here is a companion video that will demonstrate some breathing exercises for when you’re feeling so mad that you want to roar!




Here are some questions that will help you unpack some of the topics in the episode with your child.


“Daniel Gets Mad”

  • When Daniel Tiger was playing make-believe, he imagined he was swimming in the deep blue sea. Have you pretended you’ve gone on an adventure while staying at home? Where would you most like to go? Take a pretend trip with your family! What did you do?
  • How did Daniel and Wednesday feel when they saw that it was raining outside? Can you remember a time when you felt like that? What happened?
  • What are some ways that you and your family have had to change plans since we’ve been staying at home?


“Katerina Gets Mad”

  • Daniel and his friends visit the local music shop together. Do you have any musical instruments at home? If not, have you ever tried to make a musical instrument with supplies you have at home?
  • When Katerina gets upset about not being first in line, she counts and then dances her mad out. Have you ever tried to dance your mad out? Pick out some of your favorite tunes and plan a dance party with your family! You can also sign up for our Family Concert with Ralph Covert on Saturday, June 27 at 10:30am to dance some of your feelings out!


Below are some other activities to try as a family.



    Youth Services Assistant Librarian Stefanie 


Here at the Barrington Area Library, we love making stop-motion animation videos because they are easy, there are so many different kinds, and you don’t need a lot of equipment.

Check out the video below where I show you how to make a stop-motion video with a camera, iMovie, and toys. If you are using a smart phone or device, there are several
apps that will help you put your stop-motion animation video together. 


Now that you know how to make stop-motion animation videos, we would love to see what you make! Send your videos to by June 15th.

Learning something new is both fun and challenging. Take a mindful moment and breathe. Take a few deep breaths.
Inhale by 'smelling a flower' and exhale like you are blowing out a candle on a cake.

  Youth Services Librarian Ann 

Help your child better understand the injustices and violence in our society with these resources that address racism and activism.

E-Books for Children

The Breaking News, book coverThe Breaking News by Sarah Lynne Reul
When devastating news rattles a young girl's community, her normally attentive parents and neighbors are suddenly exhausted and distracted. At school, her teacher tells the class to look for the helpers—the good people working to make things better in big and small ways. She wants more than anything to help in a big way. A picture book addressing the difficulties of community trauma, and the ways every person can make a difference. Good for sharing with ages 4-8.
The author also has provided a read-along video.

The Day You Begin, book coverThe Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson and Rafael López
“There will be times when you walk into a room / and no one there is quite like you.” There are many reasons to feel different. Maybe it's how you look or talk, or where you're from; maybe it's what you eat, or something just as random. It's not easy to take those first steps into a place where nobody really knows you yet, but somehow you do it. A poignant picture book about diversity and connection, good for sharing with children ages 4-8.




Enough! 20 Protesters, book coverEnough! 20 Protesters Who Changed America by Emily Easton and Ziyue Chen
Join Samuel Adams as he masterminds the Boston Tea Party, Ruby Bridges on her march to school, Colin Kaepernick as he takes a knee, and the multitude of other American activists whose peaceful protests have ushered in lasting change. A picture book highlighting America’s rich tradition of protesting, good for ages 6-10.




Can I Touch Your Hair, book coverCan I Touch Your Hair? Poems of Race, Mistakes, and Friendship by Irene Latham and Charles Waters
A collection of poems by two narrators, a black boy and a white girl, who are teamed up to be class partners and grow to learn about each others’ families, cultures, and identities. Good for ages 8-12.







New Kid, book coverNew Kid by Jerry Craft 
Jordan is one of the few kids of color in his entire grade in his new private school known for its academics. As he makes the daily trip from his Washington Heights apartment to the upscale Riverdale Academy Day School, Jordan soon finds himself torn between two worlds—and not really fitting into either one. Can Jordan learn to navigate his new school culture while keeping his neighborhood friends and staying true to himself? Winner of both the Newbery Medal and Coretta Scott King Author Award, this graphic novel is funny and thought-provoking, especially as Jordan deals with endless microaggressions from his mostly white classmates and teachers. Great for ages 9-14. HarperCollins also has a great author talk with Jerry Craft available.



A Good Kind of Trouble, book coverA Good Kind of Trouble by Lisa Moore Ramée
Twelve-year-old Shayla is allergic to trouble. All she wants to do is to follow the rules. But after experiencing a powerful Black Lives Matter protest, Shay decides some rules are worth breaking. She starts wearing an armband to school in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Soon everyone is taking sides. And she is given an ultimatum. A lighthearted novel about standing up for what’s right, great for ages 9-14.






