August 18, 1900
Ice cream social tonight.
Messrs. C.A. Golding and C. Pratt of Chicago were callers here Sunday.
Mrs. Geo. Mills of Union is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones.
Frank Racine of Chicago is a guest of Miss Bessie Scoby at the Powers’ cottage.
Mrs. Chas. Burton of Chicago is the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. Erksine of Chicago are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. M.S. Ford.
Don’t forget the ice cream social on the school lawn this evening. All are cordially invited to attend.
W.C. Stolzenfield and sister of Milwaukee are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. John Knipfel.
Messrs. Frank and Earl Harrison of Chicago spent Sunday in our village with their mother and sister.
Misses Edna and Lottie Kern of Chicago have been spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Cook.
Misses Anna and Frances Hamilton of Chicago are spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Oaks returned to Chicago Monday, after a few days’ visit with friends in our village.
Our village was somewhat aroused by C.J. Tattler and his Diamond Lake band Thursday. What will come next?
Mrs. Oakley and daughter returned to Chicago Thursday, after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. G.M. Fitch.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carey Thursday morning, a 9 ½ pound girl. That is the cause of Charley’s broad smile.
Mr. Marble of Grayslake was a pleasant caller here Sunday. He reports a good business and is well pleased with the burg.
Mesdames E.A. Golding, J. Golding and M.C. Smith made a pleasant visit in Woodstock with Mr. and Mrs. Nile Wynkoop last week.
The rain disappointed quite a number of our people who had planned on attending the Mystic Workers picnic at Diamond Lake Wednesday.
The Royal Neighbors of Wauconda will give an ice cream social Saturday evening, September 1, upon the school lawn, The public is cordially invited to attend.
M.C. Smith now says good bye to the corn knife, having purchased a fine new McCormick corn harvester, with which he expects to do the work in the future.
Mr. and Mrs. G.M. Fitch, accompanied by Mrs. Land and son, of Chicago spent a few days of last week with relatives and friends at Waukegan and Grayslake.
Mrs. C.A. Thomas and three children and Mrs. Ikesman and son of Chicago, accompanied by Mr. Meiners of Barrington, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Maiman Friday of last week.
The Ladies’ Aid Society announces an ice cream social on the school lawn Saturday evening, August 25. A special invitation is extended to one and all. The proceeds will be used for the benefit of the proposed M.E. parsonage.
A twenty-foot extension was placed on the base of our village wind mill tower. Adam Titus of Grayslake performed the work. There should be no trouble in securing enough water to keep the dust down on our streets, as the wheel now towers away above anything in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. C.T Heydecker of Waukegan were pleasant callers here last week. Mr. Heydecker is again a candidate for renomination for state’s attorney for our county. He has served the county well during his term of office.
The large bills announcing our first market day are now out and are being placed in conspicuous places through this and adjoining counties. In order to make our first day a grand success extensive advertising is the most essential part of the program to let the people know that we are going to have such a day and, once established, means success. Don’t forget the first day Wednesday, September 5.
Prof. Hodge has again returned from the East and was calling on friends here Monday. While spending his vacation at home he attended the Chautauqua summer school at Chautauqua, N.Y., and reports very beneficial returns. He will teach the Rockefeller school the coming year and we commend the school board upon securing such an able man as Mr. Hodge for their instructor.
Miss Edith Brand was tendered a most pleasant surprise party at her home Tuesday afternoon by about twenty of her young friends, it being the sixteenth anniversary of her birth. The afternoon was very pleasantly spent at various social games and amusements until about 5:30 o’clock, when refreshments, consisting of ice cream and fruit, were served, after which all departed wishing their fair hostess many returns of the pleasant event. Many pretty and useful gifts were presented.
Miss Amelia Baker is home to spend her vacation.
Born, to Daniel Sturm and wife a son. No wonder Dan smiles.
Louis Knigge and his sister Alma visited Lincoln Park, Chicago, lately.
Chas. Munzow had the misfortune to lose his only driving horse this week.
Wm. Stockel, our blacksmith, was in Chicago this week stocking up for his trade.
Henry Kropp claims the blue ribbon on the boss millet crop. It is simply immense.
Don’t forget to attend the Lake county fair this year. It will be better than ever.
Geo. Schroeder and family of Chicago spent a few days visiting his brother Henry’s family.
Albert, Clara and Ida Seip of Chicago were out for a short vacation with relatives hereabouts.
The hum of the thresher is heard in the land. Oats are above the average and wheat was never better.
The Blatz Brewing Co. propose establishing a branch agency here for bottle beer. The trade is growing steadily.
Our creamery is receiving large orders for their product and has all it can do to meet the demand. That is what honest goods will do.