June 20, 1902


Henry Seip was in Chicago last week.

Will Knigge visited at Rockefeller Sunday.

John Forbes went to Belvidere last Tuesday.

Gustav Fiedeler was in Elgin on Thursday.

Roy Mead of Arlington Heights was here Monday.

Chas. Wickles and family visited here Wednesday.

Louis Knigge of Wheeling was in Zurich Monday.

Wm. Boyer has moved his family here from Joliet.

Walter Helmuth is now employed in Fiedler’s market.

Mrs. J. D. Lowe of Elgin is visiting friends here this week.

Chas. Kohl made a trip to Chicago the fore part of the week.

George Klipper and family visited at Long Grove Thursday.

George Klepper and Nick Linden were in Palatine Monday.

E. A. Ficke is entertaining his brother-in-law, Mr. Keyes, of El Paso, Texas.

James Givens has returned from Chicago to work for the Bruce Ice Co. this season.

C. Klepper is putting in a 20-light Laun gas machine in his residence on the lake shore.

Ray Kimberly of Wauconda was here Wednesday. He will open a branch machinery house here.

Mrs. J. D. Lowe, who has been visiting friends here the past week, returned to her home in Elgin Thursday.

The Chicago telephone Co. had a force of men here putting in an exchange. Wm Bicknase, Golf club and J. H. Forber are on a party line.

The friends of Wm. Kamp, better known as “dad,” will be glad to hear that he has been appointed Supt. of coal and coke department of the C. L. S. and E. Ry., with headquarters at South Chicago.

The ball game Sunday was too much one-sided to be interesting as the Diamond Lakes was no match for the Americans. It was a walk-away, the score being 12 to 2. Next Sunday they will play the Elgins. Game called at 2:30.

Several men were here the first of the week looking over the survey of the new electric road. It is the intention to try to come in Zurich on east side of the lake instead of taking the old course on the west side.

The St. Peters singing society will give an entertainment and moonlight picnic in Oak Park Thursday evening, June 26. The program will consist of singing and recitations. Ice cream and refreshments will be served on the grounds. Everybody is invited.

The Woodmen picnic Saturday was well attended, considering the threatening weather. The music rendered by the Woodmen band was enjoyed by all. George Spunner, the speaker of the day, made an appropriate address. The dance in the evening was well attended, 102 tickets being sold. A Chicago harp orchestra furnished music.


J. C. Price transacted business in Chicago Wednesday.

Alvin Smith of Elgin was in our village this week tuning pianos.

Miss Nina Pratt of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents here.

Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Carr and family visited relatives at Grayslake Wednesday.

Mrs. Francis Bangs of Chicago is spending the week with relatives and friends in our village.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas Wicke of Des Plaines were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Maiman Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Burdick and C. A. Golding and Miss Lida Ford returned from Chicago Tuesday, from a few days visit with friend and relatives

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Damicke of Chicago are spending the week here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Golding.

Miss Dora Hapke entertained twelve girl friends at her home Saturday afternoon, it being the 12th anniversary of her birth. They spent the afternoon enjoyably at various youthful amusements, concluding with a fine supper, after which the guests, departed, wishing their young hostess many returns of the pleasant event.

The W. R. C. and G. A. R. post of our village tendered a reception to Louis Harris and our other young soldiers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Cooke Monday evening. About sixty guests were present and spent the evening most enjoyably at various social amusements, concluding with the old-fashioned game of “snatch ‘em or catch ‘em and kiss ‘em,” and the ladies said this was the most fun of all. Refreshments were served and a most pleasant time is reported.

Our schools closed Friday for the summer’s vacation. Miss Estella Grace, who has taught the primary room for the past four years, has been engaged for the intermediate room to succeed Miss Jennie Green, who will discontinue teaching, and Miss Ethel Duers, who has returned from Dixon, where she has been attending Normal school for the past year, has been engaged for the primary. No principal to succeed Mr. Andrews has as yet been engaged. Many applications have been received, but the directors are undecided as to which to accept.


Henry Baker is visiting at different points in Iowa.

Miss Edith Baker has closed her school in the Penny district.

Mr. and Mrs. Tolosted visited Robert Shufeldt at Algonquin Sunday.

Miss Grace Baker will spend the summer with friends in Michigan.

Miss Maggie Fredrickson has been entertaining visitors from Lee, Ill.

Miss Ella Matthews is spending the week at Pleasant Valley and Silver Lake.

Clarence Sawyer is home from Delaafield, Wis., military school, where he graduated.

Mrs. Maggie Matthews presided at a Mother’s meeting of the W. C. T. U. Thursday afternoon.

Miss Pettybridge, a nurse of Sherman hospital, Elgin, is nursing Mrs. May Pettybridge at Duncan Livingston’s.

The Misses Hattie and Rose Mitchell and Almerine and Marion Weightman have all closed their schools.