November 9, 1901


A.L. Price was a Grayslake visitor Tuesday.

Mr. Shippy of Iowa is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Philips.

M.W. Hughes transacted business in Chicago Wednesday.

Mrs. Torrance transacted business in Chicago the first of the week.

H.B. Burritt of Barrington was a pleasant caller in our village Tuesday.

Mrs. H.L. Grantham went to Chicago Monday to receive treatment for her eyes.

Mrs. Paul of Milwaukee, Wis., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edday Green last Friday and Saturday.

Messrs. E.L. Golding and Alex Orrock went to Grayslake Tuesday to do some paper-hanging and painting for Mr. Robson.

Mrs. E.W. Brooks and daughter, Jennie, went to Chicago on Monday, where they will visit with relatives and friends.

Otto Wielti and family have moved into the old post-office building, where Otto does watch repairing in the front room and resides in rooms in the rear.

Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Wentworth and family and MIss Dora Monroe, who have been spending the past few months in the East, returned home Saturday.

Mrs. Wm. England, accompanied by her two sons, Irwin and Earl, went to Somonock, Ill., Saturday, where they will spend the winter with relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Roberts, accompanied by their guests, Mr. and Mrs. A. White and daughter, went to Praiare du Lac, Wis., Monday, where they will visit with friends and relatives.

Frank Bacon and his two sisters, who have been viewing the sights of the Pan-American Exposition, returned home Tuesday, after witnessing the close of the exposition Saturday at midnight.

G.W. Pratt and family, who have until lately occupied the Wm. Marble residence, removed their household furniture to the McCollum residence last Thursday, where they will make their future home.


Gustav Fiedler was a Chicago visitor Monday.

Don’t forget the social dance this Saturday evening.

Wm. Bicknase transacted business in Chicago Thursday.

Charles Scholz of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday.

Henry Branding was at Wauconda on business Wednesday.

Otto Ficke of Chicago visited with his mother here, Sunday.

William Lorenz and Fred Schutt drove to Dundee Tuesday.

Henry Berghorn shipped a carload of stock from here Wednesday.

Frank Roney shipped three carloads of hogs from this station Monday.

There will be a school entertainment given here in the near future.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Knigge of the town of Wheeling, were visiting their parents here Thursday.

John Meyer and his brother-in-law from Huntley, visited with Mrs. Meyer Sunday and Monday.

Frank Meyer and Wm. Hogan went to Buffalo last week to witness the close of the exposition.

Emil Frank always has on hand a fine assortment of eating and cooking apples; 25 cents a peck this week.

Fred Seip and family and H. Weidenhoefer and family of Chicago, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seip Saturday and Sunday.

Grand social hop at Ficke’s hall, this Saturday evening, Nov. 9. Tickets 50 cents; supper extra. Good music and an enjoyable time assured.


Wm. Gardner has purchased a fine driving team.

Ed Wallace of Cary spent Tuesday with G. Kelsey.

Otto Zimmerman has rented the H. Lageschulte farm.

D. Kelsey and sone George made a trip to Chicago Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. O. Zimmermann are visiting friends at Algonquin Monday.

Mrs. C. Krause spent a few days in Chicago this week with friends.

Mrs. Winkler and Mrs. Peckham made a trip to Dundee Saturday.

Wm. Schumacher and son made a business trip to Waukegan Thursday.

John Weimuth and Frank Kelsey made a business trip to Chicago Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Abbott of South Dakota are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. D. Kelsey.

Mrs. J. McGraw and daughter Ethel spent Saturday with Mrs. E.W. Riley and Mrs. J. McGraw.

Miss Anna Belle Welch spent Saturday and Sunday with her grandmother, Mrs. P. Donlea, at Barrington.

Mrs. E. Lanning and David Stuart of Elgin and Miss Anna Wallace of Cary visited Jas. McGraw Saturday.

Herman Hawker and Peter Larson have returned from South Dakota, where they have been spending the past few months.


Mrs. Lillian Sawyer and Mrs. Bessie Kellogg are visiting at Darlington, Wis.

C.P. Hawley and wife were at Dundee and Carpentersville Friday of last week.

Mr. Earlinsen, an old employe of the Bolt company, is again employed there.

Mrs. Chas Miller returned on Friday of last week from a week’s visit in Chicago.

The Earlinsen family have arrived here from Stoughton, Wis., and are at home in their residence on Railway avenue.

About thirty members of the Court of Honor visited the court at Barrington Saturday evening. They took the goat along and exemplified the work. Supper was served and a good time enjoyed.

Dundee W.R.C. were invited last Tuesday to visit the Elgin Corps and a good time was had. The inspector was present and found the Elgin Corps in a creditable condition. Refreshments were served.