Saturday, April 7, 1894
The following officers were elected at the election last Tuesday:
Supervisor—G. H. Comstock.
Town Clerk—Miles T. Lamey.
Assessor—Charles Davlin.
Collector—John Welch.
Road Commissioner—Charles Miller.
Justice of the Peace, to fill vacancy—Frank Plagge.
Constable, to fill vacancy—John Welch.
The proposition to pay district labor and property road tax in money was carried by 6 majority—yes, 22 votes; nay, 16 votes.
Supervisor—J. C. Plagge.
Town Clerk—Leroy Powers.
Collector—Henry Reuter.
Assessor—J. W. Kingsley.
School Trustee—G. H. Landwer.
Road Commissioner—E. D. Prouty.
There were 74 votes cast, 5 of which were thrown out, each candidate getting 69 votes. This is an increase over last year’s vote.
Held in the town hall last Saturday evening was well attended and considerable interest was manifested. The result is:
For President of the Board—Fred Hawley.
For Trustees—Hohn Hatje, Wm. Grunau and John Collens.
For Village Clerk—Miles T. Lamey.
M. T. Lamey and Fred Hawley were chosen by acclamation. Something like 120 votes were polled.
The election takes place April 17, followed by the school election on April 21.
Albert Clute, age 15 years, 11 months and 18 days, died at the home of his mother with consumption April 3rd, 1894. The funeral services were held at his mother’s home last Thursday at 10 o’clock a.m. He was laid to rest in the Fairfield cemetery, Rev. Mr. Barthalomen of Chicago officiating at the house and Rev. Castens of Lake Zurich at the cemetery. A great number of friends attended the funeral.
One more bright sheaf has been garnered
In that happy home on high,
Where the heavenly hosts bade welcome
To our loved one free from sigh.
Or a sorrow which the earth gave
As he tarried with us here—
Come, we hope to be with Jesus—
Resting peaceful with him there,
Tho’ he left us here in weeping
Know we that he lives again
In this happy home above us,
Singing Heaven’s glad refrain.
Welcomed by the one before him,
Reunited there for aye;
There two loved and happy souls are
Watching for the coming day.
When the whole family will there be gathered,
To be parted never more;
There to swell the choral anthem,
As on earth the days of yore.
Then we know they’re watching, waiting,
E’en to catch the first faint light
Of the beacon of the boatman
Who will ferry thro’ the night.
O’er the dark and stormy waters,
Thro’ death’s stormy, silent shade—
We, who’re left to mourn the loved ones,
Still remembering Him who said:
“Suffer the little ones to come unto me,”
With a pure and holy life given,
“And forbid them not,
“For such is the Kingdom of Heaven.”
And at death’s silent, white robed angel
Cast a heaven-born smile on him
Who has left us, I know he said
“The Lord hath need of thee; come unto Him.”
The News extends its sympathy to the bereaved family.
School will commence again on Monday, after two weeks vacation.
Miss Mary Gowdin, has been visiting friends at Dundee this week.
Mrs. M. C. Church spent Easter Sunday with Elgin friends.
Miss Myrtle Miller has been visiting friends at Dundee.
Hon. F. C. Halley of Dundee was a pleasant caller Wednesday.
Miss Addie Church, and Miss Florence Miller are on the sick list this week.
Mrs. J. W. Waterman and Miss Hitchcock spent last Saturday with friends in Chicago.
Mr. Frank Dunning had a very large sale on the Otis farm Wednesday, at which about ninety cows and twenty horses were sold at reasonable terms.
Mr. Charles Freman, died at his home in Elgin Tuesday, April 3rd of heart trouble. He has been a sufferer for some time, he leaves a wife and nine children to mourn their loss. He was a brother of Mrs. O. Percy.
M. J. Rauh of the NEWS made a business trip to Dundee Monday.
Mr. C. F. Hall says advertising certainly pays. He advertises in every paper within twenty miles of Dundee.
