13TH DISTRICT REPUBLICAN WOMEN                              
    Junior auxiliary members meeting in Springfield  4/27/72
3-H BUILDERS                                                
    Suit against Deer Park is filed by building firm  9/21/72
    Deer Park ignores 3-H counter offer  10/19/72 p/10
4-H CLUBS                                                   
    Fox River Valley 4-H achievement night dinner  2/3/72 p.19
    4-H girls awarded for public speaking  2/17/72 p.63
    Gateway House residents talk to Barrington 4-Hers  3/23/72
    New leader for 4-H girls club  3/23/72 p.23
    McCormick Place hogs state fair money  6/1/72 p.31
    Flynn Valley 4-H club participates in annual show  7/13/72
    Barrington 4-H'ers named king, queen  8/10/72 p.68
    Flynn Valley 4-H'ers elect new officers  8/24/72 p.36
    4-H Girls club selects new officers for 1973  9/28/72 p.39
    Barrington Pioneers elects new officers  10/12/72 p.61
    4-H clubs hold annual banquet  11/2/72 p.40
    One injured  1/6/72 p.5
    Carpentersville youth dies  1/20/72 p.16
    Car strikes utility pole after chase  2/17/72 p.10
    One hurt  2/24/72 p.5
    Thankful no-one was hurt - Kranz  3/2/72 p.3
    Defective wiring caused fatal fire  3/9/72 p.6
    Two killed, two injured in separate accidents  4/20/72 p.3
    Three hurt  5/18/72 p.5
    Divers search for body in Bangs lake  6/8/72 p.6
    Fatal mishap  6/8/72 p.1
    5 hurt at Kelsey, 14  6/15/72 p.4
    Hit by car  6/15/72 p.10
    Three hurt  6/22/72 p.55
    Blast kills one  7/6/72 p.1
    Fireworks blast kills employee  7/6/72 p.9
    Stolen car ride ends in tragedy  8/3/72 p.1
    Three-car crash kills two people in Wauconda  8/3/72 p.10
    Weekend accident  9/7/72 p.5
    2-car crash injures four  9/28/72 p.9
    Tower Lakes crash kills one person  10/12/72 p.1
    Walk away from crash  11/9/72 p.3
    Services today for Bob Rice  12/7/72 p.4
    Barrington man killed in crash  12/21/72 p.6
ACKERMAN, JOHN                                              
    BHS grad teaching in Kenya  4/20/72 p.38
    Star Trek captain Pheasant Run star  4/20/72 p.12
    Phyllis Diller in person  3/30/72 p.10
    Phyllis Diller stars  4/20/72 p.22
    Lunch with Sally Struthers  5/18/72 p.75
    Graham co-sponsors senior citizen bill  5/25/72 p.44
    Senior Citizens hold meeting and installation  6/29/72 p.20
    Citizens over 65 may apply for cash grant  12/21/72 p.3
AHRENS, WALTER "PETE"                                       
    Retirement party  10/26/72 p.1
AIM (ORGANIZATION)                                          
    AIM to hold first meeting Friday night  7/13/72 p.10
AIR PILOTS                                                  
    Ninety-Niners plan monthly meeting  3/23/72 p.20
    Ninety-nines awards dinner  4/13/72 p.20
    Reporter "grows wings"  6/1/72 p.16
    Reporter "grows wings"  6/8/72 p.26
    Reporter "grows wings"  6/22/72 p.44
    Reporter "grows wings"  7/6/72 p.7
    Reporter "grows wings"  7/27/72 p.38
    Barrington flyers enter Indiana race  9/14/72 p.64
    Walk away from crash  11/9/72 p.3
    Court date set for landing strip  3/30/72 p.9
ALEXANDER, WILLIAM, SR., MRS.                               
    Inverness trustee seeks donation by subdivider  10/19/72
ALGONQUIN, ILL.                                             
    Barrington-area hospital questioned in Algonquin  11/9/72
ALPINE EXECUTIVE HOUSE (HOTEL)                              
    Defective wiring caused fatal fire  3/9/72 p.6
    Fox River Grove - ACA: 10 troubled years  7/20/72 p.2
    Fox River Grove - A.C.A.: 10 troubled years  7/27/72 p.13
    Ambulance for village by 1975?  5/25/72 p.4
    Ambulance service: Private?  Public?  10/5/72 p.13
    New branch of AAUW planned  2/10/72 p.22
    AAU women to hold meeting  2/17/72 p.30
    AAUW make plans to organize in area  3/2/72 p.19
    Barrington AAUW branch elects temporary officers  3/16/72
    Organizational meeting planned for AAUW  4/6/72 p.19
    Newly elected  4/27/72 p.34
AMERICAN FIELD SERVICE                                      
    AFS student tells of year in Australia  3/9/72 p.34
    AFS student tells year's experiences  6/29/72 p.55
    AFS student will live with Japanese family  6/29/72 p.28
    AFS student will stay in French home  7/6/72 p.10
    AFS student discusses her year in Barrington  7/27/72 p.30
    AFS student finds life in Japan "most happy"  7/27/72 p.29
    Barrington family welcomes students  9/7/72 p.18
    AFS students  10/19/72 p.24
AMERICAN GUILD OF ORGANISTS                                 
    Barrington choirs to sing at festival  4/13/72 p.21
AMERICAN LEGION                                             
    Attends American Legion annual Boys State session  7/20/72
    Legion nine makes state  8/3/72 p.1
    Belleville eliminates Broncs, 8-4  8/17/72 p.3
    Legion post 158 installs officers  10/12/72 p.28
    50 years of service  10/26/72 p.22
AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY                                   
    Junior auxiliary members hold combination meeting  1/20/72
    American Legion auxiliary holds membership drive  1/27/72
    Legion auxiliary needs contributions for chapel  3/2/72 p.34
    Legion Auxiliary holds new citizens' reception  3/16/72 p.32
    Patriotic meeting for Legion auxiliary  3/23/72 p.9
    Junior auxiliary members meeting in Springfield  4/27/72
    Tenth District members receive many honors  6/22/72 p.20
    10th District auxiliary elects new officers  7/6/72 p.17
    Legion auxiliary receives honors  8/3/72 p.25
    10th District auxiliary installs new officers  9/7/72 p.56
    New officers  9/28/72 p.26
AMOCO REALTY                                                
    Plan commission ponders project  6/22/72 p.2
ANDERLIK, JAMES                                             
    Park incumbents will try again  12/21/72 p.3
ANDERSON, C. R.                                             
    BACOG plan summary available to residents  1/6/72 p.1
    Annual meeting Tuesday, April 18  4/13/72 p.2
ANDERSON, CARL O.                                           
    Anderson new chairman of hospital group  11/9/72 p.2
ANDERSON, JOHN B.                                           
    GOP congressman lauds colleague  9/28/72 p.10
ANGOTTI, LOU                                                
    Indoor ice rink proposed  4/6/72 p.3
    Private group moving ahead  7/20/72 p.1
    Private group to wait for park referendum  9/7/72 p.1
    Propose second ice rink  10/26/72 p.1
    One ice rink can survive - Cosentino  11/2/72 p.1
    Park board to split referendum  11/2/72 p.1
    Ice rink race continues  11/22/72 p.3
    Busy January ahead for village  12/21/72 p.1
    Basseting in Barrington  1/13/72 p.34
    Park District closing wildlife area  [animals slaughtered] 
        1/27/72 p.1
    $515 reward in wildlife killing  2/3/72 p.1
    Flying the friendly skyways…  2/10/72 p.3
    Reward at $648  2/10/72 p.3
    Wauconda woman nabs hawknabbers  2/10/72 p.4
    Wildlife area will remain open  2/17/72 p.1
    Horse killer explained at overflow meeting  2/24/72 p.11
    Rescue 2 starving foals from South Barrington field 
        2/24/72 p.1
    Horses, trailers are a concern for trustees  3/2/72 p.57
    Set March 6 court date in cruelty to animals case  3/2/72
    Find two more starving horses  3/23/72 p.3
    Heartworm time approaching -- vets  3/23/72 p.5
    Cruelty to animals case continued until April 26  3/30/72
    Trustees defer vote on horses, trailers  3/30/72 p.11
    North Barrington debates horse-trailer laws  5/25/72 p.39
    First 1972 horse show for Bit and Bridle club  6/8/72 p.23
    Bit & Bridle Horse club announces show winners  7/27/72 p.33
    Forest preserve receives new wildlife residents  7/27/72
    Horse show parade marches in review  7/27/72 p.22
    Dog lead police on 2 1/2-day chase  8/3/72 p.1
    Barrington Horse show opens for 32nd year  8/10/72 p.24
    32nd annual Barrington Horse Show Aug. 10 through 13 
        8/17/72 p.14
    Action delayed on trailer, animal, solicitor laws  11/2/72
    Farm animals OK'd in North Barrington  12/21/72 p.13
    Remove animals for care and treatment  12/21/72 p.64
ANIMALS, TREATMENT OF                                       
    Park District closing wildlife area  [animals slaughtered] 
        1/27/72 p.1
    $515 reward in wildlife killing  2/3/72 p.1
    Reward at $648  2/10/72 p.3
    Wauconda woman nabs hawknabbers  2/10/72 p.4
    Wildlife area will remain open  2/17/72 p.1
    Rescue 2 starving foals from South Barrington field 
        2/24/72 p.1
    Set March 6 court date in cruelty to animals case  3/2/72
    Society pleased with agreement  3/9/72 p.14
    Find two more starving horses  3/23/72 p.3
    Cruelty to animals case continued until April 26  3/30/72
    Bachner acquitted on animal cruelty charges  5/25/72 p.17
    Remove animals for care and treatment  12/21/72 p.64
ANNEXATION (MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT)                           
    Hearing set for January 12  1/6/72 p.1
    Shopping center dealt setback  1/20/72 p.1
    Inverness limits plastic pipe use in village  2/17/72 p.37
    Shopping center given new life  3/16/72 p.1
    Huge residential complex planned on Brandel tract  3/23/72
    Annexation petition on board agenda  6/22/72 p.3
    Annexation discussion postponed  6/29/72 p.3
    Village board approves pre-annexation agreement  7/6/72 p.3
    Group recommends mass annexation  7/27/72 p.3
    Court upholds South Barrington annexation  9/28/72 p.1
    County board may discuss land disannexation Dec. 3 
        11/16/72 p.4
    Disannexation is approved  12/7/72 p.3
    Hear Winston petition Dec. 18  12/7/72 p.1
    Draper proposal concerns schools  12/14/72 p.2
    Busy January ahead for village  12/21/72 p.1
    Haupts celebrate 50th anniversary  1/13/72 p.20
    Observe fiftieth wedding anniversary [wedding anniversary
        of William and Lucille Grafe]  6/8/72 p.18
    Local couple celebrate 25th [wedding anniversary of Gust
        and Eleanor Fredin]  7/20/72 p.23
    Happy 50th [wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
        Steinhoff]  8/10/72 p.23
    Anniversary party [wedding anniversary of Al and Millie
        Chabrian]  9/21/72 p.20
    Sixty years [wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore
        D. Olson]  10/19/72 p.54
ARDEN SHORE HOME (CHILDREN'S HOME)                          
    Arden Shore association conducts annual meeting  1/27/72
ARIOLA, PHILLIP, MR. AND MRS.                               
    Ariola family watches gun battle  8/3/72 p.3
ARMSTRONG, VIRGINIA IRVING                                  
    Local author's book printed in paperback  8/31/72 p.31
ARNETT LINES SCHOOL                                         
    Lines school fun fair  3/2/72 p.62
    New music program demonstrated at Lines PTO meeting  4/6/72
    Activities of Barrington young people  4/20/72 p.74
    Round the village activities  5/18/72 p.76
    Lines students study careers  5/25/72 p.16
ARROYO, ERIBERTO E.                                         
    Charge Chicago man with youth's murder  8/17/72 p.4
    Entries mailed for annual Art Fair  4/20/72 p.22
    Local sculptor's work in Countryside display  4/20/72 p.23
    "Festival of Arts" May 11-24 at BHS  4/27/72 p.3
    Family Art Show  4/27/72 p.78
    Barrington high annual art show  5/25/72 p.19
    Special competition at Barrington fair  5/25/72 p.24
    Artists exhibit in Palatine show  6/29/72 p.54
    Barrington's best  8/24/72 p.1
    Many exhibitors enter Barrington Art Fair  8/24/72 p.14
    14th Annual Barrington Art Fair Sunday, Aug. 20  8/31/72
    Klein initiates Harper meeting of area leaders  11/16/72
    Barrington Art students win  2/10/72 p.10
    Local artist exhibits at Marina City gallery  3/9/72 p.42
    Local sculptress in Wayne Art Show  5/11/72 p.73
    Round the village activities  5/18/72 p.76
    Artist to speak at commencement  6/1/72 p.66
    Barrington high school students Art Exhibit 1972  6/1/72
    Displays paintings at First National  6/22/72 p.22
    Local artists enter Edens Plaza fair  6/22/72 p.26
    Artists exhibit in Palatine show  6/29/72 p.54
    Barrington's best  8/24/72 p.1
    Glass blower expert honored at meeting  10/5/72 p.15
    Barrington artist contributes artwork  10/19/72 p.25
    Local artist holds origami workshop  11/2/72 p.14
    Special showing by local artists  12/7/72 p.23
    Local author's book printed in paperback  8/31/72 p.31
    New novel presents outstanding story  8/31/72 p.35
    Barrington authors write second book  10/19/72 p.25
    Autographing time  12/7/72 p.14
    Local authoress talks on medieval cities  12/21/72 p.21
AUTOMOBILE LICENSE PLATES                                   
    First National has 1973 license plates  11/22/72 p.3
AUTOMOBILE RACING                                           
    Barrington Hills man 10th in Elkhart Trans-Am race  7/27/72
    "Madison street" operation hit  8/17/72 p.3
AUXILIARY FOR THE AREA HOSPITAL                             
    Barrington auxiliary chapter presents Dining Drama '72 
        2/17/72 p.21
    Dining Drama '72  3/2/72 p.32
    Annual meeting for hospital auxiliary  4/13/72 p.72
    Annual meeting of Barrington chapter  4/20/72 p.62
    Hospital auxiliary tag day  May 5-6  4/20/72 p.1
    Students give money to area hospital project  6/8/72 p.24
    Catchpenny to re-open on Monday, June 19  6/15/72 p.22
    Progress seen in hospital plans  9/14/72 p.18
BACHNER, GEORGE L.                                          
    Cruelty to animals case continued until April 26  3/30/72
    Bachner acquitted on animal cruelty charges  5/25/72 p.17
BACON, WILLIAM W.                                           
    Two killed, two injured in separate accidents  4/20/72 p.3
BALDRIGE, EDWIN                                             
    Barrington family welcomes students  9/7/72 p.18
BALDRIGE, MARY                                              
    Barrington family welcomes students  9/7/72 p.18
    Mid-America Ballet associates will meet at Barrington Barn 
        1/27/72 p.22
    An afternoon of ballet  2/17/72 p.21
    Ballet associates enjoy DuPage ballet  5/11/72 p.12
    Two performances for ballet company  5/18/72 p.74
    Two ballets presented by Meri Lynn School  6/15/72 p.17
    Ballet students will perform  7/20/72 p.20
    Barrington Civic Ballet performs at ballet gala  8/3/72 p.20
    Barrington Associates enjoy evening of ballet  8/17/72 p.23
BANGS LAKE                                                  
    Divers search for body in Bangs lake  6/8/72 p.6
BANK TAVERN                                                 
    Corporation buys Bert's Bank Tavern  5/11/72 p.2
    Bank Tavern; Jim Barth and others, owners  8/24/72 p.2
    Christened on December 19  1/6/72 p.16
BARKER, BETTY KING                                          
    Syd Simons Make-up and Facecare Studio; Betty King Barker,
        owner  9/21/72 p.76
    State representative to be guest speaker  2/10/72 p.12
    Area BPW members attend convention  5/18/72 p.78
    Business and Professional Woman's Club  6/8/72 p.40
    BPW installs new officers  6/29/72 p.22
    Woodstock children entertained by BPW  8/10/72 p.20
    Chamber adds staff plans luau meeting  1/13/72 p.4
    Best informed  1/20/72 p.3
    Chamber officers hold first meeting  1/27/72 p.1
    Chamber of Commerce Luau Jan. 27  2/3/72 p.54
    Mayor Voss will discuss '72 priorities  2/17/72 p.1
    Tax planning Chamber topic  3/16/72 p.1
    "Our Living Environment" seminar planned May 27  5/4/72 p.1
    Two new committees formed by Chamber  5/4/72 p.18
    Chamber plans for conference  5/11/72 p.6
    Annual golf outing held by Chamber  6/15/72 p.2
    Chamber backs referendum  6/15/72 p.1
    False survey  8/31/72 p.3
    Chamber chooses Duke  9/14/72 p.3
    Chamber dance at Biltmore County Club - Sept. 30  10/5/72
    Chamber backing move to stop meter feeding  10/12/72 p.8
    Traffic problems topic of Chamber meeting  10/19/72 p.10
    Chamber directors  11/9/72 p.9
    Chamber takes firm stand on meter feeding  11/16/72 p.3
    Free shopper bus service starts Dec. 9  12/7/72 p.1
    BACOG plan summary available to residents  1/6/72 p.1
    Proposes study committees for BACOG  1/6/72 p.1
    BACOG explained to Lions  1/13/72 p.6
    BACOG to host CMATS seminar  1/13/72 p.1
    Area now on computer  1/20/72 p.3
    New members for BACOG  1/20/72 p.5
    Proposed mass transit network discussed  1/20/72 p.5
    Mass transit seminar  1/27/72 p.41
    Villages comment on planning policies  2/3/72 p.1
    First meeting  3/2/72 p.5
    BADC sets series of open houses  3/9/72 p.1
    Money matters concern BACOG  3/9/72 p.3
    New study proposals spark BACOG meeting  4/6/72 p.7
    Study group appointments raise controversy  4/6/72 p.8
    Study groups are formed by BACOG  4/6/72 p.8
    BACOG asked to oppose Bartlett estate proposal  4/13/72 p.8
    Estes guest speaker at League meeting  4/27/72 p.3
    BACOG oks $45,000 budget for 1972-73  5/4/72 p.80
    Bartlett plan opposed by BACOG  5/4/72 p.1
    District 4 objects to Bartlett development  5/4/72 p.76
    No money for area police study  5/4/72 p.9
    Land use meeting  5/11/72 p.74
    BACOG aids defeat of House Bill 4287  5/18/72 p.58
    Task force agencies meet with BACOG  5/25/72 p.72
    Let the residents decide - Forrest  6/1/72 p.1
    BAGOG balks at sewer project  6/8/72 p.6
    Klein reports progress of study groups  6/8/72 p.31
    BACOG seeking government funds  6/15/72 p.56
    Wood leaves BACOG post  6/22/72 p.3
    Urban intern  7/6/72 p.3
    Wagner to chair BACOG  7/6/72 p.1
    Public hearings start tonight  7/13/72 p.3
    BACOG hearings begin  7/20/72 p.3
    Group recommends mass annexation  7/27/72 p.3
    BACOG vice chairman Caldwell resigns post  8/3/72 p.7
    Voss pleads for unity  8/3/72 p.6
    BACOG reorganizes committee system  8/10/72 p.29
    BACOG report suggest Hart road depot site  8/24/72 p.7
    Final report to BACOG due tonight  8/24/72 p.1
    Inverness interested in joining BACOG  8/24/72 p.1
    LWV urges BACOG action  8/24/72 p.6
    BACOG housing report emphasizes low density  8/31/72 p.1
    Summer intern benefits from practical training  8/31/72 p.24
    BACOG board rejects resolution of unqualified support for
        EPA  9/7/72 p.3
    BACOG urged to consider areawide blood bank program  9/7/72
    LWV has fast reaction to denial of resolution  9/14/72 p.64
    BACOG airs its views on area hospital plan  9/21/72 p.4
    BACOG contributes to suit fund  10/5/72 p.4
    Project review program is studied by BACOG  10/5/72 p.2
    Slight hope for Route 68 by-pass  10/5/72 p.1
    Traveling manager plan is proposed by BACOG  10/5/72 p.1
    Board rejects traveling manager system  10/26/72 p.3
    BACOG approves traveling manager idea  11/9/72 p.8
    BADC urged to shape new image  11/9/72 p.26
    BACOG defers action on development evaluation  11/16/72 p.46
    BADC responds to cry for new image  11/16/72 p.8
    Klein initiates Harper meeting of area leaders  11/16/72
    Appointed secretary  11/22/72 p.1
    BACOG may get powers of review  11/22/72 p.2
    Barrington Hills backs traveling manager idea  11/30/72 p.2
    North Barrington joins Barrington Hills  11/30/72 p.12
    BACOG comprehensive plan study nears completion  12/7/72
    BACOG offers shared services program  12/7/72 p.3
    Grove may join BACOG  12/14/72 p.1
    Winston proposal: 1,306 units  12/14/72 p.1
    Barrington Hills' plea still before commission  12/21/72 p.3
    BACOG's most important year?  12/28/72 p.1
    BACOG plan summary available to residents  1/6/72 p.1
    BADC sets series of open houses  3/9/72 p.1
    Annual meeting Tuesday, April 18  4/13/72 p.2
    Bartlett plan opposed by BACOG  5/4/72 p.1
    BADC urged to shape new image  11/9/72 p.26
    BADC responds to cry for new image  11/16/72 p.8
    BADC sponsors area blood bank  12/21/72 p.8
    Second blood bank meeting set for Jan. 10  12/28/72 p.1
BARRINGTON AREA HOCKEY LEAGUE                               
    Asks park to consider artificial ice rink  5/11/72 p.10
    Park District shooting for indoor ice facility  5/18/72 p.1
BARRINGTON AREA LIBRARY                                     
    Library board sets election  1/27/72 p.3
    Barrington library receives $850 grant  2/3/72 p.31
    Library board plans election  3/23/72 p.14
    Library vote Tuesday  4/6/72 p.1
    New officers for library district board  4/27/72 p.79
    Donate 7 acres for new library  5/11/72 p.1
    Library to acquire books from CAP  5/11/72 p.16
    Members of the board  5/11/72 p.18
    Library trustees  5/18/72 p.5
    Library board requests ideas, help from citizens  5/25/72
    Good response to new library survey  6/8/72 p.75
    Monthly meeting of library board  6/8/72 p.76
    Library receives gift from Woman's club  6/29/72 p.52
    Study determines needs, goals of library  7/13/72 p.3
    Combined annual budget and appropriation ordinance  7/20/72
    New library hours announced by board  7/20/72 p.19
    Barrington library '92 as projected by study  8/3/72 p.8
    Library is compared to others  8/10/72 p.69
    Treasurer's annual report  8/24/72 p.53
    Library board has vacancy  9/14/72 p.7
    Board members to interview seven applicants  10/12/72 p.10
    Library board continues working toward its goal  11/9/72 p.6
    Library board discusses proposed new building  11/9/72 p.16
    Architect's plans discussed by board  12/7/72 p.10
BARRINGTON AREA UNITED DRIVE                                
    United Drive  3/16/72 p.1
    Salvation Army aided by BAUD fund drive  8/3/72 p.67
    Barrington BAUD combines campaigns  9/28/72 p.65
    BAUD total hits $25,000; goal: $60,000  11/2/72 p.33
BARRINGTON ART ASSOCIATES                                   
    Art Associates afternoon  1/20/72 p.32
    Architecture of Paris a lecture with slides  2/24/72 p.18
    Community associates hold annual luncheon  6/8/72 p.28
BARRINGTON ART FAIR                                         
    Entries mailed for annual Art Fair  4/20/72 p.22
    Special competition at Barrington fair  5/25/72 p.24
    Barrington's best  8/24/72 p.1
    Many exhibitors enter Barrington Art Fair  8/24/72 p.14
    14th Annual Barrington Art Fair Sunday, Aug. 20  8/31/72
    Barrington Associates enjoy evening of ballet  8/17/72 p.23
    Spring Sunday brunch at barn  2/17/72 p.21
    Yearly antique show planned by auxiliary  9/21/72 p.20
    First 1972 horse show for Bit and Bridle club  6/8/72 p.23
    Bit & Bridle Horse club announces show winners  7/27/72 p.33
BARRINGTON BOARD OF REALTORS                                
    Barrington realtor board supports tax freeze  11/16/72 p.18
BARRINGTON BRONCOS (FOOTBALL CLUB)                          
    Broncs win NSC title  11/2/72 p.1
    Lyric Opera Guild presents award  3/16/72 p.20
    Special program for Lyric Opera guild  4/13/72 p.20
    Barrington Opera guild makes plans  6/1/72 p.24
BARRINGTON CIVIC BALLET                                     
    Barrington Civic Ballet performs at ballet gala  8/3/72 p.20
    Annual budget and appropriation ordinance  8/24/72 p.53
    Annual statement of receipts and expenditures  1/27/72 p.55
    Combined annual budget and appropriation ordinance  2/24/72
    Countryside park district ends its summer program  8/10/72
BARRINGTON DRUG ABUSE COMMITTEE                             
    Clark helps drug group  5/4/72 p.1
    Drug abuse group slates annual meeting  5/18/72 p.9
BARRINGTON FIRE DEPARTMENT                                  
    Medical clinic hearing Feb. 23  2/10/72 p.1
    Trustees award fire station pact  2/17/72 p.2
    Medical clinic, fire barn receive village approval  3/2/72
    First full-time fire chief for Barrington by 1973  5/11/72
    Village board rejects bids for fire equipment  5/25/72 p.9
    Retirement party  10/26/72 p.1
    Kranz new assistant fire chief  11/22/72 p.6
    Move north  11/30/72 p.3
BARRINGTON HIGH SCHOOL                                      
    BHS poetry readers to present "Under Milk Wood"  1/13/72
    Barrington Art students win  2/10/72 p.10
    BHS play opens Saturday  2/17/72 p.8
    BHS second quarter honor roll  2/24/72 p.31
    Tartuffe a success  2/24/72 p.13
    BHS freshman play planned March 10-11  3/2/72 p.3
    Big Show '72 at BHS Sunday, March 5  3/2/72 p.6
    Distributive education students enter contest  3/2/72 p.36
    Smoking area at BHS  3/2/72 p.6
    Big Show '72 came to Barrington Sunday, March 5  3/9/72 p.66
    Regional champs  3/9/72 p.1
    Annual Russian club banquet at Barrington high school 
        3/30/72 p.62
    DE students represent Barrington at conference  3/30/72 p.22
    Suggest that dress code be reinstated at BHS  3/30/72 p.6
    BHS third quarter honor roll  4/20/72 p.58
    "Festival of Arts" May 11-24 at BHS  4/27/72 p.3
    "Alice in Wonderland" performance is May 13  5/4/72 p.3
    Alice in Wonderland - Children's play  5/11/72 p.78
    Alice in Wonderland production Saturday  5/11/72 p.14
    Dan Walker addresses student body  5/18/72 p.6
    Girls request expansion of interscholastic program  5/18/72
    Barrington high annual art show  5/25/72 p.19
    Barrington high junior-senior prom at the Marriott  5/25/72
    BHS approves three-day exam period  5/25/72 p.7
    Class of 1952 to hold reunion  5/25/72 p.76
    Graduation ceremony set for June 7  5/25/72 p.2
    Barrington high school students Art Exhibit 1972  6/1/72
    Barrington High School Class of 1972 graduation  6/15/72
    Summer recreation program starts Monday  6/15/72 p.8
    BHS graduation ceremony  6/22/72 p.57
    Correction to story of 6/15/72  6/29/72 p.34
    Barrington high students win Industrial Exhibit awards 
        7/6/72 p.35
    Students survey traffic violations  8/3/72 p.8
    BHS athletic program continues to grow  8/10/72 p.48
    Barrington High School earns good report card  8/24/72 p.3
    IEA says District 224 negotiations stalled  8/24/72 p.11
    Irate bus drivers complain to board  8/24/72 p.1
    BHS teacher strike not likely: Zaremba  8/31/72 p.3
    High school will expand girls' athletic program  8/31/72
    Teachers vote for contract  9/7/72 p.1
    Note from parents not good at BHS  9/14/72 p.3
    Career educational program at BHS  9/28/72 p.8
    High school launches new career program  9/28/72 p.42
    Performing Arts Boosters celebrate tenth anniversary 
        9/28/72 p.28
    Homecoming '72 Friday, Saturday  10/5/72 p.3
    Seven BHS students are merit semifinalists  10/5/72 p.3
    Homecoming 1972  10/12/72 p.4
    Will present "Carnival" at BHS  10/19/72 p.12
    Ready "Carnival" for presentation  11/2/72 p.8
    BHS "Carnival" is outstanding success  11/16/72 p.26
    BHS students named 1973-74 state scholars  11/16/72 p.37
    Teachers coordinate overseas program  11/16/72 p.19
    Choir cuts an album  11/22/72 p.4
    Discuss inclusion of PE in student grade average  11/22/72
    BHS performing arts presents "Carnival"  11/30/72 p.23
    Park, high school rely on voters  11/30/72 p.3
    BHS first quarter 1972 honor roll  12/14/72 p.32
    District 224 studies new schedule  12/21/72 p.1
    National Honor society inducts new members  12/21/72 p.32
    Teacher group enters 4th year  1/20/72 p.2
    Big Show '72 will feature Mister Ned  2/10/72 p.29
    Big Show '72 at BHS Sunday, March 5  3/2/72 p.6
    Big Show '72 came to Barrington Sunday, March 5  3/9/72 p.66
BARRINGTON HILLS, ILL.                                      
