July 10, 1903
Harry Riley of Chicago called on friends in our village Saturday.
Harry Graham of Barrington spent Sunday with his friends in our village.
Editor Lamey and wife of Barrington were pleasant callers in our village Tuesday.
Misses Lillian Tidmarsh and Lilah Golding left for Boston last week for a two weeks’ stay.
Dr. and Mrs. Drake of Chicago were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pratt Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. J. Welch and Miss Mayme Maiman spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives at Des Plaines.
Mr. and Mrs. Seger and son of Chicago moved into the summer cottage on the lake shore last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Burton of Grand Rapids, Mich., visited with relatives and friends in our city the first of the week.
Mrs. Grosvenor of Oak Park returned home Friday after a week’s visit with relatives and friends in our village and vicinity.
Mrs. A.C. Stevens and children, after a three months’ visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Hills, returned to her home in Waukegan Thursday.
John Hodge of Rockefeller, Lake county, representative of the New York Life Insurance Company, was a pleasant caller in our village last Tuesday.
Married, Wednesday, July 1, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Obee, Highland Park, Ill., Mr. D.R. Smith of Chicago and Miss Evelyn E. Obee of Highland Park. Mr. Smith is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Smith, and holds a good position as clerk in the postoffice department in Chicago.
The funeral of George Baseley was held from the M.E. Church Sunday at 2 p.m., Rev. Satterfield officiating, and the remains were interred in the Wauconda cemetery. Mr. Baseley had been sick but a short time, and his illness baffled the skill of both of our physicians, who did everything in their power, but could not stay the hand of death and he passed away at the home of his brother, Albert, Friday morning. He leaves three brothers and one sister besides many other relatives, to mourn his loss, to whom we extend our sympathy.
The celebration was a success and a big ad for Zurich.
Two law suits will be called before “Judge” Kohl Saturday.
Rev. Henrich and wife entertained Chicago friends this week.
Lou Geary and Elmer Ford visited relatives at Kenosha this week.
F.L. Carr and wife Wauconda were pleasant callers here Thursday.
Mrs. Kate McDonald of Chicago visited friends in this vicinity during the week.
George Foreman and a party of Chicagoians were here on a fishing trip, Thursday.
L.M. Daivy of Waukegan and Louis Bronchin of Wauconda, called on friends here Thursday.
Zurich hotels and cottages are filled with city people. Fishing was never better and business good.
A young man names Timmerman, residing east of Palatine, caused considerable excitement here 4th of July night. After the dance he went to get the horse and buggy which he had left secured at side of Kohl Bros. store, and found it gone. He notified Marshal Prehm who, after diligent search about town, telephoned to neighboring towns. Sunday word came from Marshal Donlea that he had found the outfit at Barrington. Some parties had used the rig to carry them home but it was a risky piece of business. Had the parties been caught with the rig in their possession there would have been a job for the grand jury.
Woodman meeting to-night.
Try the new bread at Strokers’s bakery.
Miss May Baker has been visiting friends in Crystal Lake this week.
Miss Dollie Wilson has returned from New York for her summer vacation.
Mrs. R.H. Lytle drove over from Libertyville last Sunday, returning Monday.
Miss Elmora Arp’s friends from Michigan returned to their homes this week.
Commencing Saturday, Mrs. Stroker will have a new kind of bread and plain buns at her bakery. Try them.
Mr. Richmond and family went to Macatwa, Mich., last Wednesday to spend the summer in their cottage there.
Charlie Dean drove Henry Hannening’s horse in the race at Austin last Wednesday, and came in first after a fine drive.
Henry Wildhagen has retired from the firm of H.C. Matthei & Co., and the new firm name will be H.C. Matthei & Son.
There is an ordinance prohibiting bicycles on sidewalks. Mayor Olms warms riders that the ordinance will be enforced.
Any one wishing to have hay ropes repaired call on C.J. Bennett, Palatine, Ill., He will fix them right at a reasonable price.
Quite a number of young men went to Lake Zurich Tuesday night on a fishing trip and had a good time. They brought home enough fish for a good breakfast.
A Fourth of July party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Arps last Saturday. A number of friends from abroad were present and spent a pleasant day.
On account of dissolution of partnership, H.J. Wildhagen retiring, it is desired that all accounts up to and including July 8, 1903, be paid to any one of the former partners of H.C. Matthei & Co.
Dr. W.P. Schirding is taking a course of advanced class studies in anatomy at the University of Chicago preparatory to going to Berlin and Vienna, where he will take further special studies in ear and eye practice. The doctor has taken considerable work in this line, and will make this a specialty in connection with his regular practice.
A farewell party was given in honor of Mr. Schriner at the home of Mrs. J. Torgler last Monday evening. A number of his many friends gathered and spent a very social evening. Among those out of town wheo wwe present were Mr. Meeske and wife and mother of Niles, and Mr. Enghel of Brooklyn, N.Y. Mr. Shriner went to Saginaw, Mich., and from there goes to Frankenmuth, where his folk live. He will return to his duties as instructor in the Lutheran school here next fall.
Nils Anderson of Chicago was here over the 4th.
Mrs. John Jolly’s mother has come to live with her.
The Copes family of Elgin spent the Fourth here.
Jessie Miller of Elgin made a trip here on the 4th.
Paul Smith and family spent the Fourth at Woodstock.
Miss Allie Terrens of Arlington Heights is a visitor.
Mrs. Fannie Moore has been spending several weeks at Kankakee.
Misses Elma and Inez Henry are visiting relatives at Clintonville, Wis.
Miss Emma Wheating of Chicago visited Miss Maud Russell several days.
C.L. TEckler of Nunda, formerly of this place, made a business call here Monday.
Miss Eva Harrison of Crystal Lake has been spending several days here with relatives.
Henry Irvin spent the 4th at Itasca. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin expect soon to take a trip to England.
Miss Mabel, the little daughter of Dr. Rumstead, died of appendicitis last Friday night and was buried Sunday afternoon from the M.E. Church. She was 12 years of age and a member of the church.