Bring in your job printing. We are prepared to print you a small card or a 500 page pamphlet.
F. J. Meier made a business trip to Chicago Friday.
Go to A. W. & Cole for ladies kid gloves.
M. C. McIntosh made a business trip to Chicago Monday.
Mr. S. Peck made a business trip out of the city the first of the week.
J. C. Plagge went to Chicago on business Monday.
Prince Bismarck celebrated his 81st birthday last Sunday.
Hey, Boys! How is duck shooting down around the Johnson farm?
Miss Clara Cady is improving in health.
Mr. F. J. Meier made a business trip to Chicago Tuesday.
Mr. Henry Rieke has moved on the Gevings farm.
H. C. Frazer of Sheboygan, Wis., was in our town this week.
If you want your oatbin painted call on Sam Jaynes.
Rev. John Nate, of Chicago was in the town Wednesday.
Remember the social at Mr. Peck’s next Friday evening.
Mr. Lou Bennett made a business trip to Chicago Wednesday.
A.L. Mullen of Wauconda was in town Wednesday.
Fancy Syrups 25 cents a gallon, at A. W. Meyer & Co.’s.
Charles Winter received the stone for the foundation of his new house Wednesday.
A good supply of strap oil at the harness shop. Ask Albert Kampert.
B. H. Sodt & Sons are fencing in their lot around the store.
Flora Almsby spent her vacation at her country home with her father.
J. E. Catlow is digging the cellar for Mr. Winter’s new home.
Mr. Harrower of Waukegan is visiting his son of this city.
Twenty-two pounds of Granulated sugar for $1, at A. W. Meyer & Co.’s.
Judge Matthews of Detroit, Mich., was the guest of M. C. McIntosh Sunday.
Cigars were quite freely distributed after the caucus last Saturday evening.
Mr. A. I. Mallory of Libertyville was a very pleasant caller Monday. Mr. Mallory reports business good.
The K. O. T. M. tent of Palatine organized with sixteen members last Friday night.
Miss Addie Church of Barrington Center has been suffering with the mumps.
The News is growing rapidly. We received a card from Minnesota this week, requesting the News.
Have you a railroad timecard? If not, get one from H. S. Meier, the carpet and rug weaver.
The new billiard hall opened up Monday and is doing a good business.
H. Schwemm received a lot of farm machinery and wagons the first of the week.
Use A. W. Meyer & Co’s Ultimatum Flour. A ticket in every sack. Four tickets and $1, secures a large beautiful picture.
The bachelors are progressing freely in their new surroundings. Say, girls! What a shame it isn’t leap year.
Mr. Wm. Antholz while trying to raise a piece of track on the North-Western railroad last Monday. His crowbar slipped, hitting him with such a force that it cut a deep gash just above the eye. We are glad to report that although it was a painful wound it did not prove fatal.
The members of the Epworth League will tender a public reception to its new members on Monday evening, April 16th, to which old and young people are invited. An entertaining programme will be rendered.
Mr. J. M. Thrasher and Isaac Hulme opened a K. O. T. M. tent at Palatine Thursday with 23 charter members. They are going to start a tent at Arlington Heights and Desplaines. They report good prospects at both points.
Mr. Ed Clark, who is now stopping at Asheville, N.C., arrived in the town in time to attend the election Tuesday. Mr. Clark is stopping in the South for the benefit of his daughter’s health, which he reports much improved.
Mrs. F. L. Waterman is quite ill at the home of her parents in South Elgin. She was visiting there when she was taken ill Saturday. Her many friends here wish for her speedy recovery.
Call and see the pretty spring Capes and Jackets at A. W. Meyer & Co.’s.
There will be a “blue tea” social at the residence of Mr. Sanford Peck Friday evening, April 13, 1894.
Refreshments 15 cents. A pretty and useful souvenir will be given to each one present.
