June 13, 1902
Sam Lipofsky is on the sick list.
John Courtney was here Tuesday.
Herman Arndt was here Monday.
F. L. Carr of Wauconda was here Tuesday.
Henry Branding was a Chicago passenger Friday.
Emil Frank made a business trip to Chicago Monday.
Fred Seip is entertaining his father-in-law of Chicago.
Mayor Arthur Cooke of Wauconda was in town last week.
Ed Behan spent Sunday with his brother-in-law, John Forbes.
Wm. Buesching and Henry Hillman were Chicago visitors Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Knigge of Rockefeller called on their son, William, Tuesday.
Don’t forget the Woodmen picnic tomorrow. It will be the event of the season.
Kohl Bros. will move to South Dakota, where they will engage in the banking business.
The ice crews of both companies are working full time loading cars for Chicago and Joliet.
Peter Marth of Palatine was here Wednesday. He is now employed in Nichol’s livery barn.
Depot Agent Flood has moved his household goods here, and is nicely settled in his new home.
Oak Park present a nice appearance since the grass has been mowed and the ball grounds fixed up.
Herman Weidenhoffer returned to Chicago Wednesday after spending a week with his family here.
Mrs. E. A. Ficke, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Richard Keys of El Paso, Tex., were in Chicago Tuesday.
Wm. Boyer went to Joliet Thursday to ship his household goods to Zurich, where he will made his future home.
The wrecking crew of the E. J. & E was called to Zurich Wednesday to replace a car of coal that had been run off the shutes.
Manager Forbes wishes to warn the children who play in the park to not destroy the seats and to keep out of the stands and pavilion.
H. L. Prehm is now a full-fledged gas-fitter. He keeps a full line of fixtures, and assisted by his helper, Wm. Tank, are doing good work.
Frank Roney shipped a car load of stock from here Thursday. Frank is a bustler and has averaged six cars a month since the first of the year.
Lawn Bros. were here Wednesday setting up one of their celebrated gas generates in the Exchange building for Mr. Forbes. The place is on of the best lighted in Zurich.
The base ball game played here Sunday between the Americans and Grays Lake was a complete victory for the former. The score was 19 to 3. The attendance was good considering the threatening weather and poor roads. Next Sunday they will play the Diamond Lakes, who have been playing good ball this season and have secured several of the players of the old Everett team. A lively contest is looked for. Game called at 2:30 sharp.
Dance at Oakland tonight.
Mort and Will Baseley of Union spent Sunday here.
Mr. Perry of Barrington was a visitor in our village Sunday.
Mrs. W. D. Wentworth of McHenry called on friends in our village Tuesday.
Mrs. J. N. Freund and daughter, Miss Mary, were McHenry visitors Tuesday.
Mrs. George Meyer and son Victor of McHenry were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Maiman, Sunday.
E. L. Harrison and C. P. Pratt of Chicago spent Sunday with friends and relatives in our village.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Neville of Grayslake spent Sunday and Monday with relatives in our village.
Mat Maiman of Chicago has entered the employ Jas. Haas here, and will assist him in the barber shop during the summer months. He is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Maiman.
The railroad men are in town again and we expect to soon see work begin. Their option on the lake expires October 1 and work must soon commence if the road is completed by that time.
Henry Davis, accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Ed Ham, left for Winona, Minn., Thursday, where they will spend a week with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Price spent last week at Rockford, attending the biennial convention of Mystic Workers of the World, Mr. Price being the delegate of our lodge. Much important business was transacted including the preparation for establishment of a reserve fund and a reduction of quarterly dues.
Louis Harris, who has served in the navy the past two years, is home on a 20 days furlough. He holds the position as second fireman on the battleship Kearsarge, one of the finest boats in the navy, to which he was commissioned as soon as it was put in service. He has sailed the Mediterranean and Southern seas, stopping at numerous ports and visited St. Pierre on the island of Martinique just four days previous to its destruction.
J. W. Torrence went to Chicago on Sunday afternoon to identify the remains of the unknown lady who died in a dental chair at the Union Dental Parlors last week, and which he supposed to be his wife after reading the account in the Chicago American. Upon seeing the dead woman he concluded it was not his wife and returned home Tuesday evening, to find that Mrs. Torrance had telephoned out to Wauconda friends, saying she was enjoying good health.
The Review prints the news.
Mr. Bailey is very ill with pneumonia.
The Woman’s Relief Corps met Friday afternoon.
Miss Jennie Miller of Elgin was in town Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Swanson of Geneva, Ill., were visitors Sunday.
Mrs. Johnston of Chicago is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bailey.
Wm. Kopes and family were here last week to attend the birthday celebration of S. Dahlburn.
A. Butter soon leaves the employ of the Star Co. and will go West. Clarence Sawyer takes his place.
Mrs. J. M. Milhuff, sr., was given a farewell reception by the ladies of W. C. T. U. Friday afternoon. She removes to Louisville, Ky.
Mrs. Maggie Matthews was elected superintendent of the Mother’s meeting of the W. C. T. U. in place of Mrs. J. M. Milhuff, who resigned.
Very low excursion rates to Denver, Col,, via the North-Western line. Excursion tickets will be sold June 22, 23 and 24, with final return limit until October 31, inclusive, account International S. S. convention. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R’y.
Mr. and Mrs. McGraw spent Thursday in Algonquin.
Mrs. J. Kalal of Chicago spent Tuesday with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Riley spent Wednesday in Chicago.
Miss Maude Frear of Algonquin spent Sunday with her parents.
Miss Annabelle Welch spent Saturday and Sunday in Barrington.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Zimmerman entertained friends from Chicago Sunday.
Edward Kalel returned from Chicago Tuesday, where he has been at school.
Misses Lizzie and Nellie Riley attended the graduating exercises at Crystal Lake Friday evening. Miss Mabel Riley was one of the graduates.