December 5, 1902


First snow of the season Tuesday night.

A minstrel show is soon to be given by local talent in our village.

Lester Burdick, who has been ill for the past week, is convalescent.

Frank Roney attended the stock show in Chicago the first of the week.

Fred Wynkoop, of Woodstock, spent Sunday with his parents in our village.

Mrs. M.S. Clark, who has been seriously ill with tonsillitis, is reported on the gain.

Messrs. J.A. Brand, Otis Phillips and Robert Johnston were Waukegan visitors Tuesday.

Isadore Lindecker, of Dubuque, Iowa, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Haas.

Claire Edwards and Chas. Wrightman, of Grays Lake, were callers in our village this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seymour and Will Underwood attended the fat stock show in the city this week.

Mr. and Mrs. M.W. Hughes, H. Golding and H.E. Maiman transacted business in the city Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee McClain and family, of Independence, Ia., are visiting with relatives in our village.

Mesdames Sadie Burdick and Lida Golding visited with relatives and friends in the city Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

Alice Camp, No. 219, Royal Neighbors of America, will celebrate their seventh anniversary on Friday evening, Dec. 12th, at Woodman Hall. A cordial invitation is extended to the members, families and sweet-hearts of Wauconda Camp, No. 643, M.W.A. A musical and literary program has been prepared, after which supper will be served free to all. Per order of Committee.

Messrs. John Golding and C.L. Pratt returned home Saturday from Lead, South Dakota, where they remained a week inspecting the Wauconda mine property which comprises 212 acres. They report work progressing nicely. The company has sunk a 50 foot shaft and from thence a 30 foot drift from which Mr. Golding took 7 samples of ore at a distance of 4 feet apart.and had them tested, showing an average of $4 gold per ton, which is a phenomenal showing at that depth.

The “Demorest” medal contest at the M.E. church last Friday evening was largely attended. The recitations were fine and the young folks deserve great credit for the able manner in which they recited. Miss Ethel Duers, who was awarded the Silver medal, recited a piece entitled “One of Many,” and to say the least, it was excellent. The violin solos by Mrs. Wallace and the vocal solos by Miss Lilah Golding and the singing by the girls was grand, and we hope for another such entertainment in the near future.


Herman Arndt, of Dundee, was in town Wednesday.

James Trott, of Chicago, was here on business yesterday.

E.S. Bruce transacted business in Chicago the first of the week.

Miss Nellie Maloy, of Cary, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Forbes.

Gustav Fiedler was in Chicago purchasing a fresh stock of meats Tuesday.

Wm. Bicknase spent a few days this week in Chicago, and visited the fat stock show.

Wm. McDowell, who had charge of the Lake’s Corners creamery, has moved to Barrington.

John Dickson has moved into one of the cottages owned by the Consumer’s Co. near that plant.

Henry Branding is putting in an “acetalyne” plant in his saloon building, of the Laun Bros. make.

Frank Meyer, who has been with the Bruce Ice Co., has gone to Wyoming where he has secured employment.

Charles Rawson of Wauconda was here Thursday looking after a contract for putting in drainage at the Consumers Ice Co’s plant.

Mr. and Mrs. John Forbes returned home yesterday after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Daily at River Bend, near Cary.

Harry Fuller and Matt Ford, of Wauconda, stopped here yesterday on their return from Waukegan, where they were doing jury duty.

The replevin suit tried before Police Magistrate Kohl last Monday, A.J. Raymond vs. J.W. and E.C. Gilbert, resulted in a verdict for Raymond, he securing a judgment for $45.00 and costs.

Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Ficke returned home last Friday after several weeks’ visit with Mrs. Ficke’s relatives at El Paso, Texas. Mr. Ficke reports having had a pleasant time and says he witnessed a bull fight at Juarez, Mexico.

Mrs. Charles Will was tendered an enjoyable surprise party on Tuesday evening, November 24, the occasion being her 29th birthday. A large number of friends were present and Mrs. Will was presentee with a handsome hanging lamp.

Two suspicious characters were taken care of by Marshall Prehm Sunday night. Judging from the tools they were prepared to commit burglary. Our marshal has his watchful eye out, and crooks had better look to some other town if they expect to be successful. The suspects were released the next morning with warning to leave town.

The village board met in regular session Monday night with all members present. The committee appointed to interview the officials of the E., J. & E. Railway in reference to the placing of danger signals at the crossings in this village, reported with having been successful in their request. The work has been commenced. Electric bells will be installed.

Louis Fischer, aged 72 years, died in Louisiana, Tuesday, Nov. 25th. He had been feeble for a number of years past. His remains were brought here Monday and the funeral services held in the Lutheran church. Interment in Fairfield cemetery. Mr. Fischer was a former resident of the town of Freemont, but removed from there about 20 years ago. He leaves a wife, two sons and two daughters surviving, who deeply mourn his death.


Rev. Wm. Tonkins, of Dundee, occupied the Congregational pulpit here Sunday.

Drew Miller is much better. He was able to attend school at Dundee Sunday.

Miss Emma Arvidson was married on Thanksgiving day. Wauconda is where she will reside.

Mrs. Rhoda A. Waterman, of Elgin, was a visitor Friday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hawley, of Barrington, were here last Friday week.

Richard Livingston and family spent Thanksgiving here at the home of Duncan.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carter, who formerly lived here, will remove from Algonquin, where they now reside, to Dixon, where Mr. Carter has a more lucrative position.

The ladies of Dundee W.R.C., No. 57, sent all old soldier and widows of soldiers a basket of fruit and candy on Thanksgiving day.

Wm. Marshall and family, of Elgin, were visitors at the home of of the former’s parents Sunday.

Miss Minnie Pundt celebrated a birth anniversary Wednesday. Her fellow-teachers in the school here were all present, and a general good time was held.

Miss Marian Wrightman, who teaches near Huntly, was at home on Sunday.

Miss Almerine Wrightman entertained Miss Marsh, of Gilberts, Saturday and Sunday.

Eldie Hendricks spent his T.G. at home with parents and sister.

Warner Burnsted has a job at Melrose Park.

Mrs. J. Lax suffered a partial stroke of paralysis last week, but at this time is improving.