May 24, 1902


Rain and plenty of it.

J. Golding transacted business in Chicago Friday.

Will and Mart Baseley of Union spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baseley.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Schuenemann and family and Mr. Becker of Waukegan were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Malman Monday.

Messrs. Reuben Plagge, Bert Gleske, Misses Blanche Schirding and Luella Plagge of Barrington were pleasant callers in our village Sunday.

Mat Freund of Johnsburg and cousin, Miss Eva Stilling, of Pistakee Bay spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Freund.

The Mystic Workers will hold a special meeting next Friday evening for the initiation of new members and a general good time is promised. All members are requested to be present.

Miss Vera Geary, closed her school in the Vasey district Tuesday for the summer vacation. A school photo was held and a very pleasant time is reported. M.W. Hughes was present and took a picture of the school.

Carl Erickson will give a graphophone entertainment in Union hall, Long Grove, Sunday evening, May 26. He has a fine machine and an elegant selection of record, which assures as fine an entertainment as has ever been given in the vicinity.


Watch for the Woodmen picnic.

J. I. Fox’s little girl is on the sick list.

Jeff Dockery is now station agent here.

Theo. Fickle has returned from California.

Rev. Steinrich has been ill for several days.

Will Knigge is again tending bar for John Forbes.

Mrs. H. Schafer and daughter were Barrington visitors Saturday.

Miss Bertha Holland of Diamond Lake visited her parents Sunday.

Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Loomis drove from Chicago Tuesday and called on old friends.

Geo. Kennedy and family have gone to Michigan. Their many friends are sorry to have them leave.

Mr. Schaefer has resigned his position with the E.J.&E., and is again employed at the Consumers Co.

Lake Zurich ball team played the Quentin Corners’ Monday. The score was 12 to 13, in favor of Lake Zurich.

Miss Minnie Buesching, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Knigge at Wheeling, returned home Monday.

Mrs. H. Schaefer and Mrs. H. Weidenhoefer of Chicago called on Mrs. Hockemeyer at Diamond Lake Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Knigge of Wheeling visited with Mr. and Mrs. Buesching, and took in the picnic on Monday.

Miss Anna and Frank Scholz went out to Chicago to attend the graduating exercises of the P. and S. University of Illinois.


Miss Gertrude Harrison was an Elgin visitor over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tonkin were Elgin visitors over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis of Chicago have been guests at the Milhuff home.

George Sawyer, our barber, is entertaining his mother from Walworth, Wis.

Mrs. H.G. Sawyer and Mrs. O.H. Smith will decorate graves at Palatine Memorial day.

H. Unwin has been ordered by his physician not to do any work for a year.

Mr. Briggs will soon move his family to Belvidere, where he has employment.

Mrs. G. Prentice of Racine, Wis., with her little daughter, are guests of friends.

Mr. Thomas and wife spent Sunday at the home of the latter’s parents at Woodstock.

J. Tolostad, A. Fredrickson and several others from here spent Sunday at Geneva with friends.

Raymond Harrison and wife went to Batavia Saturday as delegates to the C.E. convention.

Isaac Bollinger moved his family to Elgin, where his daughter has employment at the silver plating factory.