    Barrington Hills' goal: village hall  1/20/72 p.3
    Snowmobile control topic of Barrington Hills board  1/27/72
    Barrington Hills faces financial problems  3/2/72 p.10
    Suspect arson  3/2/72 p.4
    Court date set for landing strip  3/30/72 p.9
    Must improve Hart crossing by August 7  4/6/72 p.1
    School board elections Saturday  4/6/72 p.1
    More controversy erupts in District 1 school vote  4/13/72
    Wired houses are answer to security  4/13/72 p.18
    No action taken on Hart crossing  5/4/72 p.3
    McLaughlin replaces Hayward as president  5/25/72 p.6
    Shopping center, Kennedy discussion is postponed  6/8/72 p.1
    Board seeking an end to deficit spending  6/29/72 p.10
    Appropriation ordinance  7/27/72 p.52
    Barrington Hills can't meet ICC deadline  7/27/72 p.1
    Barrington Hills looks at utility tax  7/27/72 p.3
    Ariola family watches gun battle  8/3/72 p.3
    Barrington Hills patrolman nabs first burglary suspect 
        8/3/72 p.3
    Statement of cash and security balances, and statement of
        receipts and disbursements  8/3/72 p.61
    Voss pleads for unity  8/3/72 p.6
    An abrupt end to a quiet week [Corbett murders]  8/10/72 p.1
    ICC extends deadline for crossing work  8/10/72 p.1
    Official urges residents to remain calm  8/10/72 p.1
    Police have tough nut to crack [Corbett murders]  8/10/72
    "Nothing new" in murder case  8/17/72 p.3
    Status list includes 10 area communities  8/17/72 p.18
    Barrington Hills board solves insolvency  8/31/72 p.3
    False survey  8/31/72 p.3
    FBI, crime lab, IBI can find no solution  8/31/72 p.6
    Hart road is closed for 7 days  9/21/72 p.1
    Vehicle tags, utility tax to aid Barrington Hills  9/28/72
    Charge four in Corbett murder  10/19/72 p.3
    Barrington Hills gains through revenue sharing  10/26/72 p.7
    Walk away from crash  11/9/72 p.3
    Barrington Hills backs traveling manager idea  11/30/72 p.2
    North Barrington joins Barrington Hills  11/30/72 p.12
    Request second hearing on Com Ed power lines  12/7/72 p.1
    Com Ed goes without ICC approval  12/14/72 p.3
    Barrington Hills' plea still before commission  12/21/72 p.3
    Officer saves youth from burning home  12/21/72 p.3
    BHOA adds two women to board  2/10/72 p.3
BARRINGTON HORSE SHOW                                       
    Horse show parade marches in review  7/27/72 p.22
    Barrington Horse show opens for 32nd year  8/10/72 p.24
    32nd annual Barrington Horse Show Aug. 10 through 13 
        8/17/72 p.14
    New officers for Jr. Infant Welfare  2/3/72 p.18
BARRINGTON JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB                              
    Junior Women's club has annual meeting  6/1/72 p.28
    Jr. Woman's club names new officers  9/21/72 p.23
    A problem to consider  3/2/72 p.1
BARRINGTON LIONS CLUB                                       
    BACOG explained to Lions  1/13/72 p.6
    Lions club honors Explorer skipper  3/23/72 p.40
    Lions club awards 25th scholarship  6/15/72 p.3
    Parade kicks off Lions club circus  6/22/72 p.1
BARRINGTON MEADOWS (SUBDIVISION)                            
    Village board approves 14-home development  11/30/72 p.14
BARRINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL                                    
    Middle school band to compete  3/9/72 p.17
    Orchestra, ensemble festival tonight at 8  3/9/72 p.1
    Annual festival of music planned May 11  5/4/72 p.17
    Rip Van Winkle… A sixth grade production at Middle school 
        6/8/72 p.20
    Students give money to area hospital project  6/8/72 p.24
    Sunday morning baseball is opposed by ministers  6/8/72 p.4
BARRINGTON MONTESSORI SCHOOL                                
    Montessori school plans open house  4/20/72 p.10
BARRINGTON NEWCOMERS CLUB                                   
    Newcomers will install officers  6/1/72 p.24
BARRINGTON NURSING HOME                                     
    Hearing set  3/2/72 p.1
    Action on condominium plan due Monday night  4/6/72 p.1
    Create additional liquor license  4/13/72 p.3
    Members vote to sell campgrounds  5/18/72 p.2
    Park District discusses campground property  6/15/72 p.8
    Barrington Camp begins 99th year  7/6/72 p.25
    Bethany plans to develop 17-acre campground site  11/22/72
BARRINGTON PARK DISTRICT                                    
    District orders pool cost study  1/13/72 p.1
    Park-use study figures released  1/20/72 p.6
    Park District closing wildlife area  [animals slaughtered] 
        1/27/72 p.1
    $515 reward in wildlife killing  2/3/72 p.1
    Park District planning yoga, theater excursions  2/10/72 p.6
    Reward at $648  2/10/72 p.3
    Wildlife area will remain open  2/17/72 p.1
    Gymnastics, craft class among park programs  2/24/72 p.6
    Park slates Olympic development program  3/2/72 p.13
    Spring programs at park begin in March  3/9/72 p.10
    Park will repave lots, repair small pool  3/16/72 p.9
    Park gymnastic team to train for Olympics  4/6/72 p.69
    Park board refuses to donate right-of-way  4/13/72 p.5
    Park approves record budget  4/27/72 p.46
    Park pools open May 27, fees are set  4/27/72 p.1
    Park District hit by more vandalism  5/4/72 p.75
    Asks park to consider artificial ice rink  5/11/72 p.10
    Park, village meet again on right-of-way problem  5/11/72
    Park District shooting for indoor ice facility  5/18/72 p.1
    Park, village continue negotiations  5/25/72 p.3
    Treasurer's annual report  5/25/72 p.70
    Park District discusses campground property  6/15/72 p.8
    Park waiting for outcome of referendum  6/15/72 p.7
    Ordinance making appropriations  6/22/72 p.52
    Wood leaves BACOG post  6/22/72 p.3
    Outdoor concert Sunday at park  7/13/72 p.1
    Park board plans referendum  7/13/72 p.1
    Indoor ice rink  7/20/72 p.7
    Park slates referendum meeting  7/20/72 p.1
    Village board decision surprises park district  7/27/72 p.3
    Park District bond vote Sept. 23  8/17/72 p.1
    Park district board sets $960,000 referendum  8/31/72 p.2
    Village easements studied by park district board  8/31/72
    Absentee ballots available  9/7/72 p.1
    Private group to wait for park referendum  9/7/72 p.1
    Park prepares for referendum  9/14/72 p.6
    Park District referendum vote Saturday  9/21/72 p.1
    Why have an indoor rink in Barrington?  9/21/72 p.9
    Fall registration underway at park  9/28/72 p.3
    Park District considers 2nd referendum  9/28/72 p.1
    Park plans 2nd referendum in December  10/12/72 p.1
    In-concert series opens Sunday  10/19/72 p.4
    Propose second ice rink  10/26/72 p.1
    Park board to split referendum  11/2/72 p.1
    Park District board objects to tax freeze  11/16/72 p.3
    Ice rink race continues  11/22/72 p.3
    Park, high school rely on voters  11/30/72 p.3
    Park referendum vote Saturday, Dec. 9  12/7/72 p.1
    Residents give park half a loaf  12/14/72 p.1
    Park incumbents will try again  12/21/72 p.3
BARRINGTON PLAN COMMISSION                                  
    Hearing set for January 12  1/6/72 p.1
    Nursing home decision may come tonight  1/13/72 p.1
    Plan commission hearing on nursing home January 5  1/13/72
    New medical clinic discussion Monday  1/20/72 p.1
    Nursing home matter may end up in court  1/20/72 p.1
    Plan commission hearing on shopping center  1/20/72 p.62
    Shopping center dealt setback  1/20/72 p.1
    Third hearing is needed on medical clinic project  1/27/72
    Medical clinic hearing Feb. 23  2/10/72 p.1
    Commission to hear subdivision proposal  2/17/72 p.4
    Set hearing on condominium project  2/17/72 p.1
    Hearing set  3/2/72 p.1
    Medical clinic, fire barn receive village approval  3/2/72
    Plan 3rd nursing home hearing  3/2/72 p.11
    Continue hearing until March 15  3/9/72 p.5
    Nursing home hearing set for March 29  3/9/72 p.3
    Commission urges denial of condominium proposal  3/23/72
    Action on condominium plan due Monday night  4/6/72 p.1
    Nursing home hearing postponed until April 19  4/6/72 p.3
    Board agrees in principle to condominium proposal  4/13/72
    Trustees reject nursing home plan  4/27/72 p.1
    Shopping center hearing May 17  5/4/72 p.3
    Commission balks at village request  5/18/72 p.1
    Grant Motors earns commission approval  5/18/72 p.7
    Commission rejects townhouse plan  5/25/72 p.3
    Shopping center half-way home  5/25/72 p.1
    Chinese restaurant receives approval  7/6/72 p.3
    Ready Kennedy petition  9/21/72 p.1
    Condominium plan gets green light  11/2/72 p.3
    Draper petition due in January  12/14/72 p.3
    Two performances for ballet company  5/18/72 p.74
BARRINGTON ROTARY CLUB                                      
    Rotary club dance Saturday, March 18  3/23/72 p.34
    Infant Welfare Center presents "Angel" award  6/1/72 p.24
BARRINGTON STATE BANK                                       
    State Bank reports on 1971 operations  2/10/72 p.28
BARRINGTON TOWNSHIP, ILL.                                   
    New members for BACOG  1/20/72 p.5
BARRINGTON TRAIN DEPOT                                      
    Board sets priorities, discusses bond issue  3/9/72 p.1
    May present $2.6 million bond issue June 17  3/23/72 p.1
    Why should depot stay in village?  6/8/72 p.1
    Bond issue referendum Saturday  6/15/72 p.1
    Referendum defeated 2-1  6/22/72 p.1
    Depot relocation still top priority  7/13/72 p.3
    BACOG report suggest Hart road depot site  8/24/72 p.7
    Depot will remain downtown  9/14/72 p.4
    Depot relocation set for late next summer  11/30/72 p.1
BARRINGTON VOLVO                                            
    Barrington Volvo; Helmut Timm and Franz Mausser, owners 
        6/8/72 p.10
BARRINGTON WELCOME WAGON CLUB                               
    New officers for Welcome Wagon club  4/20/72 p.21
BARRINGTON WOMAN'S CLUB                                     
    TV personality at club meeting  2/17/72 p.27
    Show and tell morning  2/24/72 p.17
    Well known book critic is speaker at Woman's club  4/13/72
    Woman's Club officers  6/1/72 p.23
    Woman's club names officers and chairmen  6/22/72 p.24
    Library receives gift from Woman's club  6/29/72 p.52
    BWC announces scholarship grant  9/21/72 p.48
    Collectors group holds annual tea  12/21/72 p.21
BARRINGTON YOGA CENTER                                      
    Barrington Yoga Center; Mary Wenig, owner  9/14/72 p.9
BARRINGTON YOUTH SERVICES                                   
    Barrington youth services meets Nov. 16  11/2/72 p.8
BARRINGTON, ILL.                                            
    Barrington to hire second inspector  1/13/72 p.1
    Nursing home matter may end up in court  1/20/72 p.1
    Villages look at '72  1/20/72 p.3
    Receives license-permit reports  1/27/72 p.6
    Southgate plat adopted  1/27/72 p.3
    Third hearing is needed on medical clinic project  1/27/72
    Community lacks disaster plan  2/3/72 p.3
    Villages comment on planning policies  2/3/72 p.1
    Assistant building inspector named  2/10/72 p.2
    Mayor Voss will discuss '72 priorities  2/17/72 p.1
    Trustees award fire station pact  2/17/72 p.2
    Discuss priorities Monday, March 6  3/2/72 p.3
    Board sets priorities, discusses bond issue  3/9/72 p.1
    Traffic lights scheduled for Hillside and Hough  3/9/72 p.12
    Shopping center given new life  3/16/72 p.1
    Summit sewer plans completed  3/16/72 p.6
    First meeting scheduled April 11  3/23/72 p.1
    May present $2.6 million bond issue June 17  3/23/72 p.1
    Planning to rehabilitate business district sidewalks 
        3/23/72 p.4
    No vote taken on bond issue  3/30/72 p.1
    Village board ponders condominium proposal  3/30/72 p.2
    ZBA questions sign ordinance  3/30/72 p.3
    Action on condominium plan due Monday night  4/6/72 p.1
    Name the road [renaming of Lake Zurich Road]  4/6/72 p.1
    Board agrees in principle to condominium proposal  4/13/72
    Create additional liquor license  4/13/72 p.3
    Ok spraying of elm trees  4/13/72 p.2
    Loebbaka is new building inspector  4/20/72 p.5
    Supervisor's Annual Report  4/27/72 p.14
    Table action on liquor license  4/27/72 p.3
    Trustees reject nursing home plan  4/27/72 p.1
    Bond issue ordinance approved by board  5/11/72 p.7
    May reclassify all village liquor licenses  5/11/72 p.2
    Park, village meet again on right-of-way problem  5/11/72
    Plan to sell more revenue bonds  5/11/72 p.15
    Village board approves $3 million budget  5/11/72 p.1
    Village board awards pact for Summit sewer project  5/11/72
    Commission balks at village request  5/18/72 p.1
    Sign ordinance ok - zoning board  5/18/72 p.4
    Ambulance for village by 1975?  5/25/72 p.4
    Kennedy plans to develop 170 acres near Fairhaven  5/25/72
    Park, village continue negotiations  5/25/72 p.3
    Questions, answers about June 17 referendum  5/25/72 p.2
    Village board rejects bids for fire equipment  5/25/72 p.9
    Memorial Day 1972  6/1/72 p.34
    Questions, answers about June 17 bond referendum  6/1/72 p.6
    Crack-down on mini-bikes  6/8/72 p.3
    Crumrine named to new position  6/8/72 p.3
    Shopping center, Kennedy discussion is postponed  6/8/72 p.1
    Special assessment 76 project withdrawn  6/8/72 p.3
    Why should depot stay in village?  6/8/72 p.1
    Annual treasurer's report  6/15/72 p.66
    Bond issue referendum Saturday  6/15/72 p.1
    Chamber backs referendum  6/15/72 p.1
    Park waiting for outcome of referendum  6/15/72 p.7
    Withdraws request for rezoning  6/15/72 p.3
    Annexation petition on board agenda  6/22/72 p.3
    Referendum defeated 2-1  6/22/72 p.1
    Annexation discussion postponed  6/29/72 p.3
    Auto dealers offer to install traffic lights  6/29/72 p.3
    Shopping center PUD ordered  6/29/72 p.1
    Urban intern  7/6/72 p.3
    Village board approves pre-annexation agreement  7/6/72 p.3
    Village to buy right-of-way  7/6/72 p.3
    Depot relocation still top priority  7/13/72 p.3
    And then the rains came…  7/20/72 p.1
    Appropriation ordinance  7/27/72 p.51
    Attempted kidnapping in village  7/27/72 p.4
    Village - dealer plans  7/27/72 p.4
    Village board decision surprises park district  7/27/72 p.3
    Maiben, dealers, CAI meet Tuesday, Aug. 8  8/3/72 p.2
    Voss pleads for unity  8/3/72 p.6
    Barrington hit by reassessment  8/10/72 p.6
    New Elm tree program adopted by village board  8/17/72 p.6
    Status list includes 10 area communities  8/17/72 p.18
    Initial plans disclosed for $20 million complex  8/24/72 p.1
    Problems delay shopping center complex  8/24/72 p.3
    Summer intern benefits from practical training  8/31/72 p.24
    Village adopts master plan, puts it to use  8/31/72 p.4
    Village easements studied by park district board  8/31/72
    Village endorses new trash system  8/31/72 p.1
    Depot will remain downtown  9/14/72 p.4
    Village board approves refuse pickup fee hike  9/14/72 p.2
    Village oks resurfacing of 7 streets  9/14/72 p.3
    Ready Kennedy petition  9/21/72 p.1
    Village smoke tests underway  10/5/72 p.6
    EPA clamps down on village  10/12/72 p.1
    Brother charged in fatal shooting  10/19/72 p.1
    Contract for emergency weather service  10/26/72 p.1
    For new clinic  11/16/72 p.3
    Mrs. Pinkerman retires as clerk  11/16/72 p.1
    Village, EPA to meet next week  11/16/72 p.3
    Villages of Bent Creek complex earns approval  11/16/72 p.1
    Commonwealth lines going up  11/22/72 p.6
    Mrs. Pinkerman reflects on 17 years of service  11/22/72 p.3
    Plan tree lighting Friday, Dec. 1  11/22/72 p.1
    Honor Mrs. Pinkerman  11/30/72 p.8
    Village board approves 14-home development  11/30/72 p.14
    Village must perform or else!  11/30/72 p.1
    Request second hearing on Com Ed power lines  12/7/72 p.1
    Barrington honors employees at dinner  12/14/72 p.3
    Com Ed goes without ICC approval  12/14/72 p.3
    Draper petition due in January  12/14/72 p.3
    Draper proposal concerns schools  12/14/72 p.2
    Fox River Grove moves to stop Com Ed  12/14/72 p.1
    Village board oks meter feeding ordinance  12/14/72 p.6
    Busy January ahead for village  12/21/72 p.1
    Draper development  12/21/72 p.3
    Power line crucial to village - Smith  12/21/72 p.2
    A review of the year…  1972  12/28/72 p.3
    Village board appoints Mrs. Hartmann clerk  12/28/72 p.2
BARRINGTON, ILL.--HISTORY                                   
    Catlow Auditorium  7/6/72 p.25
BARTH, JIM                                                  
    Bank Tavern; Jim Barth and others, owners  8/24/72 p.2
BARTLETT ESTATE                                             
    May develop 500-acre Bartlett estate  2/17/72 p.1
    A problem to consider  3/2/72 p.1
    Developer isn't ready  3/2/72 p.1
    Asking Forest Preserve to buy Bartlett property  3/9/72 p.3
    Caldwell states Lake Barrington facts in error  3/23/72 p.60
    Candidate supports property acquisition  3/23/72 p.18
    Discuss purchase of Bartlett estate  3/23/72 p.3
    Student appeal for preservation of land  3/23/72 p.16
    Save the Estate  4/6/72 p.1
    BACOG asked to oppose Bartlett estate proposal  4/13/72 p.8
    Board sees plans for Bartlett tract  4/13/72 p.2
    The Bartlett estate plan!  4/20/72 p.1
    North Barrington opposes Bartlett proposal  4/27/72 p.2
    Bartlett plan opposed by BACOG  5/4/72 p.1
    District 4 objects to Bartlett development  5/4/72 p.76
    Present Bartlett estate proposal  5/4/72 p.1
    Detail plans for Bartlett estate  5/11/72 p.3
    Developers answer critics  5/11/72 p.3
    Hearing set  5/11/72 p.3
    Bartlett estate hearing June 7  6/1/72 p.3
    Klein reports progress of study groups  6/8/72 p.31
    Hold first hearing on Bartlett estate plan  6/15/72 p.2
    Plan commission ponders project  6/22/72 p.2
    Recommends approval of Bartlett proposal  8/3/72 p.1
    Tempers flair at board meeting  8/10/72 p.16
    Water, sewer demands plague Bartlett planners  8/10/72 p.54
    Bartlett development approved  9/7/72 p.1
    Citizens pondering legal action  9/14/72 p.1
    BACOG contributes to suit fund  10/5/72 p.4
    County sewer system plan gets new life  11/2/72 p.1
    Booklet identifies area developments  11/30/72 p.13
    Requests changes  12/7/72 p.3
    Bartlett developer seeks several changes in plans  12/14/72
    BACOG's most important year?  12/28/72 p.1
BASH, PHILIP                                                
    Bash new president of Barrington Press  9/21/72 p.2
BASSET HOUND                                                
    Basseting in Barrington  1/13/72 p.34
BATAILLE ASSOCIATES                                         
    Bataille Associates acquired by Carus  5/4/72 p.39
BATAILLE, CLAIRE A.                                         
    Miss Barrington pageant candidates  5/4/72 p.73
    Clair Bataille Miss Barrington  6/29/72 p.3
    Third runner-up  7/27/72 p.1
    1972 Miss Barrington competes in festival  9/7/72 p.10
BATEMAN, LAWRENCE                                           
    Voss pleads for unity  8/3/72 p.6
BATON TWIRLING                                              
    Local girl captures three twirling titles  7/20/72 p.22
    Miss Chicago Majorette  9/21/72 p.25
BEETHAM, STANLEY                                            
    Beetham seeking to unseat McClory  1/6/72 p.3
    McClory attendance blasted by Beetham  1/20/72 p.7
    Complaint is filed against Illinois Bell  6/22/72 p.11
    Democrats optimistic about election chances  7/20/72 p.1
    Beetham steps up campaign  7/27/72 p.62
    Beetham drafts economic policy  9/7/72 p.54
    Republicans to aid Beetham campaign  9/14/72 p.61
    Beetham urges grass roots involvement  9/28/72 p.19
    Meets voters  9/28/72 p.3
BEHREND, SARAH                                              
    Student appeal for preservation of land  3/23/72 p.16
BERG, AILEEN                                                
    Artists exhibit in Palatine show  6/29/72 p.54
BERGWALD, WILLIAM                                           
    2-car crash injures four  9/28/72 p.9
BERNING, KARL                                               
    Precinct workers honor Sen. Berning at banquet  10/19/72 p.9
BERT'S BANK TAVERN                                          
    Corporation buys Bert's Bank Tavern  5/11/72 p.2
    Bank Tavern; Jim Barth and others, owners  8/24/72 p.2
BETHANY HOME AND HOSPITAL                                   
    Members vote to sell campgrounds  5/18/72 p.2
    Park District discusses campground property  6/15/72 p.8
    Bethany plans to develop 17-acre campground site  11/22/72
    Chamber plans for conference  5/11/72 p.6
BICK, JOHN                                                  
    Bick seeks election to county board  1/20/72 p.9
BIERKNESS, ED                                               
    Village adopts master plan, puts it to use  8/31/72 p.4
BILTMORE COUNTRY CLUB                                       
    Seek to end Signal Hill flooding  4/27/72 p.9
    Destroyed [Biltmore Country Club]  6/8/72 p.1
BLOOD BANKS                                                 
    BACOG urged to consider areawide blood bank program  9/7/72
    BADC sponsors area blood bank  12/21/72 p.8
    Second blood bank meeting set for Jan. 10  12/28/72 p.1
BOAND, ANTHONY BARD                                         
    An abrupt end to a quiet week [Corbett murders]  8/10/72 p.1
    Official urges residents to remain calm  8/10/72 p.1
    "Nothing new" in murder case  8/17/72 p.3
BOAND, BARBARA                                              
    An abrupt end to a quiet week [Corbett murders]  8/10/72 p.1
    Four murder victims were active in village  8/10/72 p.8
    Official urges residents to remain calm  8/10/72 p.1
    Police have tough nut to crack [Corbett murders]  8/10/72
    "Nothing new" in murder case  8/17/72 p.3
    FBI, crime lab, IBI can find no solution  8/31/72 p.6
    Charge four in Corbett murder  10/19/72 p.3
BOATS AND BOATING                                           
    USPS - dedicated to safe boating  6/22/72 p.56
    Local boaters may have safety checks  6/29/72 p.53
BONNER, GLORIA                                              
    Two killed, two injured in separate accidents  4/20/72 p.3
BORAH, ALFRED J.                                            
    Shopping center given new life  3/16/72 p.1
    Shopping center hearing May 17  5/4/72 p.3
    Bourns-CAI civil defense in full swing  2/10/72 p.59
BOY SCOUTS                                                  
    Annual Blue and Gold dinner for Pack 288  2/24/72 p.20
    Boy Scout troop 10 has Court of Honor  3/2/72 p.38
    Pack 183 holds annual blue and gold banquet  3/2/72 p.36
    Boy Scout First Aid Meet March 3  3/16/72 p.66
    Cub Pack 200 has 40th anniversary  3/16/72 p.65
    Cub Pack 229 holds Blue and Gold dinner  3/30/72 p.38
    Round the village activities  5/18/72 p.76
    40 awards presented at Court of Honor  6/1/72 p.14
    Awards program held for Cub Pack 288  6/15/72 p.14
    North Barrington Cub pack 229 receives awards  6/15/72 p.49
    Will accept newspapers  6/29/72 p.1
    Boy Scout Troop 10 holds Court of Honor  9/21/72 p.47
    Boy Scouts report camping experiences  11/9/72 p.5
    McClory attends Court of Honor  12/14/72 p.35
BOYS STATE                                                  
    Attends American Legion annual Boys State session  7/20/72
BRAITHWAITE, J. WILLIAM, MRS.                               
