March 9, 1901
G.W. Pratt and J.E. Gainer were Chicago visitors Monday.
A.G. Fisher and E.H. Meyer were Waukegan visitors Tuesday.
Frank Harrison of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George C. Roberts.
John Brand and Miss Bessie Tidy were Waukegna visitors Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Nina Pratt of Chciago is spending the week with friends and relatives in our village.
William Wells of Sandy Hill, N.Y., was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Darrel a few days this week.
L.C. Price, grand juror; E.J. Cook, petit juror, and Constable Jenks are attending court at Waukegan this week.
Moving has been quite the rage in our village and vicinity for the past two weeks and at present there is not a vacant house for rent in Wauconda.
H.T. Fuller, Justice Torrance and Marshal Reilly went to Waukegan on Monday to testify before th grand jury in regard to the the L. Kinsala case.
M.S. Ford, who has been residing in Chicago for the past few months where his wife is securing medical treatment, is spending a few days in our village.
The Wauconda Gym and Social club gave a reception and banquet at their club rooms last Friday evening. Invitations were extended to many of their friends and a very pleasant time is reported.
A pleasant surprise was tendered Messrs. And Mesdames Henry and Clayton Werden at their home, three miles west of our village, last Saturday evening. About thirty of their friends and neighbors were in attendance and cards, caroms and other games were the amusements of the evening, intercepted with a bountious relay of refreshments. A good time is reported.
Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Smith were pleasantly surprised last Friday evening by about fifteen Royal Neighbors and Woodmen friends, who arrived at about 9 o’clock. Mr. Smith had retired for the night but Mrs. Smith was still up when suddenly she heard a general tumult in front of the house and, looking through the window, realized what was up. A few of her son’t working garments were hanging in the room and, being excited, threw them down cellar instead of hanging them up in the closet. She then called to Mr. Smith to get up and help put away the team. The guests then walked in and took ;possession of the house, which Mrs. Smith gladly turned over to them and the few short hours of the evening were pleasantly spent, concluding with an oyster supper. About 12 o’clock all departed, thanking Mr. and Mrs. Smith for their kind hospitality and hoping for many returns of the pleasant event.
Roney & Carr shipped hogs Thursday.
Kohl Bros. have just received a new stock of shoes.
John Roney transacted business in Zurich Thursday.
John Koffen returned home Wednesday from jury work.
E.A. Ficke transacted business in Barrington Thursday.
D. Huntington transacted business in Belvidere this week.
Wm. Donahue, the night man, has left Zurich for other quarters.
Wm. Hogan and Henry Edwards took in the concert at Rockefeller.
Wm. Prehm has resigned his position as bar-tender at H.Branding’s.
Mrs. Louis Knigge of Gilmer visited friends in Lake Zurich Thursday.
Miss Grace Pagels is visiting at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Louise Ficke.
The Bruce Ice company have finished putting up ice.
The town was aroused on Sunday night by the alarm of fire. The E.J. & E. pump house burned to the ground.
Miss Annie Feddeler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Feddesler, of Wauconda, and William WeWitzer, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Wewitzer, of Lake Zurich, were married in Chicago Wednesday. The newly married couple are well-known to our people and highly respected. They will reside at Lake Zurich. We extend congratulations.
Fred Wenzel is sick with grip, but is improving.
George Baecher took a load of tame pigeons to market Saturday.
H.L. Bockelman and wife made a visit to Barrington Saturday.
L.Knigge and wife of Gilmer made a call on their friends here Friday.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klinschmidt on Monday, February 25.
Henry Law and wife were calling on relatives here Thursday. City life seems to be wearing considerable on Henry.
The meeting of the stockholders of the Ela creamery was held Monday of this week. The business of the year proved so satisfactory that they reelected all the old officers for another year.
Mr. William Berghorn and MIss Lizzie Ernsting, oldest daughter of William Ernsting, jr., were married Wednesday, February 25, Rev. Schmidt of Long Grove officiating. They will make their future home near Lake’s Corners, having taken possession of the Peter Steffen farm. We wish them joy.
James Doran of Chicago was here on business Tuesday.
E.Smith of Waukegan was here on business Thursday.
Miss Minnie Gieske visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Collins in Chicago Saturday.
Mrs. A.D. Church is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. E.H. Sodt, at Oswego, Ill.
Mrs. M.B. Elliott of Matteson, Ill., was visiting at the home of F.J. Alverson this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Meyer attended the Sportsmen’s and Forest show at Chicago Thursday.
Miss Grace Peck expects to visit with her brother, Roy Peck, in Washington next month.
Mrs. Wm. Howarth went to Elgin last Friday and visited with friends there until Monday noon.
Mesdames A.L. Knopf and Henry Bosch of Chicago at the home of Fred Pomeroy this week.
Wm. Loco, engineer on one of the Barrington accommodation trains, is taking a few days lay off this week.
Miss Francis Tier returned to her home in Chicago Thursday after visiting with Miss Leila Lines a few days.
Charles Wolf, who has been employed at Powers’ Lake, Wis., was calling on friends here Saturday and Sunday.
John Miller of Las Vegas, N.M., formerly employed by Wm. Grunau, was renewing acquaintance with Barringtonians Saturday.
George Hager and Frank Gieske were called to Waukegan, Monday, to serve as jurors. Mr. Gieske was excused. Mr. Hager being on the grand jury remained.
Fred Benson paid his numerous acquaintances and friend in this section farewell Monday morning and departed for Ocean Springs, Miss., his future home.
Rev. Tuttle preached at Arlington Heights Thursday evening for Rev. A.H. Miller, who was formerly his pastor at Rock Falls, Ill., Rev. Miller is engaged in special meetings.
David McLaughlin went to Otsego, Mich., Wednesday, to attend th funeral of his sister, Miss Carrie McLaughlin, aged 19 years, who passed away Tuesday after an illness of several months duration.