August 7, 1903
The Review, $1.50 per year.
R.R. Kimberly transacted business at Cary Tuesday.
John Davis was a Gray’s Lake caller the first of the week.
Mr. Beech of Chicago was a business caller in our city Tuesday.
Don’t forget the concert in Oakland hall Friday evening, Aug. 14.
L.A. Jones spent the first of the week with his daughter in the city.
Amos Compton of Elgin is visiting at the Glynch farm at present writing.
Gustav Fiedler of Lake Zurich was a pleasant caller in our village Tuesday.
Rev. Tuttle of Barrington visited at the home of Rev. and Mrs. F.N. Lapham Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. G.C. Roberts and family visited with friends in the city Friday and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Hopke and family and Mr. and Mrs. Strosser of McHenry were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Maiman and family Sunday.
Mrs. Geo. Scheunemann and family returned to their home in Waukegan Saturday, after a week’s visit with Mrt. and Mrs. H. Maiman and family.
C.L. Pratt and Miss Nina and Master Rob returned from the Black Hills, S.D., Monday. Miss Nina, who has been spending a month’s vacation in that vicinity, reports a fine time and hopes soon to return to the West.
The ice cream social held on the lawn of Mrs. Harrison Saturday evening was a grand success. A good sized crowd was present, but the authorities had so managed everything as to give the best of accommodation to every one. The receipts amounted to about $14.50.
Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Freund celebrated the 25th anniversary of their marriage Saturday. In the morning the affair was celebrated at the Volo Catholic church. The afternoon saw a few immediate relatives and friends at the happy couple’s home, where all was merriment. Numerous beautiful and costly presents were received from well-wishers.
Dr. Stevens of Jefferson, Wis., was called to our village Tuesday in consultation with Dr. J.S. Hobbs on the Frank Wynkoop case of typhoid pneumonia. Dr. Stevens says that although Frank is very sick he has had worse cases which have recovered. We sincerely hope that the disease will yield to the untiring efforts of the physicians and of the trained nurse, who are constant attendants at the sick bed.
Mr. Hockmeyer is on the sick list.
Chas. Seip of Palatine was here Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Forbes visited friends at Cary.
Gus Feidler transacted business in Joliet Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shaeffer attended the funeral of Mrs. Shaeffer’s sister in Chicago Thursday.
Frank Roney shipped live stock from this point Thursday.
Lester Burdick of Wauconda was here on business Thursday.
Geo. Foreman of Barrington was a pleasant caller here Wednesday.
Louis Decker visited friends at Libertyville Monday and Tuesday.
The Knickerbocker Ice Co. laid off the extra gang Saturday last.
Henry Hillman has some fine young stock for sale at his pasture, south of town.
The Desplaines Reds will play the Americans Sunday, Aug.10.
The Elm House, on the west side, is enjoying a good run this season.
Mrs. Frank Kuckuck of Joliet, who has been visiting here for the past week, returned to Joliet Thursday.
The Review $1.50 a year.
Ed Mundhenk is enjoying a vacation.
Good cider vinegar at 15 cents per gallon at L. Peck’s.
Mrs. Starck’s house is ready for the plasterers.
Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Smyser have gone to Michigan for a two weeks outing.
Mrs. Marcia Phillips of Iowa is visiting her father, J. Lincoln, and family.
Mrs. Grote and daughter of Irving Park were guests of John Bergmann and family over Sunday.
David Holmes has secured a position with a Chicago firm and will travel on the road for them.
Herbert Filbert, John Siade and Stuart Paddock have gone to Twin Lake, Wis., for a two weeks outing.
Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Luck of Des Moines, Iowa, arrived here Tuesday for a visit with relatives and friends.
Edson and Ernest Baldwin, Will and Charles Ost took an extended trip up to Fox river in a yacht last Sunday.
Ben Wilson is recovering from his severe attack of the measles, and says he wouldn’t wish the meanest dog to have them.
Tom Hart, Gilbert Shaddle and A.G. Smith, have a camp at Twin Lakes, Wis., which they are enjoying as business permits.
C. Richmond, W.A. Putnam, B. Baxter and H.Knigge enjoyed a trip to Wauconda and Lake Zurich one day last week.
J.A. Burlingame has been placing shelves in his office, and recently purchased a Smith Premier Typewriter and handsome desk.
