September 25, 1903



Concordia anniversary Oct. 20th.

Frank Griswold of Missouri is visiting Chas Griswold and family.

John Hirn will sell two carloads of cattle on his farm Saturday, Oct. 3 at 10 a.m.

The Review is sending out 350 extra copies of this week’s issue on account of the Reunion.

The Palatine Military Band played at the Went-Meyer wedding last Wednesday night.

Grand dance at Keber’s hall, Highland Grove, tomorrow night. Good music by a three piece orchestra.

A meeting will be held in A.G. Smith’s office Monday night to organize a foot ball team. Rah! Rah!

Mrs. Spaulding of Minnesota is visiting her sister Mrs. Chas. Lytle and assisting in the care of her father, Fred Fisher, who is dangerously ill.

Miss Bertha Batterman returned Friday from a trip to the west. She visited Denver, Salt Lake City, Los Angeles, Kansas City and other interesting points. She went with a party of friends and greatly enjoyed the trip.

Chas. Heidinger closed his bakery shop and has returned to Chicago. He has been financially embarrassed since starting here and although he did a good business he could not keep above water and decided to close up.

Charlie Griswold is laid up with a bad foot. He was delivering coal at the Gibbs residence north of the village last Friday when his foot became caught in the wheel crushing it badly. Fortunately no bone were broken, but he will be laid up for two or three weeks.

The Concordia Society will celebrate its 20th anniversary by giving a supper, concert and dance in Woodmen hall next Thursday evening. Everything will be done to furnish a good time for all who attend. The society uses the proceeds for relief of the flood suffers. Admission 15c, supper extra.

At the meeting of the singing class Tuesday night the following officers were elected: President, Frank Bicknase. Vice President, Miss Minnie Hanch. Secretary, Elmer Meston. Treasure, Miss Louise Abelmann. Leader, H.S. Heise. Organist, Miss Elnora Arps. The society expects to continue the work began by Prof. Salem Parkes and practice every week.

The Chautauqua Circle met last Friday night at the home of Rev. D.J. Holmes for the purpose of reorganizing. It was decided to drop the regular chautauqua work, to change the home of the society to the Study Club and take up a number of Shakespeare’s plays. The club meets Saturday night, September 26, at the home of Miss Mattie Hodgkins.

Pro. Parker’s singing class gave an entertainment in Odd Fellows’ hall Wednesday night and attracted an appreciative audience. The class showed remarkable progress under one week's instruction, singing by note and minding the phrases and expression. All who heard the singing were amazed at the work done. Mr. Parker sang several solos and gave several readings, everyone one which was heartily enjoyed by his hearers.

The High school foot ball team will play the first game of the season here by meeting the Maine Township high school team on our grounds Saturday, Oct. 3rd. Let all turn out and encourage the only athletic contest ever held here. Unless the boys can meet expenses they will arrange future games away from home.


Fred Schaffer visited friends in Chicago Sunday.

George Hager and son Irving spent Monday with Frank Hager in Chicago.

Miss Rose Gouch, of Ashton, Ill., is visiting her niece, Mrs. George Spunner.

Mrs. James McKay visited relatives in Chicago this week.

Mrs. John Wolfe and children of Chicago are visiting relatives here this week.

Mrs. Helen L. Brown of Iowa Falls, Iowa., is visiting a few weeks with Mrs. Dodge.

Mr. T. Gafney and family of Cleveland, Ohio were guests of T.C. Dolan and family this week.

Mrs. Edward Magee has returned home from an extended visit with relatives at Biggsville, Ill.

Miss Jeanette started to take up her course of music at the Chicago Musical College last Saturday.

Charley Hutchinson played with the American b.b. Team at Waukegan Sunday and did excellent work.

Otto Ricke and Sam Landwer enjoyed Sousa’s band concert given at the Auditorium, Chicago, Sunday night.

Ed Ernst, G.R. Hawley, Lawrence Donlea and Ed Wichman visited Charley Downing at Chicago Sunday.

Mrs. Francis Stuckey and Miss Susie Murker of Cisco, Ill., spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of W.M. Wilmer.

Mrs. Helen Brown and Miss M. Dunklee spent Thursday and Friday in Chicago attending the Chicago Baptist Association.

Lou. Kroff of Wyoming, Nebraska., who has been visiting with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Landwer the past week, left Wednesday for an extended visit in Colorado.

Conductor J.P. Sughrua, of the Crystal Lake local one of the most accommodating ticket punchers on the North-Western enjoyed a vacation last week. With his wife he visited their daughter at Chippewa Falls, Wis., a short time.

Edward T. Martin, who has been an employee of Lamey & Co. for several years, has resigned his position and accepted employment in the collection department of the Chicago Telephone Company. He assumed his new position in the main office, Chicago, Sept. 18th., Ed is a capable young man and his many friends in this vicinity hope for his success.


Harry Graham visited with his parents here Sunday.

Mrs. M.S. Hill is reported seriously ill at this waiting.

A.E. Kirwin transacted business at Waukegan Wednesday.

M.E. and L.E. Maiman were Libertyville visitors Sunday.

A number of our people witnessed the ball games at Waukegan Sunday.

Wm. Marble of Grayslake visited with old-time friends here Wednesday.

Messrs. Frank and Earl Harrison of Chicago spent Sunday at their home here.

Miss May Spencer of Chicago is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer, at present writing.

Miss Mayme Maiman returned to Waukegan, Sunday, after a two weeks visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Maiman and family.

Messrs. E.W. Brooks, J.C. Price and H. Maiman attended a game dinner at Meurcke Bros. resort, at Fox Lake, Wednesday.

Elmer Duers and Chester Golding left for Beloit Tuesday where they will attend the Beloit College academy during the ensuing year. This is Elmer's first year at the school, but when Chester returns to us next June he will bring with him a sheepskin.