Ghost Boys, book coverGhost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes 
Twelve-year-old Jerome is shot by a police officer who mistakes his toy gun for a real threat. As a ghost, he observes the devastation that's been unleashed on his family and community in the wake of what they see as an unjust and brutal killing. Soon Jerome meets another ghost: Emmett Till, a boy from a very different time but similar circumstances. A powerful and timely novel, best for ages 9-14.






Stamped, book coverStamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi
A timely reimagining for younger readers of Dr. Ibram X. Kendi’s National Book Award-winning Stamped From the Beginning reveals the history of racist ideas in America, and what young people can do moving forward. A powerful nonfiction choice for ages 11 and up.







Find many more fiction and nonfiction options for all ages on our e-booklist.


Web Resources for Parents

“10 Tips for Teaching and Talking to Kids about Race.” EmbraceRace.
Simple tips for parents of all backgrounds to help raise tolerant and socially engaged children.

“How White Parents Can Use Media to Raise Anti-Racist Kids.” Common Sense Media.
Details practical and easy-to-use advice on fostering empathy and anti-racism in your children.

Raising Race Conscious Children.
A web resource to support adults who are trying to talk about race with young children. Tons of great ideas on this website! 

“‘Raising White Kids’ Author on How White Parents Can Talk About Race.” NPR. 
An interview with Jennifer Harvey, author of Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America, about how to talk with white kids about racially-charged events.

“Talking Race with Young Children.” NPR.
A 20-minute podcast with great advice about talking about race even with very young children. The link offers a great list of other resources, as well. 

“They’re Not Too Young to Talk About Race.” The Children’s Community School. 
This page includes a fantastic infographic on how children are already learning racial biases at a very young age. An extensive list of further resources is also included. 

“Too Few Parents Talk to their Kids About Race and Identity, Report Finds.” The Hechinger Report.
This article details why it’s important to discuss race with your child and offers suggestions.

“The Windows and Mirrors of Your Child’s Bookshelf.” TEDx Talks.
Children’s author Grace Lin describes her own childhood experiences with mostly-white book characters, and illustrates how crucial it is for young readers to see both themselves and others in the pages of books. A must-watch TED talk. 


Youth Services Librarian Allison 


Find out why the best thing to do this summer is join Summer Reading at the Barrington Area Library!




Sign up for Summer Reading today!


  Youth Services Librarian Demitra 


Parents have already been juggling work and/ or household responsibilities and now, eLearning?! You are probably feeling overwhelmed. As a working mother of three, I know I am! This change creates new challenges for parents, students, and teachers. So, as parents, what can we do?



Every child is different and you know your child the best, so take what you need and leave the rest!


How to plan for success in a remote learning environment. Here are a few ideas…


Take Care of Yourself (FIRST)

You can’t pour from an empty cup! Make sure you’re taking care of yourself too. If you aren’t taking care of your physical and emotional needs, you will not have the energy and patience you need to take care of your child(ren). Take breaks when you need them. Look to others for support. Barrington Area Library has some wonderful programs for adults. Check out our calendar for one that might interest you.


Ok… now, on with the kids….



Not knowing what your day will look like may cause stress, anxiety, and leave you and your child feeling overwhelmed. Carefully designing a routine will help you and your child stay productive and in control. Routines provide structure and discipline. Each family’s routine will look different based on their family’s needs. Having a set routine to start and end the school day can be very beneficial. Start the day with breakfast, brushing teeth and getting dressed. Don’t forget to include handwashing! Now we’re ready for some eLearning! Choose a routine with your child that marks the end of the school day. My boys and I decide on putting away school materials and then going for a short walk around the house; we pretend like we are walking home from school. Allowing your child to be involved in the routine making process will give them a sense of control and they will be more willing to follow the routine (hopefully!).


Designated a Work Space

Create a space in your home designated for your child’s eLearning. If possible, set up a desk or table specifically for them to use for eLearning. If not, no worries, use the kitchen table and provide them with an easy transition process once the school day is over. You could use a box or a laundry basket for them to put all their school materials in once finished to transition back into your home setting. Ta-dah! You have your dinner table back! 



Making a visual schedule for your child’s school day will allow for more predictability in their day.  This will allow them to feel secure, stay organized, and have a sense of control (not too much control, don’t worry!).