Kersting, the photographer, guarantees all work made in his Palatine gallery. Latest Chicago styles. Give me a trial. Open Sundays only. 31-2.
Mrs. Greene and children of Michigan, are visiting her father, J. Lincoln, and family. Mr. Lincoln now has all of his family home for the first time in many years.
Mr. Barnes of the Searchlight Manufacturing Company, Chicago, was in town Monday. He reports the sale to many cities of their street lamps, such as are used in this place.
Highland Grove dances are becoming popular for young people for miles around. Nick Keber has made his hall one where none need be afraid to go, as he always maintains good order.
Fast young men of old times and of these times compared next Sunday evening at the Methodist church by Rev. D.J. Holmes. Public cordially invited, especially young men - fast or slow or average.
Rev. Brandt of the Episcopal church has returned from his vacation, and preached in the Brotherhood house here Sunday.
Rev. Wyckoff of the Congregational society here will take a month’s vacation.
Mrs. J. Tolostad, who was quite ill with cankered sore throat last week, is much better this week.
The relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, on Railway avenue, left for their home in Chicago Sunday evening.
Miss Maude Russell spent a week at the home of her grandmother in Elgin.
Miss Minnie Anderson has gone to Chicago to reside in the home of her uncle, Mr. Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Unwin and daughter, Flossie, left here Wednesday for Sheffield, England, to be gone several months.
There was a christening at the home of Gus Barthold Sunday, that of their infant son.
Roy Miller returned Thursday from Millard, Wis., where he spent six weeks rusticating on the farm of J. Mitchell.
Miss Emma Mitchell is here from Millard, Wis.
Mrs. Emma Brown spent Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. Throop, at Nunda.
Mrs. Ed Miller of St. Charles was a visitor Saturday.
Andrew Oleson of Geneva, Ill., was here Sunday.
The Woman’s Guild of St. James church met with Mrs. G. F. Arvedson Wednesday afternoon.
Alex Peterson has moved his family to the west side into one of George Wilbern’s cottages.
Little Edwin Wyckoff has been very ill of measles, having suffered a relapse.
Mr. Robert Moon of Dundee was here Tuesday.
Miss Jeanette Thorp is at home, after pleasant visit to Fox Lake.
Miss Carrie Forke of Wheeling is the guest of Mrs. Frank Gieske.
Gen. W. Spunner and wife have returned from their outing in Wisconsin.
Mrs. Ed Theis is entertaining her sister, Miss Ella Dix, of Fond du Lac, Wis.
Miss Laura Olcott will spend next week with Miss Lawler in Maplewood.
The Eilers family, formerly of Barrington, spent Thursday here at the picnic.
Miss Alice Lawler of Maplewood spent this week at the home of Dr. Olcott.
J.E. Heise and wife are home, after a two weeks’ outing at Macataw Park, Michigan.
Mrs. Streger and children of Chicago are visiting at the home of Mrs. A. Reese.
Edward T. Martin is enjoying an outing this week in the vicinity of Wauconda.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meyer and son of Oak Park attended the Woodmen’s picnic here Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Snyder and children of Mayfair visited with Mrs. Margaret Lameyt Sunday.
Miss Jennie Farnsworth of Chicago was the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Ryan, Sunday.
Misses Emma and Paulina Cling visited with Miles Kellogg and family at Beloit, Wis., last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin of Dubuque, Iowa, visited at the home of Godfrey Newman during the past week.
Mrs. Henry Bielfield of South Omaha departed Friday night for her home, after a pleasant visit with her brother, Fred Meister.
Mrs. C.H. Kendall entertained at tea Mrs. Peck and MIsses Luella Austin, Jennie Powers and Maud Robertson Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Hoffman and children of Spring Valley, Ill., were guests of C.H. Morrison and wife Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Burgess left Saturday for a few months’ stop in Chicago, after which they will return to Boston. Mr. Burgess is superintending the construction of large new furnaces for the McCormick Harvesting Co.
Mrs. George Ela and her sister, Miss Hazelton, will leave next Monday for a visit to the old ancestral home in New Hampshire, where they expect to remain several weeks. They will first visit at Concord. Mis Ela informs us that the quaint old town of Dunbarton, N.H., of which mention was made some weeks ago in these columns, is where she taught school many years ago, and in that vicinity enjoyed many happy hours.