December 7, 1901
George Wagner of Barrington was a visitor here Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kohl were Chicago visitors Wednesday.
George Foreman of Barrington was a visitor here Thursday.
Frank Roney shipped a car load of hogs from here Thursday.
George Klipper of Long Grove has moved in his new residence here.
H.L. Prehm and Emil Frank transacted business in Chicago Monday.
H. Branding and H. Hillman went to Chicago Wednesday to take in the fat stock show at the stock yards.
Commencing November 25 the U.S. express company provided additional service between Lake Zurich and Chicago. One service will leave Lake Zurich at 9:30 a.m., arriving at Chicago 1:45 p.m. The next service leaves Lake Zurich at 2:30 p.m., arriving at Chicago 6:30 p.m. There are two services from Chicago daily, the last one leaving Chicago 8:20 a.m., arriving at Lake Zurich 2:30 p.m.
Our blacksmith, Wm. Gerke, has his new house completed.
Leon Clute of Barrington is visiting his sister here this week.
Arthur Hall of Elgin visited with friends here over Sunday.
A.G. Schwerman and W. Gierke were in Chicago Wednesday.
Ernest Branding called on his sister, Mrs. Bierman, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Knigge of Wheeling called on friends here Thursday.
Wm. Tonne of Lake Zurich was a caller at H.F. Schwerman’s Tuesday.
Miss Minnie Brockmeyer of Diamond Lake called on friends here Saturday.
Miss Lena Schwermann of Chicago is visiting at the home of her brother, H.F. Schwermann.
Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Schwermann visited with their mother, Mrs. Clute, at Barrington Saturday.
A great many Gilmer people turned out Sunday to help dedicate the new parsonage at Lake Zurich.
A pleasant surprise party was tendered at the home of Mr. Reineke last Sunday evening. It was in honor of Mrs. Reineke’s birthday. A great many people were present and a very enjoyed time was pronounced by all. At midnight the table was set and all invited to eat, drink and be merry.
Rev. and Mrs. Lapham spent Thanksgiving at Elgin.
Louis Schultz of Evanston was a pleasant caller here Thursday.
J.E. Pratt and friend, Mr. Deane, of Chicago spent Thursday here.
Harry Hill visited with relatives and friends at Waukegan Thursday.
H. Golding and H.T. Fuller transacted business in Chicago Wednesday.
J. Blanck of Chicago spent Thanksgiving in our village with his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Gainer and A.C. Stoxen were Chicago visitors Monday.
Frank and Earl Harrison spent last Thursday here with their mother and sister.
Orville Smith of Ivanhoe and L.B. Collins of Chicago spent Monday evening in our village.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrews and daughter Lillian spent Thanksgiving with Woodstock friends.
David McClain left for the east on Wednesday, where he will spend a few weeks with relatives.
Miss Della Hammond returned to Chicago Friday, after spending Thanksgiving with her parents.
J. Diestler and George Jepseon attended the fat stock show at Chicago Tuesday and Wednesday.
F.W. Wynkoop of Chicago and F.D. Wynkoop of Woodstock spent Sunday with their parents in our village.
The Thanksgiving ball at Oakland hall Thursday evening was attended by about 60 couples. Prof. Herm’s orchestra of Chicago furnished music for the occasion and a pleasant time is reported by all.
Misses Estella Grace, Vera Geary, Lilah Golding, Mabel and Grace Mullen attended the Teachers’ Institute at Waukegan Friday and Saturday.
Judd Pratt is paying the highest market price for furs. If you have anything in this line to dispose of you will it to your interest to see him.
Mizpat lodge No. 142, M.W.W., will hold their annual election of officers at their next meeting, Wednesday, December 18. All members are requested to be present.
Mrs. Sensor, who has been spending the past six weeks with relatives and friends in our village and vicinity, returned to her home in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Wednesday.
L.E. Golding and miss Ruth Neville, two of our most prominent young people, were united in marriage Thursday in the parlors of the Commercial hotel, Barrington, Rev. Tuttle, pastor of the Barrington M.E. church, performing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Golding, the groom’s parents, witnessed the ceremony, and after supper, the bridal couple took the train for Madison, Wis., returning to our village Saturday evening, where a private reception was tendered them at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Neville, only a few of the immediate relative being present. Monday they left for Chicago where they will make their home at 211 Loomis street until Mr. Golding completes his dental course next spring. We welsh the young couple a most prosperous and happy life.
Miss Tille Hooker spent Thanksgiving here.
Eugene Jencks of Wauconda was here on business Tuesday.
Ray WIlson of Palatine was at O.H. Smith’s Thanksgiving.
Miss MIldred Sleeper was at Palatine several days last week.
Harvey Smith was at home from Belvidere for Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Ray Harrison has returned from Harvard. Her sister, Mrs. Tutell, is now convalescent.
The Ladies of the W.C.T.U. met at Dundee Tuesday afternoon. Another meeting will be held. Program by Mrs. Parmaly.
Home Missionary meeting fo the Baptist church was held at Mrs. Fred Browning at Dundee Tuesday afternoon. An elegant program in charge of Mrs. H.M. Milhuff was rendered.