    Finn's Fabrics; Mrs. J. William Braithwaite, owner  2/17/72
    Finn's Fabrics; Mrs. J. William Braithwaite, owner  6/29/72
BRANDEL PROPERTY                                            
    Huge residential complex planned on Brandel tract  3/23/72
BRANDT, KATE                                                
    Five generations  4/27/72 p.19
BREEDEN, CHARLES A.                                         
    Breeden raps home rule powers  1/20/72 p.8
BRIDGE (YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU)                               
    The Bridge: Meeting needs of area youth  11/16/72 p.14
BROWN, GREG                                                 
    Brown inks grid contract with Dallas  3/16/72 p.2
BRUINS, JEAN                                                
    BHOA adds two women to board  2/10/72 p.3
BRUSKY, STEPHEN                                             
    One hurt  2/24/72 p.5
    Barrington to hire second inspector  1/13/72 p.1
    Receives license-permit reports  1/27/72 p.6
    Assistant building inspector named  2/10/72 p.2
    Wired houses are answer to security  4/13/72 p.18
    Loebbaka is new building inspector  4/20/72 p.5
    No action taken on Hart crossing  5/4/72 p.3
    Icearena has land  5/18/72 p.2
    Inverness hikes building fees  5/18/72 p.51
    Crumrine named to new position  6/8/72 p.3
    Tempers flair at board meeting  8/10/72 p.16
    Reappointed as building officer  9/7/72 p.56
    New resource law faces skepticism, controversy  9/21/72 p.30
    County orders removal of metal horse barn  10/26/72 p.10
    Building problems concern District 4  11/9/72 p.11
BULAW, BRIAN                                                
    Impressive record  9/21/72 p.28
BULGER, EDWARD                                              
    Blast kills one  7/6/72 p.1
    Fireworks blast kills employee  7/6/72 p.9
BURSE, NATHANIEL                                            
    Charge four in Corbett murder  10/19/72 p.3
BUSINESS ENTERPRISES                                        
    White Hen Pantry;  Marcy Walsh and Tom Walsh, owners 
        2/10/72 p.8
    Finn's Fabrics; Mrs. J. William Braithwaite, owner  2/17/72
    Shelkop's Home Entertainment Center; Bob Shelkop, owner 
        2/17/72 p.18
    Barrington Volvo; Helmut Timm and Franz Mausser, owners 
        6/8/72 p.10
    Pohlman's Pharmacy; Caesar Garibaldi, owner  6/22/72 p.62
    Finn's Fabrics; Mrs. J. William Braithwaite, owner  6/29/72
    Taylor-d Gifts Ltd.; Charles Taylor and Elsie Taylor,
        owners  7/20/72 p.48
    Northwoods Home Center; Ken Remington and Len Ortinan,
        owners  8/17/72 p.18
    Bank Tavern; Jim Barth and others, owners  8/24/72 p.2
    Fritz Soft Pretzel Shop; Chuck Young and Steve Warren,
        owners  9/7/72 p.23
    Barrington Yoga Center; Mary Wenig, owner  9/14/72 p.9
    Syd Simons Make-up and Facecare Studio; Betty King Barker,
        owner  9/21/72 p.76
    Northwest Auto Paint and Supply Store; Larry Ott and
        Lillian Ott, owners  9/28/72 p.64
    Lipofsky's Shoe Store; Mrs. Henry Lipofsky and Harold
        Lipofsky, owners  10/19/72 p.42
BUTZMAN, DAVE                                               
    Butzman seeking Olympic berth  6/8/72 p.53
CALDWELL, ELWOOD                                            
    Caldwell states Lake Barrington facts in error  3/23/72 p.60
    Trustees defer vote on horses, trailers  3/30/72 p.11
    Caldwell leaving North Barrington  7/27/72 p.2
    BACOG vice chairman Caldwell resigns post  8/3/72 p.7
    Cragg rejects North Barrington appointment  8/31/72 p.3
CAMP SITES, FACILITIES, ETC.                                
    Members vote to sell campgrounds  5/18/72 p.2
    Park District discusses campground property  6/15/72 p.8
    Barrington Camp begins 99th year  7/6/72 p.25
    Bethany plans to develop 17-acre campground site  11/22/72
CAMPBELL, ROBERT                                            
    District 4 won't drop standardized tests  4/6/72 p.13
CAMPHAUSEN, KENNETH                                         
    5 hurt at Kelsey, 14  6/15/72 p.4
CAMPHAUSEN, KEVIN                                           
    5 hurt at Kelsey, 14  6/15/72 p.4
CARPENTERSVILLE, ILL.                                       
    Investigate killing of 7-11 owner  3/16/72 p.3
    School board elections Saturday  4/6/72 p.1
    More controversy erupts in District 1 school vote  4/13/72
    First graders tested at Sunnyhill school  6/15/72 p.10
CARROLL, LEO                                                
    Wastcoat edges Grove's Carroll  4/13/72 p.1
CARTER, KATHLEEN R.                                         
    New leader for 4-H girls club  3/23/72 p.23
CARUS CORPORATION                                           
    Bataille Associates acquired by Carus  5/4/72 p.39
CARY AGAINST REGIONAL POLLUTION                             
    Watershed district meeting Thursday, Feb. 10 in Cary 
        2/3/72 p.3
    CARP hosts watershed district meeting tonight  2/10/72 p.1
    Feathers fly in Fox river foray  2/17/72 p.3
    Outline watershed district plan  2/17/72 p.3
CARY POINT (REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT)                        
    Cary commission hears Jandus complaints  8/10/72 p.6
CARY, ILL.                                                  
    Watershed district meeting Thursday, Feb. 10 in Cary 
        2/3/72 p.3
    CARP hosts watershed district meeting tonight  2/10/72 p.1
    Feathers fly in Fox river foray  2/17/72 p.3
    Outline watershed district plan  2/17/72 p.3
    Plan huge development in Cary  6/22/72 p.8
    Cary commission hears Jandus complaints  8/10/72 p.6
    Commonwealth lines going up  11/22/72 p.6
    Request second hearing on Com Ed power lines  12/7/72 p.1
    Com Ed goes without ICC approval  12/14/72 p.3
    Fox River Grove moves to stop Com Ed  12/14/72 p.1
    Power line crucial to village - Smith  12/21/72 p.2
CATCHPENNY (STORE)                                          
    Catchpenny to re-open on Monday, June 19  6/15/72 p.22
CATLOW AUDITORIUM                                           
    Catlow Auditorium  7/6/72 p.25
CATLOW THEATER                                              
    Man behind the movie projector  3/30/72 p.3
CAVALIERI, SERGIO                                           
    AFS student tells year's experiences  6/29/72 p.55
CEDAR KNOLLS (SUBDIVISION)                                  
    Board orders correction of Cedar Knoll drainage  8/24/72
    Board moves to correct flooding problem  9/28/72 p.31
    $50,000 letter of credit apparently "lost" by bank 
        11/22/72 p.12
CENTEX-WINSTON CORPORATION                                  
    Court upholds South Barrington annexation  9/28/72 p.1
    Hear Winston petition Dec. 18  12/7/72 p.1
    Winston proposal: 1,306 units  12/14/72 p.1
    Barrington Hills' plea still before commission  12/21/72 p.3
    Busy January ahead for village  12/21/72 p.1
    BACOG's most important year?  12/28/72 p.1
CHABRIAN, AL                                                
    Anniversary party  9/21/72 p.20
CHABRIAN, MILLIE                                            
    Anniversary party  9/21/72 p.20
CHAPMAN, EUGENIA                                            
    State representative to be guest speaker  2/10/72 p.12
CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN RAILROAD                          
    C & NW seeks rate increase  2/10/72 p.1
    Park board refuses to donate right-of-way  4/13/72 p.5
    Village to buy right-of-way  7/6/72 p.3
    Barrington Hills can't meet ICC deadline  7/27/72 p.1
    Village board decision surprises park district  7/27/72 p.3
    Local resident adopts young Peruvian boy  3/16/72 p.64
    Children to visit Barrington  6/29/72 p.29
    Fox Point holds sixth annual children's parade  7/13/72 p.38
    Need crossing guard-mothers  9/14/72 p.3
    Mothers do homework in crossing guard matter  9/28/72 p.3
    Contract for emergency weather service  10/26/72 p.1
CHIPPENDALE (SUBDIVISION)                                   
    Storm sewer construction is underway  1/6/72 p.3
    Booklet identifies area developments  11/30/72 p.13
CHRISTIAN, JOHN C.                                          
    Three-car crash kills two people in Wauconda  8/3/72 p.10
CHURCH WOMEN UNITED                                         
    Church Women United explain responsibilities  12/7/72 p.22
    Newly installed  12/7/72 p.22
    Parade kicks off Lions club circus  6/22/72 p.1
CITIZENS FOR CONSERVATION                                   
    Will accept newspapers  6/29/72 p.1
CITY PLANNING                                               
    Villages comment on planning policies  2/3/72 p.1
CIVIL DEFENSE                                               
    Bourns-CAI civil defense in full swing  2/10/72 p.59
    Test emergency warning sirens this Saturday  4/20/72 p.1
    Maiben Civil Defense director  4/27/72 p.4
    CD director calls for Inverness improvements  12/21/72 p.26
CLARK SERVICE STATION                                       
    Clark helps drug group  5/4/72 p.1
CLARK, ESTERDAHL                                            
    Four charged with robbery in Des Plaines  6/29/72 p.4
CLARK, MICHAEL                                              
    Charge four in Corbett murder  10/19/72 p.3
CLARKE, WALTER, MRS.                                        
    New chairman named for Cuba Township  8/24/72 p.24
CLASS REUNIONS                                              
    Class of 1952 to hold reunion  5/25/72 p.76
    New medical clinic discussion Monday  1/20/72 p.1
    New medical clinic discussion Monday  1/20/72 p.1
    Third hearing is needed on medical clinic project  1/27/72
    Medical clinic hearing Feb. 23  2/10/72 p.1
    Medical clinic, fire barn receive village approval  3/2/72
    Annexation discussion postponed  6/29/72 p.3
    Village board approves pre-annexation agreement  7/6/72 p.3
    Depot relocation still top priority  7/13/72 p.3
    For new clinic  11/16/72 p.3
CLOSSMAN, GLORIA J.                                         
    Winkie Bear school names new director  9/7/72 p.10
    Big Show '72 will feature Mister Ned  2/10/72 p.29
    Big Show '72 came to Barrington Sunday, March 5  3/9/72 p.66
COLBERG, RICH                                               
    Suggest that dress code be reinstated at BHS  3/30/72 p.6
COLBURN, ROBERTA J.                                         
    Two killed, two injured in separate accidents  4/20/72 p.3
COMMONWEALTH EDISON                                         
    Commonwealth lines going up  11/22/72 p.6
    Request second hearing on Com Ed power lines  12/7/72 p.1
    Com Ed goes without ICC approval  12/14/72 p.3
    Fox River Grove moves to stop Com Ed  12/14/72 p.1
    Barrington Hills' plea still before commission  12/21/72 p.3
    Power line crucial to village - Smith  12/21/72 p.2
COMMUNITY CHURCH OF BARRINGTON                              
    Community church has 125th birthday  10/5/72 p.53
    Community church celebrates birthday  10/12/72 p.3
    Celebrate birthday  10/26/72 p.6
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT                                       
    Two new committees formed by Chamber  5/4/72 p.18
    May 27 conference previewed by Lewis  5/18/72 p.3
    "Our Living Environment" seminar May 27  5/25/72 p.7
    Can balance ecology, economics - Lewis  6/1/72 p.2
    Let the residents decide - Forrest  6/1/72 p.1
    Crumrine named to new position  6/8/72 p.3
    Klein reports progress of study groups  6/8/72 p.31
CONNOR, ELLINE                                              
    Special program for Lyric Opera guild  4/13/72 p.20
CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES                           
    New resource law faces skepticism, controversy  9/21/72 p.30
CONSUMER PROTECTION                                         
    Two new committees formed by Chamber  5/4/72 p.18
    "Madison street" operation hit  8/17/72 p.3
CONWAY, JIM                                                 
    TV personality at club meeting  2/17/72 p.27
CORBETT, MARION                                             
    An abrupt end to a quiet week [Corbett murders]   8/10/72
    Corbett estate a wedding gift  8/10/72 p.4
    Four murder victims were active in village  8/10/72 p.8
    Official urges residents to remain calm  8/10/72 p.1
    Police have tough nut to crack [Corbett murders]  8/10/72
    "Nothing new" in murder case  8/17/72 p.3
    FBI, crime lab, IBI can find no solution  8/31/72 p.6
    Charge four in Corbett murder  10/19/72 p.3
CORBETT, PAUL M.                                            
    An abrupt end to a quiet week [Corbett murders]   8/10/72
    Corbett estate a wedding gift  8/10/72 p.4
    Four murder victims were active in village  8/10/72 p.8
    Official urges residents to remain calm  8/10/72 p.1
    Police have tough nut to crack [Corbett murders]  8/10/72
    "Nothing new" in murder case  8/17/72 p.3
    FBI, crime lab, IBI can find no solution  8/31/72 p.6
    Charge four in Corbett murder  10/19/72 p.3
CORONARY CARE UNITS                                         
    Inverness joins early coronary care program  2/17/72 p.25
COSENTINO, AL                                               
    Private group moving ahead  7/20/72 p.1
    Private group to wait for park referendum  9/7/72 p.1
    Propose second ice rink  10/26/72 p.1
    One ice rink can survive - Cosentino  11/2/72 p.1
    Park board to split referendum  11/2/72 p.1
    Ice rink race continues  11/22/72 p.3
    Busy January ahead for village  12/21/72 p.1
COUNTRY CUPBOARD (RETAIL STORE)                             
    Benevolent fund receives $200 donation  2/24/72 p.10
    Teamwork is key to helping impaired children and adults 
        2/17/72 p.23
    Countryside Center auxiliary workshops  2/17/72 p.16
    New board members  12/14/72 p.52
COUNTRYSIDE SCHOOL                                          
    Could close Countryside School  12/14/72 p.10
    Countryside Women's Republican club dinner  2/10/72 p.23
    Republicans gather to hear Philip Crane  3/23/72 p.17
COUNTRYSIDE YMCA                                            
    "Y" ground breaking is April 30  4/20/72 p.1
    New "Y" building  4/20/72 p.4
    Break ground this Sunday  4/27/72 p.1
    Break ground for Countryside "Y"  5/4/72 p.77
    Camp Countryside fills eight positions  6/1/72 p.51
CRABTREE NATURE CENTER                                      
    Flying the friendly skyways…  2/10/72 p.3
CRAFT, RICHARD H., REV.                                     
    Presbyterians install new assistant minister  9/14/72 p.13
CRAGG, ROBERT                                               
    Cragg rejects North Barrington appointment  8/31/72 p.3
CRANE, PHILIP                                               
    Countryside Women's Republican club dinner  2/10/72 p.23
    Republicans gather to hear Philip Crane  3/23/72 p.17
    Crane launches campaign  6/29/72 p.3
    Crane sets Saturday Open house  9/7/72 p.3
    Crane names 3 more campaign coordinators  9/21/72 p.8
    Bureaucrats are not businessmen - Crane  10/12/72 p.14
CRIME AND CRIMINALS                                         
    Wauconda woman nabs hawknabbers  2/10/72 p.4
    Car strikes utility pole after chase  2/17/72 p.10
    Suspect arson  3/2/72 p.4
    Investigate killing of 7-11 owner  3/16/72 p.3
    Cruelty to animals case continued until April 26  3/30/72
    Wired houses are answer to security  4/13/72 p.18
    Park District hit by more vandalism  5/4/72 p.75
    Theft of walnut trees plaguing area police  5/4/72 p.14
    Forest Lake man murdered Sunday  5/11/72 p.13
    Resident dies seeking help  5/18/72 p.3
    Kidnapping in Fox River Grove  6/15/72 p.69
    Four charged with robbery in Des Plaines  6/29/72 p.4
    One shot, five arrested after auto chase  6/29/72 p.2
    Wounded  6/29/72 p.1
    County police charge three in drug raid  7/13/72 p.2
    Attempted kidnapping in village  7/27/72 p.4
    Ariola family watches gun battle  8/3/72 p.3
    Barrington Hills patrolman nabs first burglary suspect 
        8/3/72 p.3
    Stolen car ride ends in tragedy  8/3/72 p.1
    2 armed youths rob housewife of $5,800  8/10/72 p.2
    An abrupt end to a quiet week [Corbett murders]   8/10/72
    Official urges residents to remain calm  8/10/72 p.1
    Police have tough nut to crack [Corbett murders]  8/10/72
    "Nothing new" in murder case  8/17/72 p.3
    Charge Chicago man with youth's murder  8/17/72 p.4
    Fund started [for woman robbed of savings] 8/24/72 p.3
    FBI, crime lab, IBI can find no solution  8/31/72 p.6
    Brother charged in fatal shooting  10/19/72 p.1
    Charge four in Corbett murder  10/19/72 p.3
    Murder trial starts Tuesday in Waukegan  10/26/72 p.1
    $50,000 loss in burglary  11/2/72 p.5
    Find straight pin in candy  11/2/72 p.2
    Offers reward for information about burglary  11/9/72 p.5
CROMIE, ROBERT                                              
    Well known book critic is speaker at Woman's club  4/13/72
CRUMRINE, ROY                                               
    Crumrine named to new position  6/8/72 p.3
CUBA MARSH                                                  
    Draper petition due in January  12/14/72 p.3
CUBA TOWNSHIP, ILL.                                         
    New members for BACOG  1/20/72 p.5
    Cuba township sets series of meetings  2/17/72 p.3
    Independent candidates survey township voters  2/24/72 p.9
    North Barrington meeting features tax discussion  3/16/72
    Changes in assessed valuation -- 1971  3/23/72 p.57
    Must improve Hart crossing by August 7  4/6/72 p.1
    No action taken on Hart crossing  5/4/72 p.3
    Cuba supervisor Welch retires  6/1/72 p.1
    Barrington Hills can't meet ICC deadline  7/27/72 p.1
    ICC extends deadline for crossing work  8/10/72 p.1
    New chairman named for Cuba Township  8/24/72 p.24
    Booklet identifies area developments  11/30/72 p.13
CUBA, ILL.                                                  
    Supervisor's report of funds received and expended  6/1/72
CUNNINGHAM, SHEILA                                          
    AFS student will stay in French home  7/6/72 p.10
DAGER, NICK                                                 
    Dager joins news staff  6/1/72 p.6
    Professional dancer opens local studio  8/31/72 p.33
DANIELSON, STEVEN D.                                        
    Car strikes utility pole after chase  2/17/72 p.10
DANTA, DIANE L.                                             
    Diane Danta final entrant in pageant  6/15/72 p.12
DART, EDWARD                                                
    Shopping center hearing May 17  5/4/72 p.3
    Shopping center PUD ordered  6/29/72 p.1
    DAR Chapter plans installation  4/13/72 p.22
    DAR chapter elects officers  4/27/72 p.32
    Signal Hill Chapter DAR to hold installation luncheon 
        6/1/72 p.30
    Signal Hill Chapter DAR holds first meeting  6/15/72 p.24
DAVIDSON, BERNARD                                           
    Davidson quits force  6/15/72 p.5
DAVIS, CHRISTOPHER                                          
    Dog lead police on 2 1/2-day chase  8/3/72 p.1
DE MAU MAU GANG                                             
    Charge four in Corbett murder  10/19/72 p.3
DEER GROVE FOREST PRESERVE                                  
    2 armed youths rob housewife of $5,800  8/10/72 p.2
DEER PARK, ILL.                                             
    Deer Park repeals utility tax  5/18/72 p.6
    Treasurer's report  5/25/72 p.70
    1972-1973 appropriation ordinance  6/1/72 p.61
    Do Deer Park residents live in Lake Zurich?  6/22/72 p.6
    Mosquitos under skin of Deer Park board  8/24/72 p.10
    Suit against Deer Park is filed by building firm  9/21/72
    Deer Park ignores 3-H counter offer  10/19/72 p/10
    DACOWITS member will attend meeting  11/9/72 p.19
DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION                              
    Democratic turmoil won't hurt party -- Barringer  7/13/72
DERRY, DOROTHY                                              
    An abrupt end to a quiet week [Corbett murders]   8/10/72
    Four murder victims were active in village  8/10/72 p.8
    Official urges residents to remain calm  8/10/72 p.1
    Police have tough nut to crack [Corbett murders]  8/10/72
    "Nothing new" in murder case  8/17/72 p.3
    FBI, crime lab, IBI can find no solution  8/31/72 p.6
    Charge four in Corbett murder  10/19/72 p.3
DESJARLAIT, KATHY                                           
    One shot, five arrested after auto chase  6/29/72 p.2
DEVELOPMENT CONTROL CORPORATION                             
    Hearing set for January 12  1/6/72 p.1
    Plan commission hearing on shopping center  1/20/72 p.62
    Shopping center dealt setback  1/20/72 p.1
DEWITT, JOHN                                                
    2 Barrington men purchase station WEXI  10/5/72 p.7
DILLER, PHYLLIS                                             
    Phyllis Diller in person  3/30/72 p.10
    Phyllis Diller stars  4/20/72 p.22
DISASTER RELIEF                                             
    Community lacks disaster plan  2/3/72 p.3
    Bourns-CAI civil defense in full swing  2/10/72 p.59
    Tornado procedure up for grabs  4/13/72 p.3
    Test emergency warning sirens this Saturday  4/20/72 p.1
    Maiben Civil Defense director  4/27/72 p.4
    Flood relief fund to aid Rapid City  6/22/72 p.62
    CD director calls for Inverness improvements  12/21/72 p.26
DONALDSON, HORACE                                           
    Ariola family watches gun battle  8/3/72 p.3
    Barrington Hills patrolman nabs first burglary suspect 
        8/3/72 p.3
DOUGHTY, DWAYNE                                             
    North Barrington is wasting money - Doughty  6/1/72 p.3
DRAKE, GORDON E.                                            
    Four charged with robbery in Des Plaines  6/29/72 p.4
    One shot, five arrested after auto chase  6/29/72 p.2
DRUG ABUSE                                                  
    Gateway House residents talk to Barrington 4-Hers  3/23/72
    Growing need for Rehabilitation home  4/27/72 p.33
    Clark helps drug group  5/4/72 p.1
    Drug abuse group slates annual meeting  5/18/72 p.9
    County police charge three in drug raid  7/13/72 p.2
DRUGS AND YOUTH                                             
    Growing need for Rehabilitation home  4/27/72 p.33
DUKE, WAYNE                                                 
    Chamber chooses Duke  9/14/72 p.3
    Chamber dance at Biltmore County Club - Sept. 30  10/5/72
DUNCAN, IAN                                                 
    2-car crash injures four  9/28/72 p.9
EASTER EGGS                                                 
    Easter egg hunts around the Barrington area  4/13/72 p.16
ELA TOWNSHIP, ILL.                                          
    Booklet identifies area developments  11/30/72 p.13
    Beetham seeking to unseat McClory  1/6/72 p.3
    Candidate withdraws  1/6/72 p.8
    Hayward leads slate into February 8 primary  1/6/72 p.6
    Mrs. Monsen vies in 2nd District  1/6/72 p.3
    Sheets announces board candidacy  1/6/72 p.11
    Mugalian candidate for representative  1/13/72 p.25
    Slate candidates oppose high density development  1/13/72
    Bick seeks election to county board  1/20/72 p.9
    Breeden raps home rule powers  1/20/72 p.8
    GOP endorses four to attend convention  1/20/72 p.7
    Local coffee for Democratic aspirant  1/20/72 p.34
    McClory attendance blasted by Beetham  1/20/72 p.7
    Payes, Morrissey, Ball candidates for convention  1/20/72
    Information about February 8 primary  1/27/72 p.17
    Pollution in Lake county prime concern of 5th district
        voters  1/27/72 p.34
    Zion attorney announces candidacy for delegate  1/27/72 p.16
    County primary Tuesday  2/3/72 p.1
    Hayward appeal: Vote on Feb. 8  2/3/72 p.3
    New slate emerges in 5th district  2/3/72 p.8
    Urgent questions asked Lake county candidates  2/3/72 p.25
    Election returns  2/10/72 p.13
    Good Government slate sweeps  2/10/72 p.1
    Short time to register for March 21 primary  2/10/72 p.3
    Candidate for state senator  2/17/72 p.36
    Candidate states facts distorted  2/17/72 p.24
    Independent candidates meet township residents  2/17/72 p.6
    Second district candidate discusses novel proposal  2/17/72
    Independent candidates survey township voters  2/24/72 p.9
    Sharp & Sharpe board candidates  3/2/72 p.5
    Candidate attends democratic party  3/9/72 p.29
