May 26, 1900
Memorial Day next Wednesday, May 30th.
Geo. Glynch is spending the week at Waukegan.
Geo. Hapke and Wm. Tekampe made a trip to Waukegan last Friday.
J.E. Pratt of McHenry, was a pleasant caller in our village Wednesday.
J.F. Grosvenor of Chicago, spent Sunday in our village with his mother and sister.
Prof. Jno. Hodge of Lake Zurich, was a pleasant caller in our village last Saturday.
N.B Duers and J.W. Torrance transacted business at the county seat last Wednesday.
Messrs. H. Maiman, J. Golding, J. W. Gilbert and M.W. Hughes transacted business in the city Wednesday.
The wedding bells are expected to ring in the near future for one of our male citizens. Watch for hand bills.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark and family moved into their new house last week which has just been completed.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer returned home Monday evening after spending a few days with relatives and friends in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. H.T. Fuller who for the past year have occupied the rooms above the cash store, moved into Mrs. H.H. Ruggles’ residence the first of the week.
C.A. Hapke and G.W Pratt performed the fiddling act at the Oak Park pavilion last Saturday evening. They report a good crowd and a pleasant time.
Bert G. Snow, agent for the Home Life Insurance Co. of New York, who has been spending the past few weeks in our village, left for Chicago Sunday evening.
Mesdames A. Cook, H. Golding and Misses Mary Baseley, Laura Harrison, Avis and Ruby Cook, Bell Taggart and Gracie Wells took a trip to McHenry Wednesday and report a very pleasant time.
B.J. Barker has purchased a new wheel and has been breaking it to ride for the past week. It is a treacherous beast though and bucks like a wild west bronco. Ben firmly believes, however, that he will conquer in the end with this hope in view continues his task day after day.
A grand concert by the Barrington M.W.A. Band will be held at Oakland hall, next Wednesday evening, May 30th, under the auspices of the Wauconda Camp M.W.A. Admission, adults 25 cents; children, 15 cents. Forester drill at 6:30 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all.
Mrs. M.L. Powers and son Arthur went to Elgin Thursday, to attend the wedding of Frank Horton and a young lady of Elgin whose name we have been unable to learn. Mr. Horton who was a former resident of our village will no doubt be remembered by many of our citizens as a fine, upright young man, and his many friends will be pleased to hear of his matrimonial step which we trust is for their mutual benefit.
The house and lot formerly owned by Miss Caddie Smith and recently advertised for sale by G.F. Mills of Woodstock, was sold at public auction Wednesday, May 23rd, at 11 o’clock a.m., to the highest bidder, who proved to be L.C. Price, for the sum of $1,780.00. In purchasing this place Mr. Price has secured one of the nicest homes in the village of Wauconda and at an exceptionally low figure. The house is very nicely arranged throughout and the lot is highly improved by trees and shrubbery as well as other improvements and is located in a nice part of the village.
The Wauconda Telegraph and Telephone company met in annual session last Thursday, for the purpose of declaring dividends for the past year and electing officers for ensuing year. The meeting was called to order by the secretary, John Golding, and L.C. Price was chosen temporary chairman, after which the business was taken up in its order. A brief sketch is as follows: Officers chosen for ensuing year: H. Maiman, president; J. Golding, secretary; A.L. Price, treasurer. Directors: A.L. Price, L.C. Price, J. Golding, H. Seip, H.F. Hughes, T.V. Slocum. Toll books for receipts for past year were examined and deducting expenses allowed, declaring of 11 per cent., dividend, which was accordingly done. After a short discussion in regard to improving line a committee was appointed to look into the matter and report at next meeting which will be held subject to the call of the president.
Miss Nellie Tomisky is the owner of a nice bicycle.
Rev. Dutton of Wauconda was in town Monday.
Dr. T.H. Rath, dentist office over Waller’s drug store.
Mrs. Jackson and Miss Tena Arps were in Elgin Saturday.
Don’t forget to attend the picnic at Fox River grove June 3.
George Hansen and John Dunn were Algonquin callers Sunday.
Arthur Fitts of Carpentersville was seen on our street Sunday.
Mrs. James Catlow and daughter Estella were in Algonquin Tuesday.
Mrs. J. Wetzel, who has been visiting in Chicago, returned home Wednesday.
Miss Eva Buhrman had the misfortune to break her collar bone one day last week.
Herman Markward and Misses Josephine McGraw and Estella Catlow were in Algonquin Sunday.
Mrs. Butler and daughter, who have been spending a few weeks at J. Kenny’s, returned to their home in Chicago Tuesday.
George Hansen had his foot smashed while working on the railroad near Barrington Wednesday. A rail fell on his foot and he will be laid up for some time.