Have you ever wanted to make your own computer game? Well, using the website, www.scrach.mit.edu, you can code your own game!

Scratch is a free coding software designed to teach kids how to code. Anyone can learn to use Scratch. Scratch is great for beginners because it uses drag and drop coding. Drag and drop coding lets users build a sequence of code without needing to type in a specific coding language, such as Java or Python.

In the video below, I'll show you how to add characters, move your characters, collect items, create enemies, and keep score. I'll show you one way to code these situations. However, be sure to experiment! You may find a different way to code your game.



Coding is a skill that takes practice, creativity, and perseverance. If you find yourself frustrated with your coding, take a break and come back to your code. Look at your code step by step and try to think about what each line of code is doing. Try taking apart a block of code and look at what each step does by itself. Look at your list of coding blocks, and see if one of them might help your code. Scratch also lets you see how other users code projects. Try looking at the code in similar games on Scratch.


After you code, take a mindful moment. Take a moment to close your eyes and breathe slowly. Acknowledge your feelings both positive and negative. Breathe deeply as you accept that these are valid. Coding is a new skill! Be patient with yourself.

  Youth Services Librarian Ann