    Five file petitions for 8 school board seats  3/9/72 p.8
    Home rule vote Tuesday, March 21  3/9/72 p.4
    Leverence hits the road with mobile headquarters  3/9/72
    Moore asks separate court for guilty pleas  3/9/72 p.35
    Woman from Lake Forest in the running  3/9/72 p.35
    Hayward urges vote on April 4  3/16/72 p.18
    Marlatt candidate for alternate delegate  3/16/72 p.35
    Rothman shuns "special interest groups"  3/16/72 p.4
    Rothman vs. Leverence in March 21 primary  3/16/72 p.3
    "Good Government" on campaign trail  3/23/72 p.62
    Absentee ballots ready for two April elections  3/23/72 p.8
    Candidate supports property acquisition  3/23/72 p.18
    Election returns  3/23/72 p.8
    Leverence tops Rothman; record Democratic vote  3/23/72 p.2
    Library board plans election  3/23/72 p.14
    Youngest voter?  3/23/72 p.7
    Board members election at Harper  3/30/72 p.14
    County board election Tuesday  3/30/72 p.1
    GOP platform: integrity, reform  3/30/72 p.1
    RIP candidates willing to listen  3/30/72 p.1
    Suggest that dress code be reinstated at BHS  3/30/72 p.6
    Election returns  4/6/72 p.16
    Library vote Tuesday  4/6/72 p.1
    Republicans sweep 5th district  4/6/72 p.16
    School board elections Saturday  4/6/72 p.1
    13th district Republicans to honor representative  4/13/72
    Charges county clerk with 19 violations  4/13/72 p.11
    More controversy erupts in District 1 school vote  4/13/72
    Wastcoat edges Grove's Carroll  4/13/72 p.1
    18-year-olds register May 1-6  4/20/72 p.1
    May register to vote until September 18  4/27/72 p.4
    Bond issue ordinance approved by board  5/11/72 p.7
    Dan Walker addresses student body  5/18/72 p.6
    Questions, answers about June 17 referendum  5/25/72 p.2
    Let the residents decide - Forrest  6/1/72 p.1
    Questions, answers about June 17 bond referendum  6/1/72 p.6
    Bond issue referendum Saturday  6/15/72 p.1
    Chamber backs referendum  6/15/72 p.1
    Democrats to select nominee  6/15/72 p.68
    Park waiting for outcome of referendum  6/15/72 p.7
    Referendum defeated 2-1  6/22/72 p.1
    Crane launches campaign  6/29/72 p.3
    Leverence raps Graham for vote on school aid  6/29/72 p.4
    Elections held in 12th district  7/13/72 p.21
    Park board plans referendum  7/13/72 p.1
    Democrats optimistic about election chances  7/20/72 p.1
    Indoor ice rink  7/20/72 p.7
    Park slates referendum meeting  7/20/72 p.1
    Beetham steps up campaign  7/27/72 p.62
    Graham criticizes stand of opponent  7/27/72 p.63
    Mike Howlett visit to open area campaign  8/10/72 p.25
    "Aggressive campaign" promised by Leverence  8/17/72 p.16
    District 4 board oks referendum  8/17/72 p.1
    Park District bond vote Sept. 23  8/17/72 p.1
    Blanche Frey named campaign coordinator  8/24/72 p.21
    New chairman named for Cuba Township  8/24/72 p.24
    Mugalian kicks off Barrington campaign  8/31/72 p.18
    Park district board sets $960,000 referendum  8/31/72 p.2
    Absentee ballots available  9/7/72 p.1
    Beetham drafts economic policy  9/7/72 p.54
    Crane sets Saturday Open house  9/7/72 p.3
    District voters meet candidate, discuss issues  9/7/72 p.57
    Labor group gives support to Leverence  9/7/72 p.54
    Private group to wait for park referendum  9/7/72 p.1
    Republican clubs hold grand opening  9/7/72 p.8
    Candidate calls for strict flood control  9/14/72 p.15
    G.O.P. team  9/14/72 p.3
    McClory supports metro government  9/14/72 p.32
    Nixonettes attend Miami convention  9/14/72 p.26
    Park prepares for referendum  9/14/72 p.6
    Republicans to aid Beetham campaign  9/14/72 p.61
    Rothman to aid Leverence in campaign  9/14/72 p.6
    Set registration deadline - Oct. 9  9/14/72 p.3
    Crane names 3 more campaign coordinators  9/21/72 p.8
    Park District referendum vote Saturday  9/21/72 p.1
    Beetham urges grass roots involvement  9/28/72 p.19
    County registration day set by Barrington LWV  9/28/72 p.6
    Honor Graham at reception  9/28/72 p.3
    Meets voters  9/28/72 p.3
    Mugalian receives IPACE endorsement  9/28/72 p.11
    Mugalian receives IPACE endorsement  9/28/72 p.36
    Park District considers 2nd referendum  9/28/72 p.1
    Prepare for unit district vote  9/28/72 p.1
    Graham on committee to re-elect the president  10/5/72 p.8
    Group launches registration drive  10/5/72 p.55
    Leverence sets concert rally  10/5/72 p.3
    Bureaucrats are not businessmen - Crane  10/12/72 p.14
    Candidates fair Friday at race track  10/12/72 p.2
    Park plans 2nd referendum in December  10/12/72 p.1
    Democrats to open local headquarters  10/19/72 p.3
    McClory challenged to make public disclosures  10/19/72 p.19
    Precinct workers honor Sen. Berning at banquet  10/19/72 p.9
    We're in the silly season, says Graham  10/19/72 p.3
    "Home stretch" rally set by Leverence  10/26/72 p.3
    Heibesen visits area  10/26/72 p.12
    Need 60% vote to re-elect judges  10/26/72 p.22
    Propose second ice rink  10/26/72 p.1
    Senator Stevenson endorses Mugalian  10/26/72 p.21
    Set national standards for schools - Frank  10/26/72 p.32
    Campaign advisor states candidates qualifications  11/2/72
    General election Tuesday  11/2/72 p.3
    Republicans sweep area  11/9/72 p.1
    Park referendum vote Saturday, Dec. 9  12/7/72 p.1
    Residents give park half a loaf  12/14/72 p.1
    Park incumbents will try again  12/21/72 p.3
ELGIN, ILL.                                                 
    HUD bungles at Poplar Creek  9/7/72 p.2
    Poplar Creek residents want action  9/21/72 p.75
ELLIS, SHANNON                                              
    Shannon Ellis at workshop in Washington  8/3/72 p.9
ENANDER, JOHN O.                                            
    Lions club honors Explorer skipper  3/23/72 p.40
ENANDER, PAUL J.                                            
    Barrington boy relates experience in Mexico  9/7/72 p.32
ENGLISH, MICHAEL                                            
    5 hurt at Kelsey, 14  6/15/72 p.4
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION                                    
    North Barrington opposes Bartlett proposal  4/27/72 p.2
    "Our Living Environment" seminar planned May 27  5/4/72 p.1
    "Our Living Environment" seminar May 27  5/25/72 p.7
    BACOG hearings begin  7/20/72 p.3
    Ecology an issue in battle over lights  7/27/72 p.2
    Inverness board adopts environmental ordinance  8/24/72 p.12
    LWV urges BACOG action  8/24/72 p.6
    BACOG board rejects resolution of unqualified support for
        EPA  9/7/72 p.3
    North Barrington dilutes resolution backing EPA  9/7/72 p.3
    LWV has fast reaction to denial of resolution  9/14/72 p.64
    Village must perform or else!  11/30/72 p.1
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY                             
    State EPA suit filed against Lake Zurich  2/10/72 p.7
    Lake Zurich in more trouble  2/24/72 p.3
    File injunction against Lake Zurich  5/18/72 p.6
    File restraining order against LZ contractor  5/25/72 p.8
    Company admits guilt at E.P.A. hearing  8/17/72 p.66
    BACOG board rejects resolution of unqualified support for
        EPA  9/7/72 p.3
    North Barrington dilutes resolution backing EPA  9/7/72 p.3
    EPA clamps down on village  10/12/72 p.1
    Chemical spray forum sponsored by EPA  10/19/72 p.32
    Village, EPA to meet next week  11/16/72 p.3
    Village must perform or else!  11/30/72 p.1
ERZBERGER, JAY C.                                           
    Lake Barrington board hit by secret meeting charge 
        10/12/72 p.3
ESTES, GERALD                                               
    Estes guest speaker at League meeting  4/27/72 p.3
ETTERS, PHYLLIS                                             
    Five generations  4/27/72 p.19
EVANS, BRIAN                                                
    Stolen car ride ends in tragedy  8/3/72 p.1
FAIRHAVEN (SUBDIVISION)                                     
    Kennedy plans to develop 170 acres near Fairhaven  5/25/72
    Social worker tells family guidance aims  3/30/72 p.24
    Family guidance counselor reports on special projects 
        11/30/72 p.20
FAMILY REUNIONS                                             
    Family reunion held to honor Alta Kelsey  6/29/72 p.13
FAMILY SERVICE OF SOUTH LAKE COUNTY                         
    Social worker tells family guidance aims  3/30/72 p.24
FEITLICH, ROBERT A.                                         
    County police charge three in drug raid  7/13/72 p.2
FENNER, FRANK E.                                            
    Reappointed as building officer  9/7/72 p.56
FERRY HALL SCHOOL                                           
    Bus service offered by Ferry Hall School  2/3/72 p.20
FINN'S FABRICS                                              
    Finn's Fabrics; Mrs. J. William Braithwaite, owner  2/17/72
    Finn's Fabrics; Mrs. J. William Braithwaite, owner  6/29/72
    Suspect arson  3/2/72 p.4
    Defective wiring caused fatal fire  3/9/72 p.6
    Destroyed [Biltmore Country Club]  6/8/72 p.1
    Officer saves youth from burning home  12/21/72 p.3
    Blast kills one  7/6/72 p.1
    Fireworks blast kills employee  7/6/72 p.9
    Bank veteran has retired after 45 years' service  2/3/72
    First National Bank has record growth  2/10/72 p.31
    Annual meeting at First National bank  6/1/72 p.63
    First National has 1973 license plates  11/22/72 p.3
FISHER, DOROTHY                                             
    Open education: The "teachable moment"  9/21/72 p.50
FLANNERY, JIM                                               
    2 Barrington men purchase station WEXI  10/5/72 p.7
FLINT CREEK (SUBDIVISION)                                   
    Tempers flair at board meeting  8/10/72 p.16
FLOCK, MICHAEL R.                                           
    Former resident chosen White House intern  8/24/72 p.26
    And then the rains came…  7/20/72 p.1
    Candidate calls for strict flood control  9/14/72 p.15
    Board moves to correct flooding problem  9/28/72 p.31
FONOROW, OWEN R.                                            
    Barrington grad appointed to air academy  8/31/72 p.19
FORBES, CINDY                                               
    Barrington artist contributes artwork  10/19/72 p.25
FOREST LAKE, ILL.                                           
    Forest Lake man murdered Sunday  5/11/72 p.13
FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT                                    
    Forest preserve receives new wildlife residents  7/27/72
FORREST, NELSON                                             
    Let the residents decide - Forrest  6/1/72 p.1
FOX POINT (SUBDIVISION)                                     
    Trustees reject nursing home plan  4/27/72 p.1
    Fox Point holds sixth annual children's parade  7/13/72 p.38
    Village endorses new trash system  8/31/72 p.1
    Reaction favorable to new refuse plan  9/7/72 p.5
    Need crossing guard-mothers  9/14/72 p.3
    Fox Point residents okay refuse change  9/21/72 p.3
    Mothers do homework in crossing guard matter  9/28/72 p.3
    Contract for emergency weather service  10/26/72 p.1
    Village board approves 14-home development  11/30/72 p.14
    Experiment begins  12/7/72 p.3
FOX POINT EAST (SUBDIVISION)                                
    EPA clamps down on village  10/12/72 p.1
FOX RIVER GROVE, ILL.                                       
    Kidnapping in Fox River Grove  6/15/72 p.69
    Fox River Grove - ACA: 10 troubled years  7/20/72 p.2
    Fox River Grove - A.C.A.: 10 troubled years  7/27/72 p.13
    Fox River Grove moves to stop Com Ed  12/14/72 p.1
    Grove may join BACOG  12/14/72 p.1
    Power line crucial to village - Smith  12/21/72 p.2
    Watershed district meeting Thursday, Feb. 10 in Cary 
        2/3/72 p.3
    CARP hosts watershed district meeting tonight  2/10/72 p.1
    Feathers fly in Fox river foray  2/17/72 p.3
    Outline watershed district plan  2/17/72 p.3
FRANK, EDWIN L.                                             
    Set national standards for schools - Frank  10/26/72 p.32
FREDIN, ELEANOR                                             
    Local couple celebrate 25th  7/20/72 p.23
FREDIN, GUST                                                
    Local couple celebrate 25th  7/20/72 p.23
FREIER, NORMA JEAN                                          
    Barrington flyers enter Indiana race  9/14/72 p.64
FREY, BLANCHE                                               
    Blanche Frey named campaign coordinator  8/24/72 p.21
FRIEDLAND, JOHN                                             
    G.O.P. team  9/14/72 p.3
FRIENDLY TOWN                                               
    Children to visit Barrington  6/29/72 p.29
FRISCH, MARVIN K.                                           
    Plan huge development in Cary  6/22/72 p.8
FRITZ SOFT PRETZEL SHOP                                     
    Fritz Soft Pretzel Shop; Chuck Young and Steve Warren,
        owners  9/7/72 p.23
GALLAGHER, EILEEN                                           
    Brother charged in fatal shooting  10/19/72 p.1
    Murder trial starts Tuesday in Waukegan  10/26/72 p.1
GALLAGHER, JAMES                                            
    Brother charged in fatal shooting  10/19/72 p.1
    Murder trial starts Tuesday in Waukegan  10/26/72 p.1
    Garden club presents panel of three experts  6/1/72 p.11
GARDINER, NANCY                                             
    Professional dancer opens local studio  8/31/72 p.33
GARIBALDI, CAESAR                                           
    Pohlman's Pharmacy; Caesar Garibaldi, owner  6/22/72 p.62
    Gateway House residents talk to Barrington 4-Hers  3/23/72
GEORGE, BILL                                                
    Bill George: the player, the coach  8/10/72 p.49
GIES, FRANCES                                               
    Barrington authors write second book  10/19/72 p.25
    Local authoress talks on medieval cities  12/21/72 p.21
GIES, JOSEPH                                                
    Barrington authors write second book  10/19/72 p.25
GIRL SCOUTS                                                 
    Activities of Barrington young people  4/20/72 p.74
    New officers for Girl Scout council  5/4/72 p.30
    Brownie Revel - 1972  5/25/72 p.15
    Kentuckiana "Pedal Pushers" national Girl Scouting event 
        9/7/72 p.55
GLASSFORD, DICK                                             
    Indoor ice rink proposed  4/6/72 p.3
GLEICH, JOHN                                                
    Assistant building inspector named  2/10/72 p.2
GLOWACKI, CHARLOTTE                                         
    New slate emerges in 5th district  2/3/72 p.8
GOOD SHEPHERD HOSPITAL                                      
    Moody resigns hospital post  11/2/72 p.2
    "Good Shepherd hospital" receives a boost  11/9/72 p.3
    Anderson new chairman of hospital group  11/9/72 p.2
    Barrington-area hospital questioned in Algonquin  11/9/72
    BACOG's most important year?  12/28/72 p.1
GRAFE, LUCILLE                                              
    Observe fiftieth wedding anniversary  6/8/72 p.18
GRAFE, WILLIAM                                              
    Observe fiftieth wedding anniversary  6/8/72 p.18
GRAFT, MICHAEL                                              
    Commission rejects townhouse plan  5/25/72 p.3
GRAHAM, JOHN A.                                             
    Graham blames lack of tax relief on downstate Democrats 
        2/3/72 p.10
    Illinois Senate bill benefits taxpayer  3/16/72 p.60
    Graham co-sponsors senior citizen bill  5/25/72 p.44
    Businessmen honor Graham  6/1/72 p.65
    State passes legislation for emergency care units  6/15/72
    Leverence raps Graham for vote on school aid  6/29/72 p.4
    Graham criticizes stand of opponent  7/27/72 p.63
    "Aggressive campaign" promised by Leverence  8/17/72 p.16
    G.O.P. team  9/14/72 p.3
    Graham makes tour of Ohio solid waste recycling plant 
        9/21/72 p.11
    Will honor Sen. Graham at reception  9/21/72 p.3
    Honor Graham at reception  9/28/72 p.3
    Graham on committee to re-elect the president  10/5/72 p.8
    Bensinger cites Graham for his work  10/19/72 p.53
    We're in the silly season, says Graham  10/19/72 p.3
GRANT MOTORS                                                
    Grant Motors earns commission approval  5/18/72 p.7
    Village board rejects bids for fire equipment  5/25/72 p.9
GRANT, PETER                                                
    Peter Grant reappointed police chief  7/27/72 p.10
GREEN, RICHARD C.                                           
    New slate emerges in 5th district  2/3/72 p.8
    Independent candidates meet township residents  2/17/72 p.6
GRIFFITH, KAY                                               
    Five generations  4/27/72 p.19
GRIFFITH, MICHAEL D.                                        
    Five generations  4/27/72 p.19
GROVE AVENUE SCHOOL                                         
    Grove Avenue PTA to hear discussion  11/2/72 p.44
    Grove Avenue PTA discusses unit district  11/9/72 p.19
GROVE, SAMUEL                                               
    Local sculptor's work in Countryside display  4/20/72 p.23
HALL, R. E., MRS.                                           
    75th year graduate  6/15/72 p.10
HALLETT, SEARS                                              
    Five file petitions for 8 school board seats  3/9/72 p.8
    Sears Hallett re-elected president of 224 board  4/20/72
    Countryside Center auxiliary workshops  2/17/72 p.16
    Teamwork is key to helping impaired children and adults 
        2/17/72 p.23
    New board members  12/14/72 p.52
HANEY, KEVIN                                                
    Officer saves youth from burning home  12/21/72 p.3
HARPER COLLEGE                                              
    Harper students publish newspaper  1/13/72 p.39
    Harper offers courses in landscape architecture  2/10/72
    Harper College radio station  3/23/72 p.20
    Board members election at Harper  3/30/72 p.14
    School board elections Saturday  4/6/72 p.1
    Harper externs join newsmen on the job  4/27/72 p.19
    Legal Technology program at Harper  4/27/72 p.6
    Harper gains approval for two more buildings  5/4/72 p.6
    Harper college plans for special events  5/11/72 p.74
    Artist to speak at commencement  6/1/72 p.66
    Harper will offer new career course  6/8/72 p.30
    Degrees awarded at Harper College  7/20/72 p.41
    Harper college names local honor students  7/20/72 p.71
    Harper board chairman re-elected ICCTA officer  8/3/72 p.22
    Federal grants permit special Harper projects  8/17/72 p.39
    Governor Ogilvie visits Harper college campus  9/21/72 p.13
    First woman administrator  9/28/72 p.13
    Faculty concert, noise conference at Harper  10/26/72 p.25
    Klein initiates Harper meeting of area leaders  11/16/72
    Students on committee to administer awards  11/30/72 p.57
    Harper boasts "professional" faculty  12/21/72 p.41
HART, MARGARET S.                                           
    Woman from Lake Forest in the running  3/9/72 p.35
HARTJEN, LUCY                                               
    Award three 50 year pins  8/10/72 p.33
    Awarded pins  8/17/72 p.24
HARTMANN, KAROL                                             
    Village board appoints Mrs. Hartmann clerk  12/28/72 p.2
HAUPT, ARTHUR, MR. AND MRS.                                 
    Haupts celebrate 50th anniversary  1/13/72 p.20
HAYWARD, THOMAS Z.                                          
    Hayward leads slate into February 8 primary  1/6/72 p.6
    Slate candidates oppose high density development  1/13/72
    Information about February 8 primary  1/27/72 p.17
    Pollution in Lake county prime concern of 5th district
        voters  1/27/72 p.34
    Hayward appeal: Vote on Feb. 8  2/3/72 p.3
    Hayward urges vote on April 4  3/16/72 p.18
    "Good Government" on campaign trail  3/23/72 p.62
    Study group appointments raise controversy  4/6/72 p.8
    McLaughlin replaces Hayward as president  5/25/72 p.6
HEATON, RONALD                                              
    Urban intern  7/6/72 p.3
    Summer intern benefits from practical training  8/31/72 p.24
HEBEISEN, NEIL C.                                           
    Heibesen visits area  10/26/72 p.12
    Campaign advisor states candidates qualifications  11/2/72
HOFFMAN ESTATES, ILL.                                       
    Hoffman zoning board has say so on signs  6/8/72 p.5
    Dedicate municipal building Sunday  6/22/72 p.9
    Hoffman board passes new driveway law  6/29/72 p.7
HOLTZE, HAROLD                                              
    Report employee is still missing  8/10/72 p.7
HOOGASIAN, JACK                                             
    Personal property suit planned 6/1/72 p.8
    States attorney is angry with Lake county board  11/2/72
    Study reconfirms need for hospital in this area  3/2/72 p.8
    Annual meeting for hospital auxiliary  4/13/72 p.72
    Hospital auxiliary tag day  May 5-6  4/20/72 p.1
    All systems go for area hospital  4/27/72 p.1
    Hospital volunteers - those who care  4/27/72 p.10
    Preparation: Emergency first aid  8/10/72 p.17
    Emergency rooms: Use and abuse  8/17/72 p.37
    Propose site for area hospital  9/7/72 p.1
    Hospital site disclosure criticized  9/14/72 p.1
    Progress seen in hospital plans  9/14/72 p.18
    BACOG airs its views on area hospital plan  9/21/72 p.4
    Area hospital permit issued  10/19/72 p.3
    "Good Shepherd hospital" receives a boost  11/9/72 p.3
    Anderson new chairman of hospital group  11/9/72 p.2
    Barrington-area hospital questioned in Algonquin  11/9/72
HOUCHINS, CHARLES M.                                        
    Democrats to select nominee  6/15/72 p.68
HOUGH STREET SCHOOL                                         
    Activities of Barrington young people  4/20/72 p.74
    Family Art Show  4/27/72 p.78
    BHOA adds two women to board  2/10/72 p.3
    Set hearing on condominium project  2/17/72 p.1
    Set hearing on condominium project  2/17/72 p.1
    Annouces results of housing survey  2/24/72 p.2
    Commission urges denial of condominium proposal  3/23/72
    Village board ponders condominium proposal  3/30/72 p.2
    Action on condominium plan due Monday night  4/6/72 p.1
    New study proposals spark BACOG meeting  4/6/72 p.7
    Board agrees in principle to condominium proposal  4/13/72
    The Bartlett estate plan!  4/20/72 p.1
    "Our Living Environment" seminar planned May 27  5/4/72 p.1
    Shopping center hearing May 17  5/4/72 p.3
    Chamber plans for conference  5/11/72 p.6
    May 27 conference previewed by Lewis  5/18/72 p.3
    "Our Living Environment" seminar May 27  5/25/72 p.7
    Task force agencies meet with BACOG  5/25/72 p.72
    Can balance ecology, economics - Lewis  6/1/72 p.2
    Let the residents decide - Forrest  6/1/72 p.1
    Klein reports progress of study groups  6/8/72 p.31
    Withdraws request for rezoning  6/15/72 p.3
    Plan huge development in Cary  6/22/72 p.8
    Depot relocation still top priority  7/13/72 p.3
    Final report to BACOG due tonight  8/24/72 p.1
    BACOG housing report emphasizes low density  8/31/72 p.1
    Migrants find jobs, but housing scarce  8/31/72 p.26
    HUD bungles at Poplar Creek  9/7/72 p.2
    Klein named to housing committee  11/16/72 p.1
HOWLETT, MIKE                                               
    Mike Howlett visit to open area campaign  8/10/72 p.25
HUBSCHMAN, JORGEN                                           
    Lake Barrington board hit by secret meeting charge 
        10/12/72 p.3
HUMMEL, RALPH                                               
    Police have tough nut to crack [Corbett murders]  8/10/72
HUMPHREY, ANN M.                                            
    Kidnapping in Fox River Grove  6/15/72 p.69
HUSZAGH, R. L., MRS.                                        
    Propose second ice rink  10/26/72 p.1
    Site of rink  10/26/72 p.9
    Gift shop location may be hockey rink  11/2/72 p.10
    Metro Sports eyes Lake Zurich  11/30/72 p.3
    Busy January ahead for village  12/21/72 p.1
HUTCHINGS, PERRY L.                                         
    Hutchings captures third in world university games  3/23/72
ICEARENA, INC.                                              
    Icearena has land  5/18/72 p.2
IDLE HOURS STABLES, INC.                                    
