September 21, 1901
Carl Ericksen was a Chicago visitor Tuesday and Wednesday.
Otto Waelti and Chas. Rawson are attending the fair at Elkhorn.
Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Carr attended the fair at Elkhorn, Wis., Thursday.
E.A. Ford and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seymour were in Chicago Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taggart of Waukegan are guests of Mr. and Mrs. B.K. Duers.
Arthur Cook is treating his house to a coat of paint. Frank Hammond is doing the work.
Will Whitcomb of Chicago of Chicago was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. V.D. Kimball the first of the week.
Perry Powers returned to Chicago Tuesday, after spending Sunday and Monday with friends.
F.J. Weiser, head tuner of Crown Piano Co., was here Friday and Saturday tuning pianos for Maiman & Son.
Mrs. J. Bennett of Barrington and sister, Mrs. Feldt, of Iowa were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Golding Wednesday.
James Neville and Henry Davis went to Chicago Wednesday to attend the annual reunion of their old regiment of ‘65.
C.A. Hapke and family, who have been occupying the McCollum residence, moved into the Pratt residence Wednesday.
A fine entertainment was rendered by the Meneley quartette in the M.E. church Tuesday evening and was well attended.
Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Price and daughter Esther returned home Tuesday after a two week’s visit with their son Milo and wife at St. Paul.
Mr. and Mrs W.D. Wentworth and daughter started for the East Saturday, where they expect to spend a month with relatives and friends.
Miss Catherine Freund entertained a few of her young friends Monday evening, it being the 8th anniversary of her birth. A very pleasant time is reported.
There will be a New England supper held in the church parlors next Friday. This will be a farewell social for Mr. Dutton. Supper served from 5:30 to 9 o’clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Hapke and sons, August and John, who have been spending the past week with friends and relatives here, returned to their home in Waukegan Monday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Wm. Tekampe, who will be their guest for a few days.
J.F. Grovesnor and friends, Messrs. Cowper and Roe, who spent the past week camping on the banks of the lake, returned to Chicago Sunday, having a rather cool outing. Mrs. Grosvenor and daughter, who had been spending the week here and vicinity, returned with them.
Herman Maiman was tendered a most pleasant surprise Monday evening by several of his young friends. It was about 8:30 o’clock when a rap was heard at the door, and being entirely unprepared for receiving guests, was thunderstruck when the long line strolled in and at once made themselves at home. Herman realized what it all meant, and in a rather informal manner escrited them into the reception room and asked a few moments time to change his attire so as to feel a little more presentable. Music and various social amusements was order of the evening, intercepted with a relay of refreshments at 10:30. And having done due justice to same, all repairing to the hall where the balance of the evening was spent in dancing. C.A. Hapke and J.L. Maiman kindly furnished music for the occasion. It was about 1 o’clock when all departed, reporting a very pleasant time and hoping for many returns of the social event.
Mrs. C. Coon has been in Elgin nursing for several weeks.
Miss Gale of Chicago spent several days at the home of J.M. Milhuff.
Clarence Sawyer has returned from Nebraska and is in school in Wisconsin.
Miss Carrie Kingsley of Barrington and niece, Miss Carrie Kingsely, were guest at Arthur Hendrickson’s this week.
Miss Eliza Donnelly, an attendant at the asylum, was a visitor Wednesday.
The Home society of the Baptist church, Dundee, met with Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Iriek Wednesday afternoon. Tea was served at 6 o’clock.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Scholtz here was broken into and robbed of $170, which they had saved by hard labor. There is no clue to the thief.
School opened Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Riley spent Sunday with friends at Crystal Lake.
Peter Beck and family are spending a few days with friends in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. Peckham, jr., went to Milton Junction Tuesday, to attend the golden wedding of the former’s parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Swartz of Cary and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Strobach of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Krause Thursday.