For older children, you could simply designate a few minutes at the end of their eLearning day to discuss the next school day. Sit down with them and write out (or have them write out) a list for what classes and assignments they have for the next day.  For younger children, print or have them make drawings to represent things they will need to do each day, so they can cross them off as they finish.


Encourage Movement

Get your kid moving! Children need to move often during the day.

When your child has a break encourage them to get outside, if possible. If you can’t go outside, no worries… have them do push ups, jumping jacks, spin, jump up and down as high as they can count. Go Noodle is a great resource to keep your child staying active. Having flexible seating options at home is a fantastic idea, especially for the little ones!



Know What is Available

There are so many resources available to students, parents and families. If you familiarize yourself with them before you need them, it may reduce the stress.  Check out Barrington Area Library's Homework help page.



Social Opportunities

We want you to know that we care and we’re here for you. The Barrington Area Library is offering a variety of virtual programs to help keep you and your child connected. Check out Barrington Area Library's Calendar of Events. Please reach out to us at with any suggestions or ideas.



  Youth Services Assistant Librarian Venessa 


Here at the Barrington Area Library, we know a lot of fans of the Dog Man series. Here are 5 books that will keep Dog Man Fans reading while they wait for the next book to arrive.  

Sparks is a dog that has conducted many heroic rescues.  But Sparks is not your typical dog! He is actually a robotic dog suit controlled by two very smart cats. Can the cats keep their secret identity a secret and stop a nefarious plot to control all the animals?  






Catwad: It's Me

Move over Garfield: there is a new grumpy cat in town and his name is Catwad. Catwad’s best friend is Blurmp, a not too bright, super optimistic cat. The contrast between these two as they interact makes for some very funny situations throughout this silly graphic novel.



Real Pigeons Fight Crime

 All of the animals on the farm think Rock Pigeon is strange because he enjoys disguising himself as different animals and plants. However, Grandpouter Pigeon is thrilled by Rock Pigeon’s talent and recruits him into his special group of crime fighting pigeons. Their first case: find out where all the breadcrumbs have gone! 


Two Dogs in a Trench Coat Go to School

Two dogs, Sassy and Waldo, are tired of their owner, Stuart, going to school. Stuart always comes home from school sad and anxious. To help Stuart, the dogs decide that they will impersonate a student by climbing on top of each other and wearing a trench coat. Luckily, Waldo can speak human and the two dogs are able to fool everyone, except Stuart.   

Caveboy Dave: More Scrawny than Brawny

Caveboy Dave is determined to invent something that cave people really need. But with his grandfather inventing fire, and his dad inventing the wheel, nobody is impressed with his inventions of forks or underwear. When Dave and his peers go on a hunting trip, he has to find a way to use his inventions to save the day. 

Looking for some personalized selections? Fill out this form and you’ll receive a customized list direct to your inbox!


  Youth Services Librarian Ann 


Did you know you can access e-audiobooks for streaming or download without any waiting lists? Check out these five awesome selections on Hoopla that will make your ears smile.

The Parker Inheritance by Varian Johnson 

Read by Cherise Boothe

Candace is spending the summer in her grandmother’s old house in Lamber, South Carolina when she finds the letter that sent her grandmother on the treasure hunt that made her the laughing stock of town. Candace thinks she might be able to solve the mystery, find the treasure, and right some past wrongs. Told in alternating past and present chapters this engaging audiobook is one you won’t want to miss. 



A Snicker of Magic by Natalie Lloyd 

Read by Cassandra Morris

Felicty is used to moving around but she’s never been to a place quite like Midnight Gulch. When the Pickled Jalapeno (the affectionate name for the van her family travels in) pulls into town, Felicty is certain that this is the place that they are meant to stay. She is also certain that the old magic of the town she keeps hearing about isn’t gone for good and that she and her new friend Jonah can bring it back. The slight southern tinged accent of the narrator will pull you right into Midnight Gulch and Felicity’s story.


Wildwood by Colin Meloy 

Read by Amanda Plummer

When a murder of crows kidnaps Prue’s brother she finds herself on a rescue mission in the secret forest known as the Impassable Wildnerness or Wildwood as some of the locals call it. Talk animals, action, and just a touch of darkness, this is a fantasy adventure you won’t want to press pause on.




