Still Time for Summer Reading!
Summer Reading is almost done, but there is still time to log your reading and complete your Summer Reading! Log onto balibrary.org/summer, sign in (or even sign up), and you can log all of the reading you have done this summer already.
You do not need to put in specific dates or even titles. If you have read at least 20 minutes every day since May 28, you have read 1,400 minutes! That is amazing and we feel like that should be celebrated!
Once you complete your 500 minutes, you get a free book, a button, and a free ice cream cone coupon to be used at any Bear Family Restaurants McDonald's location.
We also have tons of activities for Pre-Readers and Readers that you can do as well on Beanstack to earn even more buttons. Here are some pictures that fellow Readers have drawn to earn the Book of the Summer badge!
Do I need a library card to join?
No you do not! Anyone can do the program!
My child is only 5 months and can’t read, can they join?
Yes! The program is for everyone, even babies and toddlers. All books that are read to the baby count!
I am already using Beanstack for another library, do I use the same account?
You will need to create another account for Barrington, but with the app, you can easily toggle between the different libraries. You need to log the books for each site separately.
Do I have to log every title?
No. You can bulk log all of your reading starting from May 28. You can log up to 600 minutes at once.
Happy Reading everyone!
Youth Services Librarian MaryJo
Seek-and-Find Photos from Kids
Thank you to everyone who has checked out a DIY Seek-and-Find Photography Kit, inspired by our Book of the Summer, Skunk and Badgerby Amy Timberlake. Here are some photos you all captured and shared. See if you can find Skunk, Badger, and one little chicken in each of these kid-created tableaus!
From Cooper:
From Duncan:
From Lyla:
From Molly and Maddy:
Find activity ideas, discussion questions, and booklists on ourwebpage all about Skunk and Badger. You can also earn the Book of the Summer badge in ourSummer Reading program!
Youth Services Librarian Allison
Book of the Summer Kit: DIY Seek-and-Find Photography
Inspired by ourBook of the Summer,Skunk and Badger, we’ve created some special edition backpacks: Book of the Summer Kits! This is our DIY Seek-and-Find Photography Kit. Inside, you’ll find the tools to create your own image inspired by the art in books likeI SpyandFind Momo.
Here’s a few I made around the Library. Can you find Skunk, Badger, and Chicken?
Try creating your own scene and hiding the skunk, badger, and chicken figurines. Send your photo toyouthservices@balibrary.org and we’ll share it here on the Blog!
Find activity ideas, discussion questions, and booklists on ourwebpage all about Skunk and Badger. You can also earn the Book of the Summer badge in ourSummer Reading program!
Youth Services Librarian Allison
Our 2021 Book of the Summer: Skunk and Badger
We’re excited to share our pick for a terrific summer read, for independent readers and family read-alouds:Skunk and Badgerby Amy Timberlake, illustrated by Jon Klassen. You can pick up one of our many copies at the Barrington Area Library, or order a copy to be delivered to one of ourfour sets of lockersaround the Library district. We’ve also got plenty of e-book and e-audio copies onLibby!
Find activity ideas, discussion questions, and booklists on ourwebpage all about Skunk and Badger. You can also earn the Book of the Summer badge in ourSummer Reading program!
Youth Services Librarian Allison
Can You Escape the Library?
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash
Here at the Barrington Area Library, we are big fans of escape rooms. Since, we can't hold an escape room at the library, we decided to create a virtual one! See if you can solve all of the puzzles, find the clues, and escape the library!
The escape room can be done individually or in a group. If you find you are having trouble, try the escape room as a family!Ready to start? Click here to go to the escape room.
Looking for more fun activities? See a list of the library's upcoming events for kids.
Youth Services Librarian Ann