November 30, 1901


J.C. Price was a Chicago visitor Tuesday.

Jas. McCabe is reported seriously ill at present writing.

L.E. Golding of Chicago is spending a week with his parents here.

Frank Roney shipped a car load of dressed poultry to New York last week.

August Grever of Palatine was a pleasant caller in our village Tuesday.

Carl Eriksen spent Sunday and Monday with friends and relatives in Chicago.

Messrs. J. Golding and H.E. Maiman transacted business in Chicago Monday.

Misses Nina Pratt and Helen Bryan of Chicago are visiting with friends in our village.

Peter Nimsgearn went to Chicago Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with relatives.

Carl Ericksen reports a ruching business in the rubber boot and shoe repairing during the past week.

Alfred North visited Chicago Highlands Tuesday, inspecting the new foundry. He reports the plant one of the finest and best equipped he has ever seen.

M.L. Powers returned home from Springfield last Friday, where he attended the annual state convention of I.O.O.F. as delegate from the Wauconda lodge. He reports a very pleasant trip.

George Jepson and John Davis have leased winter quarters int he Davis building, about on-half nile from our village and will try their hand at baching, hunting and trapping. Geo., who has been int he employ of Wm. Clough for the past three years, was compelled, on account of poor health to give up heavy work for a few months and decided that the winter could be spent in this nanner with a good companion.

A .22 calibre Colt’s repeating rifle, valued at $12, was stolen from the window of M.W. Hughes’ store last Thursday evening at about 9:45 o’clock just after he had closed and gone home. The theft had been carefully arranged, no doubt, as had it not been accomplished so quickly he would certainly have been seen, as the store of H. Maiman & Son was still open and H. Maiman and V.D. Kimball, who were standing in the front of the store engaged in conversation, heard the crash of the glass and immediately stepped out to see what it was, but no one was in sight. The window was broke, the rifle pulled out through the apparture and the thief then leaped over the fence into Mrs. Harrison’s yard and made his escape. The ground being soft on account of the recent rains, the footprints were plainly seen the next morning, but as yet no clue to the thief has been secured.


Miss Tille Quentin made a call here Sunday.

Quite a number of wells have gone dry in this vicinity.

P. Young, our painter, is enjoying a large patronage this fall.

Our school teacher was at Waukegan this week attending the teacher’s institute.

Fred Knigge and wife made a call on Lake Zurich friends and relatives and friends.

Karl Gade has purchased another bronco and a carriage. He says that he got a great bargain.

Chas. Sturm has been shipping considerable live stock to the Chicago markets recently. Charles is a great hustler.

A pair of twins, son and daughter, was born to Daniel Sturm and wife. The mother and babies are getting along nicely and Dan is passing out the cigars.


Wm. Lorenz was a Barrington visitor Saturday.

John Kohl went to Frankfort, Ill., Friday to visit his mother.

Chas. Klipper and wife are visiting relatives at Long Grove this week.

Mrs. G. Fieddeler was visiting with friends and relatives in Chicago last week.

Frank Roney shipped a car load of poultry to New York from here Saturday.

The school entertainment last Saturday was fairly well attended and a nice time was enjoyed. About $10 was cleared.

The dedication of the Lake Zurich Evangelical church parsonage will be held tomorrow by two services, morning at 10 o’clock and afternoon at 2 o’clock. A good attendance is desired and all should attend.

E.S. Bruce has just purchased lot A, of Kate Goodwin’s subdivision, which is situated in Lake Zurich and contains about 30 acres. This is the part of the lake from which the Bruce Ice Co. have been getting their ice and it is considered a valuable purchase.


Mrs. Lillian Johnson continues very ill at Elgin.

Miss Ella Matthews was an Elgin visitor Monday.

Joe Catlow and family of Barrington were at Dundee Saturday.

Mrs. Birdie Tutell continue very ill at her home at Harvard.

Miss Gale of Chicago spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Milhuff,, sr.

C.T. Miller and wife entertained at a Thanksgiving dinner. Covers were laid for eleven.

Tommy Williams is taking orders for the F. Browning & Co. grocery store, Dundee.

Misses Myrtle L. Runyan and Maud and Mary Cowden of Elgin were recent visitors.

B.Y.P.U. of the Baptist church, gave an entertainment and supper Thanksgiving evening.

Rev. J. Nate of Chicago spoke a short time at the Baptist church Sunday evening in the interests of the Children’s home.

Rev. McCullum, of the Congregational church, will preach at the Dundee Baptist church Sunday evening, on account of the illness of the pastor’s wife.