June 23, 1900
E. Bruce of Joliet is in town this week.
Roney & Carr shipped live stock Tuesday.
Nestlerest was opened to the public June 15th.
The dance Monday night was a social success.
T.H. Ficke was a Wauconda visitor Tuesday.
William Bicknase went to Palatine Tuesday night.
School picnic from Palatine in the grove Tuesday.
H.C. Paddock of Palatine was a visitor here Tuesday.
Irving Pagels of Dwight is visiting with his grandmother.
Wm. Buesching, sr., was a Barrington visitor Wednesday.
John Dickson is building both ice houses for J.D. Dymond.
Mr. Fieddler and wife of Wauconda visited friends here Monday.
The finest cigars at the Zurich House. Try a “Yale Club.”
Miss Annie Meyer returned from Chicago the first of the week.
Ernest Branding is now working for Contractor Horstman of Palatine.
Dance and picnic on July 1st. Dancing afternoon and evening 50 cents.
E.A. Ficke and Fred Schutt were in Waukegan on legal business this week.
James Gainer of Wauconda sold the ice cream and soda to the Joliet picnickers.
Mr. Hogan, of the Consumers Ice company, visited here with friends this week.
There was a picnic here Monday. Nine coaches filled with picnickers came up from Joliet.
Henry Seip returned from Buffalo, N.Y., where he attended the coal dealers’ convention.
The Bachelors defeated the Benedicts in a game of base ball Sunday, by a score of 16 to 20.
Misses Mary and Annie Schafer attended Prof. Sears’ concert at Barrington Tuesday night.
Henry Pingel and Miss Emma Dettmann attended the Dundee picnic given by the Platt Deutche Gilde on Sunday.
The camping season has opened with a jump. Indications are that this year more people will come to Lake Zurich than before.
FOR SALE OR RENT - The Zurich House, including all furniture, cooking utensils, etc., used in carrying on the business. In addition they are four acres of land, more or less.
Joseph S. Haas was a Barrington visitor Monday.
Ben Wagner of Volo was a caller in our village Tuesday.
Dr. Hughes returned to Dixon Monday to resume work.
Dr. T.H. Rath, dentist. Office over Churchill’s drug store.
F.L. Carr and Frank Roney were Chicago visitors Friday.
Roy Shumway and George Harris went to Waukegan Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Nunda spent Sunday in our village.
J.A. North and family of Barrington spent Sunday in our berg.
Our streets were crowded with Chicagoans Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Ed Ham and son Roy and Mrs. A. North and grandson Carl are Elgin visitors.
Don’t forget the concert given by Prof. J.L. Sears and class tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris and the former’s sister, Eva, were Elgin visitors Tuesday.
Frank and Earl Harrison of Chicago spent Sunday with their mother and sister in this village.
Mr. Thomas, who is making arrangements to bring the choir boys to this place, was a caller in our village this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Spencer of Avondale spent a few days with the former’s parents in our village the first of the week.
Messrs. D.E. Ford and C. Wilson of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Seymour and family the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wicke and Mrs. Bartel and children of Des Plaines are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Maiman.
Messrs. E.A. Golding, A.E. Kirwin, N.A. Burnham, J.W. Torrance, W.J. Bangs, J.C. Price, N.B. Duers and Wm. Clough were Waukegan visitors Tuesday.
The Niagara Fire company was called out for about two hours Monday night to fill the large tank from which our new street sprinkler is to be filled. Quite a number of the company remarked that they were glad that the windmill was to have the job hereafter.
Recital Tonight. The eleventh annual concert by Prof. J.I. Sears and pupils will be given in our village this evening at the M.E. church. It will consist of piano, violin and clarinet solos and duets. Also vocal solos and readings by Miss Esther Sargent. It will be one of the finest programs given in our village for many years. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Admission 25 cents, children 10 cents. The program is as follows:
Piano Solo
“Grand Valse de Concert”
Miss Mina Robertson
Violin Solo
Herman Maiman
Piano Solo
Miss Cornelia Smith
Vocal Solo
Miss Esther Sargent
Clarinet Solo
Air Varie
Prof. J.I. Sears
Violin Solo
Miss Alice Thompson
Piano Duet
“Saluteria Pesth”
Misses Helen Roberts and Cornelia Smith
Violin Solo
Prof. J.I. Sears
Miss Esther Sargent
Piano Solo
“La Fikuse”
Miss Helen Roberts