September 14, 1901


M.W. Hughes transacted business in Chicago Friday.

Martin Murray of Chicago spent Sunday here with relatives.

Editor and Mrs. F.L. Carr were Chicago visitors Wednesday.

C.A. Golding spent the first of the week with friends in the city.

C.L. Pratt of Chicago is spending a few weeks with friends in our village.

Frank Murray and Howard O’Neil attended the harvest picnic at Cary Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haben of Wheeling were guests of Peter Nimsgearn Wednesday.

Messrs. Harry Geary and Herman Maiman took in the sights at Grayslake Monday.

Winzor Torrance returned to Chicago Sunday, after spending a two week’s vacation at his home in our village.

Andrew Blanck, who has been spending the past few months in the Western states, returned to our village on Monday.

Wauconda was well represented at the fair last week. Thursday and Friday the village seemed to be nearly deserted.

A band of gypsies called in our village Tuesday, and after giving a few exhibitions of bear dancing were given their passports.

Henry Johnson and Arthur Hansen, who have been spending a two wee’s vacation with Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Smith, returned to her home in Chicago Saturday.

Clyde Torrance, who will be remembered as one of our promising young men, reports that he has secured employment as brakesman on the new line of the St. Paul railroad and will begin work Monday.

While returning from Barrington Friday afternoon, Elmer Ford was held up by a bold, bad highwayman. He had 45 cents with him, which the robber would not confiscate. Full account on first page.

Our butcher, Walter Helmuth, is reported to have sold out his business to a gentleman of Chicago and will try his hand at farming. He has been favored with a good trade the past season, but thinks farming a more independent life. We wish him success in his new venture.
Many of the surrounding schools opened again Monday for the fall term and all have secured the services of very able instructors, who are as follows: Vasey school, Miss Vera Geary’ Ames school, Miss Emma Welsh; Mullen school, Miss Edith Turnboll; Lake Zurich school, Miss Grace Mullen; Gould school, Miss Martha Frederick.

Leo Maiman entertained a few of his young friends at his home Monday evening, it being the 15th anniversary of his birth. The evening was pleasantly spent at various social amusements until about 10 o’clock, when supper was announced and all were ushered into the dining room, where a bountious repast awaited them to which none failed to do their duty. At 10:30 all adjourned, having spent a most pleasant evening. Those present were Elmer Duers, Fred Griswold, Chester Golding, Earl Golding, Clyde Harris, Norman Ladd, Homer Sensor.

The W.C.T.U. will met in the M.E. church parlors next Tuesday evening. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The following program will be given:
Song; Scripture reading and prayer; Minutes of last meeting. Departments of work taken up and superintendents appointed by president of the Union.
Song Miss Lilah Golding
Select Reading
Mrs. Ruggles
Paper, “Temperance in the Sunday School”
Mrs. Roberts
Song Recitation
Miss Iva Turnbull
Song by all.


Don’t forget the picnic tomorrow.

Frank Roney was a visitor here on Thursday.

H. Branding was a Barrington visitor Wednesday.

Mrs. E.A. Ficke returned Thursday from Texas.

H.L. Prehm made a business trip to Chicago Friday.

Messrs. Henry Hillman and Wm. Eichman made a trip to Palatine Friday.

John Kohl has accepted the marhsalship. Look out boys when John gets around.

Albert Lyons of LIbertyville is employed as barkeeper by Wm. Bicknase.

The carpenters have commenced to work on Geo. Klipper’s new building.

Mr. and Mrs. Weidenhoefer of Chicago are visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seip, this week.
A grand harvest picnic will be given at Oak Park, Lake Zurich, tomorrow. Dancing afternoon and evening to the airs of a first-class orchestra. At 2:30 p.m. the ball game will be played and the Lake County Stars will endeavor to hoist their colors above the Diamond Lake’s. The battle is for $15.00 and gate receipts and will be a warm one. All turn out and mingle in the joys of the last picnic of the season.


Mrs. E.W. Riley spent Wednesday in Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. McGraw made a trip to Dundee Thursday.

Mrs. O. Zimmerman and daughter Winnifred spent Thursday with relatives in Algonquin.

The ball game played between the Cuba Stars and the Grassy Lake boys at Fox River grove was won by the Stars, the game being 16 to 29.


Henry Unmin continues quite ill.

There was a special meeting of the Guild Friday.

Mrs. Sarah Wilcox of Elgin was a recent visitor.

Mrs. Maggie Mattews visited in Elgin Wednesday.

J.M. Milhuff, jr., with his family, has returned to Chicago.

Duncan Livingston is quite sick, threatened with pneumonia.

The Mission Circle of Dundee Baptist met with Mrs. F. Brown Tuesday afternoon.

Mrs, .J. Lumm, who was a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Ray Harrison, returned to her home at Hebron Friday.