August 24, 1901



Mat Freund was a Pistaqua Bay visitor Tuesday.

G.C. Roberts transacted business in Chicago Tuesday.

Mrs. Held and son of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones.

Mrs. C.M. Hill of Chicago is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. M.S. Hill.

Vestie Murray of Chicago is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Murray.

Attend the Lake County Soldiers and Sailors reunion next Tuesday and Wednesday.

A.K. Stearns and E.F. Gleason of Waukegan were business callers in our village Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wicke of Des Plaines were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Maiman Tuesday.

Henry Meyer, Roy Meyer, Jno. Dolan and Ray Cannon of Barrington were pleasant callers in our village Sunday.

Miss Lida Ford, who has been spending the past few weeks with relatives in the city, returned home on Wednesday.

Miss Lottie Held returned to Chicago Wednesday, after a two weels visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Brand.

Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Hill and Mrs. A. C. Stevens and son visited with friends and relatives in our village Thursday and Friday.

Mrs. George Scheunemann and family, who have been spending the past week with friends and relatives in our village, returned home Wednesday.

The annual Soldiers and Sailors reunion to be held in our village next Tuesday and Wednesday promises to eclipse all events of the season. The old soldiers have been making extensive arrangements for the occasion and nothing will be left undone to make it a time of enjoyment. Tuesday will be the meeting of old comrades and the usual camp fire program in the evening. Wednesday at 10 a.m. the business meeting will be held, after which an intermission will be taken for dinner. The afternoon program will begin at 1 o’clock, which will consist of speaking by the Appollo quartet of Waukegan. The McHenry Military band and Wauconda Martial band will furnish music for the occasion. Meals will be served on ground both days and dances will be held at the grove and at Oakland hall Wednesday evening. A $50 prize ball game between Grayslake and Lake County Stars will be one of the features Wednesday afternoon and promises to be a very exciting contest. A cordial invitation is extended to all to come and enjoy the event.


Mr. and Mrs. Swartz of Cary called on Mrs. Kraus Thursday.

Mrs. E. Lincoln of Palatine called on friends here Tuesday.

A beautiful rain visited Cuba on Thursday, which lightened the hearts of the farmers.

Mr. and Mrs. Meyer and daughter of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. McGraw Sunday.

A party of twenty-one attended the excursion to Devil’s Lake Tuesday. All report a good time.

Quite a number of our Neighbors attended the Woodmen picnic Thursday and were caught in the rain.

The ball game played by the Cuba Stars and the Flint Creek boys Sunday, was won by the latter. The game was played for $5.00.


Church picnic today.

Harry Edwards is here again.

Henry Branding was in Chicago on Wednesday.

Mr. Raymond of Volo was a visitor here Thursday.

Frank Roney shipped two cars of stock from here Thursday.

H.L. Prehm made a business trip to the county seat Tuesday.

Mrs. Chas GIvens went to McHenry on a visit Monday.

Mat Freund and Miss Mary Freund of Wauconda visited friends here Sunday.

John Zimmer of Long Grove was visiting friends and relatives here Sunday.

John Willmer and R. Neuman of Chicago were here Sunday visiting with friends.

Mrs. Pagels of Chicago, who has been visiting with Mrs. Otto Ficke, returned home Thursday.
If you want to buy a good plow call on Henry Hillman. He sells the Deere plow, the best made.

Wm. Hogan, who went to Joliet on Thursday looking for men to work the ice house, returned with a gang.

Mrs. E. A. Ficke went to El Paso, Texas, Thursday, where she was called to the death bed of her mother, Mrs. Schlagel.


Mrs. Arthur has been very ill the past week.

The Baptist church picnicked at Lake Geneva Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schultz and son were at Algonquin Tuesday.

Dr. and Mrs. Kendall of Barrington were at Algonquin Tuesday.

Rev. Kronkle has moved into Mr. Lucht’s house on Washington street.

Mrs. C. Dunning fell and dislocated her shoulder. She is 72 years of age.

Harry Farley, mother and sister, Miss Irma, moved to Elgin Wednesday.

Mrs. French and Mrs. Cole, cousins of H.G. Sawyer, were visitors here this week.

Charles Hawley, wife and son Verne of Barrington were visitors here Wednesday.

Chas. Harvey, Max Baldwin and E.C. Masters, with their wives, are at Crystal Lake for an outing.

Clarence Sawyer left Tuesday for Nebraska to join his brother George. He will be absent two or three weeks.