November 28, 1902


Colder weather.

Fat stock show next week.

John Welch visited with friends at Waukegan Sunday.

Dr. Freeman of Chicago spent Sunday in our village.

W.W. Welch transacted business in Chicago Monday.

Miss Mary Freund and sister Celia were Chicago visitors Friday.

J. W. Gilbert of Union called on relatives and friends in our village on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Clark went to Chicago Saturday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Burton.

George Freeman went to Chicago Wednesday to spend a few days with relatives and friends.

Mrs. J.C. Reilly of Grayslake spent a few days of last week in our village with her mother, Mrs. Barker.

The old hotel is advertised for sale and Kimberly & Whitman will move their business to the Slocum building.

P.A. Nimsgearn left for Crawfordsville, Ind., Wednesday to spend Thanksgiving with his daughter, Mrs. Burditt.

Chas. Wightman of Grayslake was in our village Friday and Saturday, looking after the organization of a fraternal insurance order - Knights and Ladies of the Red Cross. This is his second visit here and he reports good success, securing twenty members and expects to have twice as many at the time of organization in January. The order rests on a firm foundation, starting with a scaling policy and reserve fund plan and also provides for accidents. The supreme officers and incorporators are prominent men of the county and as soon as incorporated the supreme lodge will be located at Waukegan.

The funeral of John Meyer, sr., of Fremont, who died at his home on Friday, November 21, at the advanced age of 86 years, was held from the Catholic church in our village Monday at 11 o’clock a.m., Rev. Father O’Neil officiating, after which the remains were interred in the family lot in the Catholic cemetery. Mr. Meyer was one of the oldest settlers of the town of Fremont and was known and respected by the entire community. He had been troubled with rheumatism for several years but was able to drive about until a few months ago when he was taken down with dropsy, which finally caused his death. He leaves a wife, two daughters - Mrs. Jacob Theiss of Mendota, Ill., and Mrs. Peter Beier of Arlington Heights - and one son, Peter Meyer of Fremonth and many other relatives, to whom we extend our sympathy.


Ernest Miller expects to move to Elgin.

Mrs. J. Lumm went to Nunda Saturday.

John Oleson was here from Geneva Sunday.

The Woman’s Guild held a work meeting at the hall Friday.

Mrs. Oliver Fitts and son returned to their home in Wisconsin Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kee of Elgin were visitors Sunday at Norton Miller’s.

Mrs. D.C. Bailey has returned from a three weeks visit in Chicago with her parents.

Miss Alma Masters has a new piano, the same being a birthday gift from her parents.

The Odd Fellows of this city visited the lodge at Barrington Monday evening of this week.

Miss Gertrude Harrison has left the condensing factory to return to her home at Crystal Lake.

Rev. Fuller, of the Baptist church, was unable to be at the mid-week meeting Thursday evening.

A party was given Miss Edna Ehlert Saturday evening , the occasion being her 12th birthday anniversary. A good time was had and gifts were received.


H. L. Prehm was Chicago visitor Monday.

Frank Meyer was a Chicago visitor Sunday.

Sam Lipofsky spent the Sabbath in Chicago.

Laun Bros. of Chicago are putting in one of the gas machines for Henry Branding. L.H. Prehm is doing the gas fitting.

Gustav Fieddeler was a Chicago visitor Monday.

Wm. Boyer made a business trip to Joliet last week.

Ed Riley and wife of Cuba called on friends here Sunday.

C.H. Patten of Palatine was here the first of the week.

The tire department held a business meeting Tuesday evening.

Otto Jahn of Union was a pleasant caller in Zurich Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Forbes were Wauconda visitors Monday.

Ray Kimberly and James Barnes were Zurich visitors Monday.

Mrs. T.W. Dailey and son Raymond were visitors Monday and Tuesday.

Chas. Roney, Lee and Harry Geary of Wauconda were Zurich callers Sunday.

Henry Schwerman of Chicago was a pleasant caller here Friday of last week.

Mrs. E.S. Bruce and son visited relatives in Joliet for a few days last week.

Plute Houghton and Ed Monaghan of Wauconda were pleasant callers here Tuesday.

John Welch, Wm. Gardner and Ed Wallace of Cuba were seen in our village Tuesday.

John Stevens of Joliet, who has been visiting at the home of E.S. Bruce, has returned home.

A.J. Raymond sold his creamery at Lakes Corners to Henry Schwerman, who will take possession December 1. Henry needs no introduction to the patrons in that vicinity, as he is well known and a thorough creamery man. His friends wish him success.

Friday afternoon Barrington parties attempted to take 22 head of cattle that were held under a chattel mortgage in favor of A.J. Redmond of Volo, on the Briggs place. Through the aid of Squire Huntingon they were replevied and brought back here and held until a settlement was made.

Last Saturday evening a pleasant party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Givens in honor of their daughter Laura. The evening was spent in playing various games and refreshments were served. Those present were Misses Myrtle Bicknase, Anna Nolan, Messrs. Edward and Emmit Branding.