Echo by Pam Munoz Ryan 

Read by Mark Bramhill, David De Vries, MacLeod Andrews, Rebecca Soler, Corky Siegel

The connective power of music is on display in this 3 part story that follows a harmonica as it makes its way from Freidrich Schmidt a 12 year old living in Germany in 1933 to Mike Finnegan an 11 year old orphan living in Philadelphia to Ivy Lopez a fifth grader living on a  California farm. With actual harmonica and piano music woven throughout the audiobook, this lyrical story is worth every minute of listening.


Nightbooks by J.A. White 

Read by Kirby Heyborne

Alex loves horror stories and movies, but never thought he might be part of one. After being kidnapped by a witch named Natacha in his apartment building he realizes that the only way to survive is to tell her a new story every night. Survival doesn’t seem ensured and escape seems pretty darn near impossible, but Alex and his fellow prisoner Yasmin, have to try. This twisted mashup of folk and fairy tale elements is sure to keep you enthralled and listening just a little too late into the night.


 Looking for some personalized selections? Fill out this form and you’ll receive a customized list direct to your inbox!

  Youth Services Librarian Demitra 

Check out one of these e-books, available on Overdrive, and full of fun activity ideas to keep hands and brains occupied!


Art Lab for KidsArt Lab for Kids 

With full color photographs to inspire, this fun collection of art activities encourages children to create freely, using their own thoughts and experiences as a guide.





The Big Fun Kids CookbookThe Big, Fun Kids Cookbook

The Food Network Magazine created this colorful recipe collection just for young foodies.





The Complete Baking Book for Young ChefsThe Complete Baking Book for Young Chefs

Brought to you by the genius minds at America’s Test Kitchen, this recipe book offers over 100 sweet and savory baked goods.





Maker LabMaker Lab: 28 Super Cool Projects 

This award-winning science book is bubbling over with entertaining and educational experiments for budding scientists.





Miss Patch's Learn to Sew BookMiss Patch's Learn to Sew Book by Carolyn Meyer

Although this book was originally published in 1969, the simple instructions and adorable illustrations still work for today’s young crafters. 





Need more activity ideas? Keep tuning in to our blog for at-home ideas, or check out Creativebug, our database with how-to videos on fun crafting and art projects.

  Youth Services Librarian Allison  


Taking a break from schoolwork? Rest, refresh, and check out these laugh-out-loud graphic novels, available now on Overdrive:


Dog Man by Dav Pilkey

For fans of Captain Underpants! Dog Man’s got the head of a dog, the body of a human, and the heart of a hero, and he’s going to clean up crime all over the city! First in a series.







 Lunch Lady and the Cyborg Substitute by Jarrett J. Krosoczka

Meet Lunch Lady! When she’s not serving up the Daily Special at school, she’s fighting villainy and saving the day! For fans of superhero stories, science fiction, and mystery. First in a series.





Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson

After skipping a stone across a pond and accidentally hitting a unicorn in the face, Phoebe is granted one wish. Her wish? For a unicorn best friend! First in a series.







Cucumber Quest: The Doughnut Kingdom by Gigi D.G.

Cucumber doesn’t want to be a hero, he just wants to go to school. That’s too bad, because the evil Queen Cordelia has returned to take over the world! A lighthearted fantasy-adventure series for fans of Adventure Time. First in a series.






Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea by Ben Clanton

Narwhal is silly. Jelly is serious. Together these two best friends go on adventures, throw parties, eat waffles, and discover everything the ocean has to offer. First in a series.





Looking for some personalized selections? Fill out this form and you’ll receive a customized list direct to your inbox!

  Youth Services Librarian Chris 


Check out this video booktalk on the sensational start of an epic fantasy trilogy, great for fans of Wings of Fire and Harry Potter.

You can download Ice Wolves by Amie Kaufman on Overdrive

Tip: subscribe to our Youth Services YouTube channel for more videos of book recommendations, story times, and activity how-tos.

Looking for some read-alouds that will keep the whole family engaged? We have just the right mix of titles to share with everyone a chapter...or two...or three at a time! All titles are available digitally on Overdrive.

The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street by Karina Yan Glaser 

The Vanderbeekers love living in their brownstone on 141st Street, but their grumpy landlord doesn’t want to renew their lease. The Vanderbeeker kids take it upon themselves to come up with a plan and save their family’s home! Your family will love this heartwarming story that has a classic feel with a contemporary setting. Don’t miss out on the sequels! 




