October 23, 1903
Mrs. Henry Mundhenke sr. is quite ill again.
One of George Stroker’s little twins is quite ill.
Charlie Griswold is walking with the aid of a cane.
Miss Bessie Pinney is entertaining her sister from Chicago.
John Hirn will hold another cattle sale next week Saturday.
Chas. Petterson of Arlington Heights was in town on business Monday.
Mrs. H. C. Paddock attended the wedding of her youngest sister this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher have gone to Quentins Corners to reside with Philip Young.
G.H. Arps and uncle attended installation at the Odd Fellows Lodge in Cary Monday.
Miss Maud Cowden of Elgin visited Miss Blanche Schierding over Saturday and Sunday.
Henry Shoppe sprinkled the streets Thursday and stopped the dust blowing over the business portion of town.
D.B. Wood of Elgin and his brother Joel, from Kansas, both old residents of this place visited old friends here Tuesday.
The Woodmen will hold an adjourned meeting Saturday night Oct. 24, to receive the report on another hall and to make arrangements for a social affair of some kind.
A grand concert by Oak Park young people is being arranged for to be held soon. Dr. Wood secured the company which is a guarantee that it will be worth attending. Watch for the announcements.
The town commissioners met last Monday afternoon to act on the petition for a drainage system south of the village. Before acting on same a number of those who had signed for the system requested their names taken off. There were so many taken from the petition that it failed to represent the required majority and hence the petition was rejected. We believe it was a grave mistake by the land owners as the village will proceed to condemn land if necessary to obtain an outlet for their drainage.
Henry Wortz of Elgin transacted business here Thursday.
Geo. Smith of McHenry transacted business here Wednesday.
Lake Zurich was well represented at the Geo. Grab auction sale Wednesday. Everything sold well and the sale netted close to $7,000, including real estate. Henry Seip was the auctioneer.
Otto Welti of Wauconda was a Zurich caller Wednesday.
Ed Snyder visited his parents at Gardner, Ill., over Sunday.
Geo. Spunner of Barrington was here on legal business Wednesday.
Fred Kuyckuck of Joliet is visiting friends in this vicinity this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Foreman of Barrington were Zurich callers Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bicknase visited Chicago friends for a few days this week.
E.A. Ficke sold his driving team and top buggy to Chas. Jahnke of Barrington.
Fred Janholtz and family of Joliet are visiting relatives in this vicinity this week.
Elmer Robinson of Palatine was here Tuesday to close up his cottage for the winter.
E.S. Bruce purchased George Graber’s black team at the sale Wednesday. The team and harness brought $307.50.
Miss Julia Courtney, of Chicago, Mrs. H.P. Bahan, of Nunda, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Forbes Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shaeffer have invitations out for the marriage of their daughter, Mary, to John Smith of Joliet, Oct. 28.
Frank Roney was a Chicago visitor Wednesday.
Fred Basely and Norman Ladd visited at Waukegan Sunday.
Matt Maiman and Ed MIlls were Lake Zurich callers Sunday.
Mr. Clark, of Libertyville, was a business caller in our village Wednesday.
Rev. Jos. Rohde, of Elgin, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Maiman and family at present writing.
Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Maiman and son, Edward, of Waukegan, visited with the former’s friends, Mr. and Mrs. H. Maiman, Sunday.
Jos Hass left for Mudlavia, Ind., Monday, where he is taking the mud treatment for nervousness. We hope to see him return completely restored in health.
The Lake Co. Telephone Co. has completed its new line from Libertyville to Wauconda. This will make it much easier and convenient to talk to any of our Lake county towns, and will be an advantage which all who use the telephone to any extent cannot fail to notice.
The Bazaar held in the Oakland hall last Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings was a large success, both socially and financially. Although no figure have as yet been given out, Rev.Woulfe says they are, at least, double what his expectations were, and he furthermore wishes to thank all those who assisted in making the Bazaar a success.
Miss Joe Harvey of Auburn, Wash., was a recent visitor.
Mrs. Ray Harrison’s mother, Mrs. J. Lumm, of Slocum’s Lake, visited her daughter last week.
Mrs. George Wilbern and daughter, Miss Cora, attended the wedding of Walter Butler and Miss Bessie Cook at Huntley last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin, residing in the country, celebrated their silver wedding last week Saturday evening. Many useful gifts were received by this most worthy couple.
Harrison Miller visited relatives in Elgin lately.
There was a foreign missionary program followed by a work meeting at the ladies’ parlors last week Friday p.m.
A family from Barrington by the name of Horn have moved into the Mitchell residence on Washington street.
Mrs. Kate Runyan and daughter, Miss Iva, of Elgin were Barrington visitors Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. A. Bangs of Odabolt, Iowa, Mrs. Ella D. Lamphere, of McHenry, and Mrs. J. Ford and Mrs. Wm. Seymour, of Wauconda, visited their aunt, Mrs. Letitia Clark, Thursday.
Miss Emily Estergren, of Algonquin, was a visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. Leroy Powers is visiting relatives and friends in Elgin this week.
Edward Lamey, of Oregon, Wis., is paying his relatives here a brief visit this week.
Misses Mae Daily of Wauconda and Viola Daily of Chicago visited in Barrington Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles T. Lamey are enjoying a season at French Lick Springs, Indiana.
Ed Rohlmeir has secured employment in Chicago and will make his home in the big city this winter.
G.W. Comstock and wife will leave tomorrow for a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Abbott, at Hoopeston.
Louis Comstock has gone to St. Louis and expects to remain in the south during the winter months.
Lyman Powers and wife returned Monday from a pleasant trip through the fertile regions of South Dakota.
Frank Roney and Otto Waleti of Wauconda and John Forbes of Lake Zurich were here on business Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rachow enjoyed a visit with their son Fred and wife in Chicago Sunday and Monday.
Miss Emma Beahler has returned home after a pleasant visit with friends at Beloit and Broadhead, Wis.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sodt spent several days this week in Chicago at the home of Frank Sodt and Mrs. Howard Crouse.
Rev. John Nate of Chicago was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. M.C. McIntosh, over Sunday, and assisted at the services in the Salem church Sunday morning.
Foreman James Eatinger, who has been dispatching at the Harvard round house for several months, is now one of the crew on the Barrington local known as the “turn around.”