    County orders removal of metal horse barn  10/26/72 p.10
ILLINOIS BELL                                               
    Illinois Bell seeks higher phone rates  11/16/72 p.1
    Illinois Bell Telephone files for rate increase  11/30/72
ILLINOIS DEMOCRATIC PARTY                                   
    Democratic turmoil won't hurt party -- Barringer  7/13/72
ILLINOIS DEMOCRATIC WOMEN'S CAUCUS                          
    Democratic Women open headquarters  2/10/72 p.25
    Area now on computer  1/20/72 p.3
    Businessmen honor Graham  6/1/72 p.65
INDIANS OF NORTH AMERICA                                    
    American Indians at St. Michael's  6/1/72 p.25
    Indian museum in his basement  5/4/72 p.4
INGRAM, BONNIE J.                                           
    Barrington girl will be installed  9/14/72 p.62
INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE                                    
    Best informed  1/20/72 p.3
    Retroactive pay held up by IRS  5/18/72 p.3
    Barrington girl will be installed  9/14/72 p.62
    Device ends cluttered kitchen  8/17/72 p.32
INVERNESS, ILL.                                             
    Inverness board tables financial review  1/20/72 p.22
    Villages look at '72  1/20/72 p.3
    Inverness joins early coronary care program  2/17/72 p.25
    Inverness limits plastic pipe use in village  2/17/72 p.37
    Comprehensive plan -- draining problems discussed by board 
        3/23/72 p.31
    Drainage woes plague Inverness  4/20/72 p.55
    Inverness continues disconnection talks  4/27/72 p.45
    Inverness balks at drainage work  5/18/72 p.11
    Inverness hikes building fees  5/18/72 p.51
    Inverness embarks on flood control program  6/29/72 p.36
    Lack of quorum makes history at Inverness  7/20/72 p.64
    Board orders correction of Cedar Knoll drainage  8/24/72
    Board passes record tax levy in Inverness  8/24/72 p.33
    Inverness board adopts environmental ordinance  8/24/72 p.12
    Inverness interested in joining BACOG  8/24/72 p.1
    Wachs resigns village post on Inverness board  8/24/72 p.55
    Inverness objects to verbal recommendation  9/21/72 p.12
    Board moves to correct flooding problem  9/28/72 p.31
    Board approves new McIntosh subdivision  10/12/72 p.65
    Board orders hearings on comprehensive plan  10/19/72 p.58
    Inverness board divided by drainage problems  10/19/72 p.47
    Inverness trustee seeks donation by subdivider  10/19/72
    "Hands-off" directive for Palatine cops  11/22/72 p.7
    $50,000 letter of credit apparently "lost" by bank 
        11/22/72 p.12
    Petition Inverness for planned development  11/22/72 p.9
    CD director calls for Inverness improvements  12/21/72 p.26
    Inverness debates full village law enforcement  12/21/72
    Local residents take ride through western Ireland  11/16/72
ISHAK PROPERTY                                              
    Annexation discussion postponed  6/29/72 p.3
    Village board approves pre-annexation agreement  7/6/72 p.3
    Depot relocation still top priority  7/13/72 p.3
    For new clinic  11/16/72 p.3
JACOBSON, WILFRED                                           
    Commission rejects townhouse plan  5/25/72 p.3
JAHNKE, RAY H.                                              
    Man behind the movie projector  3/30/72 p.3
JAMES DEVELOPMENT COMPANY                                   
    The Bartlett estate plan!  4/20/72 p.1
    Bartlett plan opposed by BACOG  5/4/72 p.1
    Present Bartlett estate proposal  5/4/72 p.1
    Detail plans for Bartlett estate  5/11/72 p.3
    Developers answer critics  5/11/72 p.3
    Bartlett estate hearing June 7  6/1/72 p.3
    Hold first hearing on Bartlett estate plan  6/15/72 p.2
    Plan commission ponders project  6/22/72 p.2
    Recommends approval of Bartlett proposal  8/3/72 p.1
    Tempers flair at board meeting  8/10/72 p.16
JANDUS (SUBDIVISION)                                        
    Cary commission hears Jandus complaints  8/10/72 p.6
JARRETT, ARNE                                               
    Indian museum in his basement  5/4/72 p.4
JENKINS, JOHN                                               
    Associate pastors for area churches  6/15/72 p.11
JEWEL COMPANIES, INC.                                       
    Donate 7 acres for new library  5/11/72 p.1
JOHN, ERWIN E.                                              
    Four charged with robbery in Des Plaines  6/29/72 p.4
    One shot, five arrested after auto chase  6/29/72 p.2
    Wounded  6/29/72 p.1
JOHNSON, CAROLYN                                            
    AFS student will live with Japanese family  6/29/72 p.28
    AFS student finds life in Japan "most happy"  7/27/72 p.29
JOPLIN, LESLIE P.                                           
    Investigate killing of 7-11 owner  3/16/72 p.3
    Journalist initiated into Theta Sigma Phi  6/8/72 p.14
JURS, RAY M.                                                
    Bank veteran has retired after 45 years' service  2/3/72
KANESKI, JOHN                                               
    2-car crash injures four  9/28/72 p.9
KARTS (MIDGET CARS)                                         
    Impressive record  9/21/72 p.28
KASAL, DWIGHT                                               
    Divers search for body in Bangs lake  6/8/72 p.6
KEIL, PAULETTE L.                                           
    Local artists enter Edens Plaza fair  6/22/72 p.26
KELLEN, ARNIE                                               
    Reporter "grows wings"  6/1/72 p.16
    Reporter "grows wings"  6/8/72 p.26
KELSEY, ALTA                                                
    Family reunion held to honor Alta Kelsey  6/29/72 p.13
KELSEY, THERESA                                             
    Five generations  4/27/72 p.19
KENDALL COMPANY                                             
    Donate 7 acres for new library  5/11/72 p.1
KENNEDY COMPANY                                             
    Set hearing on condominium project  2/17/72 p.1
    Continue hearing until March 15  3/9/72 p.5
    Commission urges denial of condominium proposal  3/23/72
    Village board ponders condominium proposal  3/30/72 p.2
    Action on condominium plan due Monday night  4/6/72 p.1
    Board agrees in principle to condominium proposal  4/13/72
    Commission balks at village request  5/18/72 p.1
    Kennedy plans to develop 170 acres near Fairhaven  5/25/72
    Shopping center, Kennedy discussion is postponed  6/8/72 p.1
    Withdraws request for rezoning  6/15/72 p.3
    Ready Kennedy petition  9/21/72 p.1
KENNEY, VIRGINIA B.                                         
    Flood relief fund to aid Rapid City  6/22/72 p.62
    DACOWITS member will attend meeting  11/9/72 p.19
KINCAID, HENRY B., SR.                                      
    Long-time resident celebrates birthday  8/31/72 p.22
KLEIN, DON                                                  
    Proposes study committees for BACOG  1/6/72 p.1
    BACOG aids defeat of House Bill 4287  5/18/72 p.58
    Klein reports progress of study groups  6/8/72 p.31
    Klein initiates Harper meeting of area leaders  11/16/72
    Klein named to housing committee  11/16/72 p.1
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS (ORGANIZATION)                          
    Hold 4th annual honor night and installation of officers 
        7/13/72 p.16
    K of C's contribute to establish center  11/2/72 p.20
    Hold 4th annual honor night and installation of officers 
        7/13/72 p.16
KOEPPEN, JAMES                                              
    Charge Chicago man with youth's murder  8/17/72 p.4
KOPFMAN, SOPHIE                                             
    Tower Lakes crash kills one person  10/12/72 p.1
KRANZ, JOHN                                                 
    Thankful no-one was hurt - Kranz  3/2/72 p.3
    Kranz new assistant fire chief  11/22/72 p.6
KRAYBILL, MARY ANN                                          
    New slate emerges in 5th district  2/3/72 p.8
KREHMKE, FLORA                                              
    Award three 50 year pins  8/10/72 p.33
    Awarded pins  8/17/72 p.24
KURKA, SUSAN P.                                             
    Miss Barrington pageant candidates  5/25/72 p.8
L. F. DRAPER AND ASSOCIATES                                 
    Huge residential complex planned on Brandel tract  3/23/72
    Draper petition due in January  12/14/72 p.3
    Draper proposal concerns schools  12/14/72 p.2
    Draper development  12/21/72 p.3
LAFLEUR, LEO                                                
    G.O.P. team  9/14/72 p.3
LAGOD, JERRY                                                
    Barrington Hills man 10th in Elkhart Trans-Am race  7/27/72
LAKE BARRINGTON ASSOCIATES                                  
    Plan commission ponders project  6/22/72 p.2
    Water, sewer demands plague Bartlett planners  8/10/72 p.54
    Bartlett development approved  9/7/72 p.1
    Citizens pondering legal action  9/14/72 p.1
    Lake Barrington group files suit against board  9/28/72 p.1
    BACOG contributes to suit fund  10/5/72 p.4
    County sewer system plan gets new life  11/2/72 p.1
    Lake Barrington backs suit against county  11/16/72 p.6
    Requests changes  12/7/72 p.3
    Bartlett developer seeks several changes in plans  12/14/72
    Citizens pondering legal action  9/14/72 p.1
    Lake Barrington group files suit against board  9/28/72 p.1
    BACOG contributes to suit fund  10/5/72 p.4
    Lake Barrington backs suit against county  11/16/72 p.6
    BACOG's most important year?  12/28/72 p.1
    Present Bartlett estate proposal  5/4/72 p.1
    Detail plans for Bartlett estate  5/11/72 p.3
    Developers answer critics  5/11/72 p.3
    Hearing set  5/11/72 p.3
    Hold first hearing on Bartlett estate plan  6/15/72 p.2
    Recommends approval of Bartlett proposal  8/3/72 p.1
    Tempers flair at board meeting  8/10/72 p.16
    Water, sewer demands plague Bartlett planners  8/10/72 p.54
    Bartlett development approved  9/7/72 p.1
    Citizens pondering legal action  9/14/72 p.1
    Lake Barrington group files suit against board  9/28/72 p.1
    BACOG contributes to suit fund  10/5/72 p.4
    County sewer system plan gets new life  11/2/72 p.1
    Lake Barrington backs suit against county  11/16/72 p.6
    Booklet identifies area developments  11/30/72 p.13
    Requests changes  12/7/72 p.3
    Bartlett developer seeks several changes in plans  12/14/72
    BACOG's most important year?  12/28/72 p.1
    Statement of cash receipts and expenditures  7/27/72 p.52
LAKE BARRINGTON PARK DISTRICT                               
    Area to share costs of barn remodeling  1/13/72 p.4
LAKE BARRINGTON PLAN COMMISSION                             
    Detail plans for Bartlett estate  5/11/72 p.3
    Hearing set  5/11/72 p.3
    Bartlett estate hearing June 7  6/1/72 p.3
    Hold first hearing on Bartlett estate plan  6/15/72 p.2
    Plan commission ponders project  6/22/72 p.2
    Recommends approval of Bartlett proposal  8/3/72 p.1
    Tempers flair at board meeting  8/10/72 p.16
LAKE BARRINGTON, ILL.                                       
    Area to share costs of barn remodeling  1/13/72 p.4
    Villages look at '72  1/20/72 p.3
    Commission to hear subdivision proposal  2/17/72 p.4
    May develop 500-acre Bartlett estate  2/17/72 p.1
    A problem to consider  3/2/72 p.1
    Developer isn't ready  3/2/72 p.1
    Residents, trustees do slow burn  3/16/72 p.1
    Caldwell states Lake Barrington facts in error  3/23/72 p.60
    Discuss purchase of Bartlett estate  3/23/72 p.3
    Save the Estate  4/6/72 p.1
    BACOG asked to oppose Bartlett estate proposal  4/13/72 p.8
    Board sees plans for Bartlett tract  4/13/72 p.2
    The Bartlett estate plan!  4/20/72 p.1
    North Barrington opposes Bartlett proposal  4/27/72 p.2
    Bartlett plan opposed by BACOG  5/4/72 p.1
    District 4 objects to Bartlett development  5/4/72 p.76
    Present Bartlett estate proposal  5/4/72 p.1
    Detail plans for Bartlett estate  5/11/72 p.3
    Developers answer critics  5/11/72 p.3
    Hearing set  5/11/72 p.3
    Plan medical center for Lake Barrington  5/18/72 p.2
    Bartlett estate hearing June 7  6/1/72 p.3
    Klein reports progress of study groups  6/8/72 p.31
    Hold first hearing on Bartlett estate plan  6/15/72 p.2
    Lake Barrington may widen bridge  6/15/72 p.28
    Plan commission ponders project  6/22/72 p.2
    Lake Barrington meeting July 11  7/6/72 p.3
    Debris  7/13/72 p.3
    Recommends approval of Bartlett proposal  8/3/72 p.1
    Tempers flair at board meeting  8/10/72 p.16
    Water, sewer demands plague Bartlett planners  8/10/72 p.54
    Bartlett development approved  9/7/72 p.1
    Propose site for area hospital  9/7/72 p.1
    Citizens pondering legal action  9/14/72 p.1
    Hospital site disclosure criticized  9/14/72 p.1
    Lake Barrington group files suit against board  9/28/72 p.1
    BACOG contributes to suit fund  10/5/72 p.4
    Lake Barrington board hit by secret meeting charge 
        10/12/72 p.3
    Area hospital permit issued  10/19/72 p.3
    County sewer system plan gets new life  11/2/72 p.1
    Lake Barrington backs suit against county  11/16/72 p.6
    Leasing agent chosen for industrial units  11/30/72 p.32
    Requests changes  12/7/72 p.3
    Bartlett developer seeks several changes in plans  12/14/72
    County board may discuss land disannexation Dec. 3 
        11/16/72 p.4
    Lake County Dems to boycott state convention  7/6/72 p.34
    Asking Forest Preserve to buy Bartlett property  3/9/72 p.3
    Caldwell states Lake Barrington facts in error  3/23/72 p.60
    Candidate supports property acquisition  3/23/72 p.18
    Discuss purchase of Bartlett estate  3/23/72 p.3
    BACOG asked to oppose Bartlett estate proposal  4/13/72 p.8
    Bartlett plan opposed by BACOG  5/4/72 p.1
    Developers answer critics  5/11/72 p.3
    Bartlett estate hearing June 7  6/1/72 p.3
    Klein reports progress of study groups  6/8/72 p.31
    Hold first hearing on Bartlett estate plan  6/15/72 p.2
    Soil Erosion Ordinance  2/17/72 p.34
    Estes guest speaker at League meeting  4/27/72 p.3
    Land use meeting  5/11/72 p.74
    Klein named to housing committee  11/16/72 p.1
LAKE COUNTY, ILL.                                           
    Pollution in Lake county prime concern of 5th district
        voters  1/27/72 p.34
    Home rule vote Tuesday, March 21  3/9/72 p.4
    Charges county clerk with 19 violations  4/13/72 p.11
    Tower Lakes opposes county sewer plan  6/22/72 p.7
    AIM to hold first meeting Friday night  7/13/72 p.10
    County sewer system plan gets new life  11/2/72 p.1
    States attorney is angry with Lake county board  11/2/72
    Lake Barrington backs suit against county  11/16/72 p.6
LAKE IN THE HILLS WATER COMPANY                             
    Company admits guilt at E.P.A. hearing  8/17/72 p.66
LAKE IN THE HILLS, ILL.                                     
    Company admits guilt at E.P.A. hearing  8/17/72 p.66
LAKE ZURICH, ILL.                                           
    Pollution hearing set  1/27/72 p.7
    State EPA suit filed against Lake Zurich  2/10/72 p.7
    Lake Zurich in more trouble  2/24/72 p.3
    Defective wiring caused fatal fire  3/9/72 p.6
    Seeks to develop 80-acre apple orchard  3/9/72 p.13
    North Barrington opposes Bartlett proposal  4/27/72 p.2
    Break ground for new facility  5/4/72 p.80
    Ok residential-shopping center complex  5/4/72 p.78
    File injunction against Lake Zurich  5/18/72 p.6
    File restraining order against LZ contractor  5/25/72 p.8
    North Barrington is wasting money - Doughty  6/1/72 p.3
    Permanent court order against Meyne  6/8/72 p.18
    Find Lake Zurich guilty of pollution  6/15/72 p.3
    Do Deer Park residents live in Lake Zurich?  6/22/72 p.6
    Lake Zurich oks $3 million shopping center  7/27/72 p.17
    Suit against Deer Park is filed by building firm  9/21/72
    North Barrington oks comprehensive map  9/28/72 p.14
    Deer Park ignores 3-H counter offer  10/19/72 p/10
    Metro Sports eyes Lake Zurich  11/30/72 p.3
    Draper petition due in January  12/14/72 p.3
    Draper proposal concerns schools  12/14/72 p.2
    Draper development  12/21/72 p.3
LAND USE                                                    
    BACOG plan summary available to residents  1/6/72 p.1
    Slate candidates oppose high density development  1/13/72
    Soil Erosion Ordinance  2/17/72 p.34
    LWV unit topic: land use-zoning  4/6/72 p.9
    Study groups are formed by BACOG  4/6/72 p.8
    Estes guest speaker at League meeting  4/27/72 p.3
    Present Bartlett estate proposal  5/4/72 p.1
    Land use meeting  5/11/72 p.74
    Park, village meet again on right-of-way problem  5/11/72
    May 27 conference previewed by Lewis  5/18/72 p.3
    "Our Living Environment" seminar May 27  5/25/72 p.7
    Park, village continue negotiations  5/25/72 p.3
    Task force agencies meet with BACOG  5/25/72 p.72
    Can balance ecology, economics - Lewis  6/1/72 p.2
    Let the residents decide - Forrest  6/1/72 p.1
    Bond issue referendum Saturday  6/15/72 p.1
    Park District discusses campground property  6/15/72 p.8
    Park waiting for outcome of referendum  6/15/72 p.7
    Referendum defeated 2-1  6/22/72 p.1
    AIM to hold first meeting Friday night  7/13/72 p.10
    Group recommends mass annexation  7/27/72 p.3
    Village board decision surprises park district  7/27/72 p.3
    Village easements studied by park district board  8/31/72
    Inverness trustee seeks donation by subdivider  10/19/72
    Propose second ice rink  10/26/72 p.1
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE                                      
    Noise can be reduced... through plantings  1/6/72 p.23
LANDTREE, JOSEPH                                            
    Four charged with robbery in Des Plaines  6/29/72 p.4
    One shot, five arrested after auto chase  6/29/72 p.2
LANDWER, IDA                                                
    Award three 50 year pins  8/10/72 p.33
    Awarded pins  8/17/72 p.24
LARSON, DANIEL                                              
    Barrington man killed in crash  12/21/72 p.6
LARUE, WILLIAM                                              
    Youngest voter?  3/23/72 p.7
    Court date set for landing strip  3/30/72 p.9
    Cruelty to animals case continued until April 26  3/30/72
    Charges county clerk with 19 violations  4/13/72 p.11
    More controversy erupts in District 1 school vote  4/13/72
    Bachner acquitted on animal cruelty charges  5/25/72 p.17
    Personal property suit planned 6/1/72 p.8
    Fox River Grove - ACA: 10 troubled years  7/20/72 p.2
    Communities get share of fine $  8/10/72 p.2
    Citizens pondering legal action  9/14/72 p.1
    BACOG contributes to suit fund  10/5/72 p.4
    Judge dismisses taxpayers' suit  10/5/72 p.3
    Leverence files his suit against the dairy state  10/19/72
    County orders removal of metal horse barn  10/26/72 p.10
    Need 60% vote to re-elect judges  10/26/72 p.22
    States attorney is angry with Lake county board  11/2/72
    Lake Barrington backs suit against county  11/16/72 p.6
    Judge rules for tax objectors  12/7/72 p.3
LAZENBY, COURTNEY                                           
    Ripon college student to study in Germany  9/14/72 p.20
LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS                                      
    Announces results of housing survey  2/24/72 p.2
    Water resources handled in haphazard way -- LWV  3/9/72 p.16
    LWV unit topic: land use-zoning  4/6/72 p.9
    LWV supports future flood plain ordinance  4/13/72 p.51
    Estes guest speaker at League meeting  4/27/72 p.3
    Land use meeting  5/11/72 p.74
    LWV urges BACOG action  8/24/72 p.6
    BACOG board rejects resolution of unqualified support for
        EPA  9/7/72 p.3
    LWV has announced annual finance drive  9/7/72 p.22
    LWV works to promote political responsibility  9/7/72 p.30
    North Barrington dilutes resolution backing EPA  9/7/72 p.3
    LWV has fast reaction to denial of resolution  9/14/72 p.64
    County registration day set by Barrington LWV  9/28/72 p.6
    Candidates fair Friday at race track  10/12/72 p.2
LEARNING TREE (PRESCHOOL)                                   
    Learning Tree school receives state license  6/8/72 p.12
LEISCHOW, MARILYN                                           
    BHOA adds two women to board  2/10/72 p.3
LENK, DAVID H.                                              
    Christened on December 19  1/6/72 p.16
LEROY, MICHAEL                                              
    Barrington 4-H'ers named king, queen  8/10/72 p.68
LEVERENCE, CHARLES                                          
    50 years of service  10/26/72 p.22
LEVERENCE, CLIFFORD E.                                      
    Candidate for state senator  2/17/72 p.36
    Leverence hits the road with mobile headquarters  3/9/72
    Rothman vs. Leverence in March 21 primary  3/16/72 p.3
    Leverence tops Rothman; record Democratic vote  3/23/72 p.2
    Leverence raps Graham for vote on school aid  6/29/72 p.4
    "Aggressive campaign" promised by Leverence  8/17/72 p.16
    Labor group gives support to Leverence  9/7/72 p.54
    Rothman to aid Leverence in campaign  9/14/72 p.6
    Leverence plans to sue Wisconsin  9/21/72 p.3
    Leverence sets concert rally  10/5/72 p.3
    Leverence files his suit against the dairy state  10/19/72
    "Home stretch" rally set by Leverence  10/26/72 p.3
    Wants day to honor Vietnam vets  11/2/72 p.9
LEWIS, GORDEN D.                                            
    Board grants variation to Lewis  7/20/72 p.4
LEWIS, HERB                                                 
    Transcendental Meditation offers practical technique 
        7/13/72 p.58
LEWIS, WALTER H.                                            
    "Our Living Environment" seminar planned May 27  5/4/72 p.1
    May 27 conference previewed by Lewis  5/18/72 p.3
    "Our Living Environment" seminar May 27  5/25/72 p.7
    Can balance ecology, economics - Lewis  6/1/72 p.2
    Let the residents decide - Forrest  6/1/72 p.1
    Conference called on library services  8/10/72 p.23
    Library system has railroad collection  9/28/72 p.36
LIPOFSKY, HAROLD                                            
    Lipofsky's Shoe Store; Mrs. Henry Lipofsky and Harold
        Lipofsky, owners  10/19/72 p.42
LIPOFSKY, HENRY, MRS.                                       
    Lipofsky's Shoe Store; Mrs. Henry Lipofsky and Harold
        Lipofsky, owners  10/19/72 p.42
LIPOFSKY, MARVIN B.                                         
    Glass blower expert honored at meeting  10/5/72 p.15
LIPOFSKY'S SHOE STORE                                       
    Lipofsky's Shoe Store; Mrs. Henry Lipofsky and Harold
        Lipofsky, owners  10/19/72 p.42
LIQUOR LAWS                                                 
    Ok package liquor license for Jewel  3/30/72 p.3
    Create additional liquor license  4/13/72 p.3
    Table action on liquor license  4/27/72 p.3
    Tower Lakes oks liquor ordinances  4/27/72 p.51
    Corporation buys Bert's Bank Tavern  5/11/72 p.2
    May reclassify all village liquor licenses  5/11/72 p.2
LOCKE, NED                                                  
    Big Show '72 will feature Mister Ned  2/10/72 p.29
    Big Show '72 came to Barrington Sunday, March 5  3/9/72 p.66
LOEBBAKA, FREDERICK J.                                      
    Loebbaka is new building inspector  4/20/72 p.5
LOUNSBURY CHAPTER NO. 494 O.E.S.                            
    History of Lounsbury Chapter No. 494 O.E.S.  5/4/72 p.41
LOUNSBURY MASONIC TEMPLE                                    
    Masons honor Sass for service  6/29/72 p.1
    Masons install new officers  11/30/72 p.1
    New officers  12/7/72 p.3
LUNDING, FRANKLIN J.                                        
    Donate 7 acres for new library  5/11/72 p.1
LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE ATONEMENT                            
    Confirmed  6/15/72 p.70
LYNN, ROBERT                                                
    Park incumbents will try again  12/21/72 p.3
LYON, RICHARD                                               
    New slate emerges in 5th district  2/3/72 p.8
    Independent candidates meet township residents  2/17/72 p.6
MACARTHUR, ALEXANDER                                        
    Barrington Hills can't meet ICC deadline  7/27/72 p.1
MAGLIO, SEBASTIANO                                          
    Returns to native Sicily  7/20/72 p.21
MAIBEN, DEAN                                                
    Maiben Civil Defense director  4/27/72 p.4
MANDERNACH, SUSAN                                           
    Hit by car  6/15/72 p.10
MARLATT, WILLIAM C., JR.                                    
    Marlatt candidate for alternate delegate  3/16/72 p.35
MARQUARDT, PHILLIP                                          
    Blast kills one  7/6/72 p.1
    Fireworks blast kills employee  7/6/72 p.9
    Benefit fund established for police officer  7/13/72 p.6
MARTENS, DEAN                                               
    Attends American Legion annual Boys State session  7/20/72
MARTENS, HAROLD                                             
    First full-time fire chief for Barrington by 1973  5/11/72
MARTIN, GEORGE, REV.                                        
    World missions conference starts Dec. 2  11/30/72 p.10
MARTIN, KENNETH                                             
    2-car crash injures four  9/28/72 p.9
MARTINEZ, R. D.                                             
    Suspect arson  3/2/72 p.4
MASLOWSKI, KARL                                             
    Caravan Across Africa next travel series film  3/16/72 p.3
MAUSSER, FRANZ                                              
    Barrington Volvo; Helmut Timm and Franz Mausser, owners 
        6/8/72 p.10
MCCAFFERY, RONALD                                           
    Attempted kidnapping in village  7/27/72 p.4
MCCARTHY, EUGENE                                            
    DePaul senior meets McCarthy  2/17/72 p.35
MCCAULEY, JAMES W., MR. AND MRS.                            
    Local residents take ride through western Ireland  11/16/72
MCCAULEY, RICHARD                                           
    McCauley resigns from Tower Lakes commission  12/28/72 p.13
MCCLORY, ROBERT                                             
    Beetham seeking to unseat McClory  1/6/72 p.3
    McClory attendance blasted by Beetham  1/20/72 p.7
    13th district Republicans to honor representative  4/13/72
    Junior auxiliary members meeting in Springfield  4/27/72
    McClory supports metro government  9/14/72 p.32
    GOP congressman lauds colleague  9/28/72 p.10
    McClory challenged to make public disclosures  10/19/72 p.19
    McClory attends Court of Honor  12/14/72 p.35
MCCORMICK PLACE                                             
    McCormick Place hogs state fair money  6/1/72 p.31
MCCRAY, STEVE                                               
    McCray joins news staff  6/29/72 p.4
MCGEE, BETTY                                                
    Barrington's best  8/24/72 p.1
MCGIBBON, EDMOND                                            
    Reporter "grows wings"  7/27/72 p.38
MCGIBBON, KAY                                               
    Reporter "grows wings"  7/27/72 p.38
MCKEE, ELIZABETH                                            
    New slate emerges in 5th district  2/3/72 p.8
    Independent candidates meet township residents  2/17/72 p.6
    Candidate supports property acquisition  3/23/72 p.18
MCKINNON, MARCEY                                            
    Special showing by local artists  12/7/72 p.23
MCLAUGHLIN, JOHN J.                                         
    McLaughlin replaces Hayward as president  5/25/72 p.6
    Official urges residents to remain calm  8/10/72 p.1
MEAD, RUTH APPELDORN                                        
    Displays paintings at First National  6/22/72 p.22
    Special showing by local artists  12/7/72 p.23
MEDICAL CENTERS                                             
    Plan medical center for Lake Barrington  5/18/72 p.2
MEE, CHARLES L., JR.                                        
    New novel presents outstanding story  8/31/72 p.35
    Autographing time  12/7/72 p.14
MERI LYNN SCHOOL OF DANCE                                   
    Two ballets presented by Meri Lynn School  6/15/72 p.17
MERTENS, MARCELLE                                           
    Miss Barrington pageant candidates  5/4/72 p.73
MESMER, EDWARD                                              
    Stolen car ride ends in tragedy  8/3/72 p.1
METRO SPORTS                                                
    Metro Sports eyes Lake Zurich  11/30/72 p.3
    Busy January ahead for village  12/21/72 p.1
MEYNE, GERHARD                                              
    Permanent court order against Meyne  6/8/72 p.18
MICHELOTTI, CARLA                                           
    DePaul senior meets McCarthy  2/17/72 p.35
MID-AMERICA BALLET ASSOCIATES                               
    Mid-America Ballet associates will meet at Barrington Barn 
        1/27/72 p.22
    An afternoon of ballet  2/17/72 p.21
    Ballet associates enjoy DuPage ballet  5/11/72 p.12
MIGRANT AGRICULTURAL LABORERS                               
    Migrants find jobs, but housing scarce  8/31/72 p.26
MILLER, MARY ANN                                            
    First woman administrator  9/28/72 p.13
    Klein initiates Harper meeting of area leaders  11/16/72
MILLER, WAYNE                                               
    Cuba supervisor Welch retires  6/1/72 p.1
    Crack-down on mini-bikes  6/8/72 p.3
MISS BARRINGTON PAGEANT                                     
    May register for Miss Barrington Pageant  3/23/72 p.6
    Miss Barrington pageant candidates  5/4/72 p.73
    Miss Barrington pageant candidates  5/25/72 p.8
    Miss Barrington pageant candidates  6/1/72 p.20
    Diane Danta final entrant in pageant  6/15/72 p.12
    Miss Barrington Pageant Saturday evening at BHS  6/22/72 p.3
    Clair Bataille Miss Barrington  6/29/72 p.3
    Third runner-up  7/27/72 p.1
    1972 Miss Barrington competes in festival  9/7/72 p.10
MITTELHAUSER, DELBERT J.                                    