Mr. Walter Bangs of Wauconda was on our streets Wednesday on his return trip from Dakota, where he owns a farm. He reports the weather fine.
Eddie Ernst delivers the daily Chicago Herald to your home or office for 17c a week. Drop him a postal in the post office.
Mr. F. L. Waterman is fitting up his store room in the Lageschulte block as fast as possible, and will soon be ready to do business.
The stamp sale of the Barrington post office was larger this quarter than at any previous time, being 17 per cent over the corresponding quarter of last year.
The fire exhibition last Wednesday evening was a grand success and seemed to impress some of our citizens very much.
Mr. George Wraggs of Wauconda moved his furniture from the Barrington depot Thursday. He will reside on Judge Burrett’s farm, one mile west of Wauconda.
Freddie Rachow made a pleasure trip to Dundee Monday. Freddie says next time he goes out it will be a day in August and by himself.
Ask a certain young man in Barrington how he likes hunting on Easter Sunday and how those April Fool doughnuts suited him.
Look for a fine entertainment in District No. 3 in the near future. Be sure and find out when it is to be given, and that you will be there.
We wonder how those fellows felt who came home from Cuba last Saturday night with empty pockets--like April Fools?
If you wish nice combination in Wall Papers that will please you go to A. W. Meyer & Co.’s.
The 7th and 8th grades of the public schools were dismissed Thursday morning to enable the students to attend the funeral of Albert Clute.
Mr. John Westfall is able to be around again.
Commercial printing at this office.
Mrs. Fox of Janesville is visiting with Mrs. Lines.
A.W. Meyer & Co. have a large assortment of spring dress goods in to select from.
Rev. Mr. Suhr and family of California is stopping at the home of Mr. H. Gieske.
Maj. M. C. Brittain of Wisconsin lectured at the M. E. Church Wednesday evening.
Mrs. G. W. Johnson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. D. Taylor, at Palatine this week.
John Schwemm of Dundee is stopping with his brother, Hermann Schwemm.
When neighboring newspapers steal two columns of news they should give credit for them.
John L. Runyan returned home from Gilmer Monday, where he has been employed in the cheese factory.
Miss Lucy Hennings will give a cinch party at the home of her parents tonight, where she will entertain a number of her friends.
Golden Bros., loaded their car Tuesday and started for Englewood-Chicago, where they will make their home in the future.
Next Sunday morning Rev. W. H. Fouke of Chicago, will occupy the pulpit at the Baptist Church. In the evening J. J. Klopp will preach.
A special missionary sermon will be preached next Sunday evening at the Salem’s Church.
Somebody would like to know the difference between wild duck and owl.
Two fortune tellers were in town and succeeded in telling some of our citizens the good and bad things in store for them.
FOR SALE CHEAP—A good Universal cook stove. Good baker. For particulars inquire at the News office.
E. M. Blocks and John Schaefer were initiated in the Woodmen lodge Tuesday. Ten applications were accepted.
The Palatine tent will visit the Barrington K. O. T. M. tent next Tuesday night.
Ask our Fred where to get a left-handed monkeywrench. He can tell all about it now.
Calling and business cards at this office.
Mr. H. Schwemm has possession of Black Jack a 2:30 horse. Herman expects great results from him this season.
The NEWS will call on our friends in Spring Lake, Wauconda, Cuba Station, and Lake Zurich in the near future to receive subscriptions and orders for job printing.
HOUSE and LOT FOR SALE--$1,500 will buy a pretty little house in the village of Barrington. House nearly new and pleasantly located. For particulars inquire of Postmaster or M. C. McIntosh.
Some of the most enterprising business men and citizens of Barrington are going to have a fire department, and are going into it in a way that they are sure of accomplishing their undertaking. Their plans are to purchase a chemical engine at a cost of 150 dollars, which is sufficient to check almost any blaze. They also propose to organize a company to take charge of the engine and to run it to good advantage in case of fire.