September 18, 1903


Dr. Wood has been confined to his bed the past two weeks.

C.W. Ost and son Charlie visited friends in Libertyville Sunday.

Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Wood are entertaining an old acquaintance from California.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bennack, on Friday, Sept. 11, 1903, a daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rea. of Chicago, visited friends and relatives here Sunday.

R.H. Lytle has sold his property in the southwest part of the village to Battermann, Abelmann and Ost.

Mr. Whitcomb, of Fredericksburg, iowa, is visiting relatives here. He came to attend his regiment’s reunion.

Miss Alma Bicknase visited friends in Elgin last week and entertained a lady friend from that place over Sunday.

The residence of Fred Blohm, south of the village, was struck by lightning during the storm Tuesday and considerable damage was done to the roof.

The “wheel” social at the Methodist church last Friday night drew a good number of people and the league realized about fifty dollars on the affair. A short program was given and lunch was served.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lytle and Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Smith and family attended a family reunion of the Lytles at Libertyville Sunday, it being the fortieth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Lytle’s wedding.

Mr. and Mrs. William Meissner celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home last Friday. All of their children were present to help make the mile-stone one long to be remembered by all present.

The village board met in adjourned session Friday night and amended the sidewalk ordinance to compel the building of walks of cement. The sanitary and drainage petition was ordered to be signed by President Olms for the village.

The Ladies’ Concordia are preparing to celebrate their twentieth anniversary in a fitting style on October 20th. They will hold a bazaar and supper in Battermann’s hall, the proceeds to go to the flood sufferers. This society is doing a grand work and deserve the patronage they always receive.

The road commissioners have made a fine graveled road on the Barrington road near Deer Grove, which has been almost impossible at times. Two new bridges will be built and they are giving close attention to the condition of the various roads. We have the best road in Palatine of any township in Cook County.

Salem Parker of Chicago organized a singing class here Thursday night and will give vocal lessons for one week. He gave a concert in the Methodist church Thursday evening which was well attended and greatly enjoyed by every person present. Mr. Parker is a reader as well as a vocalist and taken with his humor he gave a splendid entertainment.


Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Hapke and family, of McHenry, were Monday callers in our village.

Matt Maiman, of Waukegan, is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Maiman and family.

Messrs. Fred Blume, W. Sensor, G.W. Pratt, J. Hironimus, Pluty Houghton and Frank Roney were Chicago visitors Monday.

On Friday evening, Sept. 25th, the Ladies’ Aid society of the M.E. Church will give a harvest, home and farewell social to Rev. and Mrs. Lapham in the church parlors. As the conference year is closing, and the pastor does not return to us, a large attendance is desired. The proceeds of social will apply on pastor’s salary.


E. S. Bruce transacted business to Joliet and St. Louis this week.

Gustave Feidler was a Chicago visitor Monday.

Charles J. Scholtz made a trip to Chicago Wednesday to purchase new fall sctok.

John Forbes will take the Americans over to Wuakegan Sunday, Spet. 20, to play a game of base ball with the Waukegan West Ends.

The youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shutt is dangerously ill with brain fever.

Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Ficke entertained relatives from Hinsdale, Ill., Saturday and Sunday.

Bert Seip transacted business in Waukegan Friday.

John Stephens Sundayed in Chicago.
C.W. Kohe and August Kepler attended the conservator’s sale at the Graber farm Thursday.

Ray Mackin, who was recently appointed local agent here for the “J”, has sent in his resignation to take effect Saturday, Sept. 19. He is the fourth man that the company has had since Mr. Flood was transferred to Waukegan.


Mrs. G.F. Arvenson was a recent visitor at Algonquin.

Miss Ina Taylor visited with Mrs. Stewart at Prairie Grove lately.

Zoe Smith entertained this week in honor of her friends Miss Rilla Watt of Chicago.

Mrs. Reinach of Woodstock will inspect Dundee W.R.C., No. 57, Friday, Oct. 9th.

Mrs. Rachel Smith entertained the Episcopal guild at her home Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. William Walker gave a reception Friday in honor of their newly married sons, Herbert and Wallie and their wives.

The Methodist, Baptist and Congregational missionary societies of Dundee hold their meetings on the second Tuesday afternoon of each month.

At the meeting of Century Lodge I.O.O.F., held Thursday evening the following officers were elected: J.H. Bumstead, noble grand. Dan Davisdon, vice grand. Harvey Smith, secretary.


J.R. Moores visited with Chicago friends Wednesday and Thursday.

A.L. Hendee, county clerk of Lake county was the guest of M.T. Lamey Sunday.

William B. Shales and family departed for their future home at ELgin, Monday.

Frank Sodt and family, of Chicago, are guests at the home of Mr. Sodt’s parents.

James T. Jones of Chicago is here for a two weeks’ visit, looking after his landed interests.

Master John Siek of Chicago enjoyed the Sabbath at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Colby.

S.F. Farmsworth of Chicago, grandson of Mrs. Mary Regan, has been visiting here the past week.

Dr. Roberts of Janesville, a former resident, was the guest of Geo. H. Comstock, yesterday.

Mrs. George Wagoner and son returned Friday from a two weeks’ visit in Hammond, Ind., Chicago and Park Ridge.

Miss Hettie Kenton has returned to her home here after six weeks’ engagements at theatres in St. Louis and Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. D.F. Lamey and daughter Francis, departed yesterday for a visit with Mr. Lamey’s relatives at Maquoketa, Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Hollister attended the Gomm-Golden wedding at Chicago Wednesday. The bride is the sister of Mrs. Hollister.

Mr. and Mrs. A.V. H. Kimberly departed Tuesday for their home in the east, where they will spend the winter and early spring.

Gottleib Heimerdinger, who has been visiting in northern Wisconsin, at Vulcan, Mich., and Sault Ste Marie, the past three weeks, is expected home tomorrow. He writes that he greatly enjoyed the trip.