May 15, 1903


F.L. Carr transacted business at Grays Lake Monday.

Miss Mary Freund and Mrs. Wallace were Chicago visitors Saturday.

H. Maiman and son Leo were Chicago visitors Wednesday.

Claire Edwadrs of Grayslake, spent Sunday with friends in our village.

Harry hill of Wauke=gan was calling on his friends in our village Monday.

Lawyer McGuffin, of Libertyville, transacted business in our village Wednesday.

Everett Neville, of Grayslake called on relatives and friends in our village Saturday.

Mrs. Carr of Ringwood was the guest of Harrison and daughter for the past week.

County Treasurer L.A. Price, of Waukegan, called on friends here Saturday and Sunday.

The members of the Epworth League are planning to serve ice cream and cake on the school lawn Decoration Day.

J. Golding and C.L. Pratt attended the meeting for the election of directors of the Wauconda Mining Company at Hotel Midland, Chicago, on Thursday, May 14.

The May party at the Oakland Hall Tuesday evening, was attended by about fifty couples. Music was furnished by Hardin's Orchestra of Elgin and a delightful time is reported.

Graduation exercises of the Wauconda High School will be held at Baptist church Friday evening, May 29. There are four graduates this year, Misses Agnes Geary and Gertrude Doyle and Leo Maiman and Ray Neville.

William Lamphere, our new Marshal, is working into the business fine, and for the past week has been busy repairing the sidewalks, which for lack of timber, were in bad shape. How about cement walks? Why wouldn’t it be a good thing to agitate this question?

Mr. J.A. Brand has began operations toward the building of his new house North Main street. James Manicom is laying the wall and as soon as finished the carpenters are expected to go to work. It is to be a square dwelling and promises to be a decided improvement to that end of our village.

The Wauconda Bank was opened again Saturday afternoon, and under the direction of Harry T. Fuller, the depositors were paid off in full. The president of the bank, Frank L. Komp, of Kenosha, Wis., was present. The depositors strolled in leisurely, knowing that their money was ready for them, and no crushing or jamming was experienced, as in a run on a bank. Our citizens have had a banking experience they will not soon forget, and the only banking institution which will be able to do business here now will be a local stock company. Mr. Stroker, of Palatine, who has had several years experience in the banking business in Chicago and is now employed in the Bank of Chicago, was here the first of the week discussing the proposition of a local stock company bank with our citizens. We feel that a good bank would be a benefit to our village and the matter will likely be taken up.


Henry Seip was a Chicago visitor Monday.

Wm. Bicknase was a Wauconda visitor Wednesday.

H. L. Prehm transacted business at the county seat Tuesday.

Mrs. Fred Shutt entertained her brother from Dundee Sunday.

Elmer Ford and Jim Givins were Wauconda visitors Wednesday.

Fred Kuckuck, Jr., of Joliet, is visiting his father at Fairfield this week.

Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Forbes attended the May party at Wauconda Tuesday.

J.F. Roney and wife of Fremont were pleasant callers in Zurich Sunday.

Gustave Feidler went to Joliet Wednesday, where he is taking medical treatment.

Miss Anna Nolan Chicago is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Forbes this week.

Emil Frank went to Chicago Thursday to meet his brother, who is expected to arrive from the old country.

Mrs. Chas. Givens returned home from Chicago Tuesday, where she has been visiting relatives for the past ten days.

Mr. and Mrs. Schly of Aptikisic, Ill., visited at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Chas. Klepper, this week.

Judicial election notices are posted for the election of three judges for Circuit court to be held in the town hall June 1.

The new scraper arrived this week from the Austin Mfg. Co., it was purchased for the corporation by our village dads.

Misses Emma Seip, Minnie Bushing, Anna Schaeffer and Edith Seipr; Messrs. Louis Geary and Henry Nobleman, attended the May party at Wauconda Tuesday evening.

A meeting was held in the village hall Monday evening for the purpose of having a celebration at Zurich this year. A finance committee was appointed to see what could be done about raising funds, and to report at the next meetings, to be held June 15 at 7:30 p.m.

The opening ball games between the Chicago Rays and Americans last Sunday was easy for the Americans, the score being 12 to 5. The batteries were: Americans, McCarthy and Filbert; Rays, Wahls and McCann. Next Sunday the Americans will play the Waucondas. Game called at 2:30 sharp. Admission 15 cents.


William Noonan was quite ill last week.

Wallie Fisher, who has been in the west for several years, is at home.

Mrs. Ann Russell, of Elgin, mother of Alfred R., was here Sunday.

Mr. Gray has moved his family and household goods to Dundee.

Mrs. A. Dahlbum and Miss Carrie Dahlbum were Chicago visitors Saturday.

Miss Grace Baker and her Sunday School class attended a C.E. convention at Sandwich Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. Bulgin, of North Carolina, commenced a series of revival meetings at Dundee Sunday under the auspices of the M.E. the Baptist and Congregational churches.

Mrs. Leonard of Dundee, was given a reception last Friday in honor of her 75th birthday anniversary, by the ladies of the Baptist church.

The residences of J. Tolostad and D. Livingston on Wisconsin avenue are decidedly improved in appearance by coats of paint.

Robert Shufeldt of Algonquin, has moved his family to Carpentersvill for the summer, as he expects to be employed in Colorado during the summer season.

Mrs. H. G. Sawyer and daughter, Miss Ethel, have arrived home from California, after an absence since January.