Barrington Area Library MakerLab Policy
17.0 MakerLab Use
The MakerLab offers special digital fabrication equipment and software for use by all District cardholders with the exception of reciprocal borrower cardholders described in 4.0 Library Cards.
Guests of cardholders meeting the above criteria may use the MakerLab for select activities at the discretion of District staff.
The special equipment and software inside and outside of the MakerLab may not be used to create any object or content that is:
- Prohibited by local, state, or federal law.
- A weapon or a look-alike weapon.
- In violation of copyright or other intellectual property rights.
- Disruptive to the use of the space by another customer.
The District reserves the right to refuse the fabrication, creation, or storage of any object or content requiring MakerLab equipment and software.
The District reserves the right to restrict the amount of time a single customer can use a piece of MakerLab equipment.
Only materials and software provided by or approved by the District can be used with MakerLab equipment. Materials are available for purchase. Customers are financially responsible for any objects created using MakerLab equipment and fees may be charged pursuant to 4.0 Library Cards.
Some MakerLab equipment may be checked out pursuant to 7.0 Library Resource Borrowing.
Food or beverages may not be brought into the MakerLab.