Community Events
Green Cleaning and Make & Take
When: Wednesday, April 9 – 2:00pm - 3:30pm
In collaboration with Go Green Barrington
For Earth Day 2025, we'll learn tools and tips to reduce hazardous waste in your home, safer disposal methods, and recipes to create your own ...
Green Cleaning and Make & Take
When: Wednesday, April 9 – 7:00pm - 8:30pm
In collaboration with Go Green Barrington
For Earth Day 2025, we'll learn tools and tips to reduce hazardous waste in your home, safer disposal methods, and recipes to create your own ...
The upcoming consolidated election is Tuesday, April 1, 2025. This election primarily covers local offices, such as village president and trustees, as well as library and school boards.
Not yet registered to vote? See the Illinois LWV Voting Basics page for eligibility and acceptable IDs.
In Illinois, your local county is your election authority. Find more information, including current registration status, early voting, vote-by-mail, polling places, and sample ballots, at the links below.
Recordings of Candidate Forums can be found here:
Barrington Area Library Board of Trustees
We invite you to read our latest annual report, for fiscal year July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024, and discover the many ways in which the Barrington Area Library creates community. Explore our fruitful partnerships with local non-profit organizations like the Barrington Township Food Pantry, Bacoa, BStrong Together, and the Barrington Area Volunteer Connection.
Barrington Area Volunteer Connection - The Barrington Area Development Council and the Barrington Area Library collaborate on a platform for nonprofits and volunteers to find each other. Learn more at Barrington Area Volunteer Connection, and then click on the Get Connected Today link. It's as simple as creating an account with your name and email address. If you include information on your interests and causes, the platform will help you find the best match!
Do you work with a local nonprofit that would like to attract more volunteers? Follow the directions on the How It Works page, and a BAVC team member will contact you.
Business and Nonprofit Library Cards - Businesses and nonprofits based in our service area can obtain an annual BALibrary card. Use your card to borrow materials, book small group or large meeting rooms, use the MakerLab, and more.
Want to reserve a room for your group? Use your personal or nonprofit BALibrary card to self-schedule a small group room for up to two hours within the week. Larger groups can request a reservation for longer periods in the Zimmerman or Meeting Room within the current or next month.
Community Calendar - Local nonprofit organizations may submit events for listing on our online community calendar.
Community Information Screen - The Library dedicates a large, in-house video display screen to promoting community events. Local non-profit organizations may submit Powerpoint slides, or flyers/posters in PDF or other digital formats, via e-mail. We regret that we are not able to take posters, brochures, or other printed materials for display in the Library. Librarians are available to assist you in scanning printed materials for our community information screen. Complete details.
Community Pages - Local clubs and organizations may add their information to the library catalog. When customers search for books and movies on related subjects, information about your nonprofit will appear in a sidebar to the search results. For details, please contact Community Engagement Librarian Sam at
Foundation Directory Online: Discover grant funding opportunities for your organization and access information about grantmakers from our community and across the world. Access FDO Professional at the library, using your own computer or one of ours.
2022 Healthier Barrington Community Study: Community Resident Survey Results/Focus Group Results
Healthier Barrington Community Survey: A recording of the Oct 17, 2022 presentation is on the library's YouTube channel. Further information at Healthier Barrington Coalition.
Homebound Delivery: Barrington Area Library users who are temporarily homebound (30-day minimum), permanently disabled, or elderly and without transportation may request home delivery. Items are delivered and returned through the US Mail, free of charge to the individual. Call 847-382-1300 ext. 3300 and inquire about Homebound Delivery or email the Homebound team for more details.
Libraries Are For Everyone: Read the Barrington Area Library's statement on building an engaged and inclusive community, and explore a sampling of resources and programming we've offered relating to Pride Month, Black Lives Matter, Asian American & Pacific Islanders, and National Hispanic Heritage Month.
Services to schools - Visit the Kids' website to learn about book bag loans, school visits, and group tours.
TEDx events are locally planned versions of TED, the series of engaging and inspiring talks designed to spark conversation and connection through "ideas worth spreading." Use the links below to watch videos all of the TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary talks we've held throughout the years, and then keep the conversation going!
TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary 2024 - The Barrington Area Library held its tenth annual TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary event on Dec 12, 2024. Stephen Barten, Navraaz Kaura Basati, and Luke Dahlberg were the featured speakers.
TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary 2023 - The Barrington Area Library held its ninth annual TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary event on October 24, 2023. Charlie Donlea, Kateryna Mazhuha, and Rekha S. Rajan, Ed.D., were the featured speakers.
TEDXBarringtonAreaLibrary 2022 - The Barrington Area Library held its eighth annual TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary event on October 27, 2022. Keeley Gallaugher, Mary Rachel Taylor, and Russ Riendeau, PhD, were the featured speakers.
TedXBarringtonAreaLibrary 2021 - The Barrington Area Library held its seventh annual TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary event on November 10, 2021. Rev. Jeanne Hanson, Rafael Malpica, and Nathaniel Rouse were the featured speakers.
TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary 2020 - The Barrington Area Library held its sixth annual TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary event on November 12, 2020. Janet Anderson and Melissa Buckley were the featured speakers.
TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary 2019 - The Barrington Area Library held its fifth annual TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary event on October 17, 2019. Star* Cunningham, Leslie Ferris Yerger, and Andy Milne were the featured speakers.
TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary 2018 - The Barrington Area Library held its fourth TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary event on October 11, 2018. Sam Oliver, Chrissie Mena, and Reverend Dr. Zina Jacque were the featured speakers.
TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary 2017 - The Barrington Area Library held its third TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary event on October 5, 2017. Joy Wagner, Renee Blue, and Douglas McConnell were the featured speakers.
TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary 2016 - The Barrington Area Library held its second TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary event on October 6, 2016. Courtney Quigley, Dr. Brian Harris, Bob Lee, and Joyce Palmquist were the featured speakers.
TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary 2015 - The Barrington Area Library held its first TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary event on October 1, 2015. Sarah Bealles, David Hirsch, and Michael Miles were the featured speakers.