June 30, 1900


Dr. T.H. Rath, dentist. Office over Churchill’s drug store.

Harry Bassett of Belvidere, is spending the week with friends in our village.

Chas. Pratt of Chicago, spent Sunday at home with his mother and sisters.

Everitt Neville of Grays Lake, visited with relatives in our village Wednesday.

R.C. Hill of Waukegan, is spending a few days with relatives and friends in our village.

E.L. Harrison arrived home from the city Wednesday evening for a two weeks’ vacation.

Misses Jennie Green and Laura Harrison spent the first of the week with friends in Waukegan.

Messrs. L.C. Price, John Golding and M.W. Hughes transacted business in the city Wednesday.

Miss Kate Murtaugh and friends of Chicago, are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. G.M. Fitch.

Messrs. Geo. Otis and Roy Meyer of Barrington, were pleasant callers in our village Sunday evening.

Mrs. O.L. Evans and family of Chicago, are spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Jenks.

It is reported that the wedding bells will be ringing for one our most fair young ladies in the near future.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goodwin and son Scott, of Nunda, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N.B. Duers and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grabbe and Mr. and Mrs. Michaels of Ivanhoe, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Green.

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Blanck of Chicago, are spending the week at the home of the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Blanck, sr.

Price Bros. secured the contract for sprinkly the streets for this season at the rate of $14.75 per month, being the lowest bidders.

Misses Daisy Grosvenor, Edith Turnbull and Lilah Golding went to Waukegan, Saturday, to take the teacher’s examination.

Miss Maud Pratt returned home last Tuesday, after a year’s course at the Osteopathist institute at Kirksville, Mo. She is well pleased with her course and speaks highly of osteopathy.

Barber Harris sustained a serious fall from his wheelchair last Monday when returning from his noonday meal, and although not laid up, is nursing a rather sore leg. His daily trips homeward and back take him by a house where a dog resides who enjoyed nothing better than a good race with Mr. Harris, and was in the habit of giving him a little spurt daily, but this day he made a miscalculation and instead of keeping his side of the track attempted to cross over to the other side and in so doing was struck amidships and Mr. harris founds himself smoothing down the rough spots on the road bed. He says he prefers walking now-a-days.

Prof. J.I. Sears’ concert Saturday evening at the M.E. church, was one of the finest ever given in our village, although it was very poorly attended, which clearly shows how few of our people are really interested in a first class entertainment when it costs 25 cents. We noticed the walk in front of the church was filled to overflowing and all seemed to enjoy the program hugely but couldn’t afford to buy a ticket. This is but the second musicale Prof. Sears has given in our village and we fear it will be the last as our people do no seem to appreciate a good entertainment. A little 10 cent soap show catches them better.

The celebration. Big preparations are being made for our celebration July 4th., and no pains or money are being spared to make it one of the grandest affairs ever given in our village. The Barrington band of 21 pieces has been engaged to furnish music for the day. The morning program will open at 10 o’clock with a parade of the Calathumpians, prizes being awarded to the best disguised characters. THe parade will form on Main street and march to Ford’s Grove where the morning exercises will be held. The afternoon will be devoted to the various amusements of the day viz: Boat Race, Bicycle Race, Egg Race, Sack Race, Wheelbarrow Race, Three Legged Race, Fat Man’s Race, Lean Man’s Race, Climbing the Greased Pole, concluding with a ball game, the Palatine High School vs. Wauconda Unions. Grand display of fireworks in the evening and all to conclude with a grand ball at the Oakland hall. For further particulars see program bills.


MIsses Edna and Ada Smith are visiting at St. Paul, Minn.

Mrs. James Catlow and daughter were in Algonquin Wednesday.

The Sunday school children of Des Plaines picnicked at Fox River Grove Tuesday.

Miss Tee M. Arps graduated in the study of music, at Kimball Hall on Thursday of last week.

The dedication of the annex of the M.E. church will take place Sunday, July 1. Rev. Hardin will officiate. All churches in neighboring towns are cordially invited to attend.

