Welcome - we're glad you're here!

You can always stop by the Barrington Area Library during regular business hours to get your library card, but you can also begin the process online.

Why get a library card? Your Barrington Area Library card is your passport to new and innovative services like Parking Lot Pick-Up and Borrow By Mail, along with locker delivery. It also gives you FREE access to thousands of books, DVDs, e-books, audiobooks, magazines, and newspapers, along with streaming videos, digital music, as well as our exciting, enriching programming for all ages.

Don't miss out on your library benefits: sign up today!

Library cards are issued to individuals (and their family members) who own or rent property within the Barrington Public Library District. See a Library district map to check your address.

Ready to apply for a new card?

Sign up for an Adult library card.

Sign up for a Youth library card. This form is for children/teens from age 0 - grade 8.

Ready to renew your card? Follow these instructions.