October 9, 1903



Fred Wildhagen is working for C.H. Patten at Dundee.

Esther Schering is confined to the house with mumps.

Irving Beutler has been confined to the bed since Friday.

W. Sherra of Arlington Heights was in town on business last Sunday.

Clarence Bennett has quit the squab business and is working for Thos. Boyle, on his stock farm.

Miss Clara Taylor has organized a kindergarten class and has quite a number of little folks to teach this winter.

The Ladies Aid society are arranging for a bazaar to be held before Christmas. Cook book will be printed and sold.

John Hira’s sale last Saturday was a big success. He sold two carloads of cattle which brought good prices. Thirty of the cows sold on an average of $50 each. Get your auction bills at the Review office.

The Ladies Aid society annual harvest supper was a grand success both to the ladies and the partakers. The ladies added considerable to the treasury and those who patronized went away feeling that the ladies were over generous with the good things.

Mr. Griunnell of the Glazier Lyceum Bureau was here this week to secure a contract for a Star Lyceum course and met with good success. Enough signers were secured to guarantee the company to send their entertainers here and the dates will be announced later. There are five entertainments in the course and season tickets are only $1.00.


Mrs. Fred Seip of Chicago is visiting relatives here this week.

C. Beasley of Waukegan was a pleasant caller here Tuesday.

Miss Edith Seip of Chicago visited with her parents here Saturday and Sunday.

Henry Branding and William Bicknase transacted business at Waukegan Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Kafin and Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Pott visited at Algonquin and Gilberts the first of the week.
Emil Frank, who served on the grand jury at Waukegan this week, has returned home, the jury having finished its work.

The village trustees should consult Mr. Bell of Elgin and ask him if he intends to put in those concrete cross walks before next spring weather sets in.

Charles Shultz has moved into the living rooms over his store which were occupied by Ernst Pott, who now occupies rooms adjoining Nate Lohman’s.


Chas. Pratt was a Chicago visitor Wednesday.

E.W. Brooks was a Waukegan visitor Tuesday.

V.D. Kimball went to the city Wednesday for a few days visit.

Rev. Father Woulfe transacted business in the city the first of the week.

Harry Graham of Barrington spent Sunday with his parents in our village.

F.L. Carr and H. Maiman were Round Lake and Grays Lake visitors Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Hoppe and family of McHenry called on relatives and friends in our village Sunday.

G.C. Roberts is contemplating starting for the west again soon. He expected to go to Phoenix, Arizona.

Miss. Nina Pratt returned home Sunday after spending a few weeks with relatives and friends in this city.

Miss. Tidmarsh took her Sunday School class to Fort Sheridan Saturday for a day’s outing. All say they had a jolly good time.

Miss. Agnes Geary one of our graduates of the class of 1903, started her initial year of teaching in the Gould School on Monday.

Orton Hubbard returned to Chicago Monday, after a four weeks vacation at home. He has but one more year of school and then we shall have an other Dr. Hubbard.

There is some discussion in our village in regard to the sidewalk question. The price of lumber having advanced, the cement walk is being suggested. A better improvement could not be made and we are in hopes to see the village board push the matter along.
Prof. E. Salem Parker of Chicago who has been conducting a singing class in our village the past week closed his first week of instruction on Wednesday, concluding with a concert. The class numbered 39 and it is remarkable to note the work they accomplished in the short a space of time. He started his second course on Thursday evening and will conclude with another concert next Wednesday.

The Bazaar to be given under the auspices of the Catholics of our village and vicinity promises to be a very pleasant event. It will be held at the Oakland hall the 15, 16 and 17 of this month. There will be many novel and unique attractions. Supper will be served each evening and programs have been arranged for evening entertainment. All are cordially invited to attend. The proceeds will be used toward the building of the new parsonage and all should lend a helping hand.


Charles Zornow of Dundee visited here Sunday.

Mrs. Robert Purcell visited friends at Green Bay Wis., last week.

Mrs. Ralph Colby and daughter Hettie visited in Chicago Tuesday.

Mr. Humphrey of Chicago visited his sister Mrs. August Hawk Sunday.

Miss Gladys Lines was the guest of Miss Florence Peck Saturday and Sunday.

Oliver W. Steed returned from Colorado last week after a visit with friends.

John Dalton who has been at Milwaukee for sometime past visited here Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Walterscheid celebrated the 15th anniversary of their marriage Sunday.

Attorney Lowell and wife of Crystal Lake were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M.C. McIntosh Friday and Saturday.

Charles Kosmin, who has been employed by the Chicago Excavating company on their Milwaukee contracts is here for a brief visit.

Burt Henderson of Harvard was visiting here last week. He is recovering from the effects of injuries received at Alden cattle yards last summer.

E.R. Clark of Colorado Springs was here on business last Saturday. He reports the state badly torn up by mining doubled owing to the strikes at the Cripple Creek.

Mrs. Wichman of Dundee, mother of Edward and Gus. Wichman of this village, has removed here and will keep house for her sons in the Meier residence on Liberty street.