July 13, 1901
J.E. Pratt of McHenry was a caller in our village Monday.
Louis Hook of Rollins was a pleasant caller in our village Sunday.
Mat Freund attended a wedding at Spring Grove July 3, acting as best man.
Chas. McMahon of Chicago was a visitor at the Oakland a few days last week.
Quite a number of city folks are enjoying rest and recreation in this vicinity.
Mrs. C.L. Pratt and son Robin of Chicago are guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Jenks.
Miss Nina Pratt of Chicago spent July 4th with friends and relatives in our village.
Wednesday was the hottest day of the year. The thermometer registered 102 degrees in the shade.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ollendorf and two sons of Chicago are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Jenks.
Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Kent and daughter of Chicago spent the Fourth with friends in our village.
G.C. Roberts was reported on the sick list the first of the week, but is now out again as usual.
Mr. and Mrs. Burditt were guests of the latter’s father, Mr. P.A. Nimsgearn, Saturday and Sunday.
C.A. Golding and friend, Mr. Young, of Chicago, spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Golding.
Miss Minnie Roney, who has been attending school in Chicago for the past year, has returned home to spend her summer’s vacation.
Will Baseley left for Dallas, Texas, Tuesday morning, where he has secured employment in a harness shop. Will is one of our promising young men, very industrious and energetic and we hope that he will meet with the best of success in his new position.
Postmaster E.W. Brooks has moved the post office to new quarters, having rented the side rooms adjoining Price Bros. store. It is not as centrally located as the old quarters, but is a much nicer and pleasanter office, being lighted by gas and heated by furnace during the cold winter months.
Gus Fiedeler transacted business in Barrington yesterday.
E.S. Bruce and Frank Meyer visited friends at Joliet Wednesday.
Lake Zurich camp, M.W.A., will give a picnic in the near future.
Henry Branding, Wm. Prehm and Wm. Bicknase transacted business in Chicago Wednesday.
Charles Steffen has secured the contract for lighting the street lamps. He receives a salary of $10 per month.
Nick Linden thinks this weather is too hot for to work on the inside. He has resigned the position held with Mr. Lorenz.
Silas Robertson has sold six lots in E.R. Clark’s subdivision on the lake front to James C. Blair, president of Consumers Co. Consideration, $2,000.
Louis Seip has resigned his position as village marshal. The village dads are of the opinion that we do not need a marshal, so the vacancy will not be filled.
F.P. Clark and family returned from Buffalo, where they have been in attendance at the exposition, Monday. Mr. Clark is well pleased with the trip and says that in many ways the exposition equals the World’s Fair held in Chicago.
Mrs. Fuller is quite ill this week.
The W.R.C. met last Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Annie Torrell is visiting in Chicago.
Rev. Wykoff will spend his vacation at Lake George.
Mrs. Clara Sawyer Michelson and husband left here Saturday for Los Angeles, Cal., to reside.
Miss Cherry Livingston of Chicago is a visitor here.
Miss Ollie Terrens of Barrington is here for the summer.
George Larson of Harvard visited relatives here over Sunday.
Miss Georgie St.Clair spent last week at G.F. Arvedsen’s.
Ray Clark, formerly of Wauconda, was a visitor here this week.
S.H. Harvey and wife recently entertained their son from Wisconsin.
Mrs. Doty Parmelee entertained the Missionary society Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. H.G Sawyer and Mrs. Henry Smith served light refreshments at the Guild in the hall Friday afternoon.
Miss Anna Krahn is at home for the summer season.
Mrs. Albert Gleason of Boston is visiting her mother.
Manford Bennett and wife visited in Chicago yesterday.
Chas. Coltrin and family of Austin are camping at Grassy Lake.
Wm. Peters was at Reedsburg, Wis., this week purchasing cattle.
Miss Emma Beahler visited with friends at Algonquin Sunday.
Mrs. John Nicholson visited with her sister in Chicago this week.
M.C.McIntosh returned from a trip to Plymouth, Ind., Monday.
M.J. Rauh of South Haven, Mich., visited with friends here Sunday.
Mrs. J. Reese and Mrs. N. Baker departed for Denver, Colo., Monday.
Miss Ada Hicks of Wauconda was the guest of Miss Lulu Lines, Saturday.
Editor Fred Renich of the Woodstock Volksblatt, was here Wednesday.
Mrs. Flora Lines and family are at their summer cottage at Wauconda Lake.
Messrs. William and Charles Winert of Chicago visited friends here last week.
Mrs. William Thorp visited with her sister, Mrs. Finn, at Chicago last Tuesday.
Mrs. C.H. Austin and son Edwin visited relatives in Chicago the first of the week.
Mrs. Wm. Collin spent several days with friends at Arlington Heights this week.
Miss Lizzie Mengersen of Chicago visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Neuman this week.
Mrs. Augusta Creet and children are visiting Mrs. Creet’s sister in Cleveland, Ohio.
Miss Myrtle V. Williams of Chicago is the guest of her cousin, Miss Mabel A. Wagner.
Messrs. Nathan and Chalres Haller of Chicago are visiting at the home of Rev. Haller.
John Dockery of Chicago visited with his brother Jeff Dockery Monday and Tuesday.
Miss Collen of Crystal Lake, who has been visiting friends here, has returned home.
Miss Eda Wagner has returned from a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Helmuth, at Park Ridge.
Miss Mabel Spriggs of Chicago is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spriggs.
Misses Addie Filbert and Clara E. Taylor of Palatine, visited friends here Saturday and Sunday.
Samuel Lipofsky, of the firm of Lipofsky Bros., is quite ill and under treatment at a Chicago hospital.
Miss Alice Hawley of Oak Park has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Hawley, this week.
Miss Agnes Walter of Albany, Wis., is the guest of her sister, Mrs F.J. Alverson, and will remain during the summer.
Mrs. L. Miller and daughter LIllian who have been visiting Barrington friends, have returned to their home in Minneapolis, Minn.
Mrs. D.F. Lamey and daughter Frances are visiting with E.H. Sodt and wife at Oswego, Ill. D.F. Lamey joined his family there yesterday.
Mrs. Catlow, mother of Mrs. Wm. Young, was stricken by paralysis last Saturday. For a time her condition was serious but she is now improved.
Mr. and Mrs. George Spunner of Chicago are receiving the congratulations of their friends on account of the arrival of a boy at their home last Friday.
Fred B. McWilliams of Chicago city detective detail, was here Thursday evening looking for Johnson, the thug who escaped from West North Avenue station.
John Bell, the locomotive engineer so badly injured in the wreck here January 1., is able to be about the wards of St. Luke’s hospital. John is confident he will come out good for many more years of service, but not as a railroad engineer. His many friends along the line will be pleased to hear of his improvement.