August 21, 1903


The Review, $1.50 per year.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Beutler and son of Chicago visited relatives here this week.

Mrs. Walter Thomas and children from New Orleans are visiting relatives here.

For Sale - House and lot on Plum Grove avenue near Lincoln. Enquire of R.F. Mix.

Paul Patten and Alex Wilson drove to Twin Lakes last week and returned home Monday.

Mrs. Phillips, who has been visiting her father, J. Lincoln, has returned to their home in Iowa.

Mrs. Christy and daughter of Riverview have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Reynolds this week.

A new cement sidewalk around the brick block is being constructed and is a great improvement to the property.

Mrs. Henry Bicknase and daughter Dorothy of Chicago, visited relatives here this week. They expect to go to Oregon sometime next month.


John Golding was a Libertyville visitor the first of the week.

Mr. Roach of Chicago was a caller in our village Wednesday.

Misses Lena Hand and Marie Jung of Chicago are visiting at the Segar cottage.

Don’t forget the dime social to be given in the Woodmen hall Saturday eve., Aug. 22.

Miss Olive Drake, of Chicago, visited the first of the week with Miss Winnie Pratt.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Maiman and Henry jr., and May, visited with relatives at McHenry Sunday.

R.B. Campbell, the manager of the E.J. & E. railroad is spending a few days in our village.

School opens September 7. The school house is being put in shape and generally repaired.

Mrs. Vincent Davlin is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hutchinson at Barrington.

Little Mary Fuller entertained 10 of her friends at a party Monday afternoon. All report a fine time.

Miss Anna Paulissen, of Elgin, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Maimen the latter part of the week.

Latest reports from the sick are that Paul Jones is gaining slowly and Richard Smith continues about the same.

The ball game last Sunday between the Chicagos and the local team resulted in an easy victory for the later by a score of 17 to 7.

Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Roberts and family, Mrs. Harrison and daughter, Miss Laura, and Miss Ethel Duers, visited at Libertyville last Friday.

Rev. Father Woulfe announced in church last Sunday that about $875 had been subscriebd during the week for the building of a $2,500 parsonage.


Chas Givens of McHenry was a visitor here Monday.

John Stephens transacted business in Joliet Monday.

Gustav Fiedler transacted business in Joliet Tuesday.

Mrs. J.H. Forbes visited relatives in Nunda Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Ficke visited relatives at Hinsdale this week.

James Flood of Waukegan was a Zurich caller the first of the week.

Louis Burton and Dan Johnson of Nunda were pleasant callers here the first of the week.

Wm. Bell of Elgin was here Wednesday and secured the contract for constructing the concrete crosswalks for the village and as soon as he can move his outfit here from McHenry he will start building them. The contract calls for 950 square feet.

Arthur Mithcell of Omaha, Neb., is here this week looking after the moving of his house, which stood on the E.J. & E. right-away on Paine street. He purchased a lot in the Hilman sub-division and is moving it down there where he intends to put it in first class shape and offer it for rent.

Don’t miss the ball game Sunday Des Plaines Reds vs. Americans. The Reds will put up a good article of ball and will have the famous Southpaw Peters of Arlington Heights in the box. Jimmy Redazelle will do the slab work for the Americans so you will see a close contest. Game called at 2:30 sharp.


Tena Peterson has gone to Woodstock to reside.

Miss Lillie Huber of Elgin visited here Saturday and Sunday.

Frank Button entertained his parents from Genoa lost week.

Mrs. J. Tolstad and son Normon are guests of friends in Chicago.

Miss Eva Allen and friend of Chicago have been for a visit here lately.

David Anderson of Winnebago has been the guest of Harrison Miller.

Mrs. A. Frederickson has returned from a visit to the home of her brother at Hopkins Park.

The MIsses Grace, Florence and Eda Baker entertained relatives from Palatine over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith have removed to Woodstock where Mr. Smith will engage in business.

Mr. and Mrs. Beardsley and children of Arlington Heights were guests at Henry Baker’s Sunday.

A little daughter has come to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Linquist, of Railway ave.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Archer of Chicago have returned home after an extended visit at A. Fredrickson’s.


Miss Halfpenny of Chicago visited with Miss Georgia Topping, Sunday.

Remember the Lake County Fair at Libertyville, Sept. 1,2,3 and 4. Every day a big day.

Arthur Allen of Chicago is visiting with his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Regan, this week.

Isaac B. Fox and Silas Robertson departed tuesday for a visit to the rice lands of Louisiana.

Miss Florence Jahnke left for Walworth, Wis., yesterday, where she will visit John Blaine’s family.

Mrs. L. Krahn and daughter, Miss Sadie, will leave Sept. 1 for a visit with relatives in Nebraska.

Mrs. Etta Thompson and sister, Florence King of Elgin, were guests of Mrs. John Page the past week.

Barrington bowlers defeated the Lake Zurich team on the Bicknase alley in that village Tuesday evening.

Rev. W.H. Tuttle and family and Frank Dohmeyer are attending the Epworth Grove camp meeting this week.

Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Morrison are entertaining their niece, Mrs. C.H. McClearly, and Miss Gertrude Hubbard of Chicago.

Lawson Elvidge and bride have returned home from a pleasant visit with Mr. Elvidges relatives in Iowa and Wisconsin.

Work is progressing on the extension of the water mains on North Hawley street. C.H. Patten of Palatine has the contract.

Miss Julia Lamey of Chicago in enjoying a part of her summer vacation at the old home in this village with her sister Miss Margaret.

Mr. and Mrs. Eberhard of New York City and Mr. and Mrs. Mathias and daughter of Chicago, were guests of E.W. Kline and family, Sunday.

Roy Ercanbrac of Woodstock, known to many of our young people, was drowned in Rock river near the chautauqua grounds at Rockford, Tuesday.

Mrs. Sohpie Jahnke, mother of Jno. and Chas. Jahnke, has been quite ill but is now improving. Her granddaughter, Miss Cora Jahnke, has been caring for her.

A new sidewalk is being laid about the Benedict property of Ela street. This is an example that other property owners in that section of the village ought to follow.

The fire alarm whistle caused a little excitement Wednesday afternoon. An incipient blaze at the Jackson residence on Grove avenue was responsible for the commotion. No damage.

Rev. Theo. L.C. Suhr, jr., will occupy the pulpit of the M.E. church next Sunday morning and evening. Rev. Suhr is a son of the former pastor of Salem church and well known to our people.

Mrs. E.N. Townsend, a former resident of Barrington, has visited with friends here this week. The past five months Mrs. Townsend has been visiting relatives in Rogers, Iowa, and will now return to her home at Prairie View, Ill.

Messrs. T.B. Warner and James Cowie accompanied by Misses Ella Tourtellot and Eva Smith of Chicago, were guests of A.G. Gieske Sunday. Miss Smith is a daughter of Ex-Inspector General Smith of Philippine Islands.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Colby have removed here from Chicago and will occupy the Hager cottage on West Main street. Mrs. Colby will conduct a millinery and fancy goods store in the Wolthausen building. Mr. Colby will continue his duties at Holden’s shoe house in the city.

Mrs. Edward Magee is visiting at her old home in Biggsville, Ill.

George Froelich is putting in a substantial walk about his premises.

Mrs. Wm. Page and children of Chicago are visiting at Mr. Spriggs’.

Wm. Krahn and Lou Frank of Chicago visited at the home of L. Krahn, Sunday.

Samuel Gleskie, head clerk in John C. Plagge’s store, is enjoying his annual vacation.

Mrs. Kellogg of Chicago, a former resident of Barrington, is a guest of the Olcott home.

James McKay and wife visited his parents at Algonquin yesterday and attended the Woodmen picnic.

General T.W. Sweeny Corps No. 85, was very pleasantly entertained by Sutherland Corps of Palatine last Friday afternoon.

Mrs. W.H. Snyder and children of Mayfair and Mrs. John Slack of Chicago, were guests of Miss Margaret Lamey, yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bauer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Chicago, visited with Messrs. Walterscheid Bros. this week.

The annual picnic of the Salme Sunday school will be held next Wednesday August 26 at the Barrington campgrounds. Everybody welcome.

We call attention to the announcement of the McHenry County Fair which appears on the first page. The society will celebrate its golden jubilee this year.

Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Comstock went to Rockford, Monday, to visit their daughter, Mrs. Miller, and attend the chautauqua. Mr. Comstock returned home last evening.

The next regular monthly meeting of the Epworth League will be held at the home of Elmer Peckham, Tuesday evening, August 25. Meet at the church at 7 o’clock.

Mrs. Sam Gieske and class enjoyed a picnic Monday afternoon, at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson, at Lake Zurich. About 25 participated in the good time.

After having maintained a pest house in which there have been small pox patients ever since June 16, Libertyville is at last free, all patients have been released and the nurses returned to Chicago. 

Chicago police who are working in conjunction with Lake county officers have not as yet found a clue to the robbers who blew open the safe in the office of Hotel Lippincott, at Fox Lake, Monday night of last week.

And now Chicago Milkman insist that if they are to be deprived of their ancient prerogative of watering the milk they must raise the price thereof. The candor and ingenuousness of this plea entitle it to sympathetic consideration.

The W.R.C. held a picnic at Lake Zurich Wednesday afternoon, having been invited to the hospitable summer home of Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson. The rain descended in torrents during the afternoon but the ladies enjoyed themselves just the same.

The Odd Fellows entertained a delegation from Kane Lodge of Elgin last evening and worked in the initiatory degree. As usual, the three linkers has an interesting time. Mrs. E.M. Fletcher prepared the refreshments which were served in the lodge room parlor.

Official announcement is made by President Frost of the Chicago & Milwaukee Electric Railway, that the branch line from Lake Bluff to LIbertyville will be opened to the public Sept. 1. The roadbed is 100 feet wide and constructed to provide for steam traffic.