The Barrington Area Library’s Board of Trustees gratefully accepts monetary gifts, bequests, endowments, and gifts of property, from individuals and groups, to supplement Library services to the community.
Monetary gifts without restriction may be accepted and added to the Library District’s Gift Fund, to be used for the purchase of Library materials and equipment, or to fund programs or capital projects.
Monetary gifts to be used as a restricted gift or endowment fund may be accepted by the Library District. Such funds require a minimum donation of $25,000 and will be accepted if the proposed restriction or use is consistent with the mission and objectives of the Library.
For monetary donations, checks may be made payable to the Barrington Area Library and sent to: Executive Director, Barrington Area Library, 505 N. Northwest Highway, Barrington, IL 60010.
Please include your name and address. If the gift is being made in honor of a person or occasion, please provide the name of the person being honored or the occasion being celebrated, and the name and address where an acknowledgment of your gift may be sent.
Questions about making a donation? Please contact the Library's Office Manager via email at
The Library is unable to accept donated books, DVDs, and other media. For a list of other organizations who will gladly accept your donations, download this list.