Have you ever made a paper airplane, only to be disappointed with the results? The folds are too complicated, and it just doesn't seem to fly very well.

Well, I have a solution for you! With just a straw, strips of stiff paper (such as an index card), tape, and scissors, you can make a simple straw glider that will fly well.

Check out the video below, to see how to make a straw glider.

Now that you know how to make a straw glider, you can experiment with the design and see what happens when you change your design. Here are some questions to ask when you make changes.

  • What happens when you make the glider with a different type of paper?
  • What happens if you move the loops to a different part of the straw?
  • What happens if you add more loops?
  • What happens if you use different kinds of straws?
  • What happens if you make the straw shorter or longer?

Once you've determined the best design, try having some glider races with your family. How far was your glider able to go?

At the Barrington Area Library, we love seeing your creativity. Share your pictures or videos of your straw gliders by emailing youthservices@balibrary.org.

Looking for more fun activities?  Here is a list of the library’s upcoming events for kids.


  Youth Services Librarian Ann