Parents have already been juggling work and/ or household responsibilities and now, eLearning?! You are probably feeling overwhelmed. As a working mother of three, I know I am! This change creates new challenges for parents, students, and teachers. So, as parents, what can we do?



Every child is different and you know your child the best, so take what you need and leave the rest!


How to plan for success in a remote learning environment. Here are a few ideas…


Take Care of Yourself (FIRST)

You can’t pour from an empty cup! Make sure you’re taking care of yourself too. If you aren’t taking care of your physical and emotional needs, you will not have the energy and patience you need to take care of your child(ren). Take breaks when you need them. Look to others for support. Barrington Area Library has some wonderful programs for adults. Check out our calendar for one that might interest you.


Ok… now, on with the kids….



Not knowing what your day will look like may cause stress, anxiety, and leave you and your child feeling overwhelmed. Carefully designing a routine will help you and your child stay productive and in control. Routines provide structure and discipline. Each family’s routine will look different based on their family’s needs. Having a set routine to start and end the school day can be very beneficial. Start the day with breakfast, brushing teeth and getting dressed. Don’t forget to include handwashing! Now we’re ready for some eLearning! Choose a routine with your child that marks the end of the school day. My boys and I decide on putting away school materials and then going for a short walk around the house; we pretend like we are walking home from school. Allowing your child to be involved in the routine making process will give them a sense of control and they will be more willing to follow the routine (hopefully!).


Designated a Work Space

Create a space in your home designated for your child’s eLearning. If possible, set up a desk or table specifically for them to use for eLearning. If not, no worries, use the kitchen table and provide them with an easy transition process once the school day is over. You could use a box or a laundry basket for them to put all their school materials in once finished to transition back into your home setting. Ta-dah! You have your dinner table back! 



Making a visual schedule for your child’s school day will allow for more predictability in their day.  This will allow them to feel secure, stay organized, and have a sense of control (not too much control, don’t worry!).

For older children, you could simply designate a few minutes at the end of their eLearning day to discuss the next school day. Sit down with them and write out (or have them write out) a list for what classes and assignments they have for the next day.  For younger children, print or have them make drawings to represent things they will need to do each day, so they can cross them off as they finish.


Encourage Movement

Get your kid moving! Children need to move often during the day.

When your child has a break encourage them to get outside, if possible. If you can’t go outside, no worries… have them do push ups, jumping jacks, spin, jump up and down as high as they can count. Go Noodle is a great resource to keep your child staying active. Having flexible seating options at home is a fantastic idea, especially for the little ones!



Know What is Available

There are so many resources available to students, parents and families. If you familiarize yourself with them before you need them, it may reduce the stress.  Check out Barrington Area Library's Homework help page.



Social Opportunities

We want you to know that we care and we’re here for you. The Barrington Area Library is offering a variety of virtual programs to help keep you and your child connected. Check out Barrington Area Library's Calendar of Events. Please reach out to us at with any suggestions or ideas.



  Youth Services Assistant Librarian Venessa