The third annual TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary took place on Thursday, October 5, 2017, with three inspiring local speakers: Joy Wagner, Renee Blue, and Douglas McConnell. Watch the videos here.
Renee Blue, Lessons from the Lunchroom
Douglas McConnell, Tides, Teams and Transactions
Joy Wagner, Changing How We See and Serve People with Physical Disabilities

Remember Elaine, the beautiful art installation created by artist HOTTEA for the library's atrium? HOTTEA used almost 1,700 pieces of colored yarn for that project, and as we came closer to the time when the work would be deinstalled, many of us at the library had a question: what could we do with all that yarn? We pride ourselves on being resourceful and creative, so it just didn't seem right to simply throw away the pieces of yarn that had brought our community so much joy.
Graphic Artist Lynn Van Dorn and Public Information Manager Karen McBride harvested every piece of yarn and rolled them up into skeins and then...a hard-working team of library staff members took the yarn home and made the magic happen. In the photograph, left to right: Material Services Manager Sharon McDonald, Material Services Associate Sharon Krasel, Adult Services Librarian Liz Kirchhoff, Adult Services Assistant Librarian Corinne Groble, Customer Service Senior Associate Laura Morici, Adult Services Librarian Kate Mills, Customer Service Associate Lucy Down, Interim Executive Director Vicki Rakowski. Seated in front: Scarecrow, Graphic Artist Lynn Van Dorn. Not pictured: Adult Services Assistant Librarian Ivy Dally, Customer Services Senior Associate Nalini Jayaraman.
![]() | Lynn had conceived of a way to use crocheted and knitted pieces to wrap the library's benches and tree trunks. Since there was so much yarn, the team's creativity expanded to covering some of the library sculptures, too - Customer Services Senior Associate Laura Morici made a cozy hat and wrap for our reading mother and child statue! Look around and you'll find colorful yarn in other surprising places here at the library. We hope this dazzling display of homemade handiwork makes you smile and brightens your day when you visit us. You may not know that Elaine was named in memory of the mother of a library staff person. We're pleased to call our new art work Dorian, to remember and honor Dorian Stoesser, our co-worker and friend of 17 years, who passed away suddenly a few months ago. |
This includes:
Online Catalog
"My Account" features
Credit Card payments
Stacks library app
Any other online services that require authentication through the system
Thank you for your patience as we implement this important update. You'll notice that the online catalog has been redesigned to be responsive to your device/screen size.
The Barrington Area Library will be closed to the public from Thursday, October 19, 2017, through Monday, October 23, 2017. The parking lot and outdoor book return will be closed as well. Construction work to address an urgent safety need will be taking place on the library entrance driveway and sidewalks. The scope of the work, the use of heavy equipment, and the inavailability of sidewalks will make the premises unsafe for library customers.
Library services will be available via phone, e-mail, and online chat during the following hours:
• Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday from 9 AM to 5 PM,
• Sunday from 1 PM to 5 PM.
Locker delivery and materials pick-up will also take place during the closure, although no items will be due on the closing dates. Of course, digital library services will be available via the website and online catalog, as always. Library programs scheduled for that time will be moved to other locations, cancelled, or rescheduled: check the online events calendar for details. Please monitor our website or social media accounts for more details as we get closer to the construction dates. Also, please be advised that the time frame for the project may shift, due to weather conditions. We apologize for any inconvenience, but it is of critical importance that this project be completed before winter weather arrives.
- Library Trustees Honor Executive Director As He Announces Retirement
- Join us for our third annual TEDxBarringtonAreaLibrary!
- "Network" - A Community Art Installation in the Barrington Area Library Atrium
- Farewell Celebration for Atrium Art Installation - Sunday, August 13
- Community Art Workshops - help us make something amazing