November 2, 1901


E.W. Brooks was a Chicago visitor Monday.

Mat Freund and Lee Murray were Elgin visitors Wednesday.

E.A. Golding and A.G. Fisher were Grayslake visitors Wednesday.

H. Maiman and H.T. Fuller transacted business in Chicago Wednesday.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Hapke Saturday morning, a 7 ½ pound daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. A. White of Idaho are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Roberts.

C.A. Carey of Milwaukee is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Green.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wicke of Des Plaines were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Maiman Friday.

Mrs. Wm. Baseley and MIss Ruth Neville visited with friends and relatives at Grayslake Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Hapke returned home Sunday, after spending a few days with relatives at Waukegan.

H.T. Fuller and Carl Ericksen spent Sunday and Monday camping at McCollum’s lake. They report a very pleasant outing.

Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Reynolds moved to Chicago the first of the week, where they will make their future home with their daughter.

Mrs. W. Ross, who has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Gilbert for the past few days, returned to her home in Lake Geneva Wednesday.

Miss Mary Freund was tendered a most pleasant surprise on the twenty-first anniversary of her birth Friday evening of last week. Refreshments were served and a pleasant time is reported.

L.C. Price, H.E. Maiman, Page A. Smith and Will Underwood returned home from the Buffalo exposition last Sunday evening. They report a very pleasant trip and we hope to present a sketch of their trip in next week’s issue.

Wm. Tidmarsh and George Hicks left for Buffalo Tuesday morning. After taking in the exposition they will travel farther East, Mr. Tidmarsh going to Sandy Hill to visit his sons and Mr. Hicks to Stanford, Vt., to visit relatives and old time friends.
Little Edna Broughton met with a rather serious accident Tuesday, by venturing too far on the new structure which is being erected on the Hammond property, recently purchased by Mr. Clough. She lost her balance and fell to the ground, a distance of eight feet. Dr. Dawson was summoned and found that although she received a hard fall, no bones were broken or dislocated.

Henry Maiman was tendered a most pleasant surprise last Friday evening by about twenty of his friends. The evening was devoted to euchre, intercepted with refreshments at 11 o’clock and the clock tolled the single hour before the guests departed on Saturday morning, thanking their host for the pleasant event and hoping for many returns of the same.


George Hanns was a Chicago visitor Monday.

Miss Kate Baecher has gone to Chicago to reside.

August Greener has invested in a new three-spring wagon.

H.L. Bockelman and wife made a pleasure trip to Chicago Saturday.

Wm. Stockel and family were callers at Patrick Courtney’s at Fox river Sunday.

A daughter was born recently to H. Popp and wife. The cigars are on Henry, sure.

Miss Clara Knigge went to Arlington Heights to visit her brother and took in the dance.

Our school will open Monday. Miss Helen Keene of Chicago has been engaged as instructor.

Casper Smith, “of Elgin butter tub fame,” accompanied by his wife, called on friends and relatives here Sunday.

P.J. Bockelman and family of Libertyville were at Quentin’s Corners Sunday, calling on relatives and old neighbors.

Quentin’s Corners is to have mail delivery by December 1. This move by the government will be hailed with joy by our residents.

Lovers’ Lane is a very busy place at present, but the cold winter blasts will soon relegate the bashful swains and shy maidens to the rear.

Chas. Froelich came near getting a second crop of early Richmond cherries. They were as large as peas, but Jack Frost came too soon for them.

Fred Green, wife and daughter-in-law, were at Elgin Sunday to visit Chris Pfingston, who is in a hospital there. He had the misfortune of losing his left hand in a corn shredder. There are ten or twelve corn shredder victims in the hospital, they were informed.


Fine apples at Emil Frank’s.

George Klipper of Long Grove was in town Wednesday.

Chas. Patten and wife were visitors in town Wednesday.

Gus Stoxen of Wauconda was here on business Thursday.

Mr. Webb shipped a car load of hogs from here Wednesday.

Rudolph Staack of Barrington is digging a well for Emil Frank.

Messrs. Hicks and Nichols of Palatine were callers here Saturday of last week.

The basket social and raffle Friday was a great success, about $40 being cleared.

Wm. Bicknase and Wm. Lorenz made a trip to Buffalo Grove and Diamond Lake Wednesday.

A good many of our young people attended the Long Grove dance Saturday and they all report a splendid time.

Frank Roney, our popular stock buyer, shipped a car load of hogs from here Monday. Mr. Roney is buying up all the poultry he can get this fall.


Otto Zimmerman made a trip to Chicago Thursday.

Mrs. C. Krouse and son made a trip to Chicago Wednesday.

T.B. Peckham made a business trip to Dundee Wednesday.

Miss Della Elvidge spent Sunday with Miss Raba Peckham.

Mrs. Sherwood of Barrington spent Sunday with Mrs. Peckham.

Mrs. Winkler and daughter Annie made a trip to Dundee Thursday.

Joseph Welch of Chicago spent Tuesday and Wednesday with his mother, Mrs. J. Welch.

Mr. and Mrs. Peterson visited Mr. and Mrs. Messenger at Cary Sunday.

Geo. Young has returned from Chicago after a few days’ visit with friends.

Misses Lizzie and Clara Langenheim of Chicago are visiting with Mrs. D. Schumacher.

Mr. and Mrs. Kirmse are entertaining Mrs. Riddles and friends from Chicago this week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. McGraw arrived home from Canada and Buffalo on Thursday. They report a good time.