April 27, 1901
For fine shoes call on Kohl Bros.
Mrs. J.C. Meyer is visiting friends at Huntley.
Henry Seip visited with friends at Joliet Monday.
John Dickson has moved on the Davison farm with F. Nagle.
August Dettman has sold his place of business to B. Sawense.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Schafer are the parents of a 11 pound boy.
Herman Arndt and John Healey of Dundee were here Tuesday.
F.H. Schuett and H. Branding were visitors to Dundee Tuesday.
August Dettman and daughter Emma drove to Dundee Thursday.
Frank Hulbert has returned to Lake Zurich to make his home again.
Miss Belle Dickson returned home Monday from a visit at Palatine.
Kohl Bros. have taken the agency for the Champion and Milwaukee harvesters.
Thursday noon the barn, and contents, belonging to Albert Wolf was totally destroyed by fire.
Chas. J. Scholz, employed by Mandel Bros., Chicago, was home visiting relatives and friends, Sunday.
Mrs. B. Landwere has been sick for some time.
Karl Gaede has invested in a new carriage and says he will now begin to enjoy life.
Edward Knigge of Arlington Heights called at the Corners Monday to see old friends.
Fred Kropp, jr., has returned from the hospital very much better, after a long siege of illness.
George Baecher is going to build quite an addition to his house on the old homestead this summer.
Chas. Sturm was around Tuesday looking up the stock interest. He is a hustler and building up a large trade in this vicinity.
The Chicago Telephone company put up four more long distance wires last week. They will put up six more during the summer.
Reports say we are to have another wedding in the near future. It seems as if the disease is contagious in this vicinity this winter; anyway, little Cupid has been getting in his work.
F.L. Carr was a Chicago visitor on Tuesday.
John Sizer of Barrington was a visitor here Sunday.
Will Dillon of Chicago visited with friends in our village Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Freund spent Sunday with relatives at Johnsburg.
A.E. Kirwan and M.W. Hughes transacted business in Chicago Tuesday.
Misses Mary Glynch and Estella Grace were Chicago visitors Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Hapke and family visited with relatives at Waukegan Sunday and Monday.
Reuben Plagge and sister, Miss Nora, of Barrington were callers in our village Stuarday.
Carl Eriksen has mounted a specimen of a Great Northern Fisher shot by Henry McCoy at Slocum’s Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster and daughter Eva of Elgin spent a few days of last week with relatives and friends in our village.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Helmuth entertained the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Helmuth, sr., of Park Ridge.
Miss Edith Turnbull, who took the teachers’ examination a few weeks ago, received her certificate Saturday. We congratulate her upon her success.
Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Feddler, who have made their home in our village for the past year, moved to Lake Zurich last week, where Mr. Feddler will conduct a meat market.
Mrs. Lydia Jane Turner passed away at the home of her son, Seth Turner, Thursday morning after a short illness, resulting from a fall. Mrs. Turner, who was born in Oxford county, Me., December 4, 1820, at the time of her death was in her 81st year. She was united in marriage to Luther Turner June 20, 1843, and their union was blessed with nine children as follows: Thurston B., who resides in McHenry county; Helen F., wife of Morris Ford and a resident of our village’ Lucinda E., deceased, was the wife of C.A. Meyer; Sarah J. is the wife of Frank Thomas and resides at Rockefeller; Seth D., twin brother of Sarah. A resident of our village, with whom Mrs Turner spent the last years of her life. The funeral was held from the M.E. church Saturday at 1:00 o’ clock, Rev. Dutton officiating, after which the remains were interred in the Wauconda cemetery.
Mrs. Robert Shufeldt is expecting a sister from Norway.
Mrs. Chas. Miller and son Roy visited at barrington last week.
Miss S.M. Eggleston spent several days with relatives at Woodstock.
Drew Miller is building an addition to his home at Barrington Center.
Guy Hall, of C.F. Hall Co., won the gold watch at the recent fair in Carpentersville.
Mrs. Ed Hooker is improved in health since her return from Jakcsonville, Florida.
The Richardson home in Dundee is being newly decorated inside and out by Miller & Kelley.
More than $1300 was realized at the German fair held here last week. Ed Swartz received the most voted for being the most popular bachelor.
An engine ran into and completely demolished the 6:30 a.m. street car at the Bolt Co. crossing here Tuesday morning. At 9 o’clock the wreck was cleared away and cars run as usual.
Miss Edna Wilber and Mr. Drew M. Miller were married at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Clifford, at Dundee Weendesya. The happy couple left for Benton Harbor, Mich., the same morning.
Mrs. Charles Dill visited in Chicago Thursday.
W.B. Perry and wife visited in Chicago Wednesday.
Miss Bertha Rochow is visiting relatives in Chicago.
L.A. Powers has been enjoying a vacation the past week.
Herman Arndt of Dundee transacted business here Wednesday.
Lyman Powers and wife visited relatives at Wauconda Thursday.
Herman Schneider of Lake Zurich was here on business Saturday.
Supervisor D. Huntington of Lake Zurich was here on business Thursday.
H.B. Burritt of Wauconda visited with his daughter, Mrs. Flora Lines, this week.
Attorney Fred B. Bennett of Woodstock was here Saturday to visit his mother who was ill.
The Misses Clinge are att Crystal Lake tgs week in the interest of the Barrington laundry.
Mrs. John Graybill and daughter Julia of Chicago visited with Mrs. M. F. Clausius this week.
Mrs. Murphy of Woodstock was here Thursday in the interest of the local odge of Eminent Ladies.
Louis Comstock departed for Whitewtaer, Wis., tuesday where he joins the Melbourn Shows for the season.
Miss Edith Gromen of Chicago, who has been visiting relatives here, returned to her home in Chicago Wednesday.
Mrs. W.H. Snyder and son, Corneilus, of Mayfair, spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the home of her father Edward Lamey.
Harry C. Frick departed Thursday for Otter Lake, Mich., where he takes charge of the Waukesha Butter company’s creamery.
Miss Minnie Wieting of Lodi, Wis., who has been the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Morrison, returns home tomorrow.
Prof. C.V. Kerr of the Armour Institute, Chicago, accompanied by his wife, and Mrs R.G. Wells and son of Wellsville, N.Y., visited Saturday and Sunday with Barrington relatives.
Rev. and Mrs. Tuttle, Misses Hattie Tuttle, Alvina Myers, Laura Wilmer and Carrie Kingsley; Messrs. Wilber Harnden, Frank Dohmeyer and E.L. Wilmer are in attendance at the Epworth League convention at Woodstock.