January 26, 1901
A.E. Kirwan was a Waukegan visitor Monday.
M.W. Hughes transacted business in Chicago Monday.
Dr. T.H. Rath, dentist. Office over Churchill’s drug store.
Mrs. H. Maiman visited with relatives at McHenry Monday.
Carl Ericksen and Harry Fuller visited the metropolis Monday.
Masquerade ball at Oakland hall on Friday evening, February 1.
Wm. Tekampe was a Waukegan visitor Wednesday and Thursday.
Mrs. Charles Burton of Chicago is a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clark.
Mrs. M.S. Ford, who went to Chicago a few weeks ago to seek medical aid, is reported as failing.
Guy Granger returned home from Chicago Tuesday, after having successfully passed through an operation for appendicitis.
George Jepson, who has been doctoring in Chicago for the past few weeks, was calling on friends in our village Saturday and Sunday.
Charles Carey, formerly a resident of our village, we understand has rented the McHenry House at McHenry and will conduct it the coming season.
Fred Green, who has been in the employ of the Western Electric company in the state of Ohio for the past two months, came home Saturday to spend a few days vacation with his parents and sister.
The icemen are looking serious, wondering what shall the harvest be. If we don’t get zero weather pretty soon our ice crop will be a failure. A good cold snap for a few weeks would be a great benefit.
C.W. Sowles, who has spent the past week at home recovering from grippe, returned to Chicago Thursday to resume his studies. He was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Geo. Glynch, who will spend a few days with relatives in that city.
The masonic banquet last Thursday proved a very pleasant affair. About seventy-five guests were present and spent the evening at caroms, crokinole, cards and other games, intercepted with refreshments. A most enjoyable time is reported.
A genuine old folks’ surprise party was tendered Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Philips at there home last Friday evening. It was a complete surprise, but in tru host and hostess fashion the victims gladly welcomed the guests and set about to make the evening one long to be remembered. Forty-two guests were assembled and spent the evening at various social games and amusements, stopping, however, to discuss an oyster stew. At 12 o’clock the guests bade Mr. and Mrs. Phillips good night, thanking them for their kind hospitality and hoping to renew the event at some future time.
Mr. Hogan has returned to Chicago.
H.G. Hillman shipped hogs Wednesday.
Mr. Hoeft was a Waukegan visitor this week.
Louis Meyer is now employed in the coal shutes.
Mrs. Lowe is visiting at the home of Mrs. C.Givens.
H.G. Hillman is offering choice lots for sale cheap.
Clara Eichman returned home from Chicago Sunday.
H.L. Prehm transacted business in Chicago Tuesday.
Herman Weidenhoefer visited relatives over Sunday.
Mrs. E.A. Ficke transacted business in Chicago Monday.
The dance Saturday evening was fairly well attended.
Dr. T.H. Rath, dentist. Office over Churchill’s drug store.
The village bought twelve more street lamps at Dundee.
Roney & Carr shipped another consignment of hogs Tuesday.
Frank Balaske visited his sister, Mrs. Louis Seip, over Sunday.
Emma Dettmann, who has been on the sick list, has entirely recovered.
Miss Laura Givens is visiting schoolmates and relatives at McHenry this week.
Miss Mullen and friends of Wauconda were in Lake Zurich on a visit Wednesday.
The Consumer’s Ice company have finished building and have given their carpenters a vacation.
Wm. Prehm, Ernst Branding and Herman Helfer took in the sights of Joliet a few days last week.
There will be special services at the church next Sunday. The new minister that is to be stationed here will deliver his first sermon. Let everybody turn out and give the new pastor a rousing welcome.
The wedding bells will ring in the near future.
Mrs. H.L. Bockelman was visiting Barrington relatives Monday.
Brother Paddock has hit the electric light and railroad with another whack.
Miss Bertha Sturm has returned for an extended visit with her parents here.
Herman Schnieder was laid up with grippe a few days last week, but is now out again.
Matthias Popp has been under the weather nearly all winter. He is afflicted with chronic neuralgia.
Sam Lee, Elgin, of harness game, and W.A. Putnam made one of their regular calls on business, Monday.
Mrs. Garrett Law of Quentin’s Corners is spending a few days at Barrington visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Witt.
Herman Krueger made a call at the Corners last Sunday. He says that he is doing a nice business in his Chicago restaurant now.
Henry Schruoeser made a trip to Chicago to visit with friends and relatives. He says his father is spry for his age, having passed the 90th mark.
Some of the hunters say they have caught about seventy five skunks and many minks. Poultry men should pass the hat for protectors of the poultry yard.
Charles E. Churchill is on the sick list.
Ike Kuebler of Palatine was here on business Saturday.
James Leonard of Geneva Lake was calling on friends here Thursday.
F.H. Huntington of Gilmer was in the village on business Tuesday.
A.W. Meyer and family visited the pet stock show at Chicago Thursday.
Robert Bennet was confined to the house the past week owing to illness.
Supervisor A.J. Raymond of Wauconda was a caller at this office Monday.
Miss Freda Naeher, who is employed at Elgin, is at home for a few days visit.
Miss Belle Fell of Iowa visited at the home of J.W. Kingsley the past week.
Fred Kirschner will go to Chicago Monday to serve on the United States petit jury.
Miss Josephine Byron of Chicago, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Nicholson.
Robert Rowe of Chicago is doing relief duty at the drug store of Charles E. Churchill.
Mrs. George Waterman, who has been quite ill with grip at her home in Elgin is recovering.
Al Hawley of Crystal Lake visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Hawley, Saturday and Sunday.
Jay Jordan returned to his home at Orion, Ill., Wednesday. A.D. Church accompanied him as far as Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flint and son of Chicago were visitors at the home of James Sizer the first of the week.
W.H. Barnes representing H.M. Hooker Co., Chicago, was here Monday looking after the interests of that company.
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Miller of Rockford are spending the week at the home of Mrs. Miller’s father, G.H. Comstock.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haworth, who are touring California, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Maybury at San Mateo lately.
Sanford Peck returned from Leland, Ill., Thursday, where he had been for several days looking after business interests.
H.G. Sawyer, president of the Star Manufacturing Co., of Carpentersville, was a guest at the home of Leroy Powers Monday and Tuesday.
Dr. C.H. Kendall, Fred Kirschner and Jeff Dockery attended a meeting of the Mystic Shriners at Medinah Temple, Chicago, last evening.
Misses Esther and Bertha Klein returned to Chicago Monday after a weeks’ visit at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Klein.
James Sizer was removed to a Chicago hospital Wednesday afternoon. He was accompanied by Dr. Halstead of Chicago and his daughter, Mrs. C. Flint.
Miss Ida Hutchinson, who has been attending the Northwest Division High School, Chicago, has been obliged to give up her studies for the present on account of ill health.
Mrs. E.W. Townsend returned to Elgin, Thursday, with her son George Jones for a brief visit. Mrs. Townsend has rented her property in this village and after the first of March will make her home with Roy Jones at Gilmer.