Upcoming Programs For Seniors

McHenry County Library Lovers Expedition 2025

When: Saturday, February 1 – 12:00am - 12:00am

We are so excited to once again invite you to explore the libraries that serve McHenry County! From February 1 to March 31, 2025, take a tour of our area ...

Senior Scrabble

When: Wednesday, March 26 – 1:00pm - 3:00pm

In the mood for some friendly competition? Bring your pals and test your Scrabble skills! Five boards available for 2-4 players each. For those 65 and older. Register. Meeting Room.

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BALibrary@Home: Barrington Area Library cardholders who are temporarily homebound (30-day minimum), permanently disabled, or elderly and without transportation may request home delivery. Items are delivered and returned through the US Mail, free of charge to the individual. Call 847-382-1300 ext. 3300 and ask for BALibrary@Home delivery for more details. 

Need a library card? Click here!

Collections: Large Type Books, Audiobooks on CD, eAudiobooks via Libby & Hoopla; Oral History Kits.

Nostalgia Kits: Explore our Nostalgia Kits, designed to spark conversation and memory sharing for people living with Dementia. Each kit is themed and contains puzzles, AquaPaints, conversation cards, and physical objects to inspire reminiscence. 

NLS: Did you know there is a free National Library Service for the blind and print disabled? NLS offers readers audiobooks and magazines, braille books and magazines, music materials, a digital library called BARD, and the BARD Mobile app, which NLS patrons can use to access tens of thousands of titles on their smartphone or tablet. NLS also offers free talking book machines in addition to their digital options. Please email Whitney Martin wmartin@balibrary.org if interested.

Barrington is Dementia Friendly: The Barrington Area Library is a local partner of Bacoa's Dementia Friendly Barrington Area Initiative. Become a Dementia Friend today!