February 10, 1900
L.C. Price transacted business in Chicago Friday.
A.C. Matthews was a Chicago visitor the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Grosvenor visited with relatives at Grayslake Saturday.
Miss Della Hammond is entertaining her cousin, Miss Mable Resseguie, of Chicago.
John Davis returned home Friday of last week, after spending a few days in Chciago.
Lewis Harris had the misfortune to sprain his ankle Sunday, which is liable to disable him for some time.
Mrs. Eutie Woodhouse and daughter Helen returned to the city Monday, after spending a few days with friends in our village.
Mrs. J.W. Torrence returned from the city Tuesday, where she underwent a surgical operation. We understand she is somewhat improved.
E.A. Golding, our professional paper hanger, has just completed his work at Price Bros. hall and the job speaks for itself. He is a professional in this line of work.
A St. Valentine’s Day dance will be held at the Oakland hall Wednesday evening, February 14. Music will be furnished by the Lakeside Harp orchestion and a special invitation is extended to all. Tickets $1.00.
A carem party was held at the home of Miss Della Hammond on Monday evening in honor of her cousin, Miss Mabel Reeguie, of Chicago. The pleasure continued until 11:30, when dainty refreshment were served and the guests, though few, report a most pleasant evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Underwood, who have been spending the past six weeks with friends and relatives in Vermont, returned to our village Wednesday. They report a very pleasant trip. Mr. Gibson, a friend of Mr. Underwood, returned with them ans will spend the summer in our vicinity.
The Epworth League social Saturday evening at the home of Miss Mary Glynch proved a very pleasant affair. Various games and amusements was the order of the evening. Although the weather was threatening, the attendance was large and a very pleasant time was had.
Judge Fitch took a tumble while out on legal business Tuesday, falling on his head which rendered him unconscious for two hours. Professional aid was immediately summoned and he was restored to consciousness. He was then brought home. Fortunately, his injuries did not prove to be of a serious nature and he is able to be out again, as usual.
Editor Burnham followed the good example set by Mr. Powers about a week ago and last Saturday, accompanied by Miss Sadie McClain, drive to Woodstock where they were united in marriage by Rev. Sutherland. They returned to our village Sunday, where congratulations awaited them. They will make their future home in our village and we wish them a prosperous and happy road through life.
The G.A.R. will have a basket social tonight in the hall over Price Bros’ store in honor of Lincoln’s birthday. Coffee will be served to those having baskets for 5 cents a cup and a fine lunch will be served to those who do not bring baskets for 20 cents a plate. A most interesting program has been arranged for the occasion, consisting of comic dialogues, vocal and instrumental music, a peanut and potato walk with prizes given to the winners. Everyone cordially invited. Come and have a good time.
The entertainment at the Slocum’s Lake school last Friday evening was an excellent success both socially and financially. A short program was rendered by the school children, intercepted with two fine solos by Rev. Dutton, after which the mock trial was taken up. It took considerable time to get a good qualified jury and that secured, the case began in earnest. John Brand vs. jennie Green, for breach of promise was the case. Judge Torrance presided, G.M. Fitch represented the plaintiff, while N.A. Burnham looked after the interest of the defendant. The case was interesting and the witnesses not being very particular what they swore to, and, naturally, the sympathy was with the fair defendant, who won her suit in a fair, upright manner. The attendance was exceedingly large, the little school building being filled to overflowing, Wauconda, as usual, sending a large delegation. The program over, refreshments consisting of popcorn and cake were served. A most interesting time was had by all.
Miss Ella Hill entertained a number of her young friends at her home Saturday evening. Various social games and amusements was the program, concluding with an elegant supper at about 4:30, after which the happy assemblage departed much pleased with the afternoon spent. Those present were: Masters Clyde Harris, Elmer Duers, Chester and Earl Golding, Lee Maiman, Homer Sensor, Thomas Hamlin, Arthur Daly, James Davis, Fred Baseley, Will Golding, Norman Ladd, Misses Dora Monroe, Winner Pratt, Ollie Jenks, Maggie Duers, Hannah Davis, Carrie Pratt, Estella Golding, Hazel Duers, Jessie Stoxen, Helen Woodhouse and Vera Jenks.
W.C. Prehm was a Chicago visitor Monday.
Henry Seip transacted business in Chicago Thursday.
Spunner Bros., shipped a car-load of live stock to the Chicago market on Tuesday.
Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Charles White Sunday, February 4, a little daughter.
The township collector has received the tax books and is ready to receive the taxes.
Henry Seip and Henry Feddeler have been chosen as petit jurors for the March term of court at the county seat.
During the past week more ice has been harvested by the two firms than any season in the same amount of time. Our townsmen, E.A. Ficke, is superintendent for the Consumers’ Ice company.
The board of trustees of the village met in the council room Monday and decided to increase the marshal’s salary $5 a month and enacted laws enforcing the saloon keepers to close at 11 o’clock p.m. and on Sunday hereafter.
A fine program for Friday evening, February 23, is in rehearsal, and if each lady will bring a basket containing supper for two and each gentleman the price, a good time is assured. Admission 10 cents, ladies with baskets and school children free. Any gentleman who purchases a basket will get a reduction in the price of admission.
The following is a list of the officers recently installed in Lake Zurich camp, M.W.A.: Venerable Consul, E.A. Ficke; Worthy Advisor, H.G. Hillman; Excellent Banker, H. Pepper; Clerk, P.W. Meyer: Escort, E. Branding; Physician, Dr. M.F. Clausius; Watchman, A. Keubler; Sentry, C.W. Kohl; Manager, H. Schaefer. The camp is in a flourishing condition and several applications are being received at each meeting.
E.J. King spent Sunday in Chicago.
Mrs. J. Kenny was in Chicago Tuesday.
Mrs. Moon was visiting in Nunda Tuesday.
Miss Tena Arps was in Chicago on Thursday.
Mrs. Meyers of Plainfield is visiting her son, C.F. Meyers.
Rev. Wentworth was called to attend meetings at Kingston, Ill.
Mr. Clark, who has been visiting in Michigan, returned home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenny, who have been visiting at Delavan, Wis., returned home Tuesday.
Mrs. Charles Sweet and children of Chicago spent Wednesday at the home of her uncle, James Catlow.
Miss Louisa Munshaw, who has been caring for Mrs. McNett, returned to her home in Elgin Tuesday.