Saturday, February 6, 1892
U. of V.-meet at Colburn’s hall, third Tuesday of each month. F. O. Willmarth, Captain; Albert Ulitsch, First Sergeant.
BAPTIST CHURCH-Mr. Henry, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. Evening services at 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School 12 m.
ST. ANN’S CATHOLIC CHURCH-Rev. E. A. Goulet, Pastor. Services every other Sunday at 9 o’clock A. M.
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH-Rev. Wm. Clark, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sabbath school at 12 M. Class meeting at 7 P. M.
GERMAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH-Rev. A. Schuester, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 A. M. Evening service at 7:30 P. M. Sabbath school at 9 A. M.
GERMAN EVANGELICAL ST. PAUL’S CHURCH-Rev. E. Rahn, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 A. M. Sabbath school at 9:30 A. M.
LOUNSBURY LODGE, No. 751,-meets a their hall the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. C. H. Austin, W. M.; A. Gleason, S. W.; C. H. Lines, J. W.; H. T. Abbott, Treas.; F. O. Willmarth, Sec.; L. A. Powers, S. D.; Albert Ulitsch, J. D.; Stewart Miller, T.
BARRINGTON POST, No. 275, G. A. R. Department of Ill.-meet every second Friday in the month, at Colburn’s Hall. F. J. Buck, Commander; R. Purcell, S. V. C.; Fred Weisman, J. V. C.; L. Krahn, S.; Stewart Miller, Chaplain; A. Gleason, Q. M.; A. S.?Henderson, D.; C. G. Senn, O. G.
W. R. C., No. 85-meet the second and fourth Wednesday of each?month. Mrs. R. Lombard, Pres. Miss R. Brockway, Sec.
M. W. A., No. 809-meet first and third Saturday of each month, at Lamey’s Hall. D. A. Smith, V. C.; John Robertson, W. A.; C. H. Kendall, E. B.; C. H. Austin, Clerk; H.?K. Brockway, E.; Fred. Kirschner, W.; Wm. Antholtz, S.
Ray Kimberly is visiting at his home at Honey Lake.
There is to be another wedding south of Barrington in the near future.
Fred Brasel returned to work Monday.
Dr. John Zahn is sick.
Miss Downing of Chicago was at the Vermilya house Wednesday.
Mr. George Alverson, wife and daughter, returned home from Missouri Tuesday.
F. B. Bennett is working at Grebe & Gieske’s.
There will be another party at Laurey’s hall Friday evening, Feb. 12. Music by Hill’s orchestra. Tickets 50 cents. Dance commences promptly at 8 o’clock. All are invited.
Lou Bennett expects to take a trip to Canada in the near future.
Charles Boyce of Chicago visited friends here Saturday and Sunday.
John Doulea is here this week.
The sociable at the residence of Mr. L. H. Higley Friday evening was quite largely attended and an enjoyable evening was spent by those present.
Cassy Zimmerman of Elgin visited his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman, last week.
Miss Lillian Shults of Chicago was the guest of Miss Ella Lamey Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Edward Lamey, Jr. of Chicago visited his parents the first of the week.
Miss Clark of Wauconda called on friends here Saturday.
Mr. George Spunner spent Saturday and Sunday at his home near Lake Zurich.
Miss Munshaw of Cary was the guest of Miss Bertha Seebert during the last week.
FOR RENT-Either for cash or on shares, a farm two miles east of Barrington. For particularsapply to George Barnett, Barrington, Ill.
Miss Mundhenke of Palatine and Mr. Albert Ulitsch were married at the home of the bride’s parents Wednesday of last week. They reside at Barrington and have the best wishes of the community.
We are trying to make this paper the best local paper in this neighborhood. In order to do this we need your assistance, both in helping us to secure subscribers, and items; we are always glad to receive any item of news for this paper that you may have, and when you get a new subscriber for us we will appreciate the interest you take in trying to make the paper a success. Remember the subscription price is $1 in advance. We want 100 new subscribers before March 1, you can help us in getting them. All items should reach the Barrington office not later than Tuesday evening of each week.
Misses Frances and Susy Domenowske, who have been sick, are gaining under the eare of Dr. C. H. Kendall.
Mr. Fred Broemmelkamp intends to build a house next spring on Hough street just south of the village hall.
Mr. Eli Abbs of Chicago is visiting Barrington friends.
Misses Kate Grady and Jennie Crowley of Chicago visited Mrs. M. Grady this week.
John Barnett was in town Friday.
The Northwestern railroad will be equipped with electric signals in the near future between Chicago and Barrington. The signal is purely automatic and is operated entirely by electricity, each signal being provided with a special battery, which is placed in a well underground. The signal stands normally at “safety,” and is set to “danger” automatically when the train passes it by the depression of a lever placed about 1,500 feet beyond the second signal. The system is so constructed that the signal will always go to “danger” by its own gravity, should the battery become weakened or any of its connections broken, so that it is absolutely impossible for a signal to indicate safety where danger exists. All of the switches in the block system are connected with the signal, so that the opening of any switch on the main line sets the signal a suitable distance in advance, which will do away with the many accidents which are constantly occurring from misplaced switches. It is, therefore, evident that when the signal stands at “clear” it is indication not only that there is no train ahead within that block, but that all the switches are properly set for through traffic, and also that the apparatus is in perfect working order. The signals will be placed about one-half mile apart.
Charles Lederle expect squit railroading and go into mercatile business.