    Mittelhauser at traffic institute  9/14/72 p.5
MIYAKI, RONALD T.                                           
    Fatal mishap  6/8/72 p.1
MOHR, ROBERT                                                
    Officer saves youth from burning home  12/21/72 p.3
MONSEN, MARY LYNN                                           
    Mrs. Monsen vies in 2nd District  1/6/72 p.3
    Candidate attends democratic party  3/9/72 p.29
    Campaign advisor states candidates qualifications  11/2/72
MONTALBANO, DAN, REV.                                       
    St. Anne priest to be ordained  5/4/72 p.51
MONTGOMERY, JAMES W., RT. REV.                              
    Blessing doors  10/26/72 p.17
MOODY, BETH                                                 
    Nixonettes attend Miami convention  9/14/72 p.26
MOODY, G. WILLIAM                                           
    Moody resigns hospital post  11/2/72 p.2
MOORE, DONALD P.                                            
    Moore asks separate court for guilty pleas  3/9/72 p.35
    Clarke picked over Midas for mosquito program  5/25/72 p.50
    Mosquitos under skin of Deer Park board  8/24/72 p.10
    Suit against Deer Park is filed by building firm  9/21/72
    Worst mosquito year for Barrington area  9/21/72 p.5
    Chemical spray forum sponsored by EPA  10/19/72 p.32
MOTHER-DAUGHTER FASHION SHOW                                
    Models at the Mother-Daughter fashion show  5/4/72 p.42
MOTION PICTURE THEATERS                                     
    Man behind the movie projector  3/30/72 p.3
MUGALIAN, RICHARD A.                                        
    Mugalian candidate for representative  1/13/72 p.25
    Local coffee for Democratic aspirant  1/20/72 p.34
    Second district candidate discusses novel proposal  2/17/72
    Blanche Frey named campaign coordinator  8/24/72 p.21
    Mugalian kicks off Barrington campaign  8/31/72 p.18
    District voters meet candidate, discuss issues  9/7/72 p.57
    Candidate calls for strict flood control  9/14/72 p.15
    Mugalian receives IPACE endorsement  9/28/72 p.11
    Mugalian receives IPACE endorsement  9/28/72 p.36
    Group launches registration drive  10/5/72 p.55
    Senator Stevenson endorses Mugalian  10/26/72 p.21
MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT                                        
    Villages look at '72  1/20/72 p.3
    Villages comment on planning policies  2/3/72 p.1
MURDOCK, GUY                                                
    Guy Murdock chosen by Houston  2/10/72 p.3
    Murdock alternates as starting center  8/10/72 p.48
    Nursing home decision may come tonight  1/13/72 p.1
    Plan commission hearing on nursing home January 5  1/13/72
    Nursing home matter may end up in court  1/20/72 p.1
    Hearing set  3/2/72 p.1
    Plan 3rd nursing home hearing  3/2/72 p.11
    Nursing home hearing set for March 29  3/9/72 p.3
    Nursing home hearing postponed until April 19  4/6/72 p.3
    Trustees reject nursing home plan  4/27/72 p.1
NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR WOMEN                             
    NOW holds 2nd meeting  4/6/72 p.14
    Barrington resident named to panel  12/7/72 p.69
NELSON, LESLIE                                              
    Lake Barrington board hit by secret meeting charge 
        10/12/72 p.3
NEVEU, DENISE D.                                            
    Miss Barrington pageant candidates  5/25/72 p.8
    84 pages a record!  4/20/72 p.3
    Harper externs join newsmen on the job  4/27/72 p.19
    Dager joins news staff  6/1/72 p.6
    McCray joins news staff  6/29/72 p.4
    Bash new president of Barrington Press  9/21/72 p.2
NICKLAS, JESSALYN                                           
    Harper board chairman re-elected ICCTA officer  8/3/72 p.22
NINETY-NINES (ORGANIZATION)                                 
    Ninety-Niners plan monthly meeting  3/23/72 p.20
    Ninety-nines awards dinner  4/13/72 p.20
    Reporter "grows wings"  6/22/72 p.44
NIXON, RICHARD                                              
    Graham on committee to re-elect the president  10/5/72 p.8
NOBLE, TIMOTHY                                              
    Weekend accident  9/7/72 p.5
NOISE POLLUTION                                             
    Noise can be reduced... through plantings  1/6/72 p.23
    North Barrington meeting features tax discussion  3/16/72
NORTH BARRINGTON SCHOOL                                     
    Activities of Barrington young people  4/20/72 p.74
    North Barrington school put out to pasture  7/13/72 p.1
NORTH BARRINGTON, ILL.                                      
    North Barrington board acts in short session  1/6/72 p.31
    Villages look at '72  1/20/72 p.3
    North Barrington acts on recommendations  1/27/72 p.4
    Pollution hearing set  1/27/72 p.7
    State EPA suit filed against Lake Zurich  2/10/72 p.7
    Lake Zurich in more trouble  2/24/72 p.3
    Horses, trailers are a concern for trustees  3/2/72 p.57
    North Barrington backs mass transportation idea  3/2/72 p.57
    North Barrington meeting features tax discussion  3/16/72
    Caldwell states Lake Barrington facts in error  3/23/72 p.60
    Find two more starving horses  3/23/72 p.3
    North Barrington board accepts 1972-73 budget  3/30/72 p.7
    Trustees defer vote on horses, trailers  3/30/72 p.11
    North Barrington opposes Bartlett proposal  4/27/72 p.2
    Seek to end Signal Hill flooding  4/27/72 p.9
    Ok residential-shopping center complex  5/4/72 p.78
    North Barrington appoints 2 new trustees  5/25/72 p.26
    North Barrington debates horse-trailer laws  5/25/72 p.39
    North Barrington is wasting money - Doughty  6/1/72 p.3
    Committee: pay taxes under protest  6/8/72 p.3
    Annual appropriation ordinance  6/15/72 p.66
    North Barrington school put out to pasture  7/13/72 p.1
    Caldwell leaving North Barrington  7/27/72 p.2
    Ecology an issue in battle over lights  7/27/72 p.2
    Treasurer's report  8/3/72 p.61
    North Barrington board discusses mass transit  8/10/72 p.67
    Cragg rejects North Barrington appointment  8/31/72 p.3
    North Barrington dilutes resolution backing EPA  9/7/72 p.3
    Reappointed as building officer  9/7/72 p.56
    Schulke named North Barrington acting president  9/14/72
    North Barrington oks comprehensive map  9/28/72 p.14
    Board rejects traveling manager system  10/26/72 p.3
    County orders removal of metal horse barn  10/26/72 p.10
    Action delayed on trailer, animal, solicitor laws  11/2/72
    North Barrington village trustees continue lighting
        controversy  11/2/72 p.50
    North Barrington joins Barrington Hills  11/30/72 p.12
    North Barrington studies revenue sharing impact  12/7/72
    Farm animals OK'd in North Barrington  12/21/72 p.13
    Revenue sharing check disappoints board  12/21/72 p.10
    Road problems aired at North Barrington meeting  12/21/72
    Pucinski speaks at Democratic club dinner  6/8/72 p.73
    Horse killer explained at overflow meeting  2/24/72 p.11
    Rescue 2 starving foals from South Barrington field 
        2/24/72 p.1
    Set March 6 court date in cruelty to animals case  3/2/72
    Society pleased with agreement  3/9/72 p.14
    Find two more starving horses  3/23/72 p.3
    Remove animals for care and treatment  12/21/72 p.64
    Northwest Auto Paint and Supply Store; Larry Ott and
        Lillian Ott, owners  9/28/72 p.64
    Women's auxiliary desires members  2/10/72 p.21
    Women's auxiliary makes contribution  2/17/72 p.11
NORTHWOODS HOME CENTER                                      
    Northwoods Home Center; Ken Remington and Len Ortinan,
        owners  8/17/72 p.18
NUERNBERGER, ORLIN H.                                       
    Nuernberger, Schwalm retire from post office  7/6/72 p.1
NURSING HOMES                                               
    Nursing home decision may come tonight  1/13/72 p.1
    Plan commission hearing on nursing home January 5  1/13/72
    Nursing home matter may end up in court  1/20/72 p.1
    Hearing set  3/2/72 p.1
    Plan 3rd nursing home hearing  3/2/72 p.11
    Nursing home hearing set for March 29  3/9/72 p.3
    Action on condominium plan due Monday night  4/6/72 p.1
    Nursing home hearing postponed until April 19  4/6/72 p.3
    Create additional liquor license  4/13/72 p.3
    Trustees reject nursing home plan  4/27/72 p.1
    Members vote to sell campgrounds  5/18/72 p.2
    Bethany plans to develop 17-acre campground site  11/22/72
OFSTHUN, D. GLENN                                           
    North Barrington appoints 2 new trustees  5/25/72 p.26
OFSTHUN, KAREN                                              
    5 hurt at Kelsey, 14  6/15/72 p.4
OGILVIE, RICHARD B.                                         
    Governor Ogilvie visits Harper college campus  9/21/72 p.13
OLD MILL GROVE (SUBDIVISION)                                
    Suit against Deer Park is filed by building firm  9/21/72
    Deer Park ignores 3-H counter offer  10/19/72 p/10
    Booklet identifies area developments  11/30/72 p.13
OLSON,  J. R., MR. AND MRS.                                 
    Local residents take ride through western Ireland  11/16/72
OLSON, THEODORE D., MR. AND MRS.                            
    Sixty years  10/19/72 p.54
    History of Lounsbury Chapter No. 494 O.E.S.  5/4/72 p.41
ORTINAN, LEN                                                
    Northwoods Home Center; Ken Remington and Len Ortinan,
        owners  8/17/72 p.18
OTT, LARRY                                                  
    Northwest Auto Paint and Supply Store; Larry Ott and
        Lillian Ott, owners  9/28/72 p.64
OTT, LILLIAN                                                
    Northwest Auto Paint and Supply Store; Larry Ott and
        Lillian Ott, owners  9/28/72 p.64
OTZEN, JOHN                                                 
    Reporter "grows wings"  6/22/72 p.44
PAGANICA (SUBDIVISION)                                      
    EPA clamps down on village  10/12/72 p.1
PALATINE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS                             
    Group to air township fight  10/26/72 p.3
PALATINE, ILL.                                              
    "Hands-off" directive for Palatine cops  11/22/72 p.7
PALM, JOHN E.                                               
    Local boaters may have safety checks  6/29/72 p.53
PALMER, LAURA D.                                            
    Miss Barrington pageant candidates  6/1/72 p.20
    State passes legislation for emergency care units  6/15/72
PARTRIDGE, IRENE "RAE"                                      
    Local artists enter Edens Plaza fair  6/22/72 p.26
PATRICK, ROBERT "SONNY"                                     
    Ariola family watches gun battle  8/3/72 p.3
    Barrington Hills patrolman nabs first burglary suspect 
        8/3/72 p.3
PEACE CORPS                                                 
    BHS grad teaching in Kenya  4/20/72 p.38
PEBBLEWOOD (SUBDIVISION)                                    
    Third hearing is needed on medical clinic project  1/27/72
PEDERSON, FRANK                                             
    Crane names 3 more campaign coordinators  9/21/72 p.8
PEDERSON, KEITH                                             
    Slate candidates oppose high density development  1/13/72
    May present $2.6 million bond issue June 17  3/23/72 p.1
    Planning to rehabilitate business district sidewalks 
        3/23/72 p.4
PENZE, JACKIE                                               
    Reporter "grows wings"  6/1/72 p.16
    Reporter "grows wings"  6/8/72 p.26
    Reporter "grows wings"  6/22/72 p.44
    Reporter "grows wings"  7/27/72 p.38
PEO SISTERHOOD (ORGANIZATION)                               
    Chapter IM of P.E.O. honors charter members  11/2/72 p.24
PEPPER, RICHARD                                             
    Shopping center hearing May 17  5/4/72 p.3
PERFORMING ARTS BOOSTERS                                    
    Performing Arts Boosters celebrate tenth anniversary 
        9/28/72 p.28
PERKINS, EMMETT                                             
    Ariola family watches gun battle  8/3/72 p.3
    Barrington Hills patrolman nabs first burglary suspect 
        8/3/72 p.3
PETERSON, PAUL                                              
    Associate pastors for area churches  6/15/72 p.11
PINKERMAN, MAY                                              
    Mrs. Pinkerman retires as clerk  11/16/72 p.1
    Mrs. Pinkerman reflects on 17 years of service  11/22/72 p.3
    Honor Mrs. Pinkerman  11/30/72 p.8
PLUNKETT, SALLY                                             
    Appointed secretary  11/22/72 p.1
POHLMAN'S PHARMACY                                          
    Pohlman's Pharmacy; Caesar Garibaldi, owner  6/22/72 p.62
    Police obtain federal grant  1/6/72 p.5
    Benevolent fund receives $200 donation  2/24/72 p.10
    Wired houses are answer to security  4/13/72 p.18
    No money for area police study  5/4/72 p.9
    Theft of walnut trees plaguing area police  5/4/72 p.14
    Davidson quits force  6/15/72 p.5
    One shot, five arrested after auto chase  6/29/72 p.2
    Wounded  6/29/72 p.1
    Benefit fund established for police officer  7/13/72 p.6
    Attempted kidnapping in village  7/27/72 p.4
    Peter Grant reappointed police chief  7/27/72 p.10
    Ariola family watches gun battle  8/3/72 p.3
    Barrington Hills patrolman nabs first burglary suspect 
        8/3/72 p.3
    Dog lead police on 2 1/2-day chase  8/3/72 p.1
    An abrupt end to a quiet week [Corbett murders]  8/10/72 p.1
    Official urges residents to remain calm  8/10/72 p.1
    Police have tough nut to crack [Corbett murders]  8/10/72
    "Nothing new" in murder case  8/17/72 p.3
    FBI, crime lab, IBI can find no solution  8/31/72 p.6
    Mittelhauser at traffic institute  9/14/72 p.5
    State police task force combats truck problem  9/28/72 p.16
    Charge four in Corbett murder  10/19/72 p.3
    Barrington Hills gains through revenue sharing  10/26/72 p.7
    "Hands-off" directive for Palatine cops  11/22/72 p.7
    Inverness debates full village law enforcement  12/21/72
    Officer saves youth from burning home  12/21/72 p.3
    Pollution hearing set  1/27/72 p.7
    Pollution in Lake county prime concern of 5th district
        voters  1/27/72 p.34
    State EPA suit filed against Lake Zurich  2/10/72 p.7
    Feathers fly in Fox river foray  2/17/72 p.3
    Outline watershed district plan  2/17/72 p.3
    Lake Zurich in more trouble  2/24/72 p.3
    Area streams dying a slow death  4/6/72 p.3
    Study groups are formed by BACOG  4/6/72 p.8
    File injunction against Lake Zurich  5/18/72 p.6
    File restraining order against LZ contractor  5/25/72 p.8
    North Barrington is wasting money - Doughty  6/1/72 p.3
    BAGOG balks at sewer project  6/8/72 p.6
    Permanent court order against Meyne  6/8/72 p.18
    Find Lake Zurich guilty of pollution  6/15/72 p.3
    Debris  7/13/72 p.3
    Fox River Grove - ACA: 10 troubled years  7/20/72 p.2
    Fox River Grove - A.C.A.: 10 troubled years  7/27/72 p.13
    Company admits guilt at E.P.A. hearing  8/17/72 p.66
    Inverness board adopts environmental ordinance  8/24/72 p.12
    LWV urges BACOG action  8/24/72 p.6
    Leverence plans to sue Wisconsin  9/21/72 p.3
    Leverence files his suit against the dairy state  10/19/72
POLSENE, VIRGINIA                                           
    Growing need for Rehabilitation home  4/27/72 p.33
    HUD bungles at Poplar Creek  9/7/72 p.2
    Poplar Creek residents want action  9/21/72 p.75
POSTAL SERVICE                                              
    Carrier retires after 32 years  1/13/72 p.3
    Nuernberger, Schwalm retire from post office  7/6/72 p.1
    Process record amount of mail  12/28/72 p.1
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF BARRINGTON                           
    New church members  7/27/72 p.25
    Presbyterians install new assistant minister  9/14/72 p.13
PUCINSKI, ROMAN                                             
    Pucinski speaks at Democratic club dinner  6/8/72 p.73
PYSKASEK, JUNE                                              
    Promenade staged by Barringtonian  10/19/72 p.38
RADIO BROADCASTING                                          
    Harper College radio station  3/23/72 p.20
    2 Barrington men purchase station WEXI  10/5/72 p.7
    Must improve Hart crossing by August 7  4/6/72 p.1
    Park board refuses to donate right-of-way  4/13/72 p.5
    No action taken on Hart crossing  5/4/72 p.3
    Park, village meet again on right-of-way problem  5/11/72
    Park, village continue negotiations  5/25/72 p.3
    Why should depot stay in village?  6/8/72 p.1
    Bond issue referendum Saturday  6/15/72 p.1
    Park waiting for outcome of referendum  6/15/72 p.7
    Referendum defeated 2-1  6/22/72 p.1
    Village to buy right-of-way  7/6/72 p.3
    Depot relocation still top priority  7/13/72 p.3
    Barrington Hills can't meet ICC deadline  7/27/72 p.1
    Village board decision surprises park district  7/27/72 p.3
    ICC extends deadline for crossing work  8/10/72 p.1
    BACOG report suggest Hart road depot site  8/24/72 p.7
    Village easements studied by park district board  8/31/72
    Depot will remain downtown  9/14/72 p.4
    Hart road is closed for 7 days  9/21/72 p.1
    Library system has railroad collection  9/28/72 p.36
REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT                                     
    Hearing set for January 12  1/6/72 p.1
    Nursing home decision may come tonight  1/13/72 p.1
    Plan commission hearing on nursing home January 5  1/13/72
    Slate candidates oppose high density development  1/13/72
    New medical clinic discussion Monday  1/20/72 p.1
    Plan commission hearing on shopping center  1/20/72 p.62
    Shopping center dealt setback  1/20/72 p.1
    Receives license-permit reports  1/27/72 p.6
    Southgate plat adopted  1/27/72 p.3
    Third hearing is needed on medical clinic project  1/27/72
    Medical clinic hearing Feb. 23  2/10/72 p.1
    Commission to hear subdivision proposal  2/17/72 p.4
    May develop 500-acre Bartlett estate  2/17/72 p.1
    Set hearing on condominium project  2/17/72 p.1
    Developer isn't ready  3/2/72 p.1
    Medical clinic, fire barn receive village approval  3/2/72
    Plan 3rd nursing home hearing  3/2/72 p.11
    Asking Forest Preserve to buy Bartlett property  3/9/72 p.3
    Continue hearing until March 15  3/9/72 p.5
    Nursing home hearing set for March 29  3/9/72 p.3
    Seeks to develop 80-acre apple orchard  3/9/72 p.13
    Hayward urges vote on April 4  3/16/72 p.18
    Shopping center given new life  3/16/72 p.1
    Caldwell states Lake Barrington facts in error  3/23/72 p.60
    Candidate supports property acquisition  3/23/72 p.18
    Commission urges denial of condominium proposal  3/23/72
    Discuss purchase of Bartlett estate  3/23/72 p.3
    Huge residential complex planned on Brandel tract  3/23/72
    Student appeal for preservation of land  3/23/72 p.16
    Village board ponders condominium proposal  3/30/72 p.2
    Action on condominium plan due Monday night  4/6/72 p.1
    Nursing home hearing postponed until April 19  4/6/72 p.3
    Save the Estate  4/6/72 p.1
    BACOG asked to oppose Bartlett estate proposal  4/13/72 p.8
    Board agrees in principle to condominium proposal  4/13/72
    Board sees plans for Bartlett tract  4/13/72 p.2
    The Bartlett estate plan!  4/20/72 p.1
    Estes guest speaker at League meeting  4/27/72 p.3
    North Barrington opposes Bartlett proposal  4/27/72 p.2
    Trustees reject nursing home plan  4/27/72 p.1
    Bartlett plan opposed by BACOG  5/4/72 p.1
    District 4 objects to Bartlett development  5/4/72 p.76
    Ok residential-shopping center complex  5/4/72 p.78
    Present Bartlett estate proposal  5/4/72 p.1
    Shopping center hearing May 17  5/4/72 p.3
    Chamber plans for conference  5/11/72 p.6
    Detail plans for Bartlett estate  5/11/72 p.3
    Developers answer critics  5/11/72 p.3
    Donate 7 acres for new library  5/11/72 p.1
    Hearing set  5/11/72 p.3
    Land use meeting  5/11/72 p.74
    Commission balks at village request  5/18/72 p.1
    Grant Motors earns commission approval  5/18/72 p.7
    Icearena has land  5/18/72 p.2
    May 27 conference previewed by Lewis  5/18/72 p.3
    Members vote to sell campgrounds  5/18/72 p.2
    Plan medical center for Lake Barrington  5/18/72 p.2
    "Our Living Environment" seminar May 27  5/25/72 p.7
    Commission rejects townhouse plan  5/25/72 p.3
    Kennedy plans to develop 170 acres near Fairhaven  5/25/72
    Shopping center half-way home  5/25/72 p.1
    Bartlett estate hearing June 7  6/1/72 p.3
    Can balance ecology, economics - Lewis  6/1/72 p.2
    Let the residents decide - Forrest  6/1/72 p.1
    Crumrine named to new position  6/8/72 p.3
    Klein reports progress of study groups  6/8/72 p.31
    Shopping center, Kennedy discussion is postponed  6/8/72 p.1
    Hold first hearing on Bartlett estate plan  6/15/72 p.2
    Park District discusses campground property  6/15/72 p.8
    Withdraws request for rezoning  6/15/72 p.3
    Annexation petition on board agenda  6/22/72 p.3
    Plan commission ponders project  6/22/72 p.2
    Plan huge development in Cary  6/22/72 p.8
    Annexation discussion postponed  6/29/72 p.3
    Shopping center PUD ordered  6/29/72 p.1
    Village board approves pre-annexation agreement  7/6/72 p.3
    AIM to hold first meeting Friday night  7/13/72 p.10
    Depot relocation still top priority  7/13/72 p.3
    Private group moving ahead  7/20/72 p.1
    Lake Zurich oks $3 million shopping center  7/27/72 p.17
    Recommends approval of Bartlett proposal  8/3/72 p.1
    Cary commission hears Jandus complaints  8/10/72 p.6
    Tempers flair at board meeting  8/10/72 p.16
    Water, sewer demands plague Bartlett planners  8/10/72 p.54
    Initial plans disclosed for $20 million complex  8/24/72 p.1
    Problems delay shopping center complex  8/24/72 p.3
    Bartlett development approved  9/7/72 p.1
    HUD bungles at Poplar Creek  9/7/72 p.2
    Propose site for area hospital  9/7/72 p.1
    Citizens pondering legal action  9/14/72 p.1
    Hospital site disclosure criticized  9/14/72 p.1
    BACOG airs its views on area hospital plan  9/21/72 p.4
    Inverness objects to verbal recommendation  9/21/72 p.12
    Poplar Creek residents want action  9/21/72 p.75
    Ready Kennedy petition  9/21/72 p.1
    Court upholds South Barrington annexation  9/28/72 p.1
    Lake Barrington group files suit against board  9/28/72 p.1
    BACOG contributes to suit fund  10/5/72 p.4
    Project review program is studied by BACOG  10/5/72 p.2
    Board approves new McIntosh subdivision  10/12/72 p.65
    Area hospital permit issued  10/19/72 p.3
    Deer Park ignores 3-H counter offer  10/19/72 p/10
    Inverness trustee seeks donation by subdivider  10/19/72
    Propose second ice rink  10/26/72 p.1
    Site of rink  10/26/72 p.9
    Zoning studied in Tower Lakes  10/26/72 p.28
    Condominium plan gets green light  11/2/72 p.3
    County sewer system plan gets new life  11/2/72 p.1
    Gift shop location may be hockey rink  11/2/72 p.10
    BACOG defers action on development evaluation  11/16/72 p.46
    For new clinic  11/16/72 p.3
    Lake Barrington backs suit against county  11/16/72 p.6
    Villages of Bent Creek complex earns approval  11/16/72 p.1
    $50,000 letter of credit apparently "lost" by bank 
        11/22/72 p.12
    BACOG may get powers of review  11/22/72 p.2
    Bethany plans to develop 17-acre campground site  11/22/72
    Petition Inverness for planned development  11/22/72 p.9
    Booklet identifies area developments  11/30/72 p.13
    Leasing agent chosen for industrial units  11/30/72 p.32
    Village board approves 14-home development  11/30/72 p.14
    Hear Winston petition Dec. 18  12/7/72 p.1
    Requests changes  12/7/72 p.3
    Bartlett developer seeks several changes in plans  12/14/72
    Draper petition due in January  12/14/72 p.3
    Draper proposal concerns schools  12/14/72 p.2
    Winston proposal: 1,306 units  12/14/72 p.1
    Barrington Hills' plea still before commission  12/21/72 p.3
    Busy January ahead for village  12/21/72 p.1
    Draper development  12/21/72 p.3
    BACOG's most important year?  12/28/72 p.1
RECYCLING (WASTE)                                           
    Will accept newspapers  6/29/72 p.1
    Graham makes tour of Ohio solid waste recycling plant 
        9/21/72 p.11
    Solid waste: An alternative  10/19/72 p.35
REDCLOUD, JOHN W.                                           
    Four charged with robbery in Des Plaines  6/29/72 p.4
    One shot, five arrested after auto chase  6/29/72 p.2
REDDIN, JANIS E.                                            
    Miss Barrington pageant candidates  6/1/72 p.20
REED, JAMES R.                                              
    County police charge three in drug raid  7/13/72 p.2
REFUSE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL                                  
    BACOG hearings begin  7/20/72 p.3
    Village endorses new trash system  8/31/72 p.1
    Reaction favorable to new refuse plan  9/7/72 p.5
    Village board approves refuse pickup fee hike  9/14/72 p.2
    Fox Point residents okay refuse change  9/21/72 p.3
    Graham makes tour of Ohio solid waste recycling plant 
        9/21/72 p.11
    Solid waste: An alternative  10/19/72 p.35
    Experiment begins  12/7/72 p.3
REHABILITATION CENTERS                                      
    Growing need for Rehabilitation home  4/27/72 p.33
