October 13, 1900
Mr. Cary of Joliet was in town last Thursday.
Wm. Bicknase was an Elgin visitor Wednesday.
Otto Ficke was a Chicago visitor last week.
Roney & Carr shipped a car-load of cattle this week.
Miss Julia Packard, who has been quite ill, is improving slowly.
Mr. Kauffman was a guest at the Zurich house the first of the week.
Mrs. Weidenhefer is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seip.
John Collen of Barrington was in Lake Zurich on business one day this week.
Henry G. Hillam was in Chicago Monday and purchased two car loads of cattle.
Quite a number from here attended the democratic rally at Barrington Thursday evening.
H.L. Prehm, our hardware dealer, has just furnished the school with a new heating stove.
The new bell for the church has arrived and it is a beauty. We soon expect to hear its chimes.
Our road superintendent has finished grading and is now hauling gravel for the road south of the depot.
Politics is the only thing of interest now in Zurich and our old campaigners are beginning to warm up some.
H. Pepper, jr., had a ride in an automobile last Sunday. He says it is a fine thing and is thinking seriously of purchasing one.
Gus Fieddler was seen on our streets this week. Gus is a jovial sort of a fellow and we are always glad to see him call around.
Henry G. Hillman will offer for sale this afternoon at 1 o’clock p.m. at public auction twenty-five 2 ½ year old bulls and forty-two heifers. Henry Seip is the auctioneer.
FOR SALE - To close an estate, the George E. Hall farm, containing 270 acres. One and one-half miles east of Dundee. Can be divided to advantage Terms liberal. Stock can be sold if desired with farm. Apply to C.F. Hall, Dundee, Ill.
Dance at the Oakland this evening.
Henry Hariis was a Waukegan visitor the first of the week.
Mrs. John Knipfel is spending a few weeks with relatives in Milwaukee.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Wentworth Monday morning, a little girl.
Farm for rent - The Higley and Hawley farm, comprising about 300 acres, will be rented for a term of years to responsible tenant. Inquire of Fred Hobein, Barrington.
We now have a bakery in our village. Mr. Gronier of Nunda has rented the rooms adjoining Price Bros. store and will keep a full line of fresh bakery goods always on hand and special orders will be given prompt attention.
Carl Ericksen has mounted two fine specimens of the feathered kingdom - a great blue heron and a black cormorant. Carl is a professional taxidermist and any one who captures a fine species of bird, would do well by calling upon him and have it mounted.
Lost, Tuesday, September 17, between Libertyville and Wauconda, a girl’s jacket, light brown all wool covert, having a narrow cape of brown velvet, and lined throughout with brown satin, Finder will please leave at H. Maiman & Son’s and received a suitable reward.
Two of our local politicians, Messrs. Carr and Stoxen, went to Fremont Center last Saturday evening and delivered orations to a social gathering at the public school house. The weather was somewhat damp but nevertheless the program was carried out. It was stated that Mr. Stoxen’s speech and cartoon was seen Sunday morning in the Chicago Chronicle.