June 16, 1900


John Welch was a McHenry visitor Monday evening.

Harry Reilly visited with relatives at Chicago Sunday.

Miss Irene Golding is spending the week with friends at McHenry.

Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Price visited relatives at Diamond Lake, Sunday.

A.E. Kirwin and J.E. Gainer transacted business in the city Tuesday.

Will Snyder of Avondale, is spending the week with friends in our village.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Golding and family spent Sunday with relatives at Ringwood.

Mrs. Harrison and daughter are spending a few days with relatives at Ringwood.

Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery of Chicago were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gainer Sunday.

J.F. Grosvenor of Chicago, spent Sunday in our village with his mother, Mrs. J. Grosvenor.

Messrs. Meyer and Sizer of Barrington, were pleasant callers in our village last Sunday evening.

Dr. and Mrs. L.E. Hughes of Dixon, Ill., are the guests of the latter’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. C.R. Wells.

Mrs. Goodwin and son Scott of Nunda, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.N. Duers, a few days of last week.

Clinton Griswold and Miss Edna Converse attended the Commencement exercises at McHenry Monday evening.

Miss Cora Tidmarsh and brother of Elgin, are spending the week with relatives and friends in our village and vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Maiman and son of Waukegan, spent Sunday in our village with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Maiman.

Messrs. Cal Eriksen, Otto Waelti and William Lamphere spent a few days camping at Lake Defiance last week. They report good fishing and a general good time.

Half rates to Des Moines, Iowa, via the North-Western line. Excursion tickets will be sold at one fare for the round trip, June 18 to 22, inclusive, limited to June 23, on account of Music Teachers’ National convention. Apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern R’y.

The funeral of Bernhard Dobner, whose death occurred last Wednesday, June 6, was held at Volo from St. Peters Catholic church, Rev. Father Rhode officiating. The remains were interred in the Volo Catholic cemetery. Mr. Dobner’s death, which came so untimely, was due to injuries sustained in a runaway last Wednesday, the details of which were given in last week’s issue. He leaves a wife and six children, the eldest of whom is but fifteen years of age, to mourn the loss of a kind and loving husband and father, to whom we extend our heartfelt sympathy.

The Commencement exercises last Friday evening at the M.E. Church were, as usual, attended by an immense audience, and it is needless to say they were not disappointed in the evening’s program. The evening was nice and cool and everything was arranged as comfortable as possible. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers and potted plants, and looked handsome and appropriate. The following were the graduates: Ethel A. Dyers, Lilah M. Golding, Catherine Freund. The following was the program:
Piano Selections
“Holiday Spirits”
Mrs. Burdick and Miss Hicks
Vocal Solo
The Golden Pathway
Miss Villa Dixon
Ideal Life
Catherine Freund
The Band Miss Villa Dixon, Mr. & Mrs Burdick and Mr, Burnham
An Art Gallery
Lilah M. Golding
Violin Solo
A Simple Confession
Herman Maiman
Writers and their Characteristics
Ethel A. Duers
Address to Class
Rev. C. Dutton
Presentation of Diplomas
School Board
Piano Selection Piff-Paff
Mrs. Burdick and Miss Hicks
Motto: Launched, to Anchor Where?
The program was admirably carried out and the graduates covered themselves with glory by the eloquent and able manner in which they spoke and constructed their essays. Miss Freund's subject, “Ideal Life,” was a solid subject, and from beginning to finish was full of good, sound reasoning. Miss Golding’s subject, “An Art Gallery,” was of an entirely different nature the date of her subject being placed at 1910, and gave rise to the future prospects of many of our young people. Miss Duer’s subject, “Writers and their Characteristics, was again of the solid nature, dealing with our great poets and writers and handled in a most able manner. Much credit is due Prof. Hubbard their able instructor for the past three years, by whose careful training “Step by Step They Climbed the Heights.” We would like to publish the essays, they are high class in every particular, but have not the space. During the exercises may valuable presents and choice bouquets were presented to the graduates.


John Witt has purchased a new surrey.

Fred Kropp jr. visited Chicago last Saturday on business.

Dr. T.H. Rath, dentist. Office over Churchill’s drug store.

Mrs. Henry Wessel is entertaining her cousin from Europe.

Wm. Schmidt is going to put down a tubular well at his place.

Miss Emma Schneider of Lake Zurich, visited our school one day last week.

Our road commissioners have started graveling the road going east from the cheese factory.

There is a big crop of peddlers, junk men, fish men, campers, tramps, hoboes, etc., this year.

Phil Young is going to erect a new building on his place this summer. Chas. Meyer of Palatine, has the carpenter work.

Bruno Schlumkee has returned from Germany. He says the United States is good enough for him - this will be his future home.