The Doughnut Fix by Jessie Janowitz

Tristan and his family live in an apartment in New York City and when his parents break it to him that they will be moving to rural Petersville, New York he is sure this will be nothing but a disaster. However, everything can’t be that terrible if there are chocolate cream doughnuts -- too bad the general store doesn't make them anymore. Join Tristan as he navigates his way through a new town and figures out just how to bring life-changing chocolate cream doughnuts back to Petersville.



Clementine by Sara Pennypacker

Meet Clementine, a fiesty girl who is pretty sure that if she has to be named after a fruit then her younger brother should have to be named after a vegetable. The first in a series that combines humor and charm, your family will delight in Clementine’s adventures.




Good Dog, McTavish by Meg Rosoff

When Mom goes on strike, suddenly the Peachey family and household is a disaster. Enter McTavish: a rescue dog with enough doggy-knowhow to get this family back on track. A funny little story about doing your fair share.





Rump: The Fairly True Tale of Rumpelstiltskin by Liesl Shurtliff

When your name is your destiny and your name is Rump, it really doesn’t seem like you’ll amount to much. But when a magic spinning wheel appears, Rump thinks his luck may be changing. You may think you know the story of Rumplestiltskin, but you have no idea. Your family will be absolutely enchanted with the magic and humor of Rump.




Looking for some personalized selections? Fill out this form and you’ll receive a customized list direct to your inbox!

  Youth Services Librarian Demitra 

It’s so wonderful to be able to connect through technology with friends and families we can’t visit during the Shelter-In-Place mandate. Hopeful to see my 2-year-old nephew, I tried video chatting with him (with the help of Mom, of course.) It didn’t go well. I saw one teeny glimpse of his grumpy face, and then just heard: 

“I don’t WANT to talk to Aunt Alli.”


“I WON’T!” 

And then my sister apologetically suggested we try another time.

I can’t really blame the kid. This is weird! This is different! And any kind of chatting is something that kids don’t really do anyway - ask a 2-year-old “How are you?” and they typically respond with a blank stare.

So, with some trial and error, and the help of my sister and nephew, I’ve figured out some strategies to make the Facetime (or Zoom or Duo) experience more enjoyable for all!

Bear puppet takes a call.
Bear puppet takes a call.


1. Use a puppet. On a whim I tried talking to my nephew as a bear puppet, and he was completely enthralled. If you don’t have a puppet, try making one - glue or sew a couple of button eyes on a sock. It doesn’t have to look pretty; just give it a name and maybe a silly voice and your toddler will fall in love. My mother delights her grandchild with “Little Man,” which is just her two fingers walking and dancing around. 


2. Sing a song. When a toddler isn’t particularly focused, the sound of a song may stop and quiet her. Music is magic that way! Try a well known favorite, like “The Wheels on the Bus,” “If You’re Happy and You Know It,” or “This Little Light of Mine.” 


3. Tell a familiar story. If you have a simple picture book (see our list of great toddler books), you could share that (though make sure your audience can see the pictures!). But you can also tell a story you know by heart. Try “The Three Little Pigs,” and see if your toddler joins in with “Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!” Any story with repeating phrases will work well. 


Toddler with crayons4. Request a show-and-tell. Young children aren’t yet skilled at abstract conversation. Asking “what did you do today?” might be frustrating if a child doesn’t remember, or isn’t sure what you mean. But asking, “Can you show me one of your toys/books/something you made?” will be much more rewarding. Once you have something to talk about that’s literally in the child’s hands, your conversation becomes much more concrete. “Does it have wheels?” “What’s its name?” “What colors do you see?” etc. And if the toddler doesn’t have access to stuff, there is always something to show - “Where are your ears?” “Show me your socks!” “Show me thumbs up!"

5. Make it a date - a recurring date, if possible. Ask the parent if you can schedule the call in advance, and then the parent can prime the child ahead of time - “It’s almost time for our call with Grammy! What should we tell her today?” The parent will also likely look forward to a new thing to do! And if this can happen frequently, and consistently (e.g., every Monday at 10 AM), it will become more and more comfortable for both of you. 

Above all, be your lovely self. If it doesn’t feel natural to use a puppet, don’t fake it! If you hate the sound of your singing voice, then speak the words of a rhyme instead. Your attention, your love, your familiar face and voice are the things giving the experience so much value in a time that may feel confusing and even scary. Even if your toddler gets impatient and suddenly disappears from the screen, he knows that you are still there. And that’s the most important thing to share.


Take a mindful moment: Try to look at the world from the point of view of a child. Let go of your own worldview for at least a few minutes.

  Youth Services Librarian Allison