October 30, 1903



Football Saturday.

Village Board meets Monday.

Hutchus Hart went to St. Louis Thursday.

John Kieft expects to move back onto his farm soon.

The new cement walk around the Methodist church is completed.

Assistant County Superintendent C.W. Farr visited schools in this section Tuesday.

A.G. Smith and family visited Rev. W.H. Smith and family at Park Ridge last Sunday.

Mrs. Vehe will move into her house the first of next month. Mr. Hackbarth will move into John Keift’s house.

Mr. Bier of Long Grove has rented the lower part of the Mitten Fosketts house. Mrs. Bier was formerly Miss Clara Vehe.

Mr. and Mrs. Miton Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. M. Richmond and daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. Cristy at Park Ridge last Sunday.

The Palatine Regulars will meet Kershaw Athletic club team on the local gridiron Saturday afternoon. This is the first game of the team and they have a strong team against them. A good contest is looked for. Game begins at 3 o’clock sharp.

The first of the Star entertainment course will be held in the Methodist church on Tuesday evening, Nov. 10th. The Grinnell concert company will be the attraction and they come highly recommended from scores of places where they have appeared. They have a reader who has stayed in one Chautauqua Assembly for twenty nights. Season tickets for 5 entertainments for sale by A’G. Smith and P.N. Matthi for $1.00. This includes a reserved seat. General admission 25 and 35 cts.

One of the pleasantest events of late was the prize cinch party held by the Woodmen in their hall last Tuesday evening. Eleven tables were filled and an interesting contest held. Miss Betty Bollman secured ladies first prize - a set of silver spoons. Miss Lizzie Wilson ladies 2nd prize - a fancy plate. Will Heber gent’s first prize - a trade check for $1.50. G.H. Arps gent’s second prize - a pocket knife. After the distribution of prizes pop corn and apples were passed around and an enjoyable social time followed.


Will Wragg of Chicago was here Wednesday.

Jas. Davison left this week to visit relatives in Canada.

Nick Linden transacted business in Wauconda Monday.

Chas. Sattler of Diamond Lake was a pleasant caller here Tuesday.

Earnest Shenning and Geo. Geiskie of Palatine were here Monday.

Miss Julia Courtney of Chicago is visiting friends here this week.

Henry Goodknecht of Palatine was a pleasant caller here Wednesday.

Jas. Dempsey of Sioux Falls, S.D., transacted business here Wednesday.

A large delegation of Zurichites attended the Gus. Burthlaf sale Tuesday.

Contractor Bell of Elgin has his men at work on the new cross walks on the square.

Ray Kimberley and Frank Roney of Wauconda transacted business here Wednesday.

Clark McIntosh and C.H. Morrison of Barrington were pleasant callers here the first of the week.

Gustave Fiedler was in Chicago Sunday to see Mrs. Fiedler, and says that she is recovering and getting strong and thinks that she will be able to come home in a few days.

The E.J. & E.R. Co. have a large force of men at work on their line here building fence and repairing bridges.

The ball game Sunday last between the Barrington Jrs. and Lake Zurich Jrs. resulted in a victory for Lake Zurich by score of 12 to 13.

Gustave Fiedler has a notice up that he will close his market after Saturday Oct. 31 and will not open again for business until April 10, 1904.


H.E. Maiman transacted business in the city Thursday.

A.E. Kirwin attended the horse-show in Chicago Tuesday.
Matt Maiman is spending the week with relatives at Waukegan.

H.O. Werden and F.L. Carr were Waukegan visitors Monday.

Rev. Fr. Woulfe transacted business in the city Monday and Tuesday.

Mrs. H. Maiman and Matt Maiman visited relatives at McHenry Sunday.

E.L. Harrison of Chicago spent Sunday with his mother and sister in our village.

Mr. Roderick, a piano tuner of the Crown Piano Factory, is tuning pianos in our village and vicinity this week.

Miss Mary Freund, who has been seriously ill for the past three weeks, is reported as having nearly recovered.

John Welsh and Miss Mayme Maiman of Waukegan spent Sunday with relatives and friends in our village and vicinity.

The foundation of the new parsonage has been completed and P.J. Freund, the contractorm expect to have the building under roof in a short time.

Miss Hazel Duers entertained a number of her young friends at her home last Saturday evening, it being the 15th anniversary of her birth. Games was the order of the evening until about 10 o’clock, when a delightful array of refreshments was served. Then singing followed and continued until 12 o’clock when all adjourned, having spent a most pleasant evening and wishing their fair hostess many returns of the event.


The Millenial Dawn people from Elgin held a meeting at Henry Baker’s Sunday.

Duncan Livingston is improving. He was in Elgin Tuesday.

Mrs. Emma Brown spent Saturday and Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Throop at Nunda.

A cow on the G.F. Arvedson farm near here has given birth to 7 calves in 3 years. Her latest feat was triplets a week ago Sunday and all 3 are living and doing well.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nurrie and daughter Flossie sailed from England for home the 20th.

The Womans’ Guild will hold their regular work meeting Friday p.m. to-day. Come early.

Earl Wilbern of Champaign spent Sunday with his parents.
Miss Eggleston entertained company over Sunday.

Oatman’s cheese and milk factory on the Barrington road Dundee burned to the ground Saturday between 7:30 and 8:30. Loss $25,000; insurance $9,000.

Arthur Fredrickson, who is at home from Chicago, is quite ill of typhoid fever.

Hosea Smith is at Los Angeles, Cal.

Mrs. Lizzie Clark, who has been visiting at Mrs. Annie Smith’s has returned to her home in Chicago.

Miss Mattie Knuteson, a school girl living on the west side, was committed to the Elgin asylum Tuesday. Hard studying is thought to be the cause of her loosing her mind.