One of the largest picnics ever given in Fox River Grove was that of last Sunday. Seventeen trains came out from Chicago, one from Elgin and one from Harvard, The nearest estimate of the crowd was 18,000 people.

The Cary Boys went to Barrington to play ball last Saturday. The game resulted in favor of the Cary team by a score of 17 to 19. We wish to say that even if the Cary boys have the name of “small potatoes” that they can defeat the Barrington boys.

A concert was given by Miss Tee M. Arps and pupils at the M.E. church, Friday evening, June 29. The following program was rendered:
Duet, “May Breezes”
Earl and Ray Lamke
Savier Toi (Remember)
Earl Lamke
Dying Poet
Miss Golldie Sprague
Song - Fleeting Days
Miss Pearl Weaver
Miss Laura Hapke
Organ, Waltz Fantastique
Gavotte, Miss Eva Grantham
Happy Greetings
Miss Kate Nichols and Miss Laura Hapke
Earl Burton
Columbine Minuet
Miss Elnora Arps
Organ - Waltz Miss Anna Messenger
Miss Pansy Jakcson
Valse Serieuse
Tod Nolan
Maimezvous Valse
Miss May Jackson
Kindergarten March
Ray Lamke
At Springtide
Miss Tee M. Arps
Secong Polketta
Miss Kate Nicholls
Voca Duet
‘Neath the Stars
Mr. Garben and Miss Weaver
New Springtime
Mrs. Mattie Sprague
Attaque des Mans
Misses May and Pansy Jackson


Our school closed last Saturday for the summer.

John Witt and wife spent last Sunday at Des Plaines, visiting friends.

Martin Eichler is having a tubular well put down. Steve palmer of Barrington, has the job.

Gero. Schroeder and family of Chicago, spent a few days here last week visiting with his brother Henry.

Fred Kropp jr., gave a raffle and dance at his home. There was a large attendance and all report an enjoyable time.

Henry Bockelman and Jacob Strum, jr., have each purchased a double surrey with which to enjoy drives about the country.

The Chicago Telephone Co. has a gang of men at work on their main line through here putting on another cross bar, and will string two extra wires to Fox Lake and also two more to Lake Geneva. Their manager says next year will see another cross bar and a total of thirty wires.


John Forbes was on our street Wednesday.

Herman Arndt of Dundee was here this week.

Roney & Carr shipped live stock this week.

Henry Hillman has received a carload of heifers.

Boats by the day or week may be had of H. Helfer.

Frank Clark attended the races at Chicago last week.

Louis Ficke is again employed at the Zurich creamery.

High school picnic from Palatine at the lake Wednesday.

Miss Amelia Lintelman is now staying at the club house.

Wm. Bicknase was a Chicago visitor the first of the week.

Wm. Buesching is entertaining LIbertyville friends this week.

Charles Stephens and Wm. Hogan visited Wauconda this week.

Be sure to take in the picnic and dance at Oak Park tomorrow.

Al R. Fickle of Dwight, who was very sick, is not convalescent.

The Consumers’ Ice Co. is erected an office building at their plant.
Miss Emma Dettmann and Mrs. Ed Knigge visited Dundee Thursday.

Agency for the Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine at the Zurich House.

Mr. and Mrs. Bicknase and Emma Seip were Wauconda visitors Wednesday night,

Henry Pingle and Miss Emma Dettmann were Wauconda visitors Wednesday night.

Wm. Buesching has gone to Libertyville to work in Charles Patten’s cheese factory.

Henry Branding has made an improvement on his building in the shape of a side entrance.

The Chicago Telephone company has a gang of men here this week putting up new wires.

It is rumored that Ed Knigge of Lake Zurich and his brother of Waukegan will go into business at Arlington Heights.

Why suffer the loss of many chickens when for a small amount you can ride the hennery of the pest, chicken lice, by the use of carbolineum avenarius, which is sold by J.D. Lamey & Co.