February 13, 1903
Dr. Schirding of Palatine was a visitor here Wednesday.
William Welch is reported seriously ill at present writing.
Born to Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Rawson Sunday morning, twins, a boy and girl.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Pratt, Sr. last Friday morning, a fine little baby girl.
J.J. Marshall, general agent for the Province Savings Life Insurance Co., is spending a few weeks in our village.
G.C. Roberts and family moved into their new home on South Main street last week and the rooms which they vacated are now being occupied by Dr. L.E. Golding for his dental parlors.
Mrs. O’Neil and daughter, Miss Winifred, Martin Murray, and Misses Kittie Carrol and Nettie Murray of Chicago visited Saturday and Sunday with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. James Murray.
Miss Emma Walsh and pupils give a Valentine basket social at the Flint Creek school house this Saturday evening. A fine program has been arranged and the evenings pleasure will be concluded by a sale of baskets filled with good things to eat.
Leo Maiman was pleasantly surprised last Wednesday evening by about 25 of his young friends. Vocal and instrumental music and games was the order of the evening followed by a luncheon after which games were resumed and it was not until a late hour that the guests departed thanking the host for the pleasant evening spent.
The masque ball held at the Oakland hall Friday evening was attended by about 100 couple. The prize for the finest costume was awarded to Lilah Golding and the most comic costume to Winnie Pratt and Miss Priscilla Davlin and Lutie Dixon carried off the honors for the prize waltz, the lady only receiving a prize, which was a fine brooch pin. A fine time is reported by all.
Dr. Hobbs has now taken full control of Dr. Dawson’s practice in the village and vicinity. Dr. hobbs was formerly located at Nunda and comes to our village highly recommended. Although we are loath to see Dr. Dawson leave us we must congratulate ourselves upon getting such a good man to fill the vacancy. Dr. Dawson will go to Nunda soon to take charge of Dr. Values practice during the winter, Dr. Blue going to California and after that he has no definite plans.
Henry Branding transacted business in Chicago Monday.
Jake Goldberg made a trip to Crystal Lake Wednesday.
Mrs. Fred Kuckuck of Joliet is visiting relatives here this week.
Sam Lipofsky of Barrington was a pleasant caller here Wednesday.
Ed. Beham of Nunda visited with friends here the first of the week.
Fred Holland and Henry Pepper were Barrington visitors Tuesday.
Dennison Hunington transacted business at the county seat Monday.
James and William Bruce of Joliet visited their brother Monday and Tuesday.
J. Spencer of Wauconda was here Wednesday looking after his real estate interests.
Mrs. Charles Given and daughter Laura spent the forepart of the week visiting relatives in Chicago.
The Consumers company will build three cottages on their lots on the east side of the lake this spring for employes.
Our village dads should wake up and put in some cross walks on the corners and extend the side walk to the lake across the inlet so we could get to it without walking in the mud.
Wm. Gurke, the tenant on the John Robertson farm of 100 acres situated about three quarters of a mile east of Zurich. He will work it in connection with the place he is on until next year.
The entertainment given by the pupils of our school under the direction of the teachers Miss Mary Freund, on Saturday evening was a grand success. A fine program consisting of songs, recitations, dialogues and instrumental music was rendered. The proceeds will be used for the purchase of books and other school necessities.