February 1, 1902
Another cold wave has reached us.
H.A. Beard of Chicago transacted business in our village last week.
Herman Maiman and Harry Geary were Chicago visitors Thursday.
Mrs. J.W. Torrance transacted business in Chicago the first of the week.
Mrs. J.C. Reilly of Grayslake visited with relatives in our village Sunday.
The Royal Neighbors are preparing a play to be given by local talent in the near future.
Miss Nettie Murray returned from Chicago last week, having entirely recovered from her recent illness.
Arthur Powers and Misses Jennie Brooks and Lilah Golding were Barrington visitors last Friday evening.
Duane Smith returned to Chicago Thursday, after spending a week’s vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Smith.
W.D. Wentworth, formerly of the firm of Fuller & Wentworth, but who is now in the employ of Simon Stoffel of McHenry, spent Sunday with his wife and family in our village.
A rag bee was held at the home of Mrs. J.W. Cooke last Saturday afternoon and about twenty-four ladies were in attendance. Supper was served by Mrs. W.D. Wentworth, who was a co-partner in the bee. A very pleasant time is reported.
Died, Sunday January 26, at her home, two miles east of our village, Mrs. J. Bauer, sr., at the age of 79 years. The funeral was held from St. Peter’s Catholic church, Volo, Wednesday at 10 a.m. Interment at the Volo Catholic cemetery.
Wednesday evening, January 22, twenty-five young friends gathered at the home of Misses Edith and Lola Turnbull for a social gathering in honor of their cousin, Darwin Granger. Games and various social amusements were the order of the evening. Darwin returned to the Columbus barracks Saturday, and from there expects soon to go to the Philippines.
Thursday evening the G.A.R. and W.R.C. and families attended a welcome to Elmer Monaghan. A short literary program was rendered, after which Messrs. J. Price, Elmer Monaghan, David Potter, Norman and Darwin Granger gave interesting accounts of the experiences as soldiers. Light refreshments were served and it was near the midnight hour before the company dispersed.
John Brand and sister, Miss Edith, were tendered a pleasant surprise at their home by about fifteen young friends last Friday evening. The evening was most pleasantly spent at various social amusements, intercepted with an oyster supper. The clock toiled the small hours of the morning before all dispersed, having spent a most pleasant evening and all declared John and Edith royal entertainers.
Lake Zurich
A.J. Redmond of Volo was a caller here Wednesday.
The Consumers’ Ice company have quit loading cars.
George Wagner of Barrington was a visitor here Wednesday.
Courtney Bros. shipped a car-load of cattle from here Wednesday.
Miss Emma Seip went to Chicago Wednesday to visit her sister, Mrs. H. Weidenhoefer.
Kohl Bros. are getting ready to sell out their stock. They intend to go to South Dakota this spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buesching went to Wheeling Saturday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Louis Knigge.
E.D. Branding, Mrs. H. Branding and Mrs. Wm. Bierman and daughter Florence took a ride to Dundee Saturday.
Wm. Bicknase and Frank Roney went to Como Lake Wednesday to visit the boys that went out from here to work on the ice for the Consumer’s company.
Messrs. E.A. Ficke and Herman Helfer went to Chicago Wednesday evening. Mr. Ficke received a telephone message late in the evening, stating that his wife was very low. She is in the hospital, where she had an operation performed.
August Pahlman and Miss Edith Fieddeler were united in marriage at Chicago on Monday, January 27. Both parties are well known in this community, having lived around here all their life. They will reside about one and one-half miles north of here, where Mr. Pahlman has rented a farm. Their many friends wish them a happy and prosperous journey through life.
Cary News Items
John Nish of Nunda was seen on our streets Friday.
Mrs. S.H. Abbott was among the Chicago passengers Friday.
Pat Corkins of Charity Island was seen on our streets Monday.
L.E. Mentch unloaded a carload of empty pickle barrels Monday.
Lena Hansen and Tillie Rhode of Chicago attended the dance Thursday evening.
Spencer Abbott and sister Gertrude were Chicago passengers, having their eyes treated.
Mrs. F.L. Meyers of Harvard and son spent Sunday visiting friends and relatives here.
Mrs. A. Jensen of Elgin is visiting friends and relatives here a few days the fore part of the week.
Miss Laura Richelson, Frank Tomisky, and Mark Trumbel of Chicago spent Sunday visiting friends and relatives here.
There was no school held in the intermediate room in Cary school on account of the janitor not being able to heat the room.
The masquerade held in Jensen’s hall Thursday evening was an entire success. There were 27 dance and 44 spectator tickets sold. The ladies prize, box of candy, was won by Miss Maud Osgood and Miss Tillie Hooker and the gents prize of a box of cigars was won by Tom Calvehill, as a hobo character.
Mrs. John Masties has been quite ill.
Mrs. Ida Hubbard of Elgin was a visitor this week.
Mrs. S.H. Harvey, who has been visiting in Chicago, returned home Friday.
The ladies of the W.C.T.U met Thursday to sew for a temperance hospital.
The new Congregational church at Dundee will be dedicated about Easter time.
Several from here attended the funeral of Oliver Willis, son of Judge Willis, at Elgin.
The regular meeting of the Men’s league was held Tuesday evening in ladies parlor at the hall.
The seniors and juniors of the High school held a social at the school building at Dundee Friday evening.
Miss Julia Brecklin won the cake at the W.R.C. cake social Friday evening. She made the largest number of guesses as to what cake was represented by the wearer.
Mrs. Sarah Wilcox, mother of Mrs. Irving MIller and Wm. Border, died Friday, January 25, at the home of the latter, of heart trouble. She was 77 years of age. Burial at the Greenwood cemetery.