REMINGTON, KEN                                              
    Northwoods Home Center; Ken Remington and Len Ortinan,
        owners  8/17/72 p.18
    Good Government slate sweeps  2/10/72 p.1
RESPOND, JAMES J.                                           
    Carpentersville youth dies  1/20/72 p.16
REYNA, RUBEN                                                
    Two killed, two injured in separate accidents  4/20/72 p.3
RICE, ROBERT                                                
    Services today for Bob Rice  12/7/72 p.4
RICHTER, ALFRED                                             
    USPS - dedicated to safe boating  6/22/72 p.56
RICKMAN, MARTHA J.                                          
    County police charge three in drug raid  7/13/72 p.2
RIDING TRAILS (SUBDIVISION)                                 
    Inverness objects to verbal recommendation  9/21/72 p.12
    Board approves new McIntosh subdivision  10/12/72 p.65
    Inverness trustee seeks donation by subdivider  10/19/72
RIZZO, JOSEPH                                               
    Company admits guilt at E.P.A. hearing  8/17/72 p.66
    Board sets priorities, discusses bond issue  3/9/72 p.1
    Traffic lights scheduled for Hillside and Hough  3/9/72 p.12
    Summit sewer plans completed  3/16/72 p.6
    May present $2.6 million bond issue June 17  3/23/72 p.1
    Tower Lakes oks road program  3/23/72 p.12
    Must improve Hart crossing by August 7  4/6/72 p.1
    Name the road [renaming of Lake Zurich Road]  4/6/72 p.1
    No action taken on Hart crossing  5/4/72 p.3
    Village board awards pact for Summit sewer project  5/11/72
    Special assessment 76 project withdrawn  6/8/72 p.3
    Bond issue referendum Saturday  6/15/72 p.1
    Lake Barrington may widen bridge  6/15/72 p.28
    Referendum defeated 2-1  6/22/72 p.1
    Auto dealers offer to install traffic lights  6/29/72 p.3
    Hoffman board passes new driveway law  6/29/72 p.7
    Depot relocation still top priority  7/13/72 p.3
    Car dealers seek public support  7/20/72 p.3
    Barrington Hills can't meet ICC deadline  7/27/72 p.1
    Ecology an issue in battle over lights  7/27/72 p.2
    Village - dealer plans  7/27/72 p.4
    Maiben, dealers, CAI meet Tuesday, Aug. 8  8/3/72 p.2
    ICC extends deadline for crossing work  8/10/72 p.1
    Village oks resurfacing of 7 streets  9/14/72 p.3
    Hart road is closed for 7 days  9/21/72 p.1
    Slight hope for Route 68 by-pass  10/5/72 p.1
    Inverness board divided by drainage problems  10/19/72 p.47
    Road problems aired at North Barrington meeting  12/21/72
ROBINSON, JOHN C.                                           
    BACOG board rejects resolution of unqualified support for
        EPA  9/7/72 p.3
RODGERS, ANNA                                               
    Treasurer resigns in Tower Lakes  9/21/72 p.6
ROGERS, ROBIN D.                                            
    Local girl captures three twirling titles  7/20/72 p.22
    Miss Chicago Majorette  9/21/72 p.25
ROSENZWEIG, ALLAN                                           
    Barrington family welcomes students  9/7/72 p.18
    AFS students  10/19/72 p.24
ROSLYN ROAD SCHOOL                                          
    Round the village activities  5/18/72 p.76
    Registration day at Roslyn Road school  8/31/72 p.14
ROTHMAN, MARSHALL                                           
    Candidate states facts distorted  2/17/72 p.24
    Rothman shuns "special interest groups"  3/16/72 p.4
    Rothman vs. Leverence in March 21 primary  3/16/72 p.3
    Leverence tops Rothman; record Democratic vote  3/23/72 p.2
    Rothman to aid Leverence in campaign  9/14/72 p.6
    Award three 50 year pins  8/10/72 p.33
    Awarded pins  8/17/72 p.24
SABADOSH, NICHOLAS K.                                       
    Social worker tells family guidance aims  3/30/72 p.24
SALEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH                                    
    Help is needed [identification of photo]  1/13/72 p.8
SALEM UNITED METHODIST CHURCH                               
    Associate pastors for area churches  6/15/72 p.11
SALVATION ARMY                                              
    Salvation Army aided by BAUD fund drive  8/3/72 p.67
SASS, HENRY, SR.                                            
    Masons honor Sass for service  6/29/72 p.1
SCALETTA, ANTHONY J.                                        
    Forest Lake man murdered Sunday  5/11/72 p.13
SCHNEIDER, FRANK                                            
    Shopping center half-way home  5/25/72 p.1
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS                                       
    224 rejects pay raise for administration  9/28/72 p.2
SCHOOL DISTRICT 1                                           
    Unit study superintendents' topic  1/6/72 p.1
    District 1 OK's consultant  1/13/72 p.7
    District 4 funds merger study  1/13/72 p.4
    Reorganization study is given green light  1/27/72 p.3
    Forced to see tax anticipation warrants  2/17/72 p.9
    Reorganization study committee formed  2/17/72 p.3
    Unit district study group has first meeting  3/2/72 p.9
    Five file petitions for 8 school board seats  3/9/72 p.8
    District 1 preparing to sell tax warrants  3/30/72 p.12
    School board elections Saturday  4/6/72 p.1
    All is calm at District 1 board meeting  4/13/72 p.1
    BACOG asked to oppose Bartlett estate proposal  4/13/72 p.8
    More controversy erupts in District 1 school vote  4/13/72
    Four unit district committees submit reports  5/11/72 p.11
    District 1 sells warrants  5/18/72 p.25
    Committee recommends formation of unit district  6/1/72 p.3
    Approve formation of unit district  6/22/72 p.1
    District 1 delays vote on unit plan  7/13/72 p.1
    224 responds to critics on unit district urgency  7/20/72
    District 4 sits on unit proposal  7/27/72 p.1
    County suit claims schools out $170,000  8/17/72 p.35
    District 1 school board balks at unit proposal  8/17/72 p.1
    District 4 board oks referendum  8/17/72 p.1
    Council endorses unit district vote  8/31/72 p.1
    Ready petition to merge three school districts  9/14/72 p.2
    Takes no position on unit district  9/14/72 p.1
    Open education: The "teachable moment"  9/21/72 p.50
    Prepare for unit district vote  9/28/72 p.1
    District 4 board meets unannounced  10/26/72 p.1
    New member to be appointed to District 1 board  11/2/72 p.7
    Treasurer's annual financial report  11/2/72 p.65
    County board may discuss land disannexation Dec. 3 
        11/16/72 p.4
    Judge rules for tax objectors  12/7/72 p.3
    Could close Countryside School  12/14/72 p.10
    District 224 studies new schedule  12/21/72 p.1
SCHOOL DISTRICT 214                                         
    Disannexation is approved  12/7/72 p.3
SCHOOL DISTRICT 224                                         
    Unit study superintendents' topic  1/6/72 p.1
    District 1 OK's consultant  1/13/72 p.7
    District 4 funds merger study  1/13/72 p.4
    Supreme court rulings to have local impact  1/20/72 p.11
    Reorganization study is given green light  1/27/72 p.3
    Reorganization study committee formed  2/17/72 p.3
    District 224 faces tax dilemma  2/24/72 p.1
    A problem to consider  3/2/72 p.1
    Unit district study group has first meeting  3/2/72 p.9
    Five file petitions for 8 school board seats  3/9/72 p.8
    School calendar major 224 topic  3/23/72 p.7
    School board elections Saturday  4/6/72 p.1
    BACOG asked to oppose Bartlett estate proposal  4/13/72 p.8
    Wastcoat edges Grove's Carroll  4/13/72 p.1
    Sears Hallett re-elected president of 224 board  4/20/72
    Bartlett plan opposed by BACOG  5/4/72 p.1
    Developers answer critics  5/11/72 p.3
    Four unit district committees submit reports  5/11/72 p.11
    Committee recommends formation of unit district  6/1/72 p.3
    Approve formation of unit district  6/22/72 p.1
    District 1 delays vote on unit plan  7/13/72 p.1
    224 responds to critics on unit district urgency  7/20/72
    District 4 sits on unit proposal  7/27/72 p.1
    District 1 school board balks at unit proposal  8/17/72 p.1
    District 4 board oks referendum  8/17/72 p.1
    IEA says District 224 negotiations stalled  8/24/72 p.11
    Irate bus drivers complain to board  8/24/72 p.1
    BHS teacher strike not likely: Zaremba  8/31/72 p.3
    Council endorses unit district vote  8/31/72 p.1
    Teachers vote for contract  9/7/72 p.1
    Ready petition to merge three school districts  9/14/72 p.2
    School districts offer free meals  9/14/72 p.43
    Takes no position on unit district  9/14/72 p.1
    224 rejects pay raise for administration  9/28/72 p.2
    Prepare for unit district vote  9/28/72 p.1
    Zoeller welcomes sessions on schools  10/19/72 p.7
    District 4 board meets unannounced  10/26/72 p.1
    County board may discuss land disannexation Dec. 3 
        11/16/72 p.4
    Annual financial statement  11/22/72 p.55
    Park, high school rely on voters  11/30/72 p.3
    Disannexation is approved  12/7/72 p.3
    Judge rules for tax objectors  12/7/72 p.3
    Draper proposal concerns schools  12/14/72 p.2
    District 224 studies new schedule  12/21/72 p.1
SCHOOL DISTRICT 26                                          
    District 26 board challenged by resident  1/13/72 p.63
SCHOOL DISTRICT 3                                           
    Committee recommends formation of unit district  6/1/72 p.3
SCHOOL DISTRICT 4                                           
    Unit study superintendents' topic  1/6/72 p.1
    District 1 OK's consultant  1/13/72 p.7
    District 4 funds merger study  1/13/72 p.4
    District 4 in-school concerts  1/27/72 p.66
    Reorganization study is given green light  1/27/72 p.3
    District 4 board meets  2/3/72 p.9
    Reorganization study committee formed  2/17/72 p.3
    District 4 may release 12 teachers  2/24/72 p.1
    Teachers ask District 4: consider alternatives  2/24/72 p.4
    A problem to consider  3/2/72 p.1
    Drop foreign languages!  3/2/72 p.1
    Sharp & Sharpe board candidates  3/2/72 p.5
    Unit district study group has first meeting  3/2/72 p.9
    Five file petitions for 8 school board seats  3/9/72 p.8
    District 4 board discusses test results, new calendar 
        3/16/72 p.10
    District 4 won't drop standardized tests  4/6/72 p.13
    School board elections Saturday  4/6/72 p.1
    BACOG asked to oppose Bartlett estate proposal  4/13/72 p.8
    May register this month for free summer school  4/13/72 p.2
    District 4 sets meetings for parents  4/20/72 p.4
    Sharpe is president of District 4 board  4/20/72 p.4
    District 4 objects to Bartlett development  5/4/72 p.76
    Four unit district committees submit reports  5/11/72 p.11
    Retroactive pay held up by IRS  5/18/72 p.3
    Committee recommends formation of unit district  6/1/72 p.3
    Teachers ok new contract  6/1/72 p.5
    Extra $18,000 for District 4 school board  6/8/72 p.8
    Approve formation of unit district  6/22/72 p.1
    District 1 delays vote on unit plan  7/13/72 p.1
    North Barrington school put out to pasture  7/13/72 p.1
    224 responds to critics on unit district urgency  7/20/72
    District 4 sits on unit proposal  7/27/72 p.1
    District 4 board to hear answers from consultants  8/10/72
    County suit claims schools out $170,000  8/17/72 p.35
    District 1 school board balks at unit proposal  8/17/72 p.1
    District 4 board oks referendum  8/17/72 p.1
    Council endorses unit district vote  8/31/72 p.1
    Treasurer's annual financial report  8/31/72 p.52
    Ready petition to merge three school districts  9/14/72 p.2
    School districts offer free meals  9/14/72 p.43
    Takes no position on unit district  9/14/72 p.1
    Prepare for unit district vote  9/28/72 p.1
    District 4 enrollment up slightly  10/5/72 p.9
    District 4 board meets unannounced  10/26/72 p.1
    Building problems concern District 4  11/9/72 p.11
    County board may discuss land disannexation Dec. 3 
        11/16/72 p.4
    District 4 school board plans 2 special meetings  12/7/72
    Judge rules for tax objectors  12/7/72 p.3
    Draper proposal concerns schools  12/14/72 p.2
    District 224 studies new schedule  12/21/72 p.1
SCHOOL DISTRICT 54                                          
    Committee recommends formation of unit district  6/1/72 p.3
SCHOOL DISTRICT 76                                          
    Lake Barrington backs suit against county  11/16/72 p.6
SCHOOL DISTRICT 95                                          
    Draper proposal concerns schools  12/14/72 p.2
    Unit district study group has first meeting  3/2/72 p.9
    Unit study superintendents' topic  1/6/72 p.1
    District 1 OK's consultant  1/13/72 p.7
    District 26 board challenged by resident  1/13/72 p.63
    District 4 funds merger study  1/13/72 p.4
    St. Anne church elects school board  1/20/72 p.15
    Supreme court rulings to have local impact  1/20/72 p.11
    Reorganization study is given green light  1/27/72 p.3
    Bus service offered by Ferry Hall School  2/3/72 p.20
    District 4 board meets  2/3/72 p.9
    Forced to see tax anticipation warrants  2/17/72 p.9
    Reorganization study committee formed  2/17/72 p.3
    District 224 faces tax dilemma  2/24/72 p.1
    District 4 may release 12 teachers  2/24/72 p.1
    Teachers ask District 4: consider alternatives  2/24/72 p.4
    A problem to consider  3/2/72 p.1
    Drop foreign languages!  3/2/72 p.1
    Lines school fun fair  3/2/72 p.62
    Local educators at statewide convention  3/2/72 p.60
    Sharp & Sharpe board candidates  3/2/72 p.5
    Unit district study group has first meeting  3/2/72 p.9
    Five file petitions for 8 school board seats  3/9/72 p.8
    District 4 board discusses test results, new calendar 
        3/16/72 p.10
    School calendar major 224 topic  3/23/72 p.7
    District 1 preparing to sell tax warrants  3/30/72 p.12
    District 4 won't drop standardized tests  4/6/72 p.13
    New music program demonstrated at Lines PTO meeting  4/6/72
    School board elections Saturday  4/6/72 p.1
    All is calm at District 1 board meeting  4/13/72 p.1
    All is calm at District 1 board meeting  4/13/72 p.1
    BACOG asked to oppose Bartlett estate proposal  4/13/72 p.8
    May register this month for free summer school  4/13/72 p.2
    Wastcoat edges Grove's Carroll  4/13/72 p.1
    Activities of Barrington young people  4/20/72 p.74
    District 4 sets meetings for parents  4/20/72 p.4
    Montessori school plans open house  4/20/72 p.10
    Sears Hallett re-elected president of 224 board  4/20/72
    Sharpe is president of District 4 board  4/20/72 p.4
    Tuition hike is approved by St. Anne  4/27/72 p.3
    Bartlett plan opposed by BACOG  5/4/72 p.1
    District 4 objects to Bartlett development  5/4/72 p.76
    Four unit district committees submit reports  5/11/72 p.11
    St. Mark's school to hold open house  5/11/72 p.69
    District 1 sells warrants  5/18/72 p.25
    Retroactive pay held up by IRS  5/18/72 p.3
    Round the village activities  5/18/72 p.76
    Lines students study careers  5/25/72 p.16
    Committee recommends formation of unit district  6/1/72 p.3
    Teachers ok new contract  6/1/72 p.5
    Extra $18,000 for District 4 school board  6/8/72 p.8
    Learning Tree school receives state license  6/8/72 p.12
    First graders tested at Sunnyhill school  6/15/72 p.10
    Approve formation of unit district  6/22/72 p.1
    Leverence raps Graham for vote on school aid  6/29/72 p.4
    District 1 delays vote on unit plan  7/13/72 p.1
    North Barrington school put out to pasture  7/13/72 p.1
    224 responds to critics on unit district urgency  7/20/72
    District 4 sits on unit proposal  7/27/72 p.1
    District 4 board to hear answers from consultants  8/10/72
    County suit claims schools out $170,000  8/17/72 p.35
    District 1 school board balks at unit proposal  8/17/72 p.1
    District 4 board oks referendum  8/17/72 p.1
    Council endorses unit district vote  8/31/72 p.1
    Registration day at Roslyn Road school  8/31/72 p.14
    Winkie Bear school names new director  9/7/72 p.10
    Ready petition to merge three school districts  9/14/72 p.2
    School districts offer free meals  9/14/72 p.43
    Takes no position on unit district  9/14/72 p.1
    Open education: The "teachable moment"  9/21/72 p.50
    Prepare for unit district vote  9/28/72 p.1
    Zoeller welcomes sessions on schools  10/19/72 p.7
    District 4 board meets unannounced  10/26/72 p.1
    Grove Avenue PTA to hear discussion  11/2/72 p.44
    Moody resigns hospital post  11/2/72 p.2
    Grove Avenue PTA discusses unit district  11/9/72 p.19
    County board may discuss land disannexation Dec. 3 
        11/16/72 p.4
    Disannexation is approved  12/7/72 p.3
    Judge rules for tax objectors  12/7/72 p.3
    Draper proposal concerns schools  12/14/72 p.2
    District 224 studies new schedule  12/21/72 p.1
SCHULKE, RUSSELL                                            
    North Barrington appoints 2 new trustees  5/25/72 p.26
    Schulke named North Barrington acting president  9/14/72
SCHURECHT, FRED                                             
    Set March 6 court date in cruelty to animals case  3/2/72
    Society pleased with agreement  3/9/72 p.14
    Shopping center hearing May 17  5/4/72 p.3
SCHWALM, VERNER                                             
    Nuernberger, Schwalm retire from post office  7/6/72 p.1
SCHWETTMAN, JAN                                             
    Inverness joins early coronary care program  2/17/72 p.25
SCOTT, RIDGE                                                
    $50,000 loss in burglary  11/2/72 p.5
    Offers reward for information about burglary  11/9/72 p.5
SCUBA DIVING                                                
    Ship 21 scuba divers dive in Door County  11/22/72 p.69
SECURITY SYSTEMS                                            
    Wired houses are answer to security  4/13/72 p.18
    Senior Citizens hold meeting and installation  6/29/72 p.20
SHARP, CYNTHIA B.                                           
    Sharp & Sharpe board candidates  3/2/72 p.5
SHARPE, H. PARKER                                           
    Sharp & Sharpe board candidates  3/2/72 p.5
    Sharpe is president of District 4 board  4/20/72 p.4
    District 4 sits on unit proposal  7/27/72 p.1
SHEETS, RAYMOND JACKSON                                     
    Sheets announces board candidacy  1/6/72 p.11
SHELKOP, BOB                                                
    Shelkop's Home Entertainment Center; Bob Shelkop, owner 
        2/17/72 p.18
    Shelkop's Home Entertainment Center; Bob Shelkop, owner 
        2/17/72 p.18
SHERMAN HOSPITAL AUXILIARY                                  
    Sherman hospital auxiliary benefit  2/24/72 p.17
    Sherman Hospital Auxiliary annual benefit dinner-dance
        March 25, 1972  4/13/72 p.30
    Hospital volunteers - those who care  4/27/72 p.10
SHIP 21 SCUBA GROUP (ORGANIZATION)                          
    Ship 21 scuba divers dive in Door County  11/22/72 p.69
SHOPPING CENTERS                                            
    Hearing set for January 12  1/6/72 p.1
    Plan commission hearing on shopping center  1/20/72 p.62
    Shopping center dealt setback  1/20/72 p.1
    Shopping center given new life  3/16/72 p.1
    Ok residential-shopping center complex  5/4/72 p.78
    Shopping center hearing May 17  5/4/72 p.3
    Shopping center half-way home  5/25/72 p.1
    Shopping center, Kennedy discussion is postponed  6/8/72 p.1
    Annexation petition on board agenda  6/22/72 p.3
    Shopping center PUD ordered  6/29/72 p.1
    Lake Zurich oks $3 million shopping center  7/27/72 p.17
    Problems delay shopping center complex  8/24/72 p.3
    Court upholds South Barrington annexation  9/28/72 p.1
    Busy January ahead for village  12/21/72 p.1
    Returns to native Sicily  7/20/72 p.21
SIEGERST, DAVID                                             
    5 hurt at Kelsey, 14  6/15/72 p.4
SIGNS AND SIGNBOARDS                                        
    Residents, trustees do slow burn  3/16/72 p.1
    ZBA questions sign ordinance  3/30/72 p.3
    Sign ordinance ok - zoning board  5/18/72 p.4
    Hoffman zoning board has say so on signs  6/8/72 p.5
    Withdraws request for rezoning  6/15/72 p.3
SIMON, PAUL                                                 
    Simon to speak to Democrats at Palatine meeting  1/13/72
SIMPSON, GAIL                                               
    Nixonettes attend Miami convention  9/14/72 p.26
SKALICKY, ROBERT                                            
    $50,000 letter of credit apparently "lost" by bank 
        11/22/72 p.12
SKATING RINKS                                               
    Indoor ice rink proposed  4/6/72 p.3
    Indoor ice rink  4/13/72 p.4
    Asks park to consider artificial ice rink  5/11/72 p.10
    Icearena has land  5/18/72 p.2
    Park District shooting for indoor ice facility  5/18/72 p.1
    Park board plans referendum  7/13/72 p.1
    Indoor ice rink  7/20/72 p.7
    Park slates referendum meeting  7/20/72 p.1
    Private group moving ahead  7/20/72 p.1
    Park District bond vote Sept. 23  8/17/72 p.1
    Park district board sets $960,000 referendum  8/31/72 p.2
    Private group to wait for park referendum  9/7/72 p.1
    Park prepares for referendum  9/14/72 p.6
    Why have an indoor rink in Barrington?  9/21/72 p.9
    Park District considers 2nd referendum  9/28/72 p.1
    Propose second ice rink  10/26/72 p.1
    Site of rink  10/26/72 p.9
    Gift shop location may be hockey rink  11/2/72 p.10
    One ice rink can survive - Cosentino  11/2/72 p.1
    Park board to split referendum  11/2/72 p.1
    Ice rink race continues  11/22/72 p.3
    Metro Sports eyes Lake Zurich  11/30/72 p.3
    Park, high school rely on voters  11/30/72 p.3
    Park referendum vote Saturday, Dec. 9  12/7/72 p.1
    Residents give park half a loaf  12/14/72 p.1
    Busy January ahead for village  12/21/72 p.1
SLOWN, MARK                                                 
    Earns appointment to USAF Academy  8/24/72 p.36
SMITH, MARGE                                                
    Device ends cluttered kitchen  8/17/72 p.32
SMITH, NANCY                                                
    AFS student tells of year in Australia  3/9/72 p.34
    Snowmobile control topic of Barrington Hills board  1/27/72
SOCIAL WORKERS                                              
    Social worker tells family guidance aims  3/30/72 p.24
    Soil Erosion Ordinance  2/17/72 p.34
SOIL EROSION                                                
    Soil Erosion Ordinance  2/17/72 p.34
SOUTH BARRINGTON, ILL.                                      
    Court upholds South Barrington annexation  9/28/72 p.1
    Hear Winston petition Dec. 18  12/7/72 p.1
    Winston proposal: 1,306 units  12/14/72 p.1
SOUTHGATE (REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT)                         
    Southgate plat adopted  1/27/72 p.3
    Guy Murdock chosen by Houston  2/10/72 p.3
    Regional champs  3/9/72 p.1
    Brown inks grid contract with Dallas  3/16/72 p.2
    Hutchings captures third in world university games  3/23/72
    Cary-Grove tops Barrington 1864-1461 [24-hour basketball
        marathon]  4/6/72 p.51
    Indoor ice rink proposed  4/6/72 p.3
    Long jump record 29 years old  4/6/72 p.48
    Park gymnastic team to train for Olympics  4/6/72 p.69
    Butzman seeking Olympic berth  6/8/72 p.53
    Sunday morning baseball is opposed by ministers  6/8/72 p.4
    Babe Ruth league  7/20/72 p.30
    Little League major  7/20/72 p.32
    Legion nine makes state  8/3/72 p.1
    BHS athletic program continues to grow  8/10/72 p.48
    Bill George: the player, the coach  8/10/72 p.49
    Murdock alternates as starting center  8/10/72 p.48
    Belleville eliminates Broncs, 8-4  8/17/72 p.3
    High school will expand girls' athletic program  8/31/72
SPORTS FACILITIES                                           
    "Y" ground breaking is April 30  4/20/72 p.1
    New "Y" building  4/20/72 p.4
    Break ground this Sunday  4/27/72 p.1
    Break ground for Countryside "Y"  5/4/72 p.77
    Camp Countryside fills eight positions  6/1/72 p.51
ST. ANNE CATHOLIC CHURCH                                    
    St. Anne priest to be ordained  5/4/72 p.51
ST. ANNE SCHOOL                                             
    St. Anne church elects school board  1/20/72 p.15
    Tuition hike is approved by St. Anne  4/27/72 p.3
    St. Anne's board elects new members  11/2/72 p.69
    New officers  11/30/72 p.8
    American Indians at St. Michael's  6/1/72 p.25
ST. MARK'S DAY SCHOOL                                       
    St. Mark's school to hold open house  5/11/72 p.69
ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH                                 
    Confirmation class  5/11/72 p.67
    St. Matthew lays cornerstone Sunday  10/26/72 p.3
    Lay cornerstone  11/2/72 p.3
ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH                              
    American Indians at St. Michael's  6/1/72 p.25
    Episcopal Bishop here this Sunday  10/5/72 p.1
    Blessing doors  10/26/72 p.17
ST. PAUL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST                            
    Brief history of St. Paul's church  5/25/72 p.71
    Confirmation class  6/8/72 p.17
STAPLETON, PAT                                              
    Indoor ice rink proposed  4/6/72 p.3
STATE BANK OF LAKE ZURICH                                   
    Break ground for new facility  5/4/72 p.80
STEINHOFF, FRED, MR. AND MRS.                               
