October 19, 1901


John Golding transacted business at Waukegan yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Waelti spent Sunday with friends at Wheeling.

F.D. Wynkoop of Woodstock spent Saturday and Sunday in our village.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Granger and family of Waukegan are spending the week with relatives in our village.

C.H. Carey of Milwaukee was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Green the first of the week.

Mrs. Eutie Woodhouse and daughter Helen went to Chicago Tuesday, where they will make their home during the winter months.

Ed Bacon and Isaac Fairweather returned home from the Pan-American exposition. They report a very pleasant and interesting trip.

M.S. Ford and daughter, Miss Lida, went to Chicago Saturday, from where they will go to Atlanta, Ga., to spend the winter. Mr. Ford expects to engage in the restaurant business there.

Alice camp, R.N. of A., entertained the members of Mayflower camp of Barrington tuesday afternoon in their hall. A “mock” initiation was performed during the meeting, after which an elaborate luncheon was served in the dining room. A nice time was laid and all pleased with the afternoon’s enjoyment.

The prize ball at the Oakland hall last Friday evening was attended by about fifty couples and proved a grand social success. At 11:30 o’clock the prize waltz was called and the following were selected as judges: H.E. Hicks, Wauconda; Miss Maude Edwards, Rollins; Miss Carrie Austin, Grayslake; Mr. Hogan and Mr. Prindiville, Lake Zurich; John Sizer, Barrington and Mr. Matthews, McHenry. The prizes were awarded to Miss Nettie Murray of Wauconda and George Zimmer of Grayslake.


Mrs. A.L. Warner attended the Woman’s Every Wednesday club in Elgin this week.

Mrs. Letitia Clark received word last week of the death of a sister at Ripon, Wis., who was over 91 years of age.

Notices are so numerous at the Baptist church, Dundee, that there is a bulletin board in the vestibule Sunday morning and evening.
Rev. McCollum, of the Congregational church, preached for Rev. Fuller at the Baptist church Sunday evening on account of the illness of the latter.

Miss Flora Wilber and Mr. Edward Swartz were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Wilber, Thursday evening of last week, Rev. Wyckoff officiating.

The executive committee of the Guild met at the Congregational parsonage Tuesday afternoon. The committee consists of all the officers of the Guild and its chairmen of its various committee.

There was a district convention of Sunday schools at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon and evening. All the ministers in town and many others took part. A fine program was rendered and the reports were good.