May 31, 1902


M.W. Hughes transacted business in Chicago Tuesday.

A great many of our people attended the Memorial services Sunday at Volo.

L.C. Price, F.L. Carr and H.E. Malman transacted business in Chicago Wednesday.

Mrs. Carrie Hill of Chicago is spending the week in our village at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M.S. Hill.

E.L. Harrison of Chicago spent Sunday with his mother and sister at their home in our village.

Harry Graham and Edward Martin of Barrington spent Sunday with the former’s mother, Mrs. Elma Graham.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Ford of Chicago are spending the week in our village, the guests of the former’s mother, Mrs. S.A. Ford.

Carl Eriksen, accompanied by Otto Waelti, went to Long Grove Sunday evening and gave a graphophone entertainment. He reports a very good attendance.

Miss Nettie Murray and friends, Misses Kittie Carroll and Winifred O’Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Murray of Chicago, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Murray Saturday and Sunday.

The May party at the Oakland hall last Friday evening was not largely attended on account of the heavy rain. The dance concluded at 12 o’clock, when a bountious supper was served, which all heartily enjoyed. Music was furnished by Prof. Herm’s orchestra of Chicago and was fine.


J.H. Forbes was a Chicago visitor Monday.

Don’t forget the Woodmen picnic June 14.

Chas. Selp of Palatine was a visitor Wednesday.

Ed Wichman and Lawrence Donlea were here Sunday.

Teddy Ficke now has charge of the Zurcih hotel office.

Nick Linden visited with friend at Long Grove last week.

Dan Conway and wife were at the Zurich house Sunday.

A.Olson of Chicago is assisting in C. H. Patten’s creamery.

George and Wm. Spunner made a trip to Waukegan Saturday.

Miss Wild, of the Golf club, spent a few days in Chicago this week.

A.J. Redmond was in Zurich shaking hands with old friend Saturday.

Wm. Buesching of Gilmer made a brief call on Zurich friends Sunday.

Mrs. J. Myer and son Frank visited relatives in Chicago Sunday and Monday.

Mrs. Wm. Bicknase and children left for Chicago for a brief visit with relatives.

Wm. Pepper, jr., arrived home from an extended visit with relatives at Waterloo, Ia.

Will Knigge, formerly of Arlington Heights, now has charge of the bar for J.H. Forbes.

Miss Julia Courtney of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Forbes for a few days last week.

Will Lamphere of Wauconda was in town Tuesday. Will says that he prefers steam to an electric road.

C.W. Kohl has returned from his trip in Nebraska and South Dakota. He is much impressed with the west.

Frank Roney shipped stock from here Wednesday. Frank says it is hard to approach the farmers these busy times.

The new houses of Wm. Boyer and Louis Powers, in the Bruce addition, are nearly completed. They make a nice appearance on the lake front.

Fred Selp of Chicago has rented one of H. Helfer’s lake shore cottages for the season. He will move his family out June 1.

Wm. Prehm received the appointment as village marshal and has commenced active service by cleaning the streets and cutting weeds.

The American base ball team was here Sunday for a practice game with a pick-up team. They played five inning and the score was 9 to 0 in favor of the Americans.

Henry Selp has the foundation for his coal sheds completed and the carpenters have started framing. He expects to have the sheds and office completed in ten days.

George Lawn of Englewood, representing the Lawn Bros. Acetylene Gas machine, was here Wednesday. He will put an outfit in the picnic grounds exchange building for Manager Forbes.

A representative of the Chicago Telephone Co. was here Wednesday, looking up the prospects of putting in an exchange here. He says Lake Zurich may have an exchange before long.

The Consumers and Bruce Ice companies have started their forces of men loading cars to fill their numerous city orders. M.Thompson and H. Schaffer have been added to the former’s force.

Chas. Worts, traveling auditor of the E.J. and E. Ry., has been here the fore part of the week checking up the account of Jeff Dockery, who has resigned as agent here. J. Flood of Waukegan now has charge of the depot and he assures us he is here to stay.

The opening game of ball by the Americans will be played on Sunday, June 8, at the Oak Park grounds. Manager Forbes is going to do everything possible to make the Americans a strong team and good ball will be played here this summer.

On Monday evening the people of the village adjourned to Justice Fickes’s court room in the village hall to hear the final ending of an assault and battery case, in which Otto Forcast of Quentin’s Corners was complainant and Jacob Casete of the same place, defendant. Justice Ficke decided that Jacob was the cause of all the trouble and imposed a fine of $10 and costs. Constable Spunner locked the prisoner up until the next morning, when his friends came to his rescue and paid the fine.


Mr. Oleson has returned from Rockford.

There is a young man at the home of J.M. Milhuff in Chicago.

Miss Imo Gale and Miss Lula Gage of Chicago were recent visitors.

Mrs. Margaret Matthews was at Woodstock on business this week.

Mr. and Mrs. George Blethen of Crystal Lake were visitors Sunday.

Mrs. James Congdon, jr., who was quite ill last week, is much improved.

Wm. Copes and family of Elgin visited at Swain Dahlborn’s over Sunday.

Charles Gartside of Chicago visited at J.M. Milhuff’s Saturday and Sunday,

The Ladies of Carpentersville met with Mrs. Stuart Miller Friday morning to make bouquets for the soldiers’ monument at the cemetery.

J.M. Milhuff leaves Saturday for Louisville, Ky., where he has accepted a position as superintendent in a foundry. Mrs. Milhuff will go a week later.


Mrs. Langenheim is visiting friends in Chicago.

Fred Wolf returned to his home in Michigan Monday.

William Gardner visited his brother in Bloomingdale last week.

Miss Selma Newhause visited Miss Emma Langenheim last week.

Miss Della Elvidge visited with Miss Reba Peckham Saturday and Sunday.

Misses Edna Peckham and Luella Haeger was in Dundee Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Zimmerman visited friends in Algonquin Sunday.

Peter and Charles Sornson spent Sunday with their sister in Elgin.

Mr. Tuttle and Esther Elvidge visited with Mrs. Peckham Thursday.

Miss Christina and Frank Rasmussen of Chicago visited here Sunday.

Mrs. Donlea of Barrington visited her daughter, Mrs. Welch, Thursday.

Misses Edna Peckham and Lanra Neimeyer visited in Dundee, Wednesday.

Joseph Frear has returned to Chicago, after spending a week with his parents.

Misses Marcela and Mabel Riley and cousin Frank Zink of Crystal Lake visited Misses Nellie and Lizzie Riley, Saturday.

The Flint Creek school will give a social basket Friday evening, June 13. Miss Dora Conners, the teacher, has arranged an enjoyable program. All are invited.

A pleasant and complete surprise was tendered Elmer Peckham Monday evening. Games and music was the chief enjoyment of the evening and at 12 o’clock an elegant supper, consisting of ice cream, cake and fruit, was served. About thirty were present and a nice time enjoyed by all.