    Happy 50th  8/10/72 p.23
STEPHENS, BILL                                              
    Transcendental Meditation offers practical technique 
        7/13/72 p.58
STERN, GRACE MARY                                           
    Charges county clerk with 19 violations  4/13/72 p.11
STEWART, GORDON                                             
    Defective wiring caused fatal fire  3/9/72 p.6
STEYERMARK, JULIAN                                          
    Venezuelan honor for former resident  11/16/72 p.36
STROBEL, TOM                                                
    Local artist exhibits at Marina City gallery  3/9/72 p.42
STROH, DAVID                                                
    Three in family receive degrees  6/29/72 p.25
STROH, DEBORAH                                              
    Three in family receive degrees  6/29/72 p.25
STROH, STEPHEN                                              
    Three in family receive degrees  6/29/72 p.25
STRUBEL, MARTIE                                             
    Local sculptress in Wayne Art Show  5/11/72 p.73
STRUTHERS, SALLY                                            
    Lunch with Sally Struthers  5/18/72 p.75
STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAMS                                   
    AFS student tells of year in Australia  3/9/72 p.34
    AFS student tells year's experiences  6/29/72 p.55
    AFS student will live with Japanese family  6/29/72 p.28
    AFS student discusses her year in Barrington  7/27/72 p.30
    AFS student finds life in Japan "most happy"  7/27/72 p.29
    Barrington families greet French girls  8/17/72 p.24
    Barrington family welcomes students  9/7/72 p.18
    French young people end Barrington visit  9/14/72 p.34
    AFS students  10/19/72 p.24
STUMPF, ERWIN W.                                            
    Carrier retires after 32 years  1/13/72 p.3
SUNNYHILL SCHOOL                                            
    First graders tested at Sunnyhill school  6/15/72 p.10
SWENSON, ROBERT                                             
    Barrington Hills patrolman nabs first burglary suspect 
        8/3/72 p.3
    An abrupt end to a quiet week [Corbett murders]  8/10/72 p.1
SWIMMING POOLS                                              
    District orders pool cost study  1/13/72 p.1
    Park pools open May 27, fees are set  4/27/72 p.1
    Park board plans referendum  7/13/72 p.1
    Park slates referendum meeting  7/20/72 p.1
    Park District bond vote Sept. 23  8/17/72 p.1
    Park district board sets $960,000 referendum  8/31/72 p.2
    Park prepares for referendum  9/14/72 p.6
    Why have an indoor rink in Barrington?  9/21/72 p.9
    Park District considers 2nd referendum  9/28/72 p.1
    Park board to split referendum  11/2/72 p.1
    Park, high school rely on voters  11/30/72 p.3
    Park referendum vote Saturday, Dec. 9  12/7/72 p.1
    Residents give park half a loaf  12/14/72 p.1
    Syd Simons Make-up and Facecare Studio; Betty King Barker,
        owner  9/21/72 p.76
TANNER, HOUSTON                                             
    Remove animals for care and treatment  12/21/72 p.64
TAXATION--BARRINGTON HILLS, ILL.                            
    Barrington Hills looks at utility tax  7/27/72 p.3
    Barrington Hills board solves insolvency  8/31/72 p.3
    Vehicle tags, utility tax to aid Barrington Hills  9/28/72
TAXATION--BARRINGTON TOWNSHIP, ILL.                         
    Personal property schedule due before Friday, June 2 
        5/18/72 p.8
TAXATION--BARRINGTON, ILL.                                  
    District 224 faces tax dilemma  2/24/72 p.1
    Board sets priorities, discusses bond issue  3/9/72 p.1
    District 1 preparing to sell tax warrants  3/30/72 p.12
    Village board approves $3 million budget  5/11/72 p.1
    Barrington hit by reassessment  8/10/72 p.6
    Citizens over 65 may apply for cash grant  12/21/72 p.3
TAXATION--COOK COUNTY, ILL.                                 
    Barrington Hills faces financial problems  3/2/72 p.10
    County suit claims schools out $170,000  8/17/72 p.35
    Residents urged to protest taxes  8/31/72 p.12
    Judge dismisses taxpayers' suit  10/5/72 p.3
    Judge rules for tax objectors  12/7/72 p.3
TAXATION--CUBA TOWNSHIP, ILL.                               
    Cuba taxpayer may face major increases  1/13/72 p.3
    North Barrington meeting features tax discussion  3/16/72
    Cuba, Ela assessments up 13 1/2 %  5/18/72 p.1
    All tax bills in the mail  7/13/72 p.4
    Residents urged to protest taxes  8/31/72 p.12
    Judge rules for tax objectors  12/7/72 p.3
TAXATION--DEER PARK, ILL.                                   
    Deer Park repeals utility tax  5/18/72 p.6
TAXATION--ELA TOWNSHIP, ILL.                                
    Cuba, Ela assessments up 13 1/2 %  5/18/72 p.1
    Illinois Senate bill benefits taxpayer  3/16/72 p.60
    Barrington realtor board supports tax freeze  11/16/72 p.18
    Park District board objects to tax freeze  11/16/72 p.3
TAXATION--INVERNESS, ILL.                                   
    Board passes record tax levy in Inverness  8/24/72 p.33
TAXATION--KANE COUNTY, ILL.                                 
    Area residents file suit to equalize taxes  7/6/72 p.1
    Judge dismisses taxpayers' suit  10/5/72 p.3
TAXATION--LAKE COUNTY, ILL.                                 
    Barrington Hills faces financial problems  3/2/72 p.10
    Home rule vote Tuesday, March 21  3/9/72 p.4
    Personal property suit planned 6/1/72 p.8
    Committee: pay taxes under protest  6/8/72 p.3
    Area residents file suit to equalize taxes  7/6/72 p.1
    Residents urged to protest taxes  8/31/72 p.12
    Judge dismisses taxpayers' suit  10/5/72 p.3
    Judge rules for tax objectors  12/7/72 p.3
TAXATION--MCHENRY COUNTY, ILL.                              
    Area residents file suit to equalize taxes  7/6/72 p.1
    Judge dismisses taxpayers' suit  10/5/72 p.3
TAXATION--NORTH BARRINGTON, ILL.                            
    North Barrington meeting features tax discussion  3/16/72
TAYLOR, CHARLES                                             
    Taylor-d Gifts Ltd.; Charles Taylor and Elsie Taylor,
        owners  7/20/72 p.48
TAYLOR, DONALD                                              
    Charge four in Corbett murder  10/19/72 p.3
TAYLOR, ELSIE                                               
    Taylor-d Gifts Ltd.; Charles Taylor and Elsie Taylor,
        owners  7/20/72 p.48
TAYLOR, REUBEN                                              
    Charge four in Corbett murder  10/19/72 p.3
TAYLOR-D GIFTS LTD.                                         
    Taylor-d Gifts Ltd.; Charles Taylor and Elsie Taylor,
        owners  7/20/72 p.48
    Teacher group enters 4th year  1/20/72 p.2
    District 4 board meets  2/3/72 p.9
    District 4 may release 12 teachers  2/24/72 p.1
    Teachers ask District 4: consider alternatives  2/24/72 p.4
    Drop foreign languages!  3/2/72 p.1
    Local educators at statewide convention  3/2/72 p.60
    BHS grad teaching in Kenya  4/20/72 p.38
    Retroactive pay held up by IRS  5/18/72 p.3
    Teachers ok new contract  6/1/72 p.5
    IEA says District 224 negotiations stalled  8/24/72 p.11
    BHS teacher strike not likely: Zaremba  8/31/72 p.3
    Teachers vote for contract  9/7/72 p.1
    Mugalian receives IPACE endorsement  9/28/72 p.11
    Mugalian receives IPACE endorsement  9/28/72 p.36
    Illinois Bell seeks higher phone rates  11/16/72 p.1
    Illinois Bell Telephone files for rate increase  11/30/72
TEPPER, TERRI                                               
    Barrington resident named to panel  12/7/72 p.69
THEOBALD, LORRAINE                                          
    Local resident adopts young Peruvian boy  3/16/72 p.64
THOMPSON, DAVID A.                                          
    Candidate withdraws  1/6/72 p.8
THOMPSON, DIDI S.                                           
    Journalist initiated into Theta Sigma Phi  6/8/72 p.14
TIENKEN, MARTIN H.                                          
    Resident dies seeking help  5/18/72 p.3
TIMM, HELMUT                                                
    Barrington Volvo; Helmut Timm and Franz Mausser, owners 
        6/8/72 p.10
    Tornado procedure up for grabs  4/13/72 p.3
TOTOSZ, WALTER T.                                           
    Thankful no-one was hurt - Kranz  3/2/72 p.3
TOWER LAKES PLAN COMMISSION                                 
    McCauley resigns from Tower Lakes commission  12/28/72 p.13
TOWER LAKES, ILL.                                           
    Adopts future expansion, growth position  1/20/72 p.10
    Villages look at '72  1/20/72 p.3
    Tower Lakes board contemplates comprehensive plan, burning
        ban  3/23/72 p.10
    Tower Lakes oks road program  3/23/72 p.12
    Save the Estate  4/6/72 p.1
    Tower Lakes oks liquor ordinances  4/27/72 p.51
    Bartlett plan opposed by BACOG  5/4/72 p.1
    Clarke picked over Midas for mosquito program  5/25/72 p.50
    Tower Lakes opposes county sewer plan  6/22/72 p.7
    Tower Lakes passes 72-73 appropriation  6/29/72 p.60
    Amendment to appropriation ordinance  7/6/72 p.50
    Board grants variation to Lewis  7/20/72 p.4
    Treasurer's report  8/10/72 p.64
    Tower Lakes considers taking resident to court  8/31/72 p.7
    Tower Lakes reverses zoning variation approval  8/31/72 p.34
    Treasurer resigns in Tower Lakes  9/21/72 p.6
    Tower Lakes crash kills one person  10/12/72 p.1
    Trustee criticizes bicycle registration fee  10/19/72 p.8
    Zoning studied in Tower Lakes  10/26/72 p.28
    Tower Lakes approves comprehensive plan  11/30/72 p.9
TRAFFIC FLOW                                                
    Traffic lights scheduled for Hillside and Hough  3/9/72 p.12
    Shopping center, Kennedy discussion is postponed  6/8/72 p.1
    Special assessment 76 project withdrawn  6/8/72 p.3
    Auto dealers offer to install traffic lights  6/29/72 p.3
    Car dealers seek public support  7/20/72 p.3
    Village - dealer plans  7/27/72 p.4
    Maiben, dealers, CAI meet Tuesday, Aug. 8  8/3/72 p.2
    BACOG report suggest Hart road depot site  8/24/72 p.7
    State police task force combats truck problem  9/28/72 p.16
    Slight hope for Route 68 by-pass  10/5/72 p.1
    Traffic problems topic of Chamber meeting  10/19/72 p.10
TRAFFIC REGULATIONS                                         
    Students survey traffic violations  8/3/72 p.8
    Communities get share of fine $  8/10/72 p.2
TRAFFIC SAFETY                                              
    Must improve Hart crossing by August 7  4/6/72 p.1
    No action taken on Hart crossing  5/4/72 p.3
    Barrington Hills can't meet ICC deadline  7/27/72 p.1
    Ecology an issue in battle over lights  7/27/72 p.2
    ICC extends deadline for crossing work  8/10/72 p.1
    Mittelhauser at traffic institute  9/14/72 p.5
    Need crossing guard-mothers  9/14/72 p.3
    Hart road is closed for 7 days  9/21/72 p.1
    Mothers do homework in crossing guard matter  9/28/72 p.3
    State police task force combats truck problem  9/28/72 p.16
    Won't lower speed limit on East Main  10/12/72 p.1
    Contract for emergency weather service  10/26/72 p.1
    North Barrington village trustees continue lighting
        controversy  11/2/72 p.50
TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION                                   
    Transcendental Meditation offers practical technique 
        7/13/72 p.58
    BACOG to host CMATS seminar  1/13/72 p.1
    Proposed mass transit network discussed  1/20/72 p.5
    Mass transit seminar  1/27/72 p.41
    C & NW seeks rate increase  2/10/72 p.1
    Village's 1st bus service  2/10/72 p.9
    North Barrington backs mass transportation idea  3/2/72 p.57
    Study groups are formed by BACOG  4/6/72 p.8
    Task force agencies meet with BACOG  5/25/72 p.72
    Crack-down on mini-bikes  6/8/72 p.3
    Klein reports progress of study groups  6/8/72 p.31
    Why should depot stay in village?  6/8/72 p.1
    Bond issue referendum Saturday  6/15/72 p.1
    Referendum defeated 2-1  6/22/72 p.1
    Disagreements mark mass transit hearing  8/3/72 p.6
    North Barrington board discusses mass transit  8/10/72 p.67
    BACOG report suggest Hart road depot site  8/24/72 p.7
    Irate bus drivers complain to board  8/24/72 p.1
    Depot will remain downtown  9/14/72 p.4
    State police task force combats truck problem  9/28/72 p.16
TRAVEL WEEK                                                 
    "Travel Week" begins Sept. 21  9/21/72 p.1
    Theft of walnut trees plaguing area police  5/4/72 p.14
    New Elm tree program adopted by village board  8/17/72 p.6
TUMA, ROY F.                                                
    Walk away from crash  11/9/72 p.3
UNITED METHODIST CHURCH                                     
    Associate pastors for area churches  6/15/72 p.11
UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY                             
    Earns appointment to USAF Academy  8/24/72 p.36
    Barrington grad appointed to air academy  8/31/72 p.19
UNITED STATES POWER SQUADRONS                               
    USPS - dedicated to safe boating  6/22/72 p.56
UNITED STATES. CONGRESS.                                    
    Shannon Ellis at workshop in Washington  8/3/72 p.9
    HUD bungles at Poplar Creek  9/7/72 p.2
    Poplar Creek residents want action  9/21/72 p.75
    Flood control plan to take nine years  3/9/72 p.9
VALLIERE, JAMES                                             
    Inverness trustee seeks donation by subdivider  10/19/72
VAN ARSDELL, CORALYN I.                                     
    Miss Barrington pageant candidates  6/1/72 p.20
VAN REMOORTERE, INGRID                                      
    AFS student discusses her year in Barrington  7/27/72 p.30
VAN SANT, JOHN                                              
    Hit by car  6/15/72 p.10
    Park District hit by more vandalism  5/4/72 p.75
    Wants day to honor Vietnam vets  11/2/72 p.9
VIETNAMESE CONFLICT, 1961-1975                              
    Wants day to honor Vietnam vets  11/2/72 p.9
VILLAGE CHURCH OF BARRINGTON                                
    World missions conference starts Dec. 2  11/30/72 p.10
    Initial plans disclosed for $20 million complex  8/24/72 p.1
    Ready Kennedy petition  9/21/72 p.1
    Condominium plan gets green light  11/2/72 p.3
    Villages of Bent Creek complex earns approval  11/16/72 p.1
    Voluntary Action month  3/9/72 p.21
    Hospital volunteers - those who care  4/27/72 p.10
VOLUNTEER BUREAU OF BARRINGTON                              
    Voluntary Action month  3/9/72 p.21
    Volunteer bureau elects officers  6/22/72 p.24
    Volunteer bureau lists participating residents  10/26/72
    Volunteer bureau lists board members  12/21/72 p.39
VON KOCH, EVA                                               
    AFS students  10/19/72 p.24
VOSS, FRED                                                  
    Mayor Voss will discuss '72 priorities  2/17/72 p.1
    Voss pleads for unity  8/3/72 p.6
WACHS, DAN                                                  
    Wachs resigns village post on Inverness board  8/24/72 p.55
WAGNER, CYRIL                                               
    Wagner to chair BACOG  7/6/72 p.1
WAHRER, ELSIE                                               
    Reporter "grows wings"  6/22/72 p.44
    Barrington flyers enter Indiana race  9/14/72 p.64
WALAITIS, CHESTER                                           
    Artists exhibit in Palatine show  6/29/72 p.54
WALAITIS, MARCIA                                            
    Local artist holds origami workshop  11/2/72 p.14
WALKER, DAN                                                 
    Dan Walker addresses student body  5/18/72 p.6
WALSH, MARCY                                                
    White Hen Pantry;  Marcy Walsh and Tom Walsh, owners 
        2/10/72 p.8
WALSH, TOM                                                  
    White Hen Pantry;  Marcy Walsh and Tom Walsh, owners 
        2/10/72 p.8
    White Hen Pantry has gas fueled power plant  6/1/72 p.66
WARREN, STEVE                                               
    Fritz Soft Pretzel Shop; Chuck Young and Steve Warren,
        owners  9/7/72 p.23
WASTCOAT, JOHN                                              
    Wastcoat edges Grove's Carroll  4/13/72 p.1
WASTE DISPOSAL IN THE GROUND                                
    BACOG hearings begin  7/20/72 p.3
    Storm sewer construction is underway  1/6/72 p.3
    Lake Zurich in more trouble  2/24/72 p.3
    Summit sewer plans completed  3/16/72 p.6
    Comprehensive plan -- draining problems discussed by board 
        3/23/72 p.31
    First meeting scheduled April 11  3/23/72 p.1
    Drainage woes plague Inverness  4/20/72 p.55
    Seek to end Signal Hill flooding  4/27/72 p.9
    Village board awards pact for Summit sewer project  5/11/72
    Inverness balks at drainage work  5/18/72 p.11
    BAGOG balks at sewer project  6/8/72 p.6
    Tower Lakes opposes county sewer plan  6/22/72 p.7
    Inverness embarks on flood control program  6/29/72 p.36
    BACOG hearings begin  7/20/72 p.3
    Fox River Grove - ACA: 10 troubled years  7/20/72 p.2
    Water, sewer demands plague Bartlett planners  8/10/72 p.54
    Company admits guilt at E.P.A. hearing  8/17/72 p.66
    Board orders correction of Cedar Knoll drainage  8/24/72
    Tower Lakes considers taking resident to court  8/31/72 p.7
    Village smoke tests underway  10/5/72 p.6
    EPA clamps down on village  10/12/72 p.1
    Inverness board divided by drainage problems  10/19/72 p.47
    Inverness trustee seeks donation by subdivider  10/19/72
    Will replace Summit lines before Oct. 31  10/19/72 p.39
    Zoning studied in Tower Lakes  10/26/72 p.28
    County sewer system plan gets new life  11/2/72 p.1
    Village, EPA to meet next week  11/16/72 p.3
    $50,000 letter of credit apparently "lost" by bank 
        11/22/72 p.12
    Village must perform or else!  11/30/72 p.1
    Village board oks meter feeding ordinance  12/14/72 p.6
WATER CONSERVATION                                          
    Watershed district meeting Thursday, Feb. 10 in Cary 
        2/3/72 p.3
    CARP hosts watershed district meeting tonight  2/10/72 p.1
    Feathers fly in Fox river foray  2/17/72 p.3
    Outline watershed district plan  2/17/72 p.3
    Flood control plan to take nine years  3/9/72 p.9
    Water resources handled in haphazard way -- LWV  3/9/72 p.16
    LWV supports future flood plain ordinance  4/13/72 p.51
WATER QUALITY                                               
    Pollution hearing set  1/27/72 p.7
    Pollution in Lake county prime concern of 5th district
        voters  1/27/72 p.34
    State EPA suit filed against Lake Zurich  2/10/72 p.7
    Lake Zurich in more trouble  2/24/72 p.3
    Water resources handled in haphazard way -- LWV  3/9/72 p.16
    Area streams dying a slow death  4/6/72 p.3
    North Barrington is wasting money - Doughty  6/1/72 p.3
    Permanent court order against Meyne  6/8/72 p.18
    Find Lake Zurich guilty of pollution  6/15/72 p.3
    Fox River Grove - ACA: 10 troubled years  7/20/72 p.2
WAUCONDA, ILL.                                              
    Fireworks blast kills employee  7/6/72 p.9
    Three-car crash kills two people in Wauconda  8/3/72 p.10
    Contract for emergency weather service  10/26/72 p.1
WEBBE'S APPLE ORCHARD                                       
    Ok residential-shopping center complex  5/4/72 p.78
WELCH, JOSEPH                                               
    Cuba supervisor Welch retires  6/1/72 p.1
WENIG, MARY                                                 
    Barrington Yoga Center; Mary Wenig, owner  9/14/72 p.9
WESOLOWICZ, AGNES                                           
    Three-car crash kills two people in Wauconda  8/3/72 p.10
WESOLOWICZ, MARION J.                                       
    Three-car crash kills two people in Wauconda  8/3/72 p.10
WESTCOTT, CHARLES                                           
    Flying the friendly skyways…  2/10/72 p.3
WESTIN, LARS V.                                             
    Defective wiring caused fatal fire  3/9/72 p.6
WESTWOOD (SUBDIVISION)                                      
    EPA clamps down on village  10/12/72 p.1
WHITE HEN PANTRY                                            
    White Hen Pantry;  Marcy Walsh and Tom Walsh, owners 
        2/10/72 p.8
    White Hen Pantry has gas fueled power plant  6/1/72 p.66
WHITE HOUSE (WASHINGTON, D. C.)                             
    Former resident chosen White House intern  8/24/72 p.26
WILL, ROBERT P., JR.                                        
    Zion attorney announces candidacy for delegate  1/27/72 p.16
WILSON, LEIGH                                               
    New member to be appointed to District 1 board  11/2/72 p.7
WINCHESTER, JAMES, RT. REV.                                 
    Episcopal Bishop here this Sunday  10/5/72 p.1
WINKIE BEAR SCHOOL (PRESCHOOL)                              
    Winkie Bear school names new director  9/7/72 p.10
WOLLAR, BURNELL                                             
    Long jump record 29 years old  4/6/72 p.48
WOLLNEY, LOIS                                               
    Barrington 4-H'ers named king, queen  8/10/72 p.68
    AAUW make plans to organize in area  3/2/72 p.19
    Ninety-Niners plan monthly meeting  3/23/72 p.20
    NOW holds 2nd meeting  4/6/72 p.14
    First woman administrator  9/28/72 p.13
    DACOWITS member will attend meeting  11/9/72 p.19
    Barrington resident named to panel  12/7/72 p.69
WOMEN AIR PILOTS                                            
    Ninety-Niners plan monthly meeting  3/23/72 p.20
    Ninety-nines awards dinner  4/13/72 p.20
    Reporter "grows wings"  6/1/72 p.16
    Reporter "grows wings"  6/22/72 p.44
    Reporter "grows wings"  7/6/72 p.7
    Reporter "grows wings"  7/27/72 p.38
    Barrington flyers enter Indiana race  9/14/72 p.64
WOOD, JOHN                                                  
    Wood leaves BACOG post  6/22/72 p.3
WOODSTOCK CHILDREN'S HOME                                   
    Woodstock children entertained by BPW  8/10/72 p.20
WORK ENVIRONMENT                                            
    Fox River Grove - A.C.A.: 10 troubled years  7/27/72 p.13
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER                                         
    Two services for World Day of Prayer  2/24/72 p.3
YEAR IN REVIEW                                              
    A review of the year…  1972  12/28/72 p.3
    Nixonettes attend Miami convention  9/14/72 p.26
YOUNG, CHUCK                                                
    Fritz Soft Pretzel Shop; Chuck Young and Steve Warren,
        owners  9/7/72 p.23
    Student appeal for preservation of land  3/23/72 p.16
    Save the Estate  4/6/72 p.1
    Crack-down on mini-bikes  6/8/72 p.3
    Barrington families greet French girls  8/17/72 p.24
    French young people end Barrington visit  9/14/72 p.34
    Nixonettes attend Miami convention  9/14/72 p.26
YOUTH SERVICES                                              
    Barrington youth services meets Nov. 16  11/2/72 p.8
    The Bridge: Meeting needs of area youth  11/16/72 p.14
ZIENTEK, DANIEL                                             
    Lions club awards 25th scholarship  6/15/72 p.3
ZOELLER, JOSEPH                                             
    District 224 faces tax dilemma  2/24/72 p.1
    Zoeller welcomes sessions on schools  10/19/72 p.7
    Hearing set for January 12  1/6/72 p.1
    Nursing home decision may come tonight  1/13/72 p.1
    Plan commission hearing on nursing home January 5  1/13/72
    New medical clinic discussion Monday  1/20/72 p.1
    Nursing home matter may end up in court  1/20/72 p.1
    Plan commission hearing on shopping center  1/20/72 p.62
    Shopping center dealt setback  1/20/72 p.1
    North Barrington acts on recommendations  1/27/72 p.4
    Third hearing is needed on medical clinic project  1/27/72
    Medical clinic hearing Feb. 23  2/10/72 p.1
    Trustees award fire station pact  2/17/72 p.2
    Hearing set  3/2/72 p.1
    Plan 3rd nursing home hearing  3/2/72 p.11
    Nursing home hearing set for March 29  3/9/72 p.3
    Seeks to develop 80-acre apple orchard  3/9/72 p.13
    Shopping center given new life  3/16/72 p.1
    Caldwell states Lake Barrington facts in error  3/23/72 p.60
    Huge residential complex planned on Brandel tract  3/23/72
    Court date set for landing strip  3/30/72 p.9
    Village board ponders condominium proposal  3/30/72 p.2
    ZBA questions sign ordinance  3/30/72 p.3
    Action on condominium plan due Monday night  4/6/72 p.1
    LWV unit topic: land use-zoning  4/6/72 p.9
    Nursing home hearing postponed until April 19  4/6/72 p.3
    Create additional liquor license  4/13/72 p.3
    Trustees reject nursing home plan  4/27/72 p.1
    Ok residential-shopping center complex  5/4/72 p.78
    Present Bartlett estate proposal  5/4/72 p.1
    Detail plans for Bartlett estate  5/11/72 p.3
    BACOG aids defeat of House Bill 4287  5/18/72 p.58
    Commission balks at village request  5/18/72 p.1
    Grant Motors earns commission approval  5/18/72 p.7
    Members vote to sell campgrounds  5/18/72 p.2
    Sign ordinance ok - zoning board  5/18/72 p.4
    Shopping center half-way home  5/25/72 p.1
    Bartlett estate hearing June 7  6/1/72 p.3
    Can balance ecology, economics - Lewis  6/1/72 p.2
    Crumrine named to new position  6/8/72 p.3
    Hoffman zoning board has say so on signs  6/8/72 p.5
    BACOG seeking government funds  6/15/72 p.56
    Hold first hearing on Bartlett estate plan  6/15/72 p.2
    Withdraws request for rezoning  6/15/72 p.3
    Plan commission ponders project  6/22/72 p.2
    Plan huge development in Cary  6/22/72 p.8
    Auto dealers offer to install traffic lights  6/29/72 p.3
    Board grants variation to Lewis  7/20/72 p.4
    Group recommends mass annexation  7/27/72 p.3
    Initial plans disclosed for $20 million complex  8/24/72 p.1
    Tower Lakes reverses zoning variation approval  8/31/72 p.34
    Village adopts master plan, puts it to use  8/31/72 p.4
    New resource law faces skepticism, controversy  9/21/72 p.30
    Suit against Deer Park is filed by building firm  9/21/72
    Court upholds South Barrington annexation  9/28/72 p.1
    Deer Park ignores 3-H counter offer  10/19/72 p/10
    County orders removal of metal horse barn  10/26/72 p.10
    Propose second ice rink  10/26/72 p.1
    Zoning studied in Tower Lakes  10/26/72 p.28
    County sewer system plan gets new life  11/2/72 p.1
    Petition Inverness for planned development  11/22/72 p.9
    Village board approves 14-home development  11/30/72 p.14
    Hear Winston petition Dec. 18  12/7/72 p.1
    Winston proposal: 1,